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Sandy and Frank Ch. 18

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Exhibitionism on the beach.
6.7k words

Part 18 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 04/29/2015
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"I swear that I floated back up those stairs because I don't remember my feet touching the treads! The idea of wearing that little nightgown in front of the others would never have occurred to me, and if it had, I would have said 'no way!' However, Frank asked me so nicely and so lovingly to try it on for everyone. I did it, really, for him. Obviously, he was right for I was basking in the unqualified admiration of everyone and that approval from them really thrilled me. Also, the public statement that he was taking me to bed made me feel...well...I guess, like his mistress. It was a very pleasant feeling of submissiveness that appealed to me right then with everyone watching.

"Anyway, with his arm around my waist we left the others behind and...it's hard to put these emotional moments into words, but right then, rather than feeling like a princess, I felt like a bride! I really don't know why, particularly after all the sex we had shared - including fucking in my wedding gown - but I felt small, vulnerable and, again, submissive. Once in the room, he just held me and kissed me, but more with love than passion. Very soon, though, we were nude in bed having sexual intercourse - it felt like that, not fucking. It was very good and the passion definitely was there but, afterwards I couldn't remember any detail.

"I had a wonderful time on that trip and did a number of things I really enjoyed and a number of things that shocked me, but that brief interlude stands out as the high point. From the moment that he whispered, 'I would be very proud of my sweet mistress,' to the moment we cuddled up together to go to sleep, each sincerely saying 'I love you,' everything was perfect.

"The following morning, lying beside my still sleeping lover, I was still mentally immersed in a pleasant glow of remembering a wonderful night. I was still half asleep myself as a thought drifted across my mind that put it all in perspective, a thought made me mentally laugh at myself. After all that had happened with the others and that wonderfully and deeply loving experience with Frank, my first real thought was, 'Oh, I can't wait to tell Mack about this!' Very content with everything, I just snuggled closed to my lover and dozed off."

I grinned at her and said, "Well, it's reassuring that after an evening like that that I still came to mind. Damn, that really was an experience. What a day! First you are naked outside and instead of discreetly wrapping yourself in a towel, you daringly walk across the beach and lie down in your canvas shelter with the obvious intent of having semi-public sex. Then, with some very loving inducement, you become a virtually nude model before an adoring audience, followed by, as you describe it, almost wedding-night sex. Candidly, it's somewhat surprising that any woman would think of her husband in that situation!"

"Oh, heaven knows, I can get carried away and forget you in the midst of sexual excitement - as on the front seat of an old Buick! When Frank and I were making love that night, I wasn't thinking, 'I can't wait to tell Mack about this! The same thing was true when I was being felt - and I was feeling - when we were all in the water. Actually, I wasn't thinking of Frank, either. But, when not engaged in those passionate moments, you are always there."

"Ok, you had and unbelievable day followed by an incredible evening. What's next?"

"Actually, more of the same. I told you it was if I were high on something - well it wasn't just me! Friday morning the fellows were gone somewhere in the van and we four girls, as we referred to ourselves, were sitting on the porch talking, and giggling, about the last couple of days. None of us had ever acted so wildly, even promiscuously, as we had the last two days, particularly yesterday. They were almost embarrassingly complimentary about my figure and the way I had acted, both while being naked on the beach and, most important, wearing my nightgown. It's interesting that I had thought that my being married would, in a way, separate me from the other three who were there with their boyfriends. It turned that I was right, but not in the way I expected.

"Being married, and therefore 'experienced,' and a bit older, they actually looked to me for advice and leadership. I think that most men would be startled at how wide-reaching and graphic women's conversations about sex can be. In this case, they really were interested in my relationship with Frank. It was blatantly adulterous and our friendship was far more intimate than it had been a week ago. As a result, they felt free to give way to their curiosity and quiz me about that relationship. For example, when Frank kiddingly mentioned spanking his mistress, Ruth just asked if he ever had spanked me. I honestly replied, 'A couple of times. And yes, I was naked over his knees and it hurt. But we really were just fooling around - nothing serious.' Another time when they wanted details, I had been more explicit about my seduction by Frank, including him kissing my cunt. That led Claire to inquire, hesitantly, 'Did you ...did you...oh, damn it, did you reciprocate?' I smiled, 'Do you mean did I suck his cock? No, not that night, but I've done it frequently since then.' I gathered that Tom had been asking and she hadn't done it yet.

"So, contrary to my fears, being married and an adulteress, far from causing me to be criticized, it led to me being looked up to. Not very uplifting, but there it was. Getting back to my main point, while we were talking about our previous days nudity they simply asked me what I thought they should do. I said, very simply, 'This is what I think. We all enjoyed it yesterday and, obviously, the fellows enjoyed it. This afternoon, I am going to walk out to our, Frank's and my, cabana wearing my pants. Once there, I plan to take them off and lie there naked and, probably, have sex in one form or another. When I'm ready, I intend to get up, still naked and go into the water. I have no intention of putting the pants back on. What do you think?'

"It was obviously I had said in words what they wanted to hear and there was unanimous approval. Then, Judy, the one of the other three who had the most experience while an undergrad, broached another issue. 'What about the other stuff - you know, the playing around in the surf we did Wednesday? We're all here with our boyfriends, all pretty serious and, you know, a lot went on. If we go in the water naked, we have to assume that it will happen again. I don't want any feeling to be hurt or - well damn it - any relationships to be damaged. How do you feel about it?

"Unbelievably, everybody looked at me for my contribution, so I spoke first. 'I can't answer that question except for myself. All right, let's spell out what we're talking about. We all got thoroughly felt up and, probably did some feeling ourselves. That was a completely new experience for me, but it was a lot of fun. Frank and I talked about it and he felt the same way. But, our situation is completely different form the rest of you. Bluntly, if any of you are concerned about your boyfriends playing with the rest of us or you don't like being groped yourselves, we should agree to avoid that situation. Speaking for myself, and I think for all of us, that bit of sexual playing around isn't worth causing any problem at all.

"No one said a word, not wanting to put pressure on anyone else. Finally, after almost a minute of silence, I said, 'Ok, I am the one who really has nothing to lose here. We'll go home Sunday morning and I'll still have Mack and Frank.' Saying that was weird! 'I don't want any social pressure on anyone. If there's no complaint, here's what we'll do. I want each of you to close your eyes tightly. We will have a secret vote for I will never say how anyone voted. If you want to play around tonight, nod your head. If you don't want sex-play tonight, shake your head. Whichever you choose, do it vigorously so I have no doubt of your choice. All right, vote! I looked at their enthusiastically nodding heads and announced, 'We seem to have a group of hot women here and there will be fun in the water tonight! Actually, I didn't think until later that some of the men might have had qualms about their girlfriends being felt, but their actions later proved that not to be the case.

"Later that afternoon, I did just what I said I would do. I was sitting on the porch talking to the others when I got up saying, I think I'll lie down a while and read a bit, I walked down to our cabana, placed my Ipad on a towel, and casually pushed my pants down and off. I draped them over the roof while standing there naked and, just, reclined in the shade. Frank joined me in a few minutes and grinned as he said, 'That was quite a show!'

"'Thank you. The other girls needed a model to go first. I imagine that they've done the same thing.'

"Looking out, he replied, 'Yeah, Claire just got in next door!' He leaned over me and squeezed my tit as he kissed me. 'It's hard to realize that tomorrow will be our last day here. It's really gone fast. After all of this, it's going to be hard to start school again. I like being with you all day, every day.' As he said that, he pulled off his pants and, very shortly was deep in my cunt, fucking me. Aside from the physical pleasure of fucking, I was well aware of other people nearby. The sides of the cabana didn't come all the way to the sand and, occasionally, the on-shore breeze flipped then up part way. In addition, it was, of course, completely open toward the water. As I lay there, my legs in the air, I was aware that what was happening was no secret from the others. My newfound exhibitionist streak loved that exposure and fed into the pleasure of the fucking. Of course, that streak had already caused me to get pleasure of my nudity.

"There is nothing like the rhythmic, liquid sound of a cock going in and out of a cunt, the slapping of flesh against flesh. I'm sure that others heard us and we heard them. Later, becoming even more daring, Frank and I walked a way down the beach, passing houses that in a couple of weeks would be filled with vacationers. I carried a towel, but had it slung over my shoulder. I knew that those houses were empty, but walking nude down that public beach was still exciting! It was fun and walking with a lover made it even better. It's funny, but while I really would have loved to have you there, it would have changed everything. Walking naked with a lover is very, very different from walking with your husband and undoubtedly wearing a suit! Extraordinarily different pleasures!"

"You're right, of course. In our case, having been married for years, walking down that beach together would be nice, but the overwhelming sexual element would be missing. It would be a pleasant enjoyable shared memory, one among many. Walking naked with a lover is an amazing experience - and I'm glad you had it. It appears that you had a considerable number of hidden sexual urges that surfaced during this trip."

"I can't believe the things I did - I was almost another person. Anyway, after all of that, we got dressed and drove into town and ate at a local fast food place and came back to play a little pool - we should buy a table ourselves - or games until someone asked about going into the water. Everyone was waiting for that, so, without any discussion, we went out onto the porch, stripped down and ran into the surf naked.

"We just swam around for a while, staying in the shallow water, of course. The moon wasn't as bright but we could see quite well, but no one was silly enough to swim out of sight of the others. People paired off, of course, and Frank and I were together with the usual kissing and fondling. Once again he had me up with my legs open and he entered me but, for us at least, doing that in the water was not effective. He was able to penetrate me, but there was no real sensation and no way that there was any screwing possible. All we could do was have him put it in and hold tight against each other. No in and out! Maybe you could do that in the quiet water of a swimming pool or lake, but not with the ocean water surging around you. Of course, the important time which we were looking forward to was when the horseplay started in the surf.

"That was a free-for-all struggle and no one even made a pretense that it was anything but sex play. I was immediately separated from Frank, naturally, and I went from one fellow to another, having every part of me thoroughly explored. Previously, rolling around in the surf, trying to keep your feet under and duck others, you had no real knowledge who was feeling you or who you were feeling. Last time we knew who was we were with, but briefly and it was random. This time I wouldn't say that it was organized, but fellows and girls would be together for a minute or so before a remixing took place.

"As a result, when, for example, Ed and I came together for a short time, I knew who had his hands squeezing my tits or who had his hand on, or fingers in, my cunt. I also knew whose cock was in my hand. Frankly, there was little subtlety in the exploration. I kept my legs open, welcoming the questing finger and, several times, the cock found its way in to touch my cunt. Even more surprising, when we were just struggling around, there was considerable contact between the women although that contact was briefer and less aggressive. Anyhow, we were in that surf area for at least twenty minutes and that battering was tiring. Finally, by general consent, we made our way to shore and staggered onto the porch and collapsed onto the settees or chairs. By the time we were out of the water, each of the other men had been with me briefly, several times, and fondled and fingered everything I have. There was no deliberate effort to not pair up with Frank during that period, but, when we did meet, we grinned and moved on. It was just good, relatively clean fun and everyone enjoyed it.

"It was sort of weird afterwards. It was still fairly early, around 9:30 and, after recovering, a bit, someone suggested getting a pizza. We had all just stripped off on the porch so we found our clothes and dressed and piled into the van. That sounds straight forward, and generally, it was, but I found my shirt and shorts where they had fallen off of a chair where I had hurriedly left them, but my panties were missing. I was peering under the seat, assuming they had fallen. They weren't there and I suddenly knew what had happened. I have no idea why I didn't just put my shorts on or, at least, find Frank and quietly demand them back. For some ridiculous and inexplicable reason, I instead yelled out, 'Frank, where are my panties!' As I said it I cringed, becoming all too aware of what I had done.

"Suddenly all eyes were on me. Everyone else was nearly dressed by then and I looked around in dismay. Later, I asked myself why on earth I was concerned about being naked, but your mind doesn't always work the way it should. I saw Frank behind the others with a big grin on his face. I looked at him and, at the same time saw the questioning looks others directed at me. For some unfathomable reason, I blurted out, 'He collects my panties and he took them from the chair!' Frank burst out laughing and was joined by everyone else. The words weren't out of my mouth before I realized what I had done. I stood there frozen and I'm certain that I was blushing all over. People were literally rolling on the floor laughing. Others just fell back onto a settee, unable to control themselves - and I just stood there.

"Frank walked forward, my panties hanging from his fingers and said, loudly enough to make sure everyone could hear over the laughter, 'Here they are, sweetheart. I'll take another pair for my collection!' That elicited more paroxysms of laughter at my expense, of course. I grabbed them and, as everyone watched, I put them on, followed, as quickly as possible, by my shirt and shorts. I looked up and my still chortling friends and shrieked out, 'I hate all of you!' I was humiliated and embarrassed, but, fortunately, I saw the humor in the situation and, finally, joined in the laughter. I was helped by Frank coming over and giving me a very loving kiss. I was also helped by his having called me 'sweetheart' in front of the crowd. I still liked that!

"As would be expected, it didn't end there - it was too good not to be used for teasing. We were seated at a big table having pizza when Bob, with an innocent look on his face, casually asked Frank, 'How big is your collection now?' I honestly didn't get it at first. Frank, equally casually, and with a straight face, replied, 'Well, I've been collecting for almost a year and a half now, and the drawer is pretty full. I'm thinking of making a collage of some of them for a wall decoration.' I guess I was slow on the uptake, but when I realized what they were talking about, I felt my face flush and I screamed out, 'FRANK!' I think that most of the other customers thought that I was being assaulted. I was shocked, but, honestly, not upset by the teasing - in fact, it sort of aroused me to hear them kidding about my illicit activities - so, in mock anger, I declared, 'You're damn sure not getting any more of my panties! In fact, you may not get anything else from me - at least, not tonight!' The resulting laughter, happily, was with me, not at me!"

"You really did have a day! You know, that idea of a collage is a pretty good. It would make a nice conversation piece!"

"Now, don't you start. I heard about that whole business several times since then and on the van coming home. Frank is seriously threatening to make one and take pictures of it for everybody!"

"Actually, that would make a nice framed decoration in the suite to commemorate the activities there."

She giggled at the idea and said, "That might be cute! Not going to happen, though,"

"In any case, Friday certainly was eventful. That leaves Saturday, your last day."

"Yeah. As usual there was the inevitable bittersweet feeling - hating to see a wonderful time end, but eager to get home - at least I was. Frank and I just lay there together for a while, nor saying much or, even, thinking of sex - maybe for the first time in the week. There was an inevitable feeling of loss at seeing an idyllic situation coming to an end. Actually, while I had that feeling, it was much worse for him and the others. I would be coming home to you and, despite having an unbelievable time, I had missed you. He and they were leaving and going back to their mundane world and, in effect, losing their most intimate partner. The other couples would be living apart after being together - sleeping together - for a full week. Back to single rooms and separate lives. Frank was in the same situation, but, in a way, worse, because his partner of the week was married, which severely limited contact except at school. His relationship with me was accepted at the beach - we were just Frank and Sandy, another couple. I know that he liked that.

"There was another element of loss that, I believe, made the ending of this vacation - if you would call it that - even more depressing. All of us were well aware that we had done and were doing things that we had never done and, almost certainly, would never do again. None of us had ever experienced the sexual freedom we had during that week nor the companionship we had enjoyed. I had known, and really liked, all six of the others since I started school here, but it was really a surface friendship. Oh, I knew them from classes, the office and parties, but now I had lived with them for a week. I had learned a great deal about them and they undoubtedly had learned, maybe too much, about me. I had seen all of them naked and, heaven knows, they had seen me naked.

"The cabanas were, at best, semi-private and I saw more sexual activity live than I had seen in films. They unquestionably had seen Frank and me in action. I knew the girls better before the trip because we talked together at school about many things, some rather personal. I was very friendly with Bob, Ed and Tom, but there was never even a hint of physical contact or interest. Now, however, with the nakedness and the general atmosphere of sexual permissiveness - unmarried couples sleeping together, a married woman sleeping with her lover - we had become close as a group.


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