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Sauna Seduction

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Relaxing in the Sauna has never felt so good!
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Leaning back against the wooden benches I take a deep breath, luxuriating in the feeling of the steam in the sauna pulled deep in my lungs. The moist heat of the room is so refreshing after that crazy cardio class, I know I'm going to be sore again tomorrow but at the moment I don't really care as I feel myself melting against the bench. It's a pretty nice spot to hang out in I think to myself. Double rows of benches line the walls like stadium seating in the good sized room. The fitness center does a lot of classes and training things so I figure it gets used a fair bit for it to be this sized.

"Aahh yeah," I sigh. The silence is the best part really. I'm a busy mom with two teens and let me tell you, 20 minutes alone in a sauna after dancing around like a clumsy marionette with a few missing strings for 30 minutes is a gift from the gods of stressed out parents! I really need to find more time in this place.

So anyway here I am. The cold shower before coming in was admittedly refreshing, I guess there is some science for the athletes about cold water after training or whatever. Not that I call what I do actual training but certainly did perk me up before coming in to snuggle down.

A bit about me as I ease back against the top bench feeling myself drift away. I am all of 5'8 lovingly naked wrapped in a big white towel. I admittedly have a bit of extra weight although I do actually work out a couple times a week despite the complaining I do. I certainly kept the boobs and butt and the curvy look does get more than a few looks, which is always nice although I hate it that I blush when I notice them. My light brown hair is cut at my eyebrows at the bangs but I keep the back shoulder length with a little wave to it, in a messy scrunched up ponytail right now although I usually keep it down.

I was a bit annoyed when the two guys came in, interrupting my moments of steam bath tranquility. They were both probably mid 20's by the look of them and I had to admit a bit cute. One guy had the wavy black hockey hair I see all the time, around my height or a bit taller but holy geez the abs on the guy! The other a redhead with his hair cut short, bit less buff and taller but obviously fit.

I sat up a little as they walked in, slouching in the sauna probably looks bad, and smiled as they shut the door behind them. They both nodded my way, polite if nothing else, as they sat on the other bench near the rocks and the little water bucket. Well this is fun, I fumed silently slightly annoyed by having company, but at the same time at least I had something to look at!

After a few minutes of us ignoring each other the redhead, it's always the reds isn't it, starts sprinkling more water on the rocks. So, ok. It's already steamy in here and buddy decides to bring the humidity to like 110%. In ancient Greece they figured redheads were vampires or something. I think they were just jerks sprinkling water on hot rocks in a sauna and people needed an excuse to murder-kill them for it.

So now it's hot as hell in here and the door opens again.


As I glance over this woman walks in, like all 6 foot, and built. I mean geez! The guys here are pretty jacked but this girl is omg. Not bodybuilder big but really defined like a fitness model with some extra muscles. Ironically she is a red too, scary vampires come to mind again, with short hair along the back sweeping forward like a wave to the right side and cut short on the left by her ear. She is wrapped in the same white towel I am although hers seems to be a lot shorter than mine showing a good bit of cleavage and hanging just below a well-rounded butt.

As she pulls the door shut she looks my way and smiles, one of those glances that gives your heart a little flutter of tightness, before walking over to sit by the two guys.

I'm sitting all the way up now, leaning against the bench behind me and feeling a bit on the self-conscious side to be honest. I recognize the woman of course, she usually trains here the same times I'm in the classes but we do notice who is in the weights room before we get started. I think she is one of the trainers actually now that I think of it.

The guys, sitting on the second row of benches, move to the sides so this woman can sit between them on the lower level. She leans back resting her arms on both their legs and while crossing her legs shifts a little to face me.

"Hi, how was the class today?"

"Um good," I reply feeling oddly flustered, "Shirley really worked us today." I give a bit of a nervous giggle before biting down on my lip. Damn I hate that giggle.

"She is great at those classes," the woman replies wiggling against the back bench, "She really enjoys working her participants and is a really great trainer! Have you been working with her long? I know I've seen you around before a few times."

"Oh, um yes a few months now." I say as I push myself up from the bench, "although I wouldn't say I've been working with her like that. I mean I go to the classes and all but there are over a dozen of us in there with her." I giggle again, biting back the indrawn laugh I do when I feel a bit awkward. How can I possibly act more shy and flustered?

On the other side the guys have started massaging the woman's arms and shoulders and I feel a moment of envy watching their strong hands massage her muscles. Part of me is thinking this is a bit odd but the charisma radiating from this woman is just so captivating!

"She notices you," the woman says giving me a wink," By the way my name is Crystal."

"Hi, I'm Amy."

"Hi Amy," Crystal says leaning forward extending her hand.

I lean forward giggling again like a fool holding my towel to my chest, grasping her fingers to shake her hand. Her towel drops away and I catch a glimpse of a rather firm looking chest.

Sitting back she leaves the towel open as they two guys, oddly silent to this point, continue to massage her shoulders and arms. She leans back as I watch them working on her, feeling an odd little voyeuristic tingle. I mean I don't know what the deal is here but these guys sure seem like they are looking after her and I have to admit I'm enjoying the show!

We settle into an odd silence as I watch the guys continue to massage Crystal's shoulders. Her towel lays open so I can see her belly although the towel looks like it has hung up on her nipples. Her guys are massaging over her arms and upper chest and I feel my breath getting a bit short as I watch the occasional hand slide down under the towel. I feel a bit weirded out by the whole thing. I mean she is obviously enjoying the attention and you can tell by the feel in the air that they usually do more than massage her arms in here. Sitting and watching I am feeling a bit turned on myself and shuffle a bit so one of my breasts are resting on the bench that just happens to be by my hand. I'm sure they won't notice me pinching a nipple a little.

"Amy?" Crystal asks, "How are your shoulders feeling?"

"Um, Ok I guess," I reply a bit confused. The tension in the air is unreal, I mean I have never felt anything like this before and I'm afraid of saying anything to wreck the moment. Crystal's towel has fallen open and the guy's hands are roaming freely over her chest, pinching her nipples between their fingers in a way that is making me clench my thighs to pinch my own lady bits.

"Here, let me help you relax a little more." She glances up at Hockey Hair with the amazing abs and gestures him my way. He stands quickly and I can't miss the bulge in his towel as he does, stepping down from the bench holding it in front of him to walk my way. My heart is beating like crazy as I watch this young man approach me with that little half lip smile up one side. Moving with a quiet confidence he sits behind me as I look stunned at Crystal unsure what I am supposed to do.

"It's ok Amy," Crystal says adjusting herself between the redheads legs, her towel fallen away to reveal a rather impressive chest and body, "Think of it as a membership perk."

I feel lost. Hockey Hair starts massaging my shoulders like a pro and I feel the tension easing out of me already. My eyes half close as I melt under his firm hands on my neck and shoulders, sliding over my arms and back up along my neck. Damn this guy is good, I'm thinking. I watch the other guy massage Crystal's breast as she leans back between his legs, their massage getting decidedly more sexual. Again I have that feeling that I should run, but then Hockey Hair starts sliding his hand down the front of my chest loosening the towel.

What do I do? I mean his hands feel amazing, I've always loved massages though it's been years since I had one. As his hands slip under the edge of the towel I have a few moments of indecision. Should I let this happen? I mean it is cheating right?

Hockey Hair makes up my mind for me as his hands slip under the towel and with a flick of his fingers it falls open. Suddenly exposed his hands slide over my sweaty skin along the side of my breasts, cupping the bottom then caressing over my nipples. I'm frozen. It's been a lot of years since anyone other than my husband has touched my chest and I seriously do not know what to do. It doesn't help that he starts gently massaging them, his fingers gently teasing my nipples as I gasp in obvious pleasure with the motion.

He continues to massage my chest, it feels amazing as I watch Crystal's smaller breasts get the same attention. I lean back and feel a firmness against the back of my neck. How far should I take this? I mean it is obvious he is enjoying this as much as I am, is it fair to not give a little back?

I start moving my head just a little against him and he gives my nipples an extra squeeze in appreciation. This can't be happening, my mind races as I tilt my head back again, sliding along a good length of firmness that I haven't felt in some time. I glance at Crystal, surprised to see that she has flicked her guy's towel aside and her hand is reaching back behind her head, moving in a gentle rhythmic motion. Can this be real? The answering nudge against my head settles the question and I hesitantly reach back, watching Crystal as I do it.

It's been a bit since I actually had sex. I mean my husband and I play around every now and then but really, no. What I had in my hand sent a chill, no a wave of excitement though me like I haven't felt in some time. It's not like he would know right?

My hand starts moving as he massages my chest more forcefully, teasing my nipples and making me lean back harder against him. His hand slides down my belly and I hesitantly open my legs, I feel a bit ashamed for surrendering so easily but this feels so amazing!

As his hand slides between my legs I push my hips forward, my head back against him as he leans forward. I turn my head to see his cock and not even thinking I open my mouth to take it in. I realize I am lost to the moment as my tongue slips over the head of his cock while my hand starts pumping. His busy fingers manage to find my clit with surprising ease teasing me along even quicker.

Suddenly I feel moisture on a nipple. Opening one eye I see the redhead kneeling in front of me, his lips tasting my breasts as I feel unbelievable waves of pleasure with the two of them working on me. The rational side of my mind starts screaming that this is getting out of hand! I have never been with more than one partner so the feel of their hands caressing me, his tongue on my chest is beyond anything I could imagine! Better than I could imagine! I twist around to take Hockey Hair all the way in my mouth, loving the feel of the firmness on my lips. Red is licking my chest as I lean back and I let out a squeak as I feel his fingers slip into me, my hips clenching as I push forward.

My hips start bucking as I let out a low moan, the sound drowned out by Hockey Hair in my mouth and hands. I see Crystal step forward, her hands caress my hair then slide down to tease a nipple as I squirm like a play toy under them. Another first, the sensation of a woman's hands on my body like this bringing a whole new level of excitement. Red grabs my hips pulling me forward to the edge of the bench as Hockey Hair teases both my breasts.

At the first touch of a tongue I almost lose my mind! It's been so long and this guy is so good! I feel my eyes roll back as he sucks my clit while fingers move forcefully, meanwhile Hockey Hair is getting as much attention as I can give this impressive young man. I mean it's not like I've done this before but they are being so gentle it's amazing. I can feel Crystal's hands on my chest sitting beside me on the bench, her hands caressing back and forth or slipping lower to help Red. Her touch, so confident and assured, leaves chills in her passage over me. I realize I have totally surrendered to their desire to use me, giving me pleasure to satisfy their own. I feel the wave building as Reds tounge works its magic, a low whine building as I grab his head to pull him in, and my lips tight on hockey hair as my body convulses like it hasn't in years.

Hockey hair finds his release at that moment and I pull back a bit at the unexpected force of it. My hand pumps like crazy as I lick and I feel an even stronger sense of satisfaction at having gotten a total stranger off like this. The look on his face is just so, wow and I feel somehow happy I could bring such joy!

As we relax I collapse between Hockey Hair's legs, my tongue still licking him and smiling as it twitches with each pass.

"How are you feeling now Amy?" Crystal asks while tugging on a nipple.

"I can't even," I reply with a sigh with a smile as I lick again. I feel lost in a haze of pleasure as Red starts licking again with his busy fingers.

"Well you can't leave the boys waiting now," Crystal says as her hands slide over my chest, "Then it's my turn."

My body feels so amazing at this moment, like an odd combination of tired yet so excited and energized I can't stand it! I glance down at Red, his smiling face damp and feel a blush starting.

"Oh my God," I stammer, "I am so sorry! I mean no you're sorry! Oh I mean.."

"Shush," Crystal says leaning forward to catch my chin, turning my head to face her. Her lips meet mine as I stare wide eyed in shock. Her lips are soft yet insistent as she kisses me and I sit frozen for a moment. I mean I've never kissed a girl! What am I supposed to do here?

Hockey Hair continues to massage my breasts while Red has sat back to rub my legs. I jump a little with a squeak as his thumb caresses me again, Crystals hand sliding into my hair to pull me closer kissing me harder. I move my lips in response, embarrassed to realize I probably have some of Hockey Hair on my face! She doesn't seem to care though as she pulls my head back, gently biting down the side of my neck. I don't know what to do with my hands and feel them flutter uselessly beside me. I reach back with the one opposite Crystal to find Hockey Hair, rubbing his muscular thigh. My other hand finds Red, holding his head as he leans forward to start licking my nipples again. Crystal's free hand rubs my belly then lower to caress my pussy, her firm fingers opening me again as she finds that sensitive spot.

What am I supposed to do!

Crystal must be able to sense my confusion as she kisses her way up my neck.

"Look at him Amy."

I pull back slightly, a bit confused then glance down at Red. It only takes a moment to see the poor man's issue. After pleasuring me so exquisitely then seeing his friend get off he must have been ready to burst.

"Should I?" I ask Crystal cautiously, "Can I?"

She stands and pulls me to my feet, nodding her head toward Red. He gets up quickly and sits on the bench, his rather impressive manhood standing ready. I feel like I'm about to explode with excitement and passion as Crystal guides me forward, to place one knee on the bench beside him. I feel a moment of confusion. I mean this is wrong right? Ok sure it's already gone beyond ok, but to lower my body a bit more is a whole new thing.

Crystal's hand on my butt pushes me forward, just a nudge but I guess it's all I needed. I bring up my other knee and settle lower. I can't even describe the feeling. As my hands grip his shoulders my head drops forward to his forehead, my mouth open as I try to control the scream of pleasure threatening to rip free.

His hands grasp my hips, rocking me forward as he moves. Each push sends new waves through me, I love this position but it has never felt so right as it does at the moment. I feel hands behind me rub my back, Hockey Hair reaching around to support my breasts. His fingers tug my nipples, sharp peaks of pleasure flashing through as I bounce in his hands. I feel Crystal rubbing my back and down to squeeze my butt, chuckling as she shakes it and gives a little swat.

But really all my attention is on Red. I rock my hips forward in time with his thrusts, each push filling me as I rub faster. He grabs my hair, pulling my head against his. He locks eyes with mine, I've never felt such uncontrolled passion as we watch each other come closer. After a few moments I feel him throbbing and rock faster. I've never wanted anything so much as at that moment. As I start to peak I lean in, biting his shoulder as my body shudders on him, the feel of his own release sparking another in me. I feel myself lock up, squeezing his muscular body so tightly as I try to hold back my voice.

After an eternity I relax, collapsing in his arms. I rest there a moment before reality creeps back in.

"Oh my God," I whisper with a sense of such satisfaction, then again as the reality of what I have just done sinks in. I lean back, my hand over my mouth before quickly trying to dismount him.

"Oh my God!"

"Amy no, it's ok, its fine!" As I stand she hugs me, the feel of her firm naked body against mine feels reassuring and she holds me tighter. I realize I am crying as she strokes my hair, "Was this your first time with another man?" she asks quietly.

I nod, finally noticing that my head is right on her breasts. Opening my eyes I see a nipple right there, my head held against her.

"It is ok honey, you enjoyed it didn't you?"

I have to laugh, obviously I enjoyed it.

"Good, you were supposed to. Now are you open to something new?"

I don't look up but I know what she means. In for a penny I figure as I bury my feelings of guilt. Surprised at how easy it is I move slightly and all of a sudden my tongue is on her nipple. It's so different than a man's. Less hairy, I think laughing inside as I pull it between my lips. It feels nice on my tongue and I enjoy feeling her body tense against me. My hand slides over her belly to cup her breast, moving back so I can take more of her in my mouth. My tongue flicks her nipple hesitantly, I figure it's something I like after all and she reacts like I do which is really exciting.

She leans back until she is sitting on the bench. I sit beside her and we kiss again, my hands starting to roam over her body. So firm yet feminine I feel myself getting more excited as I touch her. She leans back, pulling me close until I am lying on top of her. It feels awkward but I start kissing her neck, realizing Red and Hockey Hair are rubbing my back. With her gentle pressure I start kissing my way lower, I giggle again as I start kissing her breasts, she cups them from the sides pushing them higher as my mouth moves from nipple to nipple. I love watching her react, guess I'm doing ok as I play with her breasts.

Hockey Hair moves to her head, lifting it a moment to give her a pillow as his hands massage her around my kisses. Red on the side joins me kissing my way down her belly. Part of me can't believe what I'm about to do but I follow Red as he licks his way lower.

Crystal lifts a leg to the top bench and suddenly I'm there. Her smooth mound glistens with the humidity as Red starts to caress her. I take my hand and follows his, we both smile as her hips rise against our hands and kisses.


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