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Sarah's Stud

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Sarah and Kori are both in uncharted territory.
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I told myself I was going to study the culture of a lesbian club. I'm an anthropologist so it made sense. I'm not sure why I felt I needed an excuse, though. I came out while I was attending college in Minneapolis in the 90s, and I've spent a fair amount of time at gay and lesbian bars. Maybe I needed a reason because I'm not normally someone who goes out on the prowl. I've only had a single one-night stand in my life, which was just ok. It didn't leave me wanting to do it again.

I'd been single for a while, though, and my solitary use of toys was getting old. So Saturday night I decided to go the bar by myself. I debated what to wear. While I'm definitely not butch, I'm not a make-up and high heels kind of woman either. I put on tight jeans and cowboy boots (I grew up in Dallas -- it's as natural as breathing) with a simple black top.

The music at Phase 1 was loud enough that I could hear it in the parking lot. At least it was Pop Rock Saturday, which meant I'd know how to dance to the music. I've never figured out how people dance to some of the new techno stuff.

I paid for a Coke and found a standing table where I could see part of the dance floor. I wanted to pretend I was all confident and dominant, but I was actually nervous. I got even more so when I caught sight of a beautiful butch woman. She was a couple inches shorter than my 5'8". She had caramel colored skin, dreads that hung down to her shoulders, and the way she moved her body was probably illegal in some countries. She was wearing cargo pants and a plain white sleeveless t-shirt, so I could see her muscles moving. I'm a sucker for strong arms.

Sensuous and totally confident, she was out of my league. And I wasn't her type. All the women she connected with—however briefly—were high femme. I moved closer to the dance floor to watch her anyway. She didn't appear to be attached to anyone, dancing with lots of people and sometimes by herself.

She saw me watching and her eyes appraised me. I didn't look away. She turned her back and kept dancing, but when she looked at me again, my eyes were still glued to her. After a few moments, she motioned for me to join her on the dance floor. I hesitated, and she motioned again, a small smile crossing her face. I ignored my jitters and walked towards her.

Once I got to her, she immediately pulled me towards her, pushing our pelvises together. I gasped when I felt the dildo against me. We swayed against each other, her hands on my hips. Her feet guided me in a sensual rhythm. Damn, she could dance. Now that I was closer, I could see a stream of brown freckles that ran across her cheekbones and nose.

She leaned in and spoke in my ear. "What's your name, beautiful?"

I lifted one eyebrow and moved my mouth to her ear. Over the music I said, "Really? I think you must have read me wrong. You don't have to seduce me. I'd rather you be real with me."

She laughed in surprise. "Alright, I can do that." She looked at me again, thoughtful. Her brown eyes were beautiful and intelligent and I could see the beginnings of crow's feet them. She was not as young as I'd first guessed.

She leaned in again, sounding matter of fact, not sexy or cocky. "Would you like to get out of here?" When I nodded my head, she grabbed my hand and we headed out to the parking lot. Once we were outside, she turned to me. "So if your name isn't beautiful, what is it?"


I wanted to run my hand down her upper arm and feel the defined muscles in her bicep.

She stuck her hand out. "I'm Kori."

Away from the crowd in the bar, she seemed less cocky. She'd stopped playing a role, and was just being herself. I liked it. I liked her.

"Would you like to come to my place?" I asked.

"Sure. But you should know...I'm not looking for more than tonight."

"Fair enough. I'm just looking for fun, nothing serious. We hang out, hug in the morning, and say good-bye. No hard feelings, no promises, no games. Just two grown-up women enjoying each other." I wasn't sure who that the confident woman was, but I liked her. I liked me. And that changes everything.


We drove to my brownstone in separate cars. When we went inside, I offered her a beer. She took it while I filled a glass with water for me. She started to walk around my place, looking at some of the art hanging on the exposed brick walls.

"Is this your stuff?"

"Most of it's by friends or family."

"Nice," she said. "You know talented people."

I smiled and came up behind her and put my arms around her waist. She was looking at a black and white photograph by my brother in San Francisco of an elderly man riding the bus. "So...want to show me your talents?"

She turned, smiled at me, and cupped my face in her hand. Very softly she brought her lips to mine.

"How 'bout we start having fun now?" she asked quietly against my mouth.

I was having a little trouble breathing, but managed to reply, "Let the fun commence."

She laughed. "You're pretty much a nerd, aren't you?"

"Uh huh. Now, about that fun...."

This time she kissed me forcefully. After a moment, she parted her lips and ran her tongue very lightly along mine. I moaned and opened my mouth to receive her. We kissed passionately until she pulled away. My mouth involuntarily moved to follow hers.

"Hungry?" she said, with a smug smile.

I answered simply, "Yes." I knew my eyes showed it.

"Where's your bedroom?"

I led her up a flight of stairs. The place had been remodeled and the third floor had been converted into a master suite--one big room with a separate bathroom. It's why I bought the place. I turned on the bedside lamps. She looked around briefly but wasn't interested in the décor. She turned to me.

"I'd like you to undress," she said as she settled herself at the head of my bed. Her legs were stretched out and she crossed her arms in front of her chest. Her latte-colored skin stood out in relief against the modern beige and white quilt.

"Only if you do," I said.

"That's not how this works."

"It is with me. I was under the impression you could handle that."

"The stud isn't all an act, you know," she said.


"Come here," she said softly. I hesitated. "I'm not going to hurt you. Just sit."

I can talk a good game, but I was nervous as I walked to the bed. I sat on the edge and she moved towards me, grabbing my chin in her hand to turn my head towards her and bringing my mouth to hers. She kissed me deeply as her hand slipped around to the back of my head and gripped my hair.

Then she pulled my head back allowing her access to my neck. A small "Oh" escaped from my lips. She ran her tongue around my ear and then spoke into it, her breathe sending heat through my body. "For tonight, you're mine."

In response, I kissed her hard. "And you're mine," I said against her lips. "Goes both ways."

She had clearly not been expecting that. She smiled.

"You've never been with a stud before, have you?"

"No. I know you probably won't let me fuck you..."

At that, she stopped smiling. "No."

"Fine. But no bondage. I'm your equal, not your sub. If that's not ok, then this was a mistake." I sounded much more sure of myself than I felt.

She looked uncomfortable. "Maybe this was a mistake. This is not how I usually fuck women."

I smiled. "Good. Then we're even. Can you handle it?" I was trying to sound nonchalant, but I thought I might break in two if she said no. I wanted this woman badly. I decided to play unfair, and started squeezing one of my nipples through my shirt. With my other hand, I languidly rubbed up and down over the seam in my jeans over my clit. Her eyes moved between my breasts and my cunt, uncertain, but watching closely. She started breathing a little heavier.

"Fine. Now will you take off your clothes?" I could tell the request wasn't easy for her.

Trying to hide my self-consciousness, I shrugged. "Ok."

I sat in the side chair and removed my boots and socks. Then I stood and wiggled out of my jeans, leaving them lying on the floor. I pulled my top over my head and dropped it on the chair, then turned to her, blushing. She looked me over as I stood there, my ivory skin contrasting against my black bra and boy shorts. I started to blush again when she said, "Um hmm. Very nice. Now bring that delicious body over here." I would have thought it was a line, but there was nothing seductive in her tone. She meant it.

I straddled her thighs. She took my C cup breasts in her hands and started to knead them, pinching my nipples a few times. I moaned.

"Up, baby," she said. When I moved off her legs, she stood to undress as I watched. She pulled her t-shirt off. Underneath she wore a light grey sports bra, covering small breasts. Her nipples were erect. When she took the bra off too, I growled too. Small but mighty, her breasts jutted out proudly. The dark brown aureoles and keyhole shaped nipples drew my eye. My mouth watered and I could feel my juices start to flow.

Then she unbuttoned her pants. She wore a black cock, maybe 7 inches, with enough girth to make me a little nervous.

Maybe I hadn't noticed because I'd been paying too much attention to her arms, which were even better bared. Her biceps were cut, and her shoulders were sturdy. The rest of her was just as magnificent. She had an athlete's body with strong legs and a six pack. And she'd been going commando under the harness. There was a triangle of short black hair, but I could see her long labia jutting out proudly. She had the confidence of an athlete, too. As she walked to the bed, I could see she had none of my self-consciousness.

"Jeezus. You are magnificent."

Putting on a drawl, she said, "Honey, you haven't seen nothin' yet."

"So show me."

"Lie down." It was not a request. I'd made my stand. I complied.

She laid down on the bed on her side and started running her fingers lightly over my skin. I arched up at her touch. "Oh god." She continued to draw patterns over my hips, and breasts and stomach, barely touching me with her fingertips until I thought I might come just from that. She continued for several minutes, and I started to wonder if I might actually lose my mind.

Panting, I said, "Please."

"Please what?"

"Squeeze my nipples. Bite me. Suck my clit. I don't care. Just please," I begged.

"Yes, on one condition."

"What?" I whined.

"You may not move. At all. Not a single muscle. No bondage necessary. Just relax and let me be in charge of your pleasure. If you move, I'll stop."

"Oh my god."

She smiled, looking a little bit like the Cheshire cat. "Does that turn you on a little?" she asked.

I moaned. "Maybe."

She laughed deeply. "Oh, baby. I think you have more sub in you than you're willing to admit. The thought of being helpless gets you hot, doesn't it?"

I answered honestly. "Sometimes. Sometimes I like being on top too." She blanched. "I get it -- not with you. But the whole Daddi thing creeps me out."

She smirked. "I don't need you to call me Daddi. I'll be able to tell when I've turned your world upside down." Her confidence just made me wetter.

She started with my head, scratching her hands along my scalp, firing up my nerve endings. I love having my head played with. Then she ran her tongue around the the outside of my ears and breathed lightly into them. My back arched.

She stopped instantly. "What was the deal?"

"OK. Please." This was going to be much harder than I had imagined. And way hotter.

She started again, still breathing into and running her tongue around the shape of my ear. I struggled to control my muscles.

"Very good," she whispered in my ear.


She lightly ran her tongue down along my throat, running her teeth gently over my collarbone. She brought her hands to my breasts running her thumb in circles, avoiding my nipples. Then suddenly she dived towards my breasts, sucking one into her mouth while she pinched the other one. I had to work to keep my muscles relaxed—not to increase the pressure by tensing up.

"Oh god. Oh god. Oh god."

"Say my name, sweet thing. Kori." It's a good thing she reminded me because I don't think I could have told her my own name at that point.

I seemed to be having trouble catching my breath. "Kori. Ohhhhhhhh, Korrrriiiii."

"Much better."

Perhaps she knew I couldn't last long. Perhaps she was impatient. Or maybe she just took mercy on me. In any case, it wasn't long before I felt one hand moving downward. She brushed my neatly trimmed triangle then moved to my pussy, running one finger lightly from the bottom to the top. She dipped deeper, spreading my lips and running one finger in circles over my clit. It felt like her hands were made of fire and she was painting my skin with it.

The idea that I couldn't move a muscle—that my pleasure was completely controlled by her—was the most erotic thing I'd ever experienced. It was delicious agony. I also found it incredibly freeing. I didn't have to try to make anything happen. All I could do was focus on the sensations, which were building in intensity.

She dipped inside me again, while her other hand kept drawing light circles over my legs. Her finger coated in nectar from my pussy, she started rubbing my clit again, in slow circles. My breathing became shallower. It sounds strange, but I had to strain not to move a muscle. The heat and pleasure kept building and I was helpless to do anything about it.

"Kori, I...." My voice was shaky.

"Hush. I know. Just give over to it."

She increased the pressure on my hot spot a tiny bit at a time, then the speed. I was gasping, aching to move, but I held still as my orgasm built agonizingly slowly. I could do nothing to stop it or speed it up. I surrendered to the feelings...and then I exploded.

"Oh Kori, oh god. I'm....ohhh fuuuuuuuuck.............." I screamed and shuddered as I came, no longer able to control my body.

Once the aftershocks died down, I lay there panting. "Holy mother of god."

Kori laughed.

I waited for the feeling to come back into my limbs before I tried to sit up. "I think that counts as rocking my world. Now it's my turn."

"Oh no. Not yet. I haven't even begun."

I groaned in anticipation. She pulled me up by my arms. "Here baby. Just like this."

She rolled me over on to my hands and knees and put a pillow under my chest. I could hear her intake of breath as she looked at my ass up in the air for her. "What a sweet pussy."

She rubbed the dildo up and down my pussy, putting extra pressure when it was over my clit. "Kori, please. Take me."

"How can I refuse?" she said as lined up the dildo and pushed it into my cunt. We both moaned at the same time as she sunk into me. I could feel her thighs against my ass and shivered at the feeling.

She started to move inside me, gradually increasing the depth and speed of her thrusts. The dildo pressed against her clit when she moved against my ass and her breathing started to sound ragged.

"Touch yourself," she said. It was a command, but she sounded a little desperate, which sent a shiver through my body.

I reached between my legs and dragged a finger over my slit. It was hard to think as she fucked me harder. I put one finger on either side of my clit and gently squeezed. That pressure added to the fullness inside me, and I knew my orgasm was close. Then she slid a finger into my ass, pumping in and out....

"Ohhhh, god, Kori. Korrrrrriiiiiiiii!" I howled. I could feel her body shake against me as she came too.

She collapsed on my back, both of us panting. She rolled over onto her back next to me and we lay there catching our breath for several minutes. "Damn, woman."

I smiled, then pretended to be annoyed. "Can it be my turn now?" I said.

Kori grinned at me. "Persistent little nerd, aren't you?"

"Yep. Got a problem with that?"

"Uh uh. Not me."

"Good," I said, and flipped over on top of her. I caressed her lips with the tip of my tongue, and then dived into her mouth, biting and sucking on her tongue. I drew my hand slowly down her neck to her breasts, caressing and nibbling on the dark brown nipples that jutted out.

The aroma of her arousal drew me quickly downward. I traced my tongue along her stomach, noticing a couple places that made her muscles quiver. Maybe I could explore those spots later.

The black hair on her mound was neatly trimmed. I inhaled her scent, both masculine and feminine at the same time. I moved down to her slit. My tongue snaked out and ran along her outer lips. Then I spread her with my hands and looked at her pussy. It was a mesmerizing mix of dark pink, brown and burgundy. Like the most beautiful orchid I could imagine.

I dipped my tongue into her crevice and tasted her musky sweetness. I dragged my tongue all the way up her slit, then spread her moisture over her clit, lingering there only briefly.

"Shit,"Kori said.

I allowed myself to chuckle a little before diving back in. "Mmmmmmm, you're delicious." I licked up and down her lips, tapping my tongue quickly on her clit. Then I concentrated on her clit for a while, drawing lazy circles around it. When I heard her breathing quicken, I put one finger on either side of her clit and squeezed gently as I drew my tongue against her. She gasped and I gradually increased the pressure of my tongue against her delicate center.

I realized I was getting as excited as she was. I reached one hand down and started rubbing my clit in rhythm with my tongue. I could feel her legs tensing, so I started moved my tongue faster, hoping she'd come before I did. A moment later, she said, "Yesssssss," and gave a sharp bark while her body jerked. I came at the same time, groaning deeply.

I feel fatigue taking over my body. I was going to say something smart-assed, but I was too tired. "Good?" I asked.

"Mmmm, baby. That was good," she said, as she kissed me gently.

"Mmm too. Stay?" I asked as I slid down next to her on the bed. I was asleep before I heard her answer.


I woke up as Kori was pulling on her pants. I wasn't surprised; I'd figured she was the leave-'em-wanting-more type.

She'd set her boundaries clearly the night before, but I didn't want to let go of her. I decided she was worth the risk of making an ass of myself. "So this is goodbye."

She looked at me and smiled. "Hey, you just never know. And no matter what, that was a night I'll remember for a long time, baby." She came and kissed me gently, ran her thumb down the side of my face, and left.

I sighed and got out of bed, thinking that was the most I could ask for. She wasn't my type; I wasn't hers. It was a great night, but...different worlds, different views. I threw on my robe, walked into the bathroom, and then stopped, in shock. There was a phone number scrawled on the mirror in eyeliner. I was in unknown territory and I had a feeling she was too.

I'll admit it—I did a happy dance on the way to the work that morning.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Love Kori, beautifully drawn (a great turn-on) but didn’t like you much. Great setting but your questions and demands to her rather killed it. I think you’re lucky she stayed. I almost didn’t! I’d love to get close to her especially if she’s into arse-humping....maybe pegging. I love kissing. I don’t eat pussy but I worship bottoms, especially round black ones.....licking and anal. She and I might have one or two meeting points........despite appearances. Loved that she wears her dildo. Micheal (note spelling)

XactoXactoover 3 years ago
Nice meeting ...

I normally like relationships ... with happy futures. But this was a nice meeting with enough volleying to keep both of them slightly off balance. Very well crafted.

LiamHDunnLiamHDunnover 6 years ago
Enjoyable Read

Very nice story! An enjoyable read,

Lian84Lian84about 7 years ago
Hot story

Hope too read more.

rml65rml65over 7 years ago
Great story!

Really wish you would write some more! Have enjoyed all your stories on here!

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