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Saving Fran

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A chance meeting and I'm a hero.
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Question: What do you do when a sheila fronts up to you at a party and says, "Will you fuck me?"

This was not the kind of thing that I would have suspected to happen to me at this or any other party, not that I have a great deal of experience with parties. Oh there were a few when I was at Uni, and I came to expect a high level of misbehaviour at these, but this one I didn't even want to be at. Brendan came up with the suggestion. "Bill, you don't get out much do you?"

"Enough for me. Why do you ask?"

"A mate of mine is chucking a party for his girlfriend and it's your chance to let your hair down for a change. She's got lot's of friends, you never know your luck, you might score."

"I'm really not that interested, thanks to all the same."

"Apart from work, what are you interested in?"

"I read a lot, and not just industry books." I added quickly. I reluctantly agreed to attend on the understanding that he didn't give me a hard time if I bailed early. Which brings me back to now and this invitation.

I don't know about you but, this, being a new experience for me, I had to question her motives. "Why would she ask me that?" I asked myself.

On thinking about it, my answer would probably be to head for the hills because this sort of thing usually doesn't happen to me at parties. What am I saying? This sort of thing never happens to me at parties or anywhere else. A part of me told me that I should make a dash for freedom, while another part of me told me something very different, why do I even care about her motive? I should stick around to see where this might take me. For once I listened to this other part. "Sure, why not?"

"Okay, let's get out of here before mega-oaf realises I'm not hanging off his every word and tries to stop me." She looked to where she had been. "Too late, hurry, here he comes." She grabbed my hand and dragged me to the door. We almost made it before this guy, who I assumed she had arrived with and that she was trying to escape from, headed us off at the pass.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"I'm going home." I told him politely.

"Who the fuck asked you?"

"You did, at least I thought you did, you hadn't directed your question to anyone in particular so I thought that I should be polite and answer it."

"Shut the fuck up!" I gathered that he was angry, but not at me.

My companion grabbed my hand. "It's alright Darling, he won't hurt you."

I wasn't so sure about that and her calling me 'darling' hasn't helped at all. "I think that he wants to hurt someone and if it's not me, it must be you he wants to hurt?"

Our attacker was a tad confused about this, for neither of us appeared to be scared of him. I don't know about my companion, but I was shitting myself.

With the speed and dexterity of a star rugby player, she dropped her shoulder into his midriff and shoved him aside. He staggered into a guy who was decanting some chateau cardboard red wine into a young lady's glass. The guy dropped the wine cask and mega-oaf fell on it, bursting the bladder and cheap red wine spread all over the party host's expensive carpet.

There was abuse still being hurled around when we arrived at my car. I opened the door for her and she slid in. I got into the driver's seat. "Where to?" I asked.

"That was exciting. You were great back there by the way." Her tongue was moving at a hundred kilometres an hour. "As for where to, we have two choices, yours or mine. I don't particularly want to go to mine because the mega-oaf knows where that is. So it looks like it's yours, unless there is a reason why we shouldn't, like a wife, or girlfriend waiting for you, or you're still living at home with Mum and Dad because believe me, they might not be impressed at the noise that we'll make tonight."

"I think that before we go any further, I should at least know who you are. I'm Bill by the way." I sort of mumbled because I wasn't excited by my plain and ordinary name. I held out my hand for her to shake but she was having none of that, she kissed me.

"I'm Frances, Fran, to my friends and you should consider yourself one of those."

"Pleased to meet you, Fran. I admit to being just a little confused about recent events."

"I have a habit of doing that when I find myself in a difficult situation. You might have gathered that I arrived at the party with mega-oaf and decided that I didn't want to leave with him. He's not the brightest bulb in the box, but he is, if he's to be believed, a star rugby player, at least that's what he told me and anyone that would listen to him. I became bored very quickly at the limited scope of his conversation, so I started to look for someone to help out. I did tell you that you were great, didn't I?"

"Yes, you did." I was still confused because I've never met anyone who could talk as fast as she does. "That's not something that I'm used to hearing I'll have you know."

"That will change after I tell all of my friends what a hero you were back there. I couldn't believe it when you told him that you were going home. I bet that he's never had anyone speak to him like that before. You must have known that he was wanting to know where I was going."

"Yeah, but on the spur of the moment I decided to rattle his cage a bit." I couldn't believe these words or the manner with which I spoke them. I was brought up in a conservative environment where one spoke politely.

"A bit? You should have seen him, it took the look on his face at least five seconds to change. I'd wager major body parts that that would never have happened before?"

"What, that he was confused? I get the impression that confusion seems to be a permanent state."

"Enough about him, how about you? I should at least know something about the hero that I'm about to let fuck me."

"Look, you don't have to go ahead with this. I won't get upset if you decide against it."

"Don't chicken out on me now. If you decide against it I'm the one that's going to get upset. I want to fuck you."

"But I don't, want to fuck you that is."

"What? Didn't I just tell you that I'd get upset? Sheesh, a girl can't win in a situation like this. Here I am offering it to him on a platter and he's knocking the offer back."

"You've got it all wrong. You'll probably think me strange when I tell you that I'm perfectly willing to make love to you, but I won't fuck you, ever."

"Next you'll be telling me that you won't make love to me until we are in a committed relationship."

"No, I might be mad but I'm not stupid. If I were to take that attitude I'd never get any. I don't get a lot but one has to test the water from time to time." I had just turned into my driveway. "Now will be your last opportunity to back out."

"I had no intention of backing out, or allowing you to back out and you can take that both ways." She had her door open and was out of the car before I'd even taken the key from the ignition. She opened my door for me and no sooner had I got out of the car than she had me pressed against it, her open mouth covering mine, her tongue pushing past my lips seeking out mine and her hips pushing hard against mine. I was beginning to panic, what was I letting myself in for?

It took a mammoth effort on my part to prise her from me long enough to make it to the front door. I wanted her inside before the neighbours started complaining.

"Stop!" We were now inside and I held her away from me. "Do you know the story of the two bulls?"

"Where are you going with telling me jokes?"

I ignored her interruption. "There was an old bull and a young bull in this paddock, in the next paddock were a dozen or so young cows. The young bull says to the old bull, "I'm gonna jump that fence and have me one of those."

"Hold on sonny," said the old bull, "why don't we stroll around the corner and through that gate and have them all." I looked her in the eyes. "Why don't we slow down so that we'll last all night?"

"I'll give any new experience a try."

I led her to my bedroom and held her to me, not just to stop her from jumping into bed, I wanted to get a closer look at this woman who was sweeping me off my feet. It was worth the wait, she was quite attractive in a surprisingly understated way. Here I was, half expecting an over-made-up professional type, but she was far from that. "You surprise me. Now that I've taken the time to get a proper look at you I have to admit that I'm pleasantly surprised."

"Were you expecting a tart or something?"

"Now that you mention it, yes."

"Sorry to disappoint you."

"I'm not disappointed, did I give you that impression? I'm happy. I think that I'm going to enjoy tonight and with any sort of luck, you will also enjoy it."

"Don't get your hopes up. Let me tell you that my experiences with sex have not been entirely positive."

"Okay, I get the message, you want to chicken out. If that's what you want, don't let me stop you. The door is that way." I said pointing in the general direction of the front door.

"Where do you suggest that I go? I don't know exactly where I am, I have no way of getting anywhere unless you take me."

"I'll tell you what I'll do. You can stay on the condition that you either make love to me as I want, or you don't. If all that you want is sex then you can sleep in the spare bedroom if you agree to lovemaking, then you can stay here with me, in my bed."

"What a choice. I'm caught between a rock and a hard cock. It looks like it is to be your bed."

Fran began to tear at my clothes in a frenzy of anticipation. I had to slow the process down so I grabbed her wrists. "Stop! Don't move a muscle, allow me." I began to slowly undress her, paying lip-service to each newly exposed area of her body. Aren't these magazine articles about what turns a woman on informative? By the time that I reached her exquisite breasts, she had got the message and began a slow reveal of her own. It seemed like hours later when, with superb timing, my lips reached her lady parts and her lips engulfed my man parts. Our soixante-neuf exploration took on a new level of intensity and it wasn't long before she shuddered her way through an intense orgasm.

"Stop." I said again.


"If you keep going I'm going to come all over the place and I want to be inside your pussy when that occurs."

She stopped sucking and jerking his lordship long enough to guide him into her waiting and sopping wet pussy.

Her second orgasm arrived at approximately the same time as my first. "Do you know what?" She sighed.


"I think that you're on to a good thing here."

"Don't look at me, I didn't invent making love, I merely embrace the concept whole-heartedly."

"Now I suppose that you're going to tell me that you're the old bull and that I'm in for a long night."

"Only if you're up to it."

"Try me."

It was a long and intense night before exhaustion eventually took over and we fell into a deep sleep.

When I surfaced late in the morning the thought that was rattling around in my head was 'thank it's Friday' or at least thank god yesterday was Friday because I didn't have to climb out of bed and stagger off to work.

"Go away." Fran mumbled from her pillow as I tried to shake her awake.

"Wake up, it's morning and I want to know if you need to be anywhere."

"No, and now let me sleep."

"Talk about lacking in stamina. Here I was thinking that I was going to enjoy a day of non-stop fornication."

"You can always start without me."

"No, for me to enjoy this lovemaking process both of us have to be active participants. If you're not up for it I'll just have to go back to sleep."


I had no intention of letting her get away from it that lightly. I snuggled up behind her and my hand caressed her nearest breast.

"Leave me alone."

"No." I moved my hand down her body until a finger was inside her.

"This isn't fair."

"Think about it, if we'd rushed into a frenzy of 'get your rocks off' sex last night, you'd have been awake and disappointed about now, now you're awake and will shortly be glad you listened to me."

A hand slid between us and found his lordship upstanding and ready for action. She guided him between her legs and into her pussy, pushing back on me to force him deep inside her. There was no real force involved or needed, once at her entrance he dived right in.

Saturday, what can I say about Saturday other than it was an amazing day, a day in which his lordship was busier than he had ever been, which wasn't saying much. A day in which Fran expressed great satisfaction in the education that she had received. She made a decision that would have a profound effect on my future. Gone were the days of sex for the sake of sex, to be replaced by a newfound gratification at the hands of someone who knew the difference between base sex and making love with a person who was not afraid of exposing himself to potential ridicule. Ridicule was now the furtherest thing from her mind and she decided that she would hang around for the time being, however long that was.

"If heaven exists, I am there." Her husky voice whispered to me as we took a break between one lovemaking and the next.

"I don't know about heaven but I'd kill for something to eat." I held my throat to emphasise the point.

"Typical male, thinking of his stomach at a time like this."

"And that thought never crossed your mind?"

"Did you get the impression that I would disagree with you? Do you have anything decent to eat in this house?"

"Of course. I'll need some help. No, I don't but I can't have you lazing in this bed while I do all of the hard work."

Fran turned out to be a surprisingly good cook. What she could make out of not a lot was amazing.

"Where did you learn to make love like that?" She asked between mouthfuls. "And don't tell me it was from books. You've been watching porn, haven't you?"

"If that was the case you would have had nothing but sex, no feelings involved. If you must know it was from books and magazines that told me that to enjoy the process of lovemaking, it had to be a joint effort between two people, each reacting to the other."

An hour later, replete with good food and wine and showered, we headed back to the bedroom, stopping long enough to put new sheets on the bed before crawling back in for the night.

By Sunday night Fran had decided that she wanted to explore the possibilities of the two of us living together on a trial basis with the view to a permanent relationship. I agreed with her.

"Okay, the next thing to decide is, do I take you home now or do you stay here with me and we swing past yours in the morning in time for you to get ready for whatever it is that you need to get ready for?"

"My body's telling me to stay put and enjoy this moment and my mind agrees for a change."

"I suppose that you want me to feed you again?"

"Of course. If we work together we can restore our energies and be back in bed in no time at all."

"Much as I would love for that to happen I think that we need to discuss many things, like what do you do when you're not using your amazing pick-up line on strange men. I assume that you are either gainfully employed or a student, if so what is your job or what are you studying?"

"You assume correctly, let's face it of the three options available it had to be one of these."

"What's the third?"

"That I am the daughter of some filthy rich business executive, who s living off her father's wealth by going around seeking pleasure where she can find it."

"Are you one of those?"

"Unfortunately no. I am gainfully employed by OZsports Management."

"Is that how you came to be with mega-oaf at that party?"

"Yes, I was supposed to make sure that he signed a management contract with the company."

"And did you?"

"Sure, I hung off his every word until he had signed on the dotted line and then I was out of there. You know the rest."

"He's in for a shock when he realises what he has committed to."

"Not my problem. Now, what about you?"

"I too am gainfully employed as a structural engineer. I work in a team that designs all sorts of things from large industrial buildings to bridges."

"Aren't you the clever one? I suppose that your lack of experience with the opposite sex, of which I am one, is due to your diligence to your studies and now work."

"You could say that."

"I did say that."

"Enough idle chit chat, time for sleep."


"Not right away, I think a continuation of your sexual education is in order."


Our problems began as we arrived at Fran's apartment building. Two men were standing outside waiting for her. "Fuck."

"What is it?"

"My boss and mega-oaf. This isn't good."

"I'm with you, so don't be afraid."

"No, you go to work, I can handle this."

"All the same, I'm with you."

We got out and walked to the reception committee."

Fran took the signed contract from her bag and handed it to her boss. "There you are boss, signed sealed and now delivered."

"Justin here tells me that you tricked him into signing this."

"Justin's just pissed off because I didn't go home and jump into bed with him. He's pissed off that I found someone better to let into my body. Boss, this is Bill, with any sort of luck we will soon be married."

"Pleased to meet you, sir." I held my hand out. He shook it

"This is sudden. How long have you two known each other?"

"A couple of days, but in matters such as this time has no meaning."

"He's the bastard that she went home with. I thought that you said that she would go home with me and that she was a sure thing."

"Did you tell him that?" Fran was obviously shocked at this revelation.

"Not in so many words. I might have hinted that if he played his cards right you might oblige him."

"You had no right to even hint at such a thing without asking me first."

"But . . ."

"Look, just because I'm not a virgin doesn't make me a slut who'll jump the bones of anyone. I know better now, I have learned that sex is not just a physical thing and that I'm not just a receptacle for some jock's cum."

"We need to discuss your situation in the company."

"If my job hinges on my availability to anyone and everyone, I don't want this job."

"Sir, if her job is conditional on sex then you will find yourself up to your neck in legal shit."

"Just who do you think you are?"

"I am her future husband and, as such, I feel that I can set some rules as to what she should and should not be required to do in her job."

"Are you a Lawyer?"

"No, but my father is and he would relish the opportunity to confront you in court. Now, if you don't mind, Fran has to get changed for work. If she no longer has a job with you, I will find her a job with me. What's it to be?"

"Will you really find me a job with you?" Fran asked.

"Yes. The choice is now yours."

"See you later boss, you know where to send my severance pay. Come on Darling, you can help me change and pack."

With Fran in the passenger's seat and a week's supply of clothes in the boot, we set off for my work. "You know, when I said that my father was a Lawyer, I was stretching the truth just a little. He was and is a Lawyer, a very good Lawyer by all accounts, He practised until my grandfather died and he took over the management of the family engineering business. It was only a little lie."

"While we are on full disclosure, my Darling, have you noticed anything different about me?"

"Would be that be, when I first met you, you rabbited on non-stop, and now you say very little?"

"You noticed, I wondered whether you had. Yes, when I'm nervous I tend to prattle on to hide that nervousness, but when I come to know someone, I'm a different, more confident, person."

"I think that I should be prepared for the inevitable cross-examination from my father when you are introduced. We have twenty minutes for you to tell me all."

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