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Scamming the Scammer

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I am targeted by a scammer.
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This is a true story. It happened to me recently. The following is the typed conversation that took place between myself and a scammer, who for the want of a better name I will call Adriana. As this story unfolds I will place my thoughts in brackets to separate them from the actual conversation. I am posting this as an example of what is happening, the signs that it is happening, and how not to get sucked in by it.

I have this rarely used Skype account. It is rarely used because the only person on my contact list is my brother, and we speak more frequently on the normal phone.

I was surprise to see one day, a contact request from a very attractive young lady. My immediate response was to ignore it as I'd done with a couple of previous requests, all of which were from attractive young ladies.

The first message read: Adriana would like to add you as a contact. This one I ignored.

This was followed shortly after by another message,m this time a more personal plea: 'Hi, Adam (not my real Christian name that I used on Skype) I would like to add you as a contact.' I did not answer these because, I had been away from my computer at the time that it was sent.

Four days later I received yet another plea from Adriana: 'Hi Adam, I'd like to add you as a contact.'

On thinking about it, it sounded too good to be true, given that the picture attached to her profile was of a very attractive young woman, and being certain that this would be the beginning of a scam attempt if I responded, I replied with the following: 'The question that I have to ask is why an obviously attractive young lady would want to add a seriously old fart to her contact list.' A fair enough question I would have thought.

To which she replied, and I type it as she had: 'add me frist. I am new to skype and i hope we can be friends.'

My response was to be upfront about my lack of experience or expertise with Skype or any other form of social media, so I replied with: 'I am also a novice when it comes to Skype. If this is really you in the photo I still wonder why an obviously attractive young lady would want with an old fart like me. Not that I'm not flattered by the request.'

Her response was a little weird: 'am sorry just let make friends' Her command of the English language merely added to my assumption that this was indeed a scamming operation. I decided to string her along to see how far it would go.

The call dropped out and an hour later she called back. This time it was a video call, and the image that confronted me set my heart and imagination galloping, she was gorgeous with a set of massive, but not overly so, tits. Christ I was in heaven if this was for real. Let us see. I tried talking to her but she just stared at her computer screen and said nothing. I put through a voice call to her a minute later, but she didn't respond. A minute later I received a typed request: 'can we chat'

I again tried a voice call and gave up after a minute as she had not answered.

What followed is as it happened, the information is a cut and paste of the conversations. You will notice that there are a lot of ***Call to/from *** then call ***Call ended***. This is because either the call was not answered, the connection was not good, or one of us terminated the call for whatever reason.

[5/03/2015 1:35:05 PM] *** Call to Adriana ***

Call ended, duration 00:41

[5/03/2015 1:36:45 PM] *** Call to Adriana ***

[5/03/2015 1:37:11 PM] Adriana: hi

[5/03/2015 1:37:43 PM] Me: Hi I can see you but not hear you

[5/03/2015 1:38:10 PM] Adriana: am sorry i dont have microphone

[5/03/2015 1:39:49 PM] Me: So sad, you look very nice, I am sorry that I cannot actually speak to you. My typing is not good.

[5/03/2015 1:40:04 PM] Adriana: oh no problem

[5/03/2015 1:40:19 PM] Adriana: nice meeting you i hope we can be friends if you dont mind

[5/03/2015 1:41:43 PM] Me: I don't mind, in fact it does me good to speak to someone new. I would like to know what your interests are.

[5/03/2015 1:42:48 PM] Adriana: am new to skype here and i hope we can be close friends?

[5/03/2015 1:43:20 PM] Adriana: Don't be surprise how i contact you okay I am new to skype and i was just trying to see how it works , i saw your name in skype members and decided to contact you and we chat to know each other and be friends is that a problem to you chatting with me??

[5/03/2015 1:44:41 PM] Me: No problem, but I would prefer it if this was a video call. I find it distracting to have to type everthing.

[5/03/2015 1:45:10 PM] Adriana: i do understand you very well

[5/03/2015 1:46:21 PM] Adriana: My name is Adria...I am single lady 30years old , i never married , no boyfriend and i have no kid and what about you??

[5/03/2015 1:48:52 PM] Me: I find that very hard to believe that you have no boyfriend and that you have never married. You are a very attractive young woman and if I were forty years younger I would want to meet you in person, but unfortunately I am a young man in an old man's body. I can appreciate your beauty, but you will not be interested in me.

[5/03/2015 1:50:13 PM] Adriana: i see

[5/03/2015 1:50:20 PM] Adriana: have you married with kids

[5/03/2015 1:51:43 PM] Me: I have been married twice and have 3 sons from my first wife. They are all older than you so you can see that just talking to you makes me feel old.

[5/03/2015 1:52:02 PM] Adriana: lol

[5/03/2015 1:52:16 PM] Adriana: friendship does not have a problem with age

[5/03/2015 1:53:50 PM] Me: I realise that, but I think that we may have little in common. I live in Australia, where abouts do you live?

[5/03/2015 1:59:06 PM] Adriana: i live in london

[5/03/2015 1:59:12 PM] Adriana: what work do you do for living

[5/03/2015 2:01:44 PM] Me: Whereabouts in London? I have retired, but since finishing work I have been writing short stories and novels. Before I retired I was a Chauffeur and before that I was a Public Servant.

[5/03/2015 2:02:46 PM | Edited 2:02:47 PM] Adriana: oh very nice job

[5/03/2015 2:03:32 PM] Adriana: I am living with my mother and my little brother in our apartment in UK after i lost my father in a car accident in 2007 and what about you who do you live with or with your parents?

(When I was researching scams previously, this was cited as a common thread with this type of scam, a sick parent or one that died suddenly.)

[5/03/2015 2:05:32 PM] Me: I live on my own with two miniature schnauzer dogs that I walk on the beach close to my home twice a day. My parents are both dead.

[5/03/2015 2:05:53 PM] Adriana: oh i see

[5/03/2015 2:06:43 PM] Me: What do you do for work? You look as if you could be a model or something like that

[5/03/2015 2:06:54 PM] Adriana: My dear i am single lady never married but tell me why a handsome man like you live alone with no woman , you look so handsome but why alone..?

[5/03/2015 2:07:15 PM] Adriana: am secratray

(A secretary that can't spell, not likely to ease my concerns.)

[5/03/2015 2:08:18 PM] Me: I have no wife and since my divorce I have not felt like beginning a new relationship. I don't want to be hurt again.

[5/03/2015 2:11:13 PM] Adriana: I am single because my ex boyfriend cheated on me last 15 months , i caught him having an affair with another lady so i lost trust in him and we quited , i am now fedup living alone and i am looking for a honest and caring man in my life ...I am living single for 15 months now , i now need a honest and a caring man , i do not want a Rich man all i seek is honest loving and a caring man , simple person and someone who do not drug.

[5/03/2015 2:16:18 PM] Me: OMG you've just described me! Not the simple man, but all of the other things, I do not do drugs, apart from a glass of red wine with my evening meal. I am a born romantic with no-one to love. I use my writing to fulfil my romantic inclinations. Most of my short stories are romances with love conquering all, even cheating partners, so there might be for you a good man like me.

[5/03/2015 2:17:05 PM] Adriana: oh i see

[5/03/2015 2:17:19 PM] Adriana: you are the type of man i have been looking for

[5/03/2015 2:20:12 PM] Me: How sad that I live on the other side of the world. When my novels become best sellers (I wish) I would love to visit England. My ancestors come from Wales and I have been trying to trace them, but it is very hard from here.

[5/03/2015 2:21:42 PM] Adriana: i think is better for me to join you rether then you coming .

[5/03/2015 2:23:44 PM] Adriana: I am single because my ex boyfriend cheated on me last 15 months , i caught him having an affair with another lady so i lost trust in him and we quited , i am now fedup living alone and i am looking for a honest and caring man in my life ...I am living single for 15 months now , i now need a honest and a caring man , i do not want a Rich man all i seek is honest loving and a caring man , simple person and someone who do not drug.

(This word for word one of her previous comments, if I didn't know better I would think that she has a list of responses and would cut and paste to suit.)

[5/03/2015 2:23:47 PM] *** Call ended, duration 46:56 ***

[5/03/2015 2:23:53 PM] Me: I can see it now, me walking my dogs along the beach in the company of this drop dead gorgeous young woman (you). The woman would hate me and the men would be so jealous that they would quite happily kill me.

[5/03/2015 2:42:13 PM] Adriana: i see

[5/03/2015 2:42:29 PM] Adriana: and are you willing to habe a new woman

[5/03/2015 2:45:29 PM] Me: I am, that is if the woman was interested in me as a partner to share life with. If that other woman looked like you I would not hesitate, but somehow that is something that is unlikely to happen, not even in one of my romance stories.

[5/03/2015 2:46:48 PM] *** Call to Adriana ***

[5/03/2015 2:47:56 PM] Adriana: wowoowowowow sound goood

[5/03/2015 2:48:05 PM] Adriana: so can we share oiur feeling now

[5/03/2015 2:48:51 PM] Adriana: my dear so tell me more about yourself and your life style and ask me all what you want to know about me and i would answer you ...???

[5/03/2015 2:54:49 PM] *** Call ended, duration 07:56 *** (Dropped out.)

[5/03/2015 2:55:04 PM] Me: My lifestyle, hmmm, where do I start? For an old guy I have a variety of interests apart from walking my dogs and writing. I read books, I love fast cars and have driven my Subaru SVX in tarmac rallies with my youngest son as co-driver. We didn't win but had a good time. I am relatively fit, I help a friend clear building blocks, cut down trees and stuff like that, I ride a bike whenever I can, I go fishing without luck but who cares. I collect vinyl albums (over 300) that I don't often get a chance to listen to. How about you, what do you do when you're not being a secretary?

[5/03/2015 2:56:33 PM] *** Call from Adriana ***

[5/03/2015 2:56:59 PM] Adriana: I have little about myself , my friends say I am a honest,loyal, passionate, generous, giving, affectionate, supportive, sensitive, and a good listener who is easy to get along with.??

(Sounds like a resume, but it doesn't really answer the question, does it?)

[5/03/2015 2:59:45 PM] Me: Gee, my type of woman, You sound too good to be true. With those qualities I am surprised that you haven't had to fight men off with a big stick. You must have some interests to do in your spare time apart from flirting with a stupid old fart who would love to believe in miracles.

[5/03/2015 3:00:06 PM] Adriana: yes

[5/03/2015 3:00:15 PM] Adriana: men online are no more trusted

[5/03/2015 3:00:30 PM] Adriana: dear i want us to share something now

[5/03/2015 3:00:58 PM] Me: What is it?

[5/03/2015 3:01:11 PM] Adriana: i wnat us to share our skype password now

[5/03/2015 3:02:49 PM] Me: I would if I could remember it, I have Skype on-line all of the time that my computer is running.

[5/03/2015 3:03:09 PM] Adriana: babay am, waiting try and find it now

[5/03/2015 3:03:18 PM] Adriana: and give it to me

[5/03/2015 3:04:03 PM] Me: I would have to ask, why do you want my password??

[5/03/2015 3:04:26 PM] *** Call ended, duration 07:53 ***

[5/03/2015 3:05:37 PM] Adriana: honey i dont want to share you with anyone,also i will trust you more if you give me your skype paassowrd,and it going to prove to me that you love me

[5/03/2015 3:06:26 PM] *** Missed call from Adriana. ***

[5/03/2015 3:06:26 PM] *** Call ended ***

[5/03/2015 3:06:42 PM] *** Call from Adriana ***

[5/03/2015 3:07:04 PM] Adriana: honey i promise not to do anything in your skype

[5/03/2015 3:08:48 PM] Me: I would love to love you, and have you want only me, but I am a naturally cautious person and am having a problem understanding how it is that someone as perfect as you could have feelings for someone less than perfect such as myself

[5/03/2015 3:10:26 PM] Adriana: now adays yuoung men are not easy to find,and they will not traet you well,beside i need a man who lead me some years so he can show me how love and

[5/03/2015 3:10:49 PM] Adriana: careing,honest,and trust me

[5/03/2015 3:11:55 PM] Adriana: please give me your skype passwors prove to me that you love me

[5/03/2015 3:16:18 PM] Me: I would love to trust you, but I have heard and read about lonely old men like me who get sucked into falling in love with young women only to find that they are some person operating a scam to cheat the men out of their money. A question, when I first answered your call you appeared on my screen and I had to pinch myself because I couldn't believe my luck. Since then I have not been able to see you. My computer has a web cam so you should be able to see me, although how you could think that I'm handsome beats me. I would love to be able to see you again.

[5/03/2015 3:17:27 PM] Adriana: okay dear after that will you give me the skype password

[5/03/2015 3:21:50 PM] Me: It will take time to get it, I have to request a new password from Skype and wait for an email from them before I can change it. My email server sometimes takes half an hour to post emails in my in box, so I don't know how long it will take. As for your reason for wanting it, the only other contact I have is my brother, an I haven't spoken to him since before Christmas, so I guess that you are my one and only.

[5/03/2015 3:33:07 PM] Adriana: hmmmmmmm

[5/03/2015 3:33:43 PM] Adriana: then dont accept anybody request on skype ok

[5/03/2015 3:34:30 PM] Adriana: open your cssmsds'

[5/03/2015 3:34:57 PM] Adriana: open your camera dear

[5/03/2015 3:35:00 PM] Me: okay I won't, but I'd love to see you again just so I know that this isn't a dream

[5/03/2015 3:35:39 PM] Adriana: open your camera

[5/03/2015 3:36:15 PM] *** Call ended, duration 29:33 ***

[5/03/2015 3:36:30 PM] *** Call to Adriana ***

[5/03/2015 3:36:50 PM] Adriana: can you see me

[5/03/2015 3:36:56 PM] Me: Can you see me?

[5/03/2015 3:37:05 PM] Adriana: yes i can see you

[5/03/2015 3:37:10 PM | Edited 3:37:29 PM] Adriana: hoansdome man

[5/03/2015 3:38:14 PM] Adriana: honey i want you to email me more about you and more pictures in my emial

[5/03/2015 3:38:48 PM] Me: What is your email address?

[5/03/2015 3:39:40 PM] Adriana: (B**************e For legal reasons I have not printed the email address)

[5/03/2015 3:39:45 PM] Adriana: am waiting

[5/03/2015 3:39:51 PM] Adriana: but do you have yahoo masseneger

[5/03/2015 3:43:48 PM] Me: No. OMG you are gorgeous in that black leather gear. I am curious about your email address, Why would you use a man's name?

[5/03/2015 3:44:44 PM] Adriana: which name

[5/03/2015 3:46:27 PM] Me: B*******t. It looks as if your name is really B******t A*****e, but that might just be my paranoia.

[5/03/2015 3:46:40 PM] Adriana: no

[5/03/2015 3:46:47 PM] Adriana: is famle name

[5/03/2015 3:46:57 PM] Adriana: is B*******a A****e

[5/03/2015 3:47:16 PM] Adriana: and what is your full name

[5/03/2015 3:48:15 PM] Me: What you see is what you get, my name is (****).

[5/03/2015 3:48:48 PM] Adriana: honey do you use yahoo masseneger

[5/03/2015 3:51:05 PM] Me: No. I am not up to date with these things, social media and the like. I have a Facebook page and twitter account that I never use, I have given up on my smart phone and gone back to my older and more reliable one. I hated it.

[5/03/2015 3:52:31 PM] Adriana: do you have whatsapp on your phone

[5/03/2015 3:52:58 PM] Adriana: i use intenastional number so we can there

[5/03/2015 3:55:04 PM] Me: I do not have that app on my phone and using international number from Australia is horrendously expensive. When I was in London several years ago it was cheaper and easier to buy a pre-paid phone there and not use international roaming.

[5/03/2015 3:55:45 PM] Adriana: open your camera and show me your phone

[5/03/2015 3:56:19 PM] Adriana: show me the phone

[5/03/2015 3:56:49 PM] Adriana: okay

[5/03/2015 3:57:25 PM] Me: You've disappeared again, so sad.

[5/03/2015 3:57:56 PM] Adriana: am sad about you,dont trust me

[5/03/2015 4:03:07 PM] Me: It's not that I don't trust you, but I don't want to get hurt again. My ex wife hurt me badly and made promises that she had no intention of keeping. Trust is something that doesn't come easy to me. I would love to be able to say that I trust you and love you and all of those other things, but I would be lying if I told you that after only a couple of hours talking long distance on Skype. Forgive me but that's how I feel right now. I want it to be otherwise, I would love it to be otherwise, and I'm probably being stupid .

[5/03/2015 4:03:36 PM] Adriana: hmmmmokay

[5/03/2015 4:03:46 PM] Adriana: so how do you live with no work

[5/03/2015 4:06:53 PM] Me: It's called a pension. The government pays me so much a week, barely enough to live on. That is why I hope that my books sell and I become rich beyond my wildest dreams and then I could come over to London and sweep you off your feet, shower you with kisses and gifts and . . . Oh well I can dream can't I?

[5/03/2015 4:09:37 PM] Adriana: afrom now going what time can we?

[5/03/2015 4:10:18 PM] *** Call ended, duration 33:45 ***

[5/03/2015 4:13:25 PM] Me: I've got to go now, time for the dog's afternoon stroll and then I will have dinner and sit down and watch a DVD with the dogs (There's only crap on TV). I will speak to you soon. I usually crank up my computer around 7:00 am my time for half an hour or so, and am on and off it during the day. I have just begun another short story so I'll be on my computer for a while tomorrow.

[5/03/2015 4:14:21 PM] Adriana: okay dear

[5/03/2015 4:14:32 PM] Adriana: what is the time there now

[5/03/2015 4:17:02 PM] Me: 4:15 in the afternoon

[5/03/2015 4:17:57 PM] Me: What time I it where you are?

[5/03/2015 4:22:29 PM] Adriana: it 5:53am

[5/03/2015 4:24:59 PM] Adriana: so how many hours laft for

[5/03/2015 4:27:10 PM] *** Missed call from Adriana. ***

[5/03/2015 4:27:10 PM] *** Call ended ***

[5/03/2015 4:38:56 PM] *** Missed call from Adriana. ***

[5/03/2015 4:38:56 PM] *** Call ended ***

[5/03/2015 7:03:16 PM] Adriana: hi

[6/03/2015 7:43:26 AM] Adriana: hi

[6/03/2015 7:44:53 AM] *** Missed call from Adriana. ***

[6/03/2015 7:44:53 AM] *** Call ended ***

[6/03/2015 7:48:40 AM] *** Missed call from Adriana. ***

[6/03/2015 7:48:40 AM] *** Call ended ***

[6/03/2015 8:17:31 AM] *** Call from Adriana ***

[6/03/2015 8:17:41 AM] Adriana: hello dear

[6/03/2015 8:18:56 AM] Me: I was going to say 'good morning. but where you are it's evening. How are you today?

[6/03/2015 8:19:09 AM] Adriana: am doing good and you

[6/03/2015 8:19:25 AM] Adriana: i have been online for long time where have you been?

[6/03/2015 8:20:39 AM] Me: I've just got back from walking the dogs on the beach. It was freezing cold and windy but they loved it. It's good to be back in my warm house again.

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