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Scarlett and the Six Napoleons

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Scarlett and Emma fuck their way to the thrilling conclusion.
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Note- My merged versions of Conan Doyle's 'Adventure of the Six Napoleon's' and 'The Naval Treaty.' Although the characters bear the same names in name only. Featuring Scarlett Johansson as Holmes, Emma Watson as her trusted companion, and Susy Gala as Lucretia.


London, 1890.

"So, Doctor Barnicott, pray tell at what time in your life did your wife cease to love you, and at what hour this evening do you intend to make love to your mistress?"

"What! But, but this is preposterous! Who has told you about me? Go on tell all!"

The middle aged man in suit and tie stood up, outraged and befuddled, as Scarlett Homes tapped her clay pipe out at the fireplace calmly. Her trusted companion and lesbian lover, Doctor Emma Watson sat opposite and drank in the exquisite beauty of the blonde who smiled at her audience. In the warm glow of the crackling fire she radiated elegance and grace.

"I merely put into practise my expertise in observation and deduction. It was a trifling matter."

The five foot three woman had her fair hair back and up and she wore a high neck, floor length dress that had a pretty floral motif. Full figured with a thirty six inch bust she was curvy and rounded in all the right places. She had a diamond shape face with prominent cheekbones and narrow chin.

"Do tell us how you came to these conclusions, Holmes. 'Tis most astonishing." Said Emma on the edge of her seat. "I am utterly taken back."

"Ah, Doctor. I ought to make you sign a paper to that effect. Because in three minutes you will say it is all absurdly simple."

"I cannot see myself saying that."

Emma Watson was also in long dress and low heeled shoes. Her light brown hair complimented her glowing complexion and bright eyes that were wide and alert. She had recently returned from nursing duties in the war and had settled once more in her native London.

"You see I merely observed the gentleman's hat. It has not been brushed for weeks and has an accumulation of dust. Not outdoor dust but the fluffy brown sort of the house. If his wife sees this object every day on the rack I fear that the fellow has lost his wife's affection.

"And my date with my...ahem...my cousin later? How in good fortune could you know that?" Wondered Barnicott as he fidgeted nervously in his chair.

"As I emptied my pipe I saw your inane grinning whilst you waited for me, your licking of the lips, constant checking of your pocket watch and the light sheen of sweat upon your brow. Last but not least the salacious rubbing of your nether regions with your right hand tells me that you are in a state of sexual excitement. Two plus two equals four and so forth."

"How absurdly simple!" Cried the Doctor.

"Well I never! I thought you had done something clever, but I see that there was nothing in it after all." Barnicott relaxed and mopped his brow.

Holmes sighed and spread her hands, her clear green eyes reflecting the flames of the fire.

"I begin to think that I make a mistake in explaining. I should stop."

Doctor Barnicott had called at the personal lodgings of the great private detective, Scarlett Holmes, who resided at number 221B Baker Street in the heart of London.

"It is a curious matter that I put before you. I have informed the police that my home was burgled last night, I live in Kennington Road, but nothing was taken."

Scarlett sat in her favourite chair and gazed into the fireplace.

"This is very odd." Said she.

"The only significant thing is that one of my collectors items, plaster bust of Napoleon, had been smashed to fragments. I am an avid admirer of the former French Emperor and my house is full of his books, pictures and relics. I purchased the bust not two days ago and now find it destroyed. As if the culprit was looking for something inside it."

"Oh yes, this is very novel. Well I am delighted in your tale, Doctor Barnicott but can do nothing to help in this singular matter. Good day."

The detective dismissed the man with a nonchalant wave of her hand and the second the man had left Scarlett jumped up and clapped her hands.

"Excellent, excellent. Oh, this is capital."


"Only this morning my sister Mordred informed me, in the strictest confidence, of the theft from the Foreign Office of a vital document, a naval treaty, that is of International importance. She, in league with the Government, have given me the task of retrieving the said article. The thief was almost caught in the act, escaped and was last seen in the vicinity of the manufacturer of the plaster busts. Gelder and Company I believe. It is my reasoning, in light of what Barnicott has related to us, that the thief has concealed the treaty in one of the Napoleon busts as they were still being dried. Since the culprit fled the scene and then returned for his reward he must have discovered that the busts have since been scattered over London. He must be searching even as we speak."

"What a strange state of affairs!" Said Emma as she joined Scarlett and sat by her side on the arm of the chair.

"We must venture to Stepney and to Gelders and ascertain just how many busts there were and who purchased them. Come my dear, the game is afoot."

The two lovers kissed and then readied themselves for their latest adventure.


Having had a printed list of the owners of the six Napoleons they decided to split it between them. A Josiah Brown, Lucretia Venucci, Mister Sandeford and Horace Harker, who had bought two of the six finished busts.

"First I shall endeavour to trace Brown who resides in Chiswick, while you interview Miss Venucci. The Italian lady lives in East London. Are you game?"

"It would be an honour. You can rely on me Holmes. Good luck."

Within ten minutes Scarlett had arrived at Laburnum Villa in Chiswick and entered through the garden gate to the big front door. The pleasant house had a fan light over the hall door as the detective rang the ornate bell. A window opened and a face appeared to scrutinise her and then it closed. Then the door opened and a young and fresh faced man with a trim moustache presented himself.

"Mister Josiah Brown, I suppose?" Said Holmes.

"Yes Miss, and you are?"

"A fellow admirer of the once powerful French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte. May we talk?"

Scarlett was led in through the hall to the library where all manner of relics and books of the once powerful European ruler were on proud display. There, on the mantle shelf, sat the bust in question just like the one Doctor Barnicott had described that very day.

"Thank you Mister Brown."

The man had his maid bring in a tea trolley and Scarlett sipped a cup of the finest Earl Grey as she reposed in a plush armchair.

"Most pleasant." She set her cup down. "I'll come straight to the point young fellow. I have traced the whereabouts of six busts of Napoleon and I simply must have them all. I adore his visage so. I see your one on display over the fireplace. I will pay you handsomely for the object in question."

"Indeed, it is a fine likeness and I am loathe to part with it. As you can see Miss Holmes I am not in want of funds. I live well thanks to my late father's inheritance."

"Can I not persuade you just a little?"

Scarlett fluttered her eyes and flirted outrageously. Brown, who looked barely twenty years of age, blushed bright crimson. The reason being the attractive blonde had drawn a handkerchief from the front of her low cut dress, so revealing an inch of deep bosom. She parted her wet lips and raised her chin up proudly. Her right hand came up and she pulled a out hairpin and her shoulder length hair fell loose about her long neck in one curl.

"Please, for me."

"I...I don't..."

His nervous gaze narrowed on her huge breasts that seemed to swell as she breathed. He crossed his legs and felt the neck of his shirt with his fingers which had suddenly become uncomfortably tight.

"Is that, I mean, are you?"

"Don't say another word Josiah. May I call you that? Do you have a female companion?"

"No I don't, never met a girl I fancied."

"Such a shame, and you so masculine and handsome."

Scarlett rose from her chair and crossed the carpet to his seat.

"You look decidedly heated my poor lamb. Allow me."

The mischievous blonde yanked the tails of his shirt free of his trousers and removed it, much to his surprise and joy.

"Well! Hello Josiah."

He had a youthful strength and muscled physique and a ripped back. Scarlett took of her five button gloves and traced a line from his upper chest to his abdomen where she lingered, her eyes fixed on his. She felt the tips of her tits peak against her stiff bodice under her skirt and stood directly over him.

"Would you mind terribly if I removed my dress, the tea has made me desperately hot and bothered."

"Please! I mean, if you so wish."

Scarlett never let her eyes wander from his as she undid the pink ribbons at the front of her gown and opened the material. He had the first look at a pair of female breasts when she tugged her ribbed bodice down and he was in awe of the soft swell of her hefty boobs. He felt his cock harden in his trousers as she bent to kiss him, moving both his hands to her mammoth tits.

"Do I please you?" She spoke in a little girl voice.

Without awaiting his answer Scarlett kissed him long and deep as her hands busied themselves with the buttons of his fly. He gasped as his straining erection emerged from within. It throbbed with an acute desire to pop the tip into Scarlett's pouting lips.

"This is exceedingly hard, young man."

Her right hand moved over the foreskin of his erection and expertly peeled it back to reveal a shiny purple hued crown that had a tantalising blob of pre cum. She rubbed the smooth shaft as he pawed at her tits, wallowing in the large and firm globes that filled his sweaty palms.

"You are quite beautiful." He told her as he thumbed her stiff nipples.

"As are you."

Scarlett tightened the grip on his hot length and, starting from the base, she jerked her fist in a spiral twist that caused him to squeeze her breasts hard.

"Would you like me to suck it?"

"Yes, very much so." He murmured.

Brown tore his trousers down and his big cock jutted forward and his hips nudged to her desirable mouth. Scarlett grinned and her opened mouth embraced the fat crown. She felt so wet on his hot flesh and the pair of them moaned with the contact. Scarlett closed her eyes as her tongue ran circles around the head before taking the plunge and sucking him all the way in.

"Heavens! Such sweet bliss!" He exclaimed as his moustache bristled

"Mm, hmm!" She hummed as she released his prick and used her flattened tongue for one, long, slow lick that finished with her pursed lips clamped on his bell end.

Scarlett tongued her way around the sensitive rim of the glans where the foreskin ended and then drove the man insane as she scraped her white teeth in a downward direction. His resurgent cock twitched and pulsed and he thought he might cum right then.

"There, how was that?"

She jiggled her tits and dutifully tweaked her nipples, intensifying his desperate arousal, and turned to leave.

"What? Are we done? But...why?"

Brown wanked his cock which dribbled with the woman's saliva as he became most anxious.

"Well, I suppose I could give you a tit fuck That is, in exchange for the Napoleon bust."

Scarlett pointed with a long finger to the desired plaster bust.

"DEAL." He cried in a high pitched voice.

Scarlett pulled back and separated her breasts with one hand and inserted his pulsating pole into the resultant channel. Immediately Brown eagerly moved his cock back and forth in Scarlett's huge cleavage. Dry initially, his prick squeaked as it drove up and down but the topless beauty dribbled a line of spit down the fat cock head as she bent her face forward.

"Try now."

He sighed as the wide slot between her tits embraced his length and he slid in and out like a well oiled machine. Scarlett pushed both her massive globes together to make one giant tit and grinned as the inexperienced man thrust his hips up. With each upward plunge his swollen glans was met by the pink snake of her tongue which wound around it and slathered it with saliva.

"That's the way. Faster now." He said with his heart in his mouth.

Brown grunted as his cock found its way into her wide open mouth every time it emerged from the vast depths of her cleavage. Scarlett pressed her tits harder as he picked up the pace, his climax growing ever nearer.

"Cum on my big tits, shower my boobs with your seed."

Urged on by the green eyed beauty the young man shot his load into the awaiting mouth of Scarlett who gulped and swallowed his hot cum. He jerked several times until his cock receded from her gorgeous breasts now awash with semen.

"Do you perchance have a fresh handkerchief?"

"Of course, at once."

Scarlett buttoned up her bodice once cleansed and stood to leave.

"A pleasure to do business with you Mister Josiah Brown."

She took the offered bust and turned to take her leave.

"Oh, and by the way. You should leave this museum of a house more often and find your Josephine, just like Napoleon. You have a most handsome penis. It would be a shame not to use it more often. Good day."

The second the detective got outside she placed the bust on the ground, covered it with a cloth from her purse and smashed it into fragments with a leather cosh. As she sifted through the shattered remains it was crystal clear it hid nothing.

"Oh well, maybe the good Doctor will have more luck than I."


Emma arrived at the front door of the terraced house of Lucretia Venucci. The Doctor had travelled to Stepney in the east part of the city and had stopped in the narrow street where she perceived the row of houses. The last one of the row had a high pitched roof and coloured brickwork. Emma knocked on the front door under the brick porch and waited patiently. Looking through the stained glass window she saw the bust of Napoleon looking out proudly. This was the place. Finally the door opened and Emma composed herself.

"Si?" Said the tenant as she stood in the threshold. Lucretia Venucci was wearing a smocked nightgown in pristine white cotton. The gown spilled to the floor and had ruffled collar and cuffs and five opalescent shell buttons up the front. Emma could hardly fail to notice that the top two were undone to show the upper half of the woman's ample cleavage. At five feet nine in her carpet slippers the Italian woman looked down on Emma who was barely five feet five in her heels. She had dressed modestly in a purple satin skirt and short, hip length jacket. On her head she had a pretty purple bonnet that tied under her chin.

"Oh, excuse me. Have I woken you from your slumber?"

It did seem odd that the woman was still in night attire.

"I have been unwell of late. How may I help?"

The brown haired lady spoke in a honeyed voice with a Latin accent, Italian or maybe Spanish. Her lustrous hair was loose and cascaded about her shoulders, and her dark feline eyes had a seductive smouldering look that held Emma in awe.

"Please forgive the intrusion, but I noticed the plaster bust of Napoleon in the window and was intrigued by the odd object. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Doctor Emma Watson."

"Doctor?" The woman became more animated from her initial doldrums and her fulsome lips curled into a warm smile.

"Do come inside. I am most happy to see you." They came into a bright room with parquet wood floors and simple decorative features. They sat opposite each other and Emma spoke as she removed her bonnet.

"Are you Italian, Miss?"

"Si. Venucci, Lucretia Venucci. Well, my father was from Italy but my mother was from Barcelona. I take after her the most, she was very beautiful. Her family fought gallantly in the Peninsular War against Napoleon and his empire. That is why I was taken by the plaster bust."

Emma was spellbound as she listened to the Latin chica speak in her charming accent. Blessed with high cheekbones and an olive complexion she was a spectacular creature. The English rose felt an instant attraction and fanned her face with the back of her hand as she became heated.

"I am glad of your company Doctor. I have had a feeling of pensive sadness in recent times and have an air of melancholy. Is there a medicine to alleviate my discord?"

"Why? What has occurred within recent times to bring this woe upon you?"

Lucretia turned her head to stifle a sob and bent to the small table for a kerchief, inadvertently letting her busty cleavage into full view of a mesmerised Emma.

"I find it hard to put into words, I..."

Emma joined her side and took her hand as she tried to soothe the glamorous female.

"Is it...a man?"

Lucretia looked up and gazed directly into Emma's soft eyes, heavy lidded and dreamy.

"A woman, Doctor. My lover. She has left me to marry and I am most lonely. Yes, I am of the persuasion that I prefer and adore the female form, but alas she has run off to marry an Italian Count."

The pair grew closer and closer on the two seat sofa and Emma gasped as the other gently stroked her left cheek.

"You have soft skin, so white and translucent. My lover was the same."

Emma fought to control her breathing as Lucretia bumped her left thigh with her right. So transfixed on the sultry woman's face she did not notice her unbutton the front of her nightgown. The fully rounded breasts of Lucretia rose and fell as she panted and Emma was quite taken aback by the two huge globes of flesh that were presented to her. The young Doctor felt butterflies in her stomach and a tingling in her loins.

"Why do you cover your neck? You have an elegant neck."

"Thank you." Emma managed to answer as her collar was lowered and the nape of her neck was nibbled and kissed.

She took advantage and cupped the D cup tits held them tight. So big were they that Emma's tiny hands were inadequate to smother them. The tremendous globes stood proud with a perky lift and the areolas were like chocolate. Then they kissed and Lucretia took control and dominated the petite Emma with a darting tongue and rolling lips. She felt her pussy throb and her heart race as expert hands undid the jacket she wore. Emma rose from the seat and unhooked her skirt so that she stood in her lace up bodice and bloomers.

"I want you, badly." She said in hushed tones.

"Si. I also want you."

Lucretia stood too and brushed off her nightie and let Emma take in her tall, slim and naked figure. Her legs were tapered and slender and never seemed to end. She had a most appealing round bottom that stuck put somewhat behind her narrow back, both cheeks lifted and firm. At the apex of her legs where her thighs met her hip was a dark but trim triangle of black pubes that covered a fleshy pussy. Lucretia saw the desire in the others eyes and they both stared without speaking for several moments. A clock on the mantle struck noon and broke the ice.

"Come to my bedroom, mi amor."

They flopped to the bed and kissed with probing tongues and soft moans. Emma pawed the mammoth tits as Lucretia slid her hand over the midriff of Emma and wormed inside the top of her bloomers. Emma bit her lower lip as long fingers found the wet labia of her pussy and she bucked up with her hips.

"Love me." Hissed Emma and in a split second the smoking hot senorita was all over her.

The bodice was roughly unlaced and under garments removed as Lucretia straddled her smaller body with her butt and legs. Emma, now naked, shivered in delight as she was laid upon by Lucretia's heavier frame. Their breasts pressed against one another firmly as Emma felt a warm hand between her thighs and cup her muff.

"You are really wet there"

"Yes, senorita wet for you! Oh!"

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