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Sam and Jake Pt. 04

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A misunderstood message leads to a revelation.
9.4k words

Part 4 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/08/2020
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Jake swam laps in the pool, restless with anticipation. His Mom should be home soon and he was looking forward to a bit of alone time with her before his Dad got home. Now that it was all in the open, he figured they wouldn't have to be quite so careful.

He stopped swimming and floated, thinking back to the very odd scenario that had played out that morning. His Dad found them in bed together, and yet apparently, he was fine with it? That was the part that kept hitting Jake upside the head as a stray thought. He still hadn't really incorporated it into his world view.

What was acceptable? His Mom had said to be respectful when his Dad was home, but what did that mean? Obviously, no fucking in plain sight, but was casual affection okay? Could he give her a kiss in front of his Dad? Was groping in or out? He really wanted to talk to his Mom about all of this. He liked that their relationship was evolving as it was, he just wished there weren't so many unknowns!

Jake floated to the edge of the pool just in time to hear the front door of the house slam and then quick footsteps clack to the open patio door. His pulse raced as he saw her come into view, her face lit up with a big smile, her hair let down from her usual work tie-up.

She waved to him and said, "I'll join you in a minute, just let me get changed."

He smiled back his assent and she disappeared towards the stairs. A wave of awe and joy washed over him as he realized that they were together now. She was his in almost every way it mattered, and he was hers. The only piece they were now missing was the outside world also knowing of their love, but that wasn't going to be. Out there, they were mother and son, but inside this property they were lovers. It didn't matter to him if anyone else knew, but it still did cast a shadow of fear that someone could find out and there would be trouble. The fact they had survived his Dad finding out was fluky enough.

He shook his head again. His Dad knew and was fine with it. So weird.

A few minutes later his Mom came down in her bikini and with a smile leaped into the water near him. He waited for her to surface but she didn't, instead seemed to be convulsing under water. His unease lifted when he saw her bikini bottoms drift to the surface, followed by her top soon after. Jake grinned and quickly shoved his speedo down and let it also float free. He started to swim to her, his dick filling with blood as he did.

His Mom popped up out of the water like a mermaid, her hair flipping back over her head. As she dropped back down her breasts swayed, unencumbered, her nipples already hard. He reached her a second later and they wrestled to wrap arms and legs around each other, his dick pushed up against her belly. Her breasts were smashed against his chest and her nipples were hard against his own.

A few minutes of passionate kissing and groping soon calmed down into slower caresses as they reacquainted themselves after being apart for 8 hours. Jake felt his Mom reach down and grip his dick, rubbing it, making it even harder as it insistently throbbed against her.

He reached behind her and took a hold of both ass cheeks, lifting her up. She took the hint and wrapped her legs and arms around him. His dick was sandwiched between them. He moved to the stairs, sitting down so they were submerged up to their shoulders. They sat there a while, and he just stared at her face. Her animated expression, her eyes darting around as she looked back at him, water dripping down her cheeks.

"How was your day," she asked.

"Hard," he answered. "I kept thinking of you. How about you?"

"Pleasurable. I kept thinking of you too."

As they murmured to each other she started to writhe in his lap, letting the movement of her hips rub her pussy on his dick. The water was cool around them but where they touched was warm, the warmest where pussy met dick. All he could do was hold on to her as she moved, rubbing his hands from her ass to her back.

"I really missed this cock," she whispered. "I may have an addiction problem."

Jake really could only bite his lip as she started to speed up. He took her weight on one arm and used the other to take hold of her breast underwater. She moaned in his ear as he gently squeezed it, rubbing his thumb over her nipple. He got bolder and took it between his thumb and forefinger to give it a good tug. He was pleased to hear her gasp in shock and then say, "Again!"

He pulled it again, not too hard, just hard enough for her to gasp again, mouth dropping open.

"I need you to suck on it, baby. I need you to suck on my breast like you did so long ago."

She sat up straight, lifting her breasts out of the water so he could latch on. He was surprised to hear her talk that way. Did she have a thing for breastfeeding? She'd never really mentioned it, but then they'd only been intimate for a short while.

He sucked as much of her breast into his mouth as he could but she pulled back and looked down at him. She said, "No, not like that. Just the nipple, like you're feeding."

He obliged, fitting her nipple and areola between his tongue and upper mouth. He gave a good hard suck and almost lost his latch when his Mom started clawing his back and shrieking. He let loose and looked up at her face, thinking he'd been too rough, but she just looked down at him with a smile. Her cheeks were red. "Oh baby, that was awesome. Do it again!"

"It didn't hurt, did it? I don't want to hurt you," he said.

"Oh no, it didn't hurt at all, it was perfect. I felt that right down into my pussy." As she said this she started up the movement on his cock that she had abandoned.

He latched on again and had to do his best to keep her nipple in his mouth, as she moved a lot while grinding on him. She kept that up for a while and he could feel her tensing up more and more. He swapped breasts and started using his tongue on the end of her nipple while suckling. Eventually the combination of his mouth sucking and her pussy rubbing caused her to go rigid, wrapping her arms around his head and shoving her pelvis into him. She gave a long groan, squeezing him to her breast, her hips spasming.

"Ohhhfuck. Ohhh, baby you feel so good. Ahhhhhhh!!!."

He let her nipple loose as she let go of his head. Jake looked at his Mom, sitting in his lap with his dick pressed up against her pussy. Her wet blonde hair was hanging around her head and her eyes were half closed as she finished coming down from her orgasm. Her full lips were parted and wet and he couldn't resist bringing her head down for a long kiss. She was so sexy he couldn't help but want to taste her again.

He moved his tongue along her lips as she hugged him again, this time gently.

They broke off when her orgasm was fully over. He looked at the first nipple he had been sucking on. It was engorged and red. He brushed his finger over the tip of it gently.

"Does it hurt now?" he asked.

She shook her head. "It's sensitive but there's no pain from that length of time. When you were a baby it could get painful if you fed too long."

He leaned back to take each breast in hand to lift them up, weighing them. "I love your breasts, Mom. I wish I could remember what your milk tasted like."

She smiled at him. "Breastfeeding was a fantastic part of raising you, I always felt very close to you. Something about the hormones that are released by it."

She looked down at her chest and said, "They were much larger back then."

He grinned and said, "I wish I could remember that too!"

She leaned in for another kiss, this time a gentle one with closed lips and the pressure of his hard cock against her caused him to moan against her mouth.

"Oh! How stupid of me, you must be dying down there!" she said, worriedly.

"I am starting to get a bit uncomfortable," he replied.

"We can't fuck, we don't have a condom, but maybe I could help you out a different way. Sit up here on the ledge." She patted the edge of the pool.

He moved up to sit there out of the water, his dick pointing to the sky. She stayed in the water, positioning herself between his legs, and took him in hand. He leaned back and watched as his Mom focused on his crotch.

She started by rolling his balls around in his scrotum, very lightly. He let out a low 'mmmmm' in his throat and his dick pulsed. Lowering her mouth to his head, she sucked the tip to gather up the precum seeping out and then swallowed noisily. She then opened her mouth wide and dropped her head down onto his dick, her lips stretched wide. She pushed her mouth down the top two inches and stopped, then started to pull up, sucking hard, her cheeks caving in.

The feel of her mouth moving on him, her hand on his shaft rubbing up and down, was exquisite. After his Mom grinding on him in the pool, he was more than ready to cum. Suckling at her breasts had also gotten to him, like it had for her. He stared at her as she bobbed on his dick, and could feel the familiar tension of his orgasm approaching. His Mom started to go faster, squeezing his shaft with her mouth and hand. The warm glow in his crotch spread out in a pulse, his dick expanding in his Mom's mouth and then he came. The gobbets of cum shot to the back of her throat and then filled her mouth before spilling out of the sides, drooling down his dick. The feel of his slick semen lubricating his Mom's lips caused him to ejaculate more and more, his dick so sensitive that it overwhelmed him and he yelled, "GAAAAAaaahhhh!!!"

He fell down on his back and was aware of her slurping on his knob, sending more jolts of pleasure throughout his body. Then with one last deep dive down his dick, she sealed her lips and sucked hard, gathering up as much of the spilled cum as she could and pulling up. He looked as she slowly pulled her mouth off the top of his dick, his shaft emerging from her lips bit by bit until his head popped out. She raised her head, closing her eyes and working her mouth before swallowing with a satisfied 'Ahhh!'.

"Thank you, that hit the spot," she said.

He smiled and said, "My pleasure. Literally. That was amazing." They giggled together for a second and then stopped when they heard the front door close inside the house. Bill was home.

Jake dropped into the pool and retrieved his speedo, his heart beating fast. His dick was deflating fast, thankfully enough to stuff in his suit. He heard his Mom from behind him say, "Don't panic. Remember this is okay now. Just be calm and cool."

He turned around to see her putting her top on. He watched as she tied it on and then leaned against the wall of the pool.

"You're not putting your bottoms on?" he asked.

She shook her head. "I don't think I'll need to. Just watch."

A few minutes later Jake was surprised to see his Dad pop his head out and say, "I'm just headed out for a bit, see you later."

They waved to him and he was gone. It took a bit for Jake to calm down, even though he knew that it was fine. It was still weird.


Sam removed her top after Bill left and then swam some laps, naked and free. Jake joined her but kept his suit on, saying he didn't want to get tempted. She wished he would get tempted, but it was probably best to pace themselves. They had as much time as they needed.

She had spent the day thinking of Jake, but also thinking of Bill. How he could have such a liberal attitude to the relationship she had with her son. How she would never have suspected him of being capable of that type of open-mindedness. It just went to show how little you could know a person after so many years of marriage.

She went inside and changed into some loose linen pants and a crop top. She thought about going braless but also thought about where her new normal would end up. She enjoyed treating Jake by going braless but it wasn't going to be a fulltime state, right? Better that she go with what was comfortable now and he would get used to it and enjoy the treats when they were given. She certainly didn't expect him to go around without underwear now, just so she could get a glimpse of his cock swinging in his shorts.

The evening was spent watching TV, cuddling on the couch. Occasional kisses and caresses but nothing more. After a while she could tell that something was on Jake's mind.

"What's up with you?" she asked, smiling to keep him at ease.

"What? Nothing."

"Come on, you're distracted. What are you thinking about?"

He hesitated and then in a rush he said, "I'm just having a hard time fitting this new arrangement in my head. I don't know what we can and can't do with Dad around. I feel like it'll be super awkward being around you both at the same time. I won't know how to treat you. I don't know if you're just my Mom when he's here, or if you're still my lover and I can act like it. It's just all confusing and I don't know what to do."

Sam took a minute to think. She was proud of him for giving this so much thought.

"Um, well." She laughed a bit and said, "This is so unique a thing that I don't know if I have answers to that. What we are to each other is not usual right off the bat, and then living with your's complicated alright.

What do you want to do? Remember, go for what you want." she finished.

He shrugged, lifting his shoulders high. He hesitated and then said, "Well, what I want is to not have to hide what we are to anyone. Not be afraid someone will find out about us. I guess that's not realistic though. A second-best option would be to act as we want when we're at home, regardless if Dad is here or not."

She considered that. It would mean Bill being okay with even more than he's said he was. "Meaning you want to...what? This?" She moved in closer to him and planted a warm kiss on his lips, pulling back as he started to respond. "This?" She moved her hand down to his lap and, easily feeling his response below, gave his cock a squeeze. She grinned to hear him moan and then pulled her hand back. The moan turned into a growl of protest.

His cheeks went red and said, "Yes, those. But really, anything and everything."

"Anything? You mean you want to have sex with me while he's home?" she said, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, maybe not that specifically. I'm thinking more that I don't want to have to think about what we do. I don't want to have a filter on us. I just want to be able to be with you, however and whenever we want, without having to make sure the coast is clear."

The determination in his eyes sent a surge of desire through her. "I would like that too. I'm not sure if there's a way to do it, but let's just run with how it is now and work towards your idea, okay?"

"Ok. I just feel so happy being with you. I don't want anything to come between us, ever."

"If we can help it, nothing will," she said, and dove back in for another kiss, which he was anticipating.

She stood up a few minutes later and took him by the hand, dragging him to his bedroom. They made love on his bed, using up one more of the condoms. She fell asleep in his arms, still regretting the latex barrier, but happy they were together.

The next day dawned and Jake's alarm woke them up. Sam rolled over and looked into his waiting eyes.

"I like waking up like this," she said, caressing his chest. She lifted her leg over top of his, bending her knee until it came into contact with the hard bar of flesh causing a tent in the sheet.

She looked down and said, "Is that for me?"

He grinned a wide grin, "It always is. But I usually wake up with a hardon."

Purring with pleasure, she lowered her hand down his chest, across his belly until she could wrap her fingers around his shaft. She slowly stroked him, feeling him get even harder.

"Are you okay with me sleeping here again? I don't have to, you know."

"Oh, I'm totally fine with it. I love seeing you in my bed," he responded.

"Should I sleep here every night? Is that okay? Or do you need breaks? Tell me honestly, I don't mind whichever it is. For me I feel very relaxed and happy when I'm here."

As she said this, she raised herself up and straddled him. She could feel her pussy ready for him and so wasted no time in grabbing a condom from their place on his bedside table and rolling it onto his cock. She lifted up and positioned him at her entrance, lathing his head in her juices before placing it in her entrance and sitting down. She smiled as he groaned beneath her and she started to ride.

"You haven't answered," she said.

His eyes opened wide. "You're kind of distracting me. Mmmmm...ummmm.. Maybe if Dad is away, I could sleep in your bed? Otherwise I want you with me every night."

She smiled and nodded. "We can do that."

He fondled her breasts as they swayed on her chest, playing with her nipples. The feel of his strong hands on her, free to explore as she rode him drove her pleasure even higher. He grabbed both nipples with a firm grip and pulled, as he had done yesterday and she yelped. The combination of almost pain and pleasure spread everywhere, making her lose her rhythm.

"Fuck, Jake. Keep doing that!"

He did, pulling and rubbing them firmly. She tried to concentrate on just fucking him but it was hard to do with the distraction. She could feel her pussy juice coating the rubber surrounding his cock. Feel it on his balls when she fully engulfed him. Feel it everywhere, getting into her butt crack. She sped up and could feel herself getting close, but at the same time the frustration lurked in the back of her head that all she was doing was fucking a latex shell, not her lover. She wanted to feel his bare cock inside of her as she fucked him. But the stupid condom prevented the ultimate joining of mother and son. It dulled the pleasure, reduced sensations.

Sam could not resist the feel of his size inside of her though. The way his cock, condom or not, opened her up, stretching her pussy each time she plunged down into his lap. She leaned forward, changing the angle of his cock inside of her and suddenly she was seeing stars.

"FuuuuuuckJaakkkeOhhhhh my God you feel so fucking good!!"

And with that she came on him, her cum drenching their crotches as she pushed her clit on his pubic bone. She could feel her breasts being cupped and cradled as she shook, and looked down at him, drinking in the sight of him below her. She would never get tired of fucking him.

She slowly quivered through her orgasm and watched him release her breasts and lay his hands on her thighs. As she sat there, impaled by his Man Cock, she smirked and grabbed one of his nipples the way he had hers and pulled on it. To her surprise she felt his cock twitch inside of her.

"Ohhhh, do you like that?" she asked.

He looked bemused and said, "I guess I do. Try it again."

She smiled and said, "Like Mother, like son." She gave his nipple another pull, running her thumbnail over the top of it. His whole chest jerked up in response and he said, "Keep doing that."

So she did. It took only a minute of this, enjoying seeing his facial expressions at this new sensation while feeling him respond in her pussy before he rolled her over. She wrapped her legs around him as he took over the fucking. She felt another orgasm boil inside of her as he fucked her hard in his bed. This was another change in angle and his cock shaft was pushing up inside of her, driving her to higher heights.

"Fuuuck...Mom...your so...fucking...good," he said, in between thrusts.

Sam reveled in the feel and sight of him over her, pounding her into the bed. As another orgasm washed over her, she felt him pulse and then he was filling the condom inside of her. At least, she assumed he was, as there wasn't any change in sensation. He was frozen over top of her, his groin pulsing as if he was delivering copious amounts of semen.

Eventually he stopped cumming and pulled his cock out of her, the condom wet and glistening from her own excretions, but not his.

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