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Seduce me, Jack... Ch. 01

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Jack Nicholson to the rescue.
4.2k words
Story does not have any rosa-blanca.ru

Part 1 of the 15 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 05/19/2009
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Author's Note: This story was written as a special request from a fan whose terrific input helped me to develop the character and the story. By way of disclaimer, any similarity of any fictional character or business name in this story to any real person or place is purely coincidental!!! And if Mr. Nicholson ever learns of this little piece of fiction... well, we just hope he realizes it was intended with much respect and affection! This is for you, sweetgurl...


"Oh, damn..." Amanda Lewis muttered as she saw steam billowing from under the hood of her rented 1987 Ford Taurus. "What the hell am I going to do now!!!" she groaned.

She pulled over to the side of the road right at the corner of Franklin Canyon and Mulholland Drives near Wilacre Park in Los Angeles.I guess I should consider myself lucky this didn't happen while driving along those remote roads through the Santa Monica Mountains! She'd taken a detour into the National Recreation Area just to see some of the natural beauty that surrounded L.A.

But the real reason she'd made the drive up this particular road was just for the off chance that she might actually spot the one man who could make her body tingle every time she saw his sexy, wolfish grin... Jack Nicholson. He was widely known as one the "bad boys" of Mulholland Drive... but that just made him appeal to her even more...

Amanda stopped the car and turned the key off... the engine already having died from being overheated. She leaned her head against the steering wheel and groaned in frustration again. She opened the door and got out to look up and down the roads to see if she saw any other vehicles approaching. There were none in sight at the moment.

Well...what did you expect? This was a pretty exclusive neighborhood where there usually weren't a lot of people coming and going all day... except for nosy fans like her!

She snorted a self-deprecating laugh and leaned against the side of the car while she waited... and hoped... Maybe some passing motorist would come along soon and take pity on her and offer her a lift somewhere so she could call the car rental place.

She'd been pacing for about fifteen minutes on the side of the road when she heard a vehicle approaching behind her from the direction of Wilacre Park. She spun around to wave it down, but the spiked heel of her shoe caught on a rock and she stumbled slightly.

She lost her balance and fell forward toward her broken-down rental. She caught herself at the last second and ended up bent over at the waist with her hands braced on the hood of the car, her legs spread wide. She suddenly realized that she was in the same position that a police officer would normally have someone for a body search.

The humor of the situation struck Amanda and she just started to laugh. She stayed in that position as her laughter overtook her for a few moments. She didn't even realize that the car approaching had pulled over just in front of hers and stopped...


Jack Nicholson was headed home from a post-production meeting on his next movie that was coming out in June. He grinned to himself as he recalled the fun he'd had playing just an "average horny little devil!" And having the chance to seduce three such lovely ladies as Cher, Michelle and Susan!

I must say this was a part I was well suited for! He gave a low, throaty chuckle as he came around the curve exiting Wilacre Park.

He noticed a car pulled over on the opposite side of the road, wisps of steam emanating from under the hood. Then his attention was captured by the tall brunette pacing beside it. His eyes were riveted to her long, shapely legs revealed to mid-thigh by her swaying, short skirt.

Well, well, well... a damsel in distress... Jack smiled wolfishly.Maybe I could seduce you for a little afternoon delight! This might be fun...

Just as he was slowing to pull over, she apparently heard him and spun in his direction but lost her balance. She fell toward the hood of her car and caught herself. Jack Nicholson growled and his dick twitched when he saw the pose she ended up in.Oh, fuck...who's going to seduce whom here?!!

Jack watched her for a few seconds when he stopped the car. He could see she was laughing and she had not attempted to right herself yet.You stupid asshole... get out of the car! As short as her skirt was and bent over like that, he just knew he was missing a great view!Man... I must be getting old...

Well, he was less than a week away from turning fifty!Aw, shit... just stop thinkin' about it! He wasn't about to pass up an opportunity like this...

Amanda was trying to calm her laughter when she heard a car door open. She hung her head down for a moment to take a few deep breaths. She heard footsteps in the gravel as the other vehicle's occupant approached her. She gasped and froze when she heard the low, gravelly voice that always sent tingles down her spine to meet with the throbs between her legs...

"Well, now... have you been a naughty little girl and you're just waiting for the police to come and arrest you? You know... I have a little experience with the cops, and I'd be happy to take care of a body search for such a sexy, naughty girl like you!"

A tremor went through Amanda's body.Oh, my God... is he seriously trying to seduce me?!! Does Jack Nicholson actually want to seduce ME?!! She knew if she ever got the chance to meet him that she would do her best to seduce him... but it sounded like...

She lifted her head and swallowed nervously. Then she twisted slightly and peered over her right shoulder at him as she bent over just a little further. Her tongue nervously licked her lips and she stifled a moan when she saw his wolfish grin. She rounded her eyes innocently.

"Well, actually... I haven't been a naughty girl... yet. But I will be for you... if you'll seduce me, Jack..." she pleaded provocatively.

Jack's grin faded as he saw her warm, brown eyes heat to a passionate intensity. Then his eyes traveled over her body in that wanton pose... Her skirt was molded over her nicely shaped ass, the edge of it swaying slightly, just low enough to keep her crotch covered. He nearly groaned in frustration.Damn... I wish I could tell if she was wearing panties or not...

His eyes traveled down her shapely legs again in that wide, provocative stance. Then he looked back up to her face. Her eyes looked so innocent... and yet seductive at the same time.Yeah, she's wearing panties... but I'll bet they're damn sexy...

He watched her eyes widen as he moved up behind her slowly. He stopped with his crotch almost touching hers, his hard cock straining in his pants to feel her heat. She was fairly panting at his proximity. His lips widened in a slow, sexy grin.

He put his hands on the outside of her spread thighs as far down as he could reach. She jerked slightly at his touch. He dragged his hands up her silken, bare thighs, under her skirt to her hips, his fingers sliding over the satiny material of her panties that rode low on her hips. The fingers of his right hand curled upward to slip under the elastic and inched down toward her mound. She was panting even harder...

He brushed his fingertips through her neatly trimmed bush and then slid them downward until he felt the evidence of her excitement. He groaned at the same moment she did. "Oh, baby... your pussy is so wet and hot... Is this all because of me?"

Amanda pushed her ass back until she came in contact with his crotch... the hard bulge of his dick made her shudder. She stood up slowly and pressed the back of her body against the front of his and twisted her head sideways to stare into his lustful hazel eyes. "Yes, Jack... it's all for you!" she whispered desperately.

She whimpered as his cock twitched when he crushed his lips to hers. He growled in his throat and stroked his fingers along her sopping flesh. His left hand wandered up to cup her breasts and knead them gently. Amanda was lost to his touch... she didn't even know where she was any more. All she was aware of was that Jack Nicholson wanted her...

HE...wanted her...

She moaned desperately into his mouth at that thought as her right hand lifted to clutch at the back of his head. Their lips had parted almost immediately when he kissed her. She moaned again... low and throaty as their tongues stroked so sensuously together.

Goddamn... she's a good kisser... Jack briefly wondered how good her lips and tongue would feel all over his body...

He was almost ready to lean the beautiful young woman over the hood of her car and fuck her right there on the side of the road. Never had any woman so instantaneously filled him with such raging desire! The sound of an approaching vehicle finally drew his attention to the fact that he was publicly molesting a young woman whose name he didn't even know!

He withdrew his right hand from her panties and from under her skirt and placed both his hands at her waist. He continued to kiss her until he heard the other vehicle pass, then he reluctantly ended it. He nearly moaned at the expression of desire on her face and the heat in her eyes when her lush lashes finally lifted.

He took a deep breath and one step back from her as he moved his hands to her shoulders and turned her around to face him. He frowned slightly as he blew the air out of his lungs slowly. The heat in the young woman's eyes faded as she stared at him. She started to look nervous.

Jack shook his head and laughed softly. "I'm sorry, miss... I don't usually make it a habit to immediately attack a woman... especially one that I was meaning to render assistance to! But you caught me off guard when you ended up in that... compromising position... and my body reacted immediately! He grinned wolfishly again and his eyelids lowered sexily. "You asked me to seduce you, but I think it's you who's seducing me!"

Amanda blushed and smiled softly as she looked down into his sexy eyes. She suddenly noticed that she was slightly taller than him in her two-inch heels... and he didn't seem to mind. "That's quite a compliment, coming from you, Mr. Nicholson."

He brought his right hand up and waved his index finger admonishingly at her. "Uh, uh, young lady... the name is Jack, and I love the way you say my name! But what should I call you?"

She smiled guilelessly. "I'm Amanda... Amanda Lewis," she added when he crooked one of his eyebrows as if expecting her to tell him her full name.

"Well, Amanda," he said softly, his voice taking on a husky quality, "Why don't you collect whatever you need from your car and I'll escort you to mine and drive you to my home so you can call for a tow."

She frowned slightly. "You're sure you don't mind? I don't want to cause you any trouble or be a bother to you at all..."

He grinned wolfishly again. "The only trouble you'll cause me is if you leave me in the condition I'm in now. I've already got my mind set on seducing you, Amanda..."

She grinned back at him. "Oh... you seduced me years ago, Mr... Jack," she amended when his eyebrow lifted. "You've been seducing me in my dreams ever since I saw'The Postman Always Rings Twice' when I was eighteen."

She took a deep, ragged breath. The look in his eyes was making her want to pant again. She closed her eyes for a moment and lightly bit her lower lip to keep it from trembling at her body's reaction to him. She turned and moved to the driver's door of her rental and opened it to reach in and grab her purse. Then she spotted her suitcase on the backseat.

"Oh, no..." she muttered quietly. She turned to look at him again. "I almost forgot... I have my suitcase with me because I was headed out of L.A. this afternoon to spend the weekend in Santa Barbara. I don't know how long it will take for me to get another rental, but I was planning on leaving by four o'clock. I hope it won't be an imposition to bring it with me..." She winced nervously.

Jack smiled. "That's fine... bring everything you have with you so you can leave as soon as you get another car." He glanced at his watch. "We'd better get going. It's almost one o'clock now and that won't leave me much time for my seduction scene with you if you plan to leave by four." The wolfish grin was firmly in place again.

Amanda grinned herself as she removed her personal belongings from the broken-down vehicle. She left the keys under the driver's floor mat so whoever came after it would have them. Jack very politely took her suitcase from her and gestured toward his car just several feet away. It was a large Mercedes Benz 600 touring sedan that appeared to be in pristine condition even though she recognized the model to be at least ten years old.

"Wow... nice car," she mumbled admiringly as he ushered her into the passenger seat. He placed her suitcase in the backseat on the driver's side before he climbed into the driver's seat. He put the car in gear and pulled back out onto the road headed up Mulholland Drive toward his home. Amanda hadn't even realized he'd left the car running. "And quiet, too..." she added.

Jack flashed her a bright smile. "Yeah... I just love this car... that's why I make sure it's well taken care of. I plan on keeping it forever! It's the only vehicle I own that I've never had sex in... don't want to risk messing it up!" The wolf was back again...

Within five minutes they were pulling into the drive past the gate to his property that was shared by his adjacent neighbor, Marlon Brando, which he mentioned in passing when the drive split. Amanda looked in the direction of the other lane, but there were too many surrounding woods to see the other house. Jack pulled up to the garage, waiting while the door opened to park the car inside.

Amanda glanced at his house before they entered the garage. It was a large two-story stucco home with mostly natural landscaping around it... a house fit for a star of his stature, but not a mansion by any means.

He helped her out of the car and led her inside, pointing out a telephone to her on one of the kitchen counters. She picked up the phone book next to it, found the number of the rental car agency and called them.

Jack left the kitchen while she made the call. He went to the wet bar in his den and poured them each a club soda. There were some slices of lime in the little fridge, so he threw one in each glass and headed back to the kitchen. She was still on the phone.

"What do you mean you don't have another car to give me?!!! I can't drive the one you gave me because the engine overheated! It must not have been serviced properly the last time it was checked. I have to go out of town this weekend for my job and I need a car! What am I supposed to do now?"

She groaned in frustration and chewed on her lower lip as she listened to the person on the other end of the line say how sorry they were for what seemed like the millionth time! "Look... don't you have any contacts through another agency that might have a car they could rent to me?" She closed her eyes and shook her head. "Fine. You tear up my rental contract and you reverse the charges on my credit card! I'll find another car myself! Good bye!" she yelled into the phone.

She restrained herself just in time from slamming the phone down when she saw Jack standing at the kitchen door with drinks in his hands. She tried to smile at him but her eyebrows also furrowed into a frown. "I guess you heard my predicament!"

She appreciated the look of concerned understanding on his face as he moved to her and handed her the cold glass. She thanked him, then took it and lifted it to her nose to see if she could tell what it was. It didn't smell like alcohol...

Jack chuckled. "It's just club soda, Amanda. From the way you've already been reacting to me, I didn't feel the need to get you liquored up in order to seduce you!"

She chuckled with him as she sipped on the refreshing liquid with a hint of lime. Then she took a bigger swallow as she eyed him over the rim of the glass. She hadn't realized how thirsty she'd gotten waiting outside in the warm mid April sunshine before Jack Nicholson had showed up to rescue her...

She resisted the urge to pinch herself. She closed her eyes and placed the cold glass in her hand against her suddenly flushed cheek.Please don't let this be a dream...

Amanda shook her head and forced herself to pay attention again as she realized Jack was talking to her. He was asking her why she was going to Santa Barbara for her job.

She explained that she'd recently started working for a travel agency and they were sending her on her first assignment to check out and rate a new Inn that had just opened up there. She'd be staying there for the weekend in one of their seaside bungalows.

It'd be the first relaxing weekend she'd had since moving to L.A. a few months ago... And to leave for this weekend with the memory of being seduced by Jack Nicholson to play over and over in her mind...

Maybe it wouldn't be such a relaxing weekend after all!

But then again... if she didn't get her transportation problem straightened out, she wasn't going to get there at all!And I can't lose this dream job by blowing my first assignment...


Twenty minutes and six more phone calls to different car rental agencies later had Amanda sitting dejectedly on a kitchen barstool staring off into space. Scenes of her having to go back to the travel office and tell them that she couldn't make this trip and hearing them tell her that they were going to have to let her go kept playing over and over in her mind. She frowned as her teeth once again gnawed on her lower lip.

Jack stifled a groan.Damn, Amanda... won't you quit chewing on your luscious lip like that and let me do it for you? He ran his tongue over his suddenly dry lips as he recalled each time he'd watched with fascination as she'd made that unconsciously provocative move. He could tell it was a habit for her when she was nervous or concerned... but she just looked so damn sweet and sexy when she did it!

"I'm so sorry, Amanda. This is going to cause a real problem for you, isn't it?" he asked her gently. She nodded as she frowned and picked up her glass on the kitchen counter to gulp down the last of her club soda. She set the glass down and chewed on her lower lip... again.Oh, you poor, sweet girl... I wish I could get you a car... Jack was suddenly inspired.

I don't have any other plans... "I could drive you up to Santa Barbara if you'd like and..." he started to offer quietly.

She didn't even get his implication. "Oh, no... I can't put you to all that trouble! This is my problem and I'll figure out how to handle it. Besides... if you drove me up there and dropped me off, I might not have a way to get back." She looked down to study the phone book again. "That's very kind of you, but..."

"Amanda... I wasn't offering to drop you off... I was asking if you'd like me to spend the weekend with you?"

Her wide eyes flew to his face. "What?!!!" she murmured with a nervous laugh, not quite sure she'd heard him correctly.

Jack Nicholson suddenly felt nervous himself. He'd just tried to invite himself along on her weekend... and she was supposed to be working. He almost started to feel like an idiot... almost... until a slow, seductive smile spread across her face. She stood up and walked slowly toward him.

"Oh, Jack..." she breathed. "I'd love nothing more than to spend a whole weekend with you!"

His arms slid around her waist as he pulled her against him. He moved as if in slow motion as his lips approached hers. He kissed her gently until her lips parted slightly, then he couldn't resist... he nibbled her lush lower lip with his teeth. She moaned and trembled in his arms as her hands slid from his shoulders up his neck to the back of his head.


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