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Sam Ireson Ch. 01

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Sam makes a new friend.
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Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/19/2022
Created 05/10/2010
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Author's note:

Please know this is a) my first story and b) not my last. The characters in this story are all above the age of 18.

If you're looking for a quick read with lots of sex, this is not the story for you. However, the next few chapters may very well be up your alley once I build my characters and ignite the fires. Hopefully, soon, I'll set them all ablaze.



First day of summer break, hell yea! Single, senior in high school, summer job starts next week, and I can smell breakfast. This kicks ass. I look over at my alarm clock. Heh, 10 AM on a Wednesday. I hate Wednesdays, but certainly not today.

I plant my feet on the ground and take a look across my room in the mirror. Eh, not too bad, time perhaps to get up and start jogging in the mornings again, but I've stayed in pretty decent shape. I keep up with my various martial art hobbies and they treat me well. It might be time to relax the carbs, but not today. Oh no, today is FREEDOM! I throw on some boxers and a muscle tee and head down the stairs.

The smell of bacon and pancakes fills the air as I meander to the kitchen. Mom would be working today so it had to be sis cooking. Brat better have made enough for me.

Woa, hello. That is definitely not my sister. Oh thank god my sister is a cheer-leader; if you want a hookup, you get a sister who is in the cheer-leading squad. All the hot friends you can ever meet. Be nice to the sister and she'll be nice to you, including giving her friends the good vibe about you.

At the stove is a 5' 6" brunette, and every bit the cheer-leader figure. She's slightly tanned and somewhere around C cups, but her ass, which is where my eyes are currently focused, is a 10. Perfect orbs of tight glory leaving just enough of a gap between her legs that you could see her pussy if she was naked. Only of course she isn't. She's in hot pink panties though with an oversized shirt covering the rest, and that is sufficient for my spank bank this evening. Her hair is shoulder length, curly, just the type that I would love to get my fingers in and pull.


"Holy shit! You scared me," she yelped. "I couldn't sleep so I got up and started to cook some breakfast. Your sister clearly stayed up too late watching... eh, uh movies." I thought her pause was a bit odd, but I guess it was too early for clear thought on first day of break.

"Oh yea, anything worth watching? I was up late dicking around online watching fight clips, but I didn't even hear you guys." Our house, while not exorbitantly large, was nice sized with the master bedroom on the second floor opposite side of the house from mine and my sister's room. And in between our rooms was the gameroom, which is glorious for drunken video game nights with the friend while Mom is away. As a lawyer, that happens pretty damned often.

"Nah. Not really anything too good. Hey, your mom left you and your sister these envelopes on the counter. I had to move them while I was mixing the pancakes. Want some?" She turned around with envelope in hand and I walked towards her. I got to take in a damn good view; she was not wearing a bra. Very striking hazel eyes, and slightly freckled on the cheeks. I really find that very, very cute.

"Eh, erm. Uh, XYZ." She said and looked away. I looked down; oh shit, these boxers are not the ones that I have that close up in the front. I reached down and pinned my cock to my legs, but the damage was done. My mind raced for a funny and disarming comment.

"Sorry, he does that sometimes. You're in your panties and you know how these things are. Bad, bad!" I said as I looked down at my fellow friend.

"Hah! No, no I wouldn't. Here's the letter." She handed me the envelope, still blushing, and quickly turned around to face the stove. Her tits didn't move or jiggle, so they had to be pert. Man, she really is beautiful.

"Oh, eh um I'm sorry. I hope I didn't offend." I started to open the letter and saw a hint of green in the corner. I opened it and there was definitely some green. A lot of it.

"Hey honey. I want you to have a great summer, so here is some spending money. Spend it well, but don't burn through it too fast. You've got three months! I'll be out until Sunday with a client, so relax and enjoy the start of your break. One more year and you won't be so lucky! And please, please no house parties." The letter was typed and had her signature on it. Sad, she works hard, makes great money, but doesn't really treat herself right. She's always said it was so my sister and I could have a great future, I just wish she was a part of the present. Anyways, I counted it and there was 5 grand in there! 50 $100 bills! Oh man, now that's just too sweet.

"Wow, is that what I think it is?"

"Yea, mom's way of saying have a kickass summer. She's great to us".

"Very cool. I'll be taking your sister's to her and telling her to take me out to lunch! Speaking of food, care for some pancakes?"

"Yes! But, if you're going to serve me in panties and a t-shirt, I feel I should at least introduce myself! I'm Sam, and you are?"

"Heather. Now where are your plates?" I point to the cabinet next to her and enjoy the view as she reaches up to grab a plate off the shelf. Her shirt lifts up and I can see her lower back has tone to it, but not so much muscular as just fit. Gorgeous.

We sit down and chat while we eat. She's very polite and seems smart for most of the cheer-leaders I've met. She also doesn't seem to have that stuck up air about her. Her parents are letting her take the summer off and giving her spending money so she doesn't have to get a job since she's going to college starting next semester.

I chat a bit about my martial arts and do the whole "I hope I don't ever have to use them but will be glad to know it if I do" routine so she doesn't think I'm some alpha male trying to prove I have the bigger cock. I think various fighting circuits make anyone who is into martial arts sound like a total prick. Anyway, I digress.

After about an hour, which was amazingly entertaining, my sister came down. "Hey Krista," I welcome her.

"Eh, Sam, yea. Breakfast?" She's clearly still half asleep. I giggle with my new friend as she get's up to make Krista a plate. My sister is in what I'm guessing to be cheer-leading bottoms, the blooms or whatever, and another oversized t-shirt. She's hot, but you know, my sister. She's a redhead, a little on the pasty side, perky b-sized tits, 5' 8" (my family is a bit on the tall side, I'm 6' 2") and legs that go all the way up. Her eyes are green and she could pierce steel with them.

"Well, here have my seat, I'll go ahead and get started on dishes" I say to Krista. Our little breakfast nook table only seats two. Using the dining room table is a bit more of an ordeal as you've got to put on the covers and the pad and blah blah blah. Stupid $6,000 oak table.

"Woa, somebody must have made a new friend. You? Dishes?"

"Hey, she cooked as the guest and you're clearly too groggy to do anything" I retort. I stand up and move over to the sink while Heather sits back down with Krista. "What are you two up to today? Oh, and mom's going to be out for the rest of the week. I was thinking about doing a movie night in the gameroom tonight. You want to have a couple of your friends over?"

Heather hands over the letter to Krista. "Eh, no. Remember last time? It was just too much of a pain to clean up after we had a bunch of people over. Besides, I'm going to spend the next few days just relaxing. Finals were brutal this year"

"Oh, no kidding. I want to drink, sleep, eat and relax for at least a few days" Heather chimes in.

"Well, the three of us then? I can pick up some grub and we can leave mom the money for the alcohol." Our mom had the policy of we can drink what we want from the liquor cabinet as long as we pay for it, nobody is driving, and nobody does anything stupid. Last I got too drunk and broke a lamp crawling to bed she locked it up for a month. My sister went apeshit on me for that and I've learned to be very careful.

"Eh, yea. Heather and I want to hit the mall anyway, especially with my new-found spending supply. Shower time for me! And don't forget my dish," Krista said as she handed me her dish.

"Heh. Brat!" I spat at her as I received her dish. Heather winked at me, smiled, and started following my sister up the stairs. I then swear I heard her say "your brother is hot". Maybe just wishful thinking, and man she is definitely in my wishlist.

I knock out dishes and sit for a bit on the couch. Wednesday TV sucks, but I had some shows queued up on the receiver and watched some for a bit. After a little while I decided to head up to the store and figured it was time for a shower. On my way up I heard the bathroom door open and received a welcomed sight at the top of the stairs. Heather was exiting the bathroom drying her neck with the towel. My timing was impeccable! I inhaled deeply and quickly from the sight and she turned to look at me. Perfect! I took it all in, like a very willed power snapshot for later. She was tanned, the tits were perfect, her hazel eyes stared through me and she had a small landing strip above her perfectly bald pussy which I clearly made the slit out in the hallway. Like a deer in headlights it must have been 10 seconds before she started covering up. Finally, I looked away feigning the gentleman.

"Eh, sorry! Sorry, I couldn't look away! You can't blame me though!" I said, hoping not to offend her, just maybe give her the heads up that she's got my vote.

"Yikes, sorry. No, not your fault. Besides, I guess it is only fair after the view I got this morning. I guess we're even." She turned around, and walked down to my sister's room. Didn't matter, the image was saved; I was all set.

Rest of the day was pretty much uneventful. I showered, dicked around on-line some, and went to the store for dinner stuff and some munchies. I even grabbed one of the old fashioned bucket-style popcorn tubs thinking it might offer me a chance to touch hands with Heather. Hey, call me silly, but that first touch is an important one to get out of the way.

Around 7PM I was watching one of the local fights on my computer. These guys were terrible! I know, I know, it takes balls to get into the ring, and no I haven't yet, but I want to some day. I'm still deciding on how much I like my face complete with a functioning jaw. You just never know when one punch will land and really wreck your day/week/month/life.

Heather bursts into my room with a giggle and surprises the shit out of me. "Oh! Man and here I was thinking I'd catch you watching porn," she laughed.

"Yea, but I'd be cock in hand if that was the case and you'd be turning purple right now," I grinned back at her. We were clearly on chummy terms if she was going to barge into my room like that.

"But you'd be guessing if it was purple from embarrassment or from being turned on." She quickly started blushing, realizing she just gave up a little too much information.

I decided not to dig and change topics; she was really, really turning purple and became very shy all of a sudden, looking away almost like she was ashamed. "So, you guys ready to watch a movie?"

She exhaled, clearly relieved I didn't continue on the path we were taking. "Actually, your sister and I could use some help with the bags. What'd you get us for dinner?"

"I got us stuff to make orange chicken. You two can cook or clean. I'll even let you decide"

I went down and helped them with their bags. I overheard the total was somewhere around $500 for Krista and a couple of hundred for Heather. Krista's money was definitely not going to survive the summer. They purchased a huge amount of outfits and swimsuits. Although, from the looks of it, calling these strings of cloth swimsuits was probably illegal in most states. I made sure to dig into the bags when I brought them up and they went back know, because I'm a guy and Heather is HOT.

Dinner was a lot of fun with Krista and Heather cooking while I chatted with them. I get along with my sister really well and showing that off to her friends wins bonus points for me. I don't do it just for her hot friends though, I really do love and care for my sister. I'd go to war for her, and I think deep down she knows it.

"Hey Heather, you ought to show off your new suit and get Sam's approval." My sister said as I started picking up our plates. We did eat at the breakfast nook table, it was just a little too cozy and I had to sit at one of the too-tall bar stools. Was fun looking down Heather's top though.

"Hah. Tell you what, I'll show off mine if you show off yours first!" I'm guessing she wasn't quite comfortable showing off her body to me in some beauty contest quite yet. Fortunately for me, she clearly didn't know my sister too well.

"Deal!" Heather's look on her face was priceless. She seriously looked like someone had just told her to start stripping.

"Eh, I was just..."

"Nope, come on, " my sister interrupted. "You said you wanted approval of your new outfit and having me at the store approve wasn't enough. Now you get to have his vote!" She said as she grabbed Heather's hand.

Oh hell yes. I furiously start doing the dishes. I want to be sitting down for this bundle of joy headed my way. "Hey Krista, here I'll cover it" I say as my mind realizes how to make this situation way smoother. I reach down and grab a bottle of wine from the liquor cabinet. Hard to beat classy with a nice Cabernet. It isn't the thing most teens drink, but hey, this stuff messes you up just as quickly as beer. She grabs it, winks knowingly, and grabs her friend's hand again as they head back up the stairs. Heather turns around looking for help from me and I wink and smile at her.

I finish the dishes in about 5 minutes flat and head to the living room. We have a big l-shaped couch facing a 50" wall mounted LCD TV. I take the end of it so I can stretch out. The tube doesn't have much to offer, so I start to flip through some of the on demand movies. We've got this one channel that has some rather, ahem, unrated flicks under the "late night" section that I look through just out of curiosity. Woa...most of these have "resume" on them, which implies someone was enjoying them. Was this what my sister and friend were watching last night? Hey, holy shit. This one is a lesbian flick, and it is half over! I quickly flip back to the play list for normal average flicks and find the new zombie movie I've been looking to see. Luckily, my discovery was made with enough time for me to find the new flick because I hear my sister and Heather coming down the stairs.

I look and they're both wrapped in towels. Clearly nervous.

My sister starts up, "Sit in the middle. And this is a no-touching event, anyone who touches will be asked to leave immediately!"

I feign a groan as if that was unexpected. My sister's towel drops first. Now, no I have never had thoughts for my sister. That would just be weird. However, I now have a raging 8" hardon as she comes into view. She's in a two piece solid brown swimsuit. She's pale and the contrast immediately brings attention to her tits, hips, and vagina. My mouth drops, and no I can't help it. I stare, taking it all in, and then I see it. The faintest wisps of pubic hair coming out from her bikini bottom. Oh man, my imagination is set ablaze with that. Holy fuck. I raise both of my hands for a 10.

"Hah, I thought so! No need to tan with a swimsuit like this!" My sister is proud; she's beaming. "I'm so going to get laid with this!" She immediately covers her mouth in disbelief that she let it slip in front of her brother.

"You would get whatever you wanted from pretty much any man in the world with that, 10 sis. Very nice!" I close my jaw, regain my composer, and smile as if I was in control the whole time. I really, really don't want my sister noticing that I was seriously turned on. I then focus my attention on Heather and give her a thumbs up. I want her to know I've been waiting for this. "Now for the real show. This is about to make my year."

Heather beams and steps forward. "I so don't think I'm ready for this!" She closes her eyes, I assume imagining another scene in another time and another place. The towel drops.

The two piece she's in is tiny. It leaves little to the imagination, and I'm so very happy about that. The cloth covers her pussy fully, but the top couldn't be wider than 3 inches, just covering the nipples but held firmly in place.

I'm stunned. I'm not in control. My hand instinctively reaches out. Her eyes open and she steps back just in time for me to miss out on some delicious skin. "Hey, you can't put a carrot in front of a horse and not expect him to reach out for it. Just be thankful it wasn't my tongue!" Heather laughs, not upset in the slightest. My sister giggles, very aware of my arousal.

"Hey bro, that a cucumber in your pants or are you happy to see her?" I look down. Somebody clearly wants out.

"Again, not my fault. Mind of his own and how could I control him with you two in front of me! This game is not fair in the least!"

"Fine, we'll go get dressed. Find us a movie."

"Hey, no! I'm enjoying this too much. Bah! Ok, what kind of movie?" I sadly give in as they both cover up, recognizing their control over my little head as he starts to calm down. No, I don't have a name for him, but I do recognize my cock as a man making decisions on his own.

"Eh, shall we watch the same genre we watch last night?" My sister replied, staring into Heather for a reaction.

"Uh yes, yes horror flicks will be fine," Heather gets out. Her stammer confirms it. They were watching porn last night. My mind beings to race. Were they masturbating together? Did they watch each other? Did they help? Were there toys? How wet were they? Were they naked together? Should I install a camera into my sister's bedroom?

"I found the new zombie flick. Comedy plus zombies can't be anything less than gold. Everyone in?"

"Oh, the one with Woody in it?" Heather queries.

"Yep. I'll cook up some popcorn and then set it up in the gameroom. Beer, wine, shots, mixed drinks?"

"How about margaritas started with a round of shots of tequila? Heather, you up for it?" Krista pipes up. Man, my sister is an angel. If I didn't know better, I'd say she was trying to get Heather to loosen up and fuck me. That is so fucking cool of her.

"Yea, I told my mom I was crashing here tonight. That works for me! Been a while since I had a good margarita."

"I'm going to help Sam make them and bring the shots up, you want to go ahead and get dressed? I'll be up in a second." Krista winks at her friend.

"Sure, be in the gameroom in 20!" Heather starts up the stairs.

My sister looks as if she's waiting to say something to me as I head over to the liquor cabinet. She puts her hand on my chest to stop me as she watches her friend go up the stairs. Quietly, she whispers, "You be very fucking nice to her. She's got the hots for you, she's a good person, she's my friend, and she's a virgin. You fuck her over and you're going to get it. Bad. Oh, and one more thing, this works out for you and you totally fucking owe me. If you don't agree, I'm going to go up there and ruin it for you by telling her you chatted me up about how you were going to fuck my friend up the ass. You won't stand a chance when I'm done."

"Sis, I like her. We chatted for over an hour this morning. And I appreciate the help, really, so anything you want, you'll get. Relax, I've never fucked over one of your friends, and I'm not going to start now. Hell, she's not fuck material, she's girlfriend material. She's cool as hell!" I was serious about not fucking over her friends. Sure, I like to play, but I don't like drama. If I'm looking for a relationship, I tell them that. If I'm just looking for a fuck, I let them know. Hey, you'd be surprised how many women I've met that are just fine with a good time as long as they understand it up front. No mess, no fuss, no drama, no hurt feelings, and most importantly, no pissed off sister.


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