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Secret Smiles and Three Little Words Pt. 15

Story Info
Alex experiments with anal play.
9.1k words

Part 15 of the 47 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/27/2015
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"Hey you!" Elizabeth beamed as she came out of the plane. Alex smiled a happy smile and hugged the woman.

"How was New Orleans?" Alex asked her.

"Boring!" Elizabeth laughed. "There is only so much statistics a person can handle!" This got Alex to laugh. She seemed to be hovering just off the ground and Elizabeth wondered why. Alex was almost skipping down the walk.

"So what have you been doing with our man?" Elizabeth asked her. She assumed it was Gavin as the girl was just head over heels for him. Her eagerness showing her desire for him.

"Whatever he wants!" Alex laughed.

"Good girl!" Elizabeth nudged. "I take it he is on a call?"

"Yes," Alex frowned.

"You will begin to hate that as much as I do after a while," Elizabeth warned with a deep exhale. She wouldn't miss that at all. Gavin leaving for a call. She hated that he would drop everything and go when the cell phone rang.

"I'm there," Alex huffed.

"How was the dinner with Pavel?" Elizabeth asked with disdain remembering one of the reasons she was happy to be on a business trip instead of here in Chicago. She didn't have to put on a fake smile and tolerate the uncouth Russian! She hated the way Gavin was with Pavel! Hated that she had to endure the way the men acted with one another. Hated that Gavin would change completely when the Russian was around. That and the fact the man was just flat out rude!

"Fantastic!" Alex raved. "He was so funny!"

"It must take little to impress you," Elizabeth frowned with a shake of head. Simpleton. How could she like Pavel? The girl may just be one step up from common.

"Come on!" Alex laughed. "The man is utterly brilliant!"

"If you say so," said an unimpressed Elizabeth. "Did he drink too much? What am I saying, of course he did!"

"He doesn't get to do that over there," Alex defended. Elizabeth was ruining her buzz of good news. She was excited for opportunity of the show. Excited she got to see the real Gavin. Excited to have met the two people Gavin loved in his life. That meant the most to him. That was an honor for her! It was like meeting a guy's parents for the first time! "I would let my hair down too!"

"So you didn't have to bail them out?" Elizabeth teased catching the tone of the woman by her side and decided to not to push.

"No, it was actually very educational," Alex shrugged. She could tell Elizabeth didn't like Pavel, and she didn't like Gavin with Pavel either.

"So what else has happened?"

"Gavin has arranged a show of my work at Maole's!" Alex gushed almost dancing on her tip toes.

"Really?" Elizabeth stopped walking and Alex turned. She nodded with a smile that needed its own runway.

"I'm super excited!"

"I can see that," Elizabeth forced a smile.

"What's wrong?" Alex asked when Elizabeth didn't seem to like the fact she had a show.

"Nothing," Elizabeth assured. "Just tired."

That was a lie. What was really bothering her was that she let Royce take advantage of her. Granted it wasn't her fault he was the way he was. That he was a user. That he used her drug induced state to fuck her. Part of her was horrified, part excited. Not about being taken. That she would never approve of. It was a chance to push Royce into what she truly wanted. To move up in the world of power. Royce was a vehicle for that. He used her, she would use him right back. He fucked her for sexual power. She would fuck him for political power. She knew she could twist him the way she wanted.

Still there was a tinge of regret that she broke a vow she made to Gavin. Granted the use of drugs was also a violation but she didn't consider it the same. The drugs were just Gavin's hang up. If he would just try them he would enjoy them. Then maybe he wouldn't be such a stickler about them.

"How was your trip?" Gavin asked kissing her temple as she sat at the dinner table.

"Boring," Elizabeth told him. She had been stewing since Alex told her about the showing.

She wondered why Gavin was helping her when he wouldn't help her in her endeavor of moving up in the lobbyist world. Months ago she wanted Gavin to use his contacts to get her in touch with some of the political elite that Gavin knew and took care of. He had told her at the time that he was a doctor, not a politician. He was there to take care of them not use them for political favors. It would have helped her career but he didn't use his influence to do so. Yet he did for Alex?

"Nothing of note happened?" Gavin asked as he kissed Alex on her temple before running his fingers across her neck. He sat and poured himself a glass of wine. Alex got up and left the table disappearing into the kitchen.

Elizabeth looked to Gavin, and for a fleeting second she worried that Gavin already knew. Knew she had gotten high. Knew she had been fucked by Royce. Yes he took advantage of her while she was out on the heroin. Not able to give her consent. But would Gavin still hold her responsible because she shouldn't have taken the heroin? Would he say if you were clean as I command that would have never came up? He wouldn't have taken advantage of you while you were off her drug induced state in the land of Nod?

Alex came back and set a plate in front of him before sitting down herself to her plate of dinner. Gavin looked to the plate for a second before turning his eyes to Alex.

"What?" Alex asked him noting a tinge of anger in his eyes.

"You don't have to serve me dinner like a common slave," Gavin said brusquely.

"I didn't," Alex told him sharply. "I brought you a damn dinner in." She tried to reel in her anger. Why would this upset Gavin? Why was everyone trying to ruin her giddy buzz of her show?

"I can serve myself dinner," Gavin told her. "I'm supposed to take care of you."

"Jesus!" Alex gasped. "It's a dinner plate!" Gavin closed his eyes before exhaling deeply.

"Sorry," Gavin admitted as he picked up her hand and kissed it before brushing his lips over the knuckles causing her to melt. "I know a lot of Doms treat their subs like slaves, I don't want to get lazy in my obligations."

"Your obligations are more than fulfilled," Alex told him as she went back to her dinner.

"Alex," Gavin began again sensing her anger. This caused Elizabeth to lift her eyes from her dinner plate. Shocked that Gavin would address her so common.

"Alex?" Alex asked not looking at him. She left her head down as she stared at her plate.

"Shit," Gavin laughed as he realized what he said. "I'm fucking up all over!"

Elizabeth looked on with an anger welling in her. Now she could see what Royce meant when he said he would forget her and turn to his new pet. Gavin was letting his guard down with Alex, something he never did with her.

"Alexandria," Gavin began again. "I'm sorry."

"So am I," Alex smiled at him. "I know I used to hate being called Alexandria, but when you say means so much more now."

"I understand," he smiled. "My Alexandria." She nearly danced out of her chair.

"So the cleanup effort is making progress?" Gavin asked looking back to Elizabeth who did her best to hide her burgeoning jealousy.

"Yes," Elizabeth frowned. "It's still leaking, but it's under control."

Gavin nodded as he began eating.

"Alexandria seemed to like Pavel," Elizabeth pointed out watching Gavin eat.

She would have to end this arrangement soon. That would make Royce happy. She looked to Alex and the new girl was stealing glances at Gavin through a sideways glance of her eyes. Looking at him but not turning her head to him to look at him.

Part of her was happy she brought Alex in, but this was still her man. They were obligated to one another. He's not supposed to move on until she gave him his out. That was his promise to her. She would always be first, now she could see that position slipping from her. Then she remembered, Gavin hadn't broken his vow. She had. Multiple times.

She liked her business trips. They allowed her the freedom to play with her drugs. She loved the feel of them. She never understood why Gavin was so against them. The worst punishment she had ever received was when Gavin found out she had snorted a line of coke. He threatened to kick her out of the condo, to become the first sub he had ever kicked out. He would not tolerate drug use. She didn't understand it. This went beyond legal worry about drugs for him, but she couldn't figure out why he hated it so much. She figured it was just a power play.

Alex and Elizabeth sat side by side in the submissive position. Gavin looked at them as he came in from doing the dishes.

"Ready to play are we?" Gavin grinned appreciatively.

"Yes," they said in unison. Making it sound like a version of the Stepford Wives,

"Good," Gavin said going to the drawer. "Alexandria, on the bed, face down, ass up."

Alexandria obeyed immediately. Elizabeth fought the tick of jealousy in her stomach. This was not how it was supposed to go. Alex was a pet, she was not the sub. She should be the one getting most of the pleasure. Her jealousy ran rampant through her.

"Elizabeth," Gavin said causing her to lift her head. He winked at her and she smiled when she saw the tools he was pulling out.

"Oh yes," Elizabeth smiled trying to keep her disappointment from him. Gavin was reading her mind.

Sitting down on the bed Elizabeth came and sat on the other side of Alexandria. Gavin put a small silver toy in front of Alex. It had a tapered end that widened at the base. The base of the acorn shaped designed toy had a ruby like jeweled end.

"Well," Gavin said with a smile. "Do you know what this is?" He asked holding it front of him. She shook her head.

"This is an anal plug," Gavin told her. Alex smiled at him. "We are going to start some anal play. I'm going to ask you a question before we get started. It's..." He looked to the ceiling in thought. This was easier with an experienced sub. They knew to prepare for something like this ahead of time. Alex wouldn't have known.

"Have you used the bathroom tonight?" he asked her. She looked at him blankly. "Number two?" He shrugged. "The reason I'm asking is sometimes, not always, but sometimes after anal play it's difficult to go as with the insertions of toys and fingers and other things, it kind of gets packed in."

Alex flushed with embarrassment. She had gone a couple of hours ago, but now she would have to talk about it?

"I have," she whispered.

"Ok," Gavin smiled. "Now, don't worry, I don't play bathroom games."

"Bathroom games?" Alex asked him.

"I don't dabble in Golden Showers or anything like that," Gavin smiled twisting the anal plug in his fingers.

"Golden Showers?" Alex asked him.

"Yes," Gavin nodded. "It's where one person gets a thrill peeing on another, or being peed on.

"That's gross!" Alex said sitting up.

"It's not gross," Gavin said patiently. "Don't think like a Puritan!"

"Have you ever done it?" Alex asked him as he handed the toy to her to examine. He had three on the bed. They varied in size, the one in her hand was the smallest.

"Yes," he smiled. "I like to try it all, then decide if it is for me. There have been numerous things I have done, that I didn't think I would like, but it was something I found after doing it that I enjoyed. Now there are things that I do that I don't like, but I do them because the sub likes them or needs them."

Alex nodded. Try everything then make an informed decision. Gavin had told her that. They weren't just words to him. He lived by them as well.

"Now, if you are willing to try," Gavin told her taking the toy back. "I'm going to insert this in you, it will feel uncomfortable. It may even cause a slight tick of pain but nothing that should harm you." Alex nodded that she understood. Then remembered he didn't like being nodded at.

"Yes Sir," she smiled when she saw him looking at her.

"Better," he grinned.

"As we play, we will go up in size as well," he said picking up another of the plugs. "Not tonight of course. But as you become acquainted with each size, and your body adjusts we will go bigger. The end game, no pun intended, is to prepare you for my cock in your ass."

Alex smiled at the pun but let him continue to explain. The idea of making Gavin cum hard in her body was now the goal. Elizabeth had said that he came harder in her ass than anywhere else. Gavin admitted it as well, being an ass man. It brought him a great deal of pleasure.

"Ok," Alex nodded. "How do we start?"

"We start by playing," Gavin grinned. "First my tongue, then a finger. Then when you are adjusted to those, I will lube you copiously, then slide our little friend in. Now, your body will want to push it out right away, it will think you need a bowel movement. It's important you don't let it out until I tell you."

"Can it get lost in there?" Alex asked him.

"It's possible," Gavin laughed. "But don't worry, I will make sure it doesn't. These toys have this raised flat base. Your anus will close around this shaft part leaving the acorn shape in you, the jewel part outside. The acorn will then force your body to adjust to its size thus making it larger and able to accept more."

She nodded. Gavin was so patient. She loved that. Madelyn was right. He had to be the best Dom. All the things he did were perfect. Even his discipline was perfect. Never going too far, like in the bathroom. When she could take no more he stopped even though she had more coming. The roughness of his fucks were also just right. Rough enough to let her know she was getting fucked and he was in control but nothing to alarm her or harm her.

She resumed the position at his gentle urging with a soft touch of her back in between the shoulder blades. Gavin then pulled on her cheeks opening her tightly puckered hole. His tongue invaded first, causing Alex to gasp. She loved the warmth his tongue gave off. His soft yet hard tongue diving in her. His tongue reaching in her. His hot breath touching, what she was beginning to learn, was the most sensitive of areas.

Elizabeth joined in and pulled Alex's cheeks apart. Gavin continued to work with his tongue causing Alex to squirm backward into his face causing him to smile that she was eager to have his tongue deeper in her.

Elizabeth gently probed a finger in Alex causing her to gasp at the small fingers that Elizabeth was using. Gavin moved down to her sex and licked and suckled there. Alex's hips began to rock. Forcing Elizabeth's finger deeper in her as well as Gavin's tongue.

Alex felt a slight burn to her ass, but only a mild discomfort. Elizabeth's fingers were small, so there wasn't much pain. Elizabeth took a tube of lube and placed some on her fingers before continuing on. Alex couldn't believe the difference the lube made. It allowed her to fully enjoy the invasion of the goddess' fingers.

Gavin's tongue pulled an orgasm from her and she shuddered as it released throughout her body.

"I love the way you cum," he smiled as he licked her liquid up.

"I love the way you make me cum!" Alex whispered as she continued to enjoy the finger in her ass. Gavin sat up.

"Why don't you ladies get in the sixty-nine position, that way you both can enjoy this session," Gavin suggested to Elizabeth with a wink.

Gavin watched them change positions, he watched Elizabeth lie on her back. He could tell she was keeping something from him, his instinct told him it was drug related. He tried to not let it gather a strong foot hold in his mind, but it was there. He could tell by the way she wouldn't look him in the eye for fear of her secret coming out.

Alex looking back at him had him smiling again. He was really loving this new girl in his life. At first he was so dead set against it, now he was wondering why it was such a problem. Alex was so different than Elizabeth. Alex was indeed a challenge to him. One he was relishing. He loved the way her blue eyes drank him in. The way her mouth would tilt with her smile as he could see her mind wander through the things he had done to her, and the things she wanted him to do to her.

He loved that she was always so eager to please him. Like a child with a new toy. She was just a child in this world. He was constantly reminding himself of that. Like last night when she invited the wolf out. She had no idea what she was asking for, but she was willing to let the animal out to devour Little Red Riding Hood.

Then her demand of him to take her ass, that took a great deal of restraint. He didn't just want it. He desperately wanted it. Her use of the safe words saved him from a world of regret. He had to caution himself. She was a novice, and needed to be brought along slowly. That was a delicious torture for him. Like being tied up without the rope. He was a Dom, but he liked it when she bound him. Right now she did it with her words. Sometimes it was with her innocence. It was all a form of bondage he decided.

He could tell Elizabeth wasn't happy with what was going on. He was trying to keep her first but with Alex pushing things to accelerate he was losing sight of her. That weighed on him. Although he knew she was leaving. He knew she brought Alex into their lives to allow herself to leave. She still had his vow.

Gavin put some lube on his fingers. He looked at them glistening in the light of the bedroom. Slowly he pushed his index finger in Alex causing her body to stiffen. Slowly he pushed, feeling the resistance of her virtually untouched anus. It was very tight and as soon as his finger breached her ass it clasped at his finger. He reveled at her tightness. He also knew by the feel it would take a great deal of time to bring it to being ready for his cock.

He watched as his finger slowly pushed her ring, he felt her muscles tighten as he invaded her. Stopping just at the second knuckle he left his finger there relishing the feel of her tight warm body holding his finger.

Pulling his finger out slowly he watched her ring pucker and pull out with his finger. He squirted more lube on his finger as he pulled it out slowly. Then before he pulled all the way out he pressed it back in her causing her to whimper with satisfaction. He began a slow thrust with his finger.

The feel of her ass and her body response made his cock harden in his pants. God he wanted to take her. The wolf on his shoulder begging for it. Using the logic that she said it was alright. That she wanted it! Then his Dom side reminded him that she sometimes didn't know anything. He didn't want to give her another bad experience. He wanted to make sure her pleasure kept her doing this long term. He wanted to be able to fuck her ass forever.

He paused. Forever? What the hell was that about? He never thought forever. Not in this life. It was always in the future. Never set. He liked his relationships to last right around a year. Long enough to enjoy one another and explore one another fully but not long enough to become trapped in the mundane. Or worse. Trapped in love.

He pulled his finger all the way out and it caused Alex to whimper with disappointment. This made him smile. She liked anal play. He brought the small acorn shaped plug up and coated it with lube.

"Ok, little one," he smiled at her as she looked back at him. "I'm going to put this in." She nodded as she blew out a breath for bravery. "It will be ok, this won't hurt, but it's important that you communicate with me. Anything more than mild discomfort and I need to know. Understand?"

"Yes Sir," she said with a breathy sigh.

"I mean it," he warned. "No forcing your body to accept what it can't just to please me. Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir," she said a little firmer now. "I will tell you if I feel pain."

"Good girl," he winked and she smiled.

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