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Seduce me, Jack... Ch. 13

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She doesn't realize she's pregnant until it's too late.
6.3k words

Part 13 of the 15 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 05/19/2009
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Amanda Lewis stood staring at the end of her driveway where she'd watched Jack Nicholson's taillights disappear and heard the sound of his tires screeching in his haste to get away. She could feel tears threatening again when she felt a hand on her shoulder and heard Heather's soft voice.

"My God, Amanda... this must've been one hell of a weekend..."

She turned around to face her friend. "Oh, Heather... you have no idea!" Heather's arms wrapped around her as she burst into tears, and she let her friend comfort her for a moment and then let Heather lead her into the house.

Heather Morris could tell that Amanda was exhausted and in no mood to go into any details about her weekend with Jack Nicholson. She was sure Amanda would tell her all about it when she was ready...


Amanda never brought up the subject of that weekend, other than to submit her glowing review of the Pacific Views Inn & Cottages in Santa Barbara on it's range of accommodations, it's friendly, courteous and discreet staff, the excellent amenities offered and the wonderful food and atmosphere of it's dining facility at their weekly Monday morning meeting. Their bosses at Luxury Travel in Beverly Hills were most impressed to learn that Amanda had gotten a first-hand recommendation from a big star like Jack Nicholson. She told them that she had encountered him at the resort by accident and had been lucky enough to talk to him and learn of the staff's discretion toward celebrity guests. Heather had bitten her tongue during that meeting as Amanda had made her promise never to mention just how well she knew Jack.

By Friday, Heather was beginning to worry at how anxious her friend seemed at times, and then she found her in the ladies room at work that afternoon sobbing. "Amanda, what's wrong?"

She shook her head... she wasn't about to tell Heather that her period had started, even though by her calculations, it was early. She couldn't bring herself to tell her friend that she was broken-hearted over the fact that she wasn't carrying Jack Nicholson's baby. "I'll be OK, Heather... I just can't talk about it now, so please, don't ask me any more questions, OK?" Her friend hugged her briefly and told her she wouldn't but that she was there for her if she needed to talk. Amanda thanked her for her understanding.

Later that evening, Amanda made the hardest phone call she'd ever made in her life, but, as luck would have it, she got his answering machine. She steeled her emotions and delivered the news, glad to be talking to a machine instead of him... it made it so much easier for her...

Leaving the message had been a little easier, but she knew getting on with her life now that she thought she and Jack were never meant to be together would be harder than she ever imagined...


Jack Nicholson sat staring blankly out the window of his office in his house on Mulholland Drive, listening to Amanda's emotionless voice telling him that he was completely "off the hook." He didn't want to believe it at first and he was also upset that she sounded so matter-of-fact at telling him they were never meant to be...

It felt like a knife was twisting in his gut as he kept listening to the message over and over, trying to pick up some hint of emotion in her voice... something to tell him that she still loved him...

Of course she still loves you, you stupid jerk! But you went back to Anjelica leaving Amanda with the knowledge that the only way she could be a part of your life was if she was pregnant... How do you expect her to sound?!!! You fuckin' prick...

Oh, forget this fuckin' shit, Jack!!! You left it up to fate and Mother Nature and now they've given you their answer! Just forget her and get on with your life... You know Anjelica is the only woman who will keep takin' you back when you screw up... Amanda told you herself that she wouldn't be as understanding...

Yeah... it would hurt Amanda more because she probably loves you more than Anjelica does now... You've hurt Anjelica so many times over the years that you've diminished her love for you... Would you be willing to risk doing the same thing to Amanda?

No... I guess I wouldn't... But, goddamn... I miss fuckin' that tight, sweet pussy...

It's more than just that you stupid prick!!! You miss making love to her... you miss her...



In June of 1987, the L.A. Lakers ended up winning the NBA Championship against the Boston Celtics by winning four out of six games. Ironically, the Lakers had ended up playing the Seattle Supersonics in the Western Conference finals and won all four games against them. It had seemed to confirm that stupid "bad juju" excuse that she and Jack had accepted as the reason they weren't "meant to be..."

Right after the NBA Championship, Jack's latest movie,"The Witches of Eastwick," opened in theatres. Jack had sent Amanda an invitation to the premiere, but she couldn't bring herself to go. She knew he'd probably be there with Anjelica and she couldn't face seeing them together. But she kept going to the theatres and saw it over and over, laughing and crying throughout the whole movie.

His line about being just an "average horny little devil" had her in stitches every time she heard it! So many of his lines in that movie just sounded like typical things that he himself would say. Jack Nicholson wasn't playing the character Daryl Van Horne... Daryl Van Horne was Jack Nicholson!

Amanda had burst out crying the first time she saw the movie when it was revealed that he'd impregnated all three of the women in the story. Everyone sitting around her had looked at her like she was completely nuts! And then she'd cried even harder at the end when he tried to get back in touch with his "boys" by sneaking in through the television sets, only to be "turned off" by the mothers...I'd never have done that to him... she'd thought sadly as she drove home, still wishing she had gotten pregnant...

Toward the end of June, Amanda realized that she hadn't experienced another period since that first short one less than a week after she'd been with Jack. She didn't think anything of it at first and let it go for another couple weeks, but when she started to wake up in the mornings feeling queasy, she started to suspect she'd been wrong. She made an appointment to see her gynecologist right away and was shocked when he informed her that she was, indeed, pregnant.

"But... I had a period about a week after the only time I could've conceived! How is that possible?"

Dr. Vogel explained to her, "Miss Lewis, you were a virgin until then, and sometimes a woman will experience a little vaginal bleeding not long after her hymen is ruptured. Did it seem like a full period or was it very short and very light?"

"No... it was very short and light and it seemed like it had come about two weeks sooner than I was expecting it," Amanda replied.

"Then that's what it was, just a little vaginal bleeding, because according to the test results, you're at least nine weeks pregnant," Dr. Vogel said as he looked up from her chart. He saw the stunned look on her face. "Are you OK, Miss Lewis? If this was unexpected, we can certainly put you in touch with Family Planning so you can weigh your options..."

"NO!!!" she shouted at her doctor, making him flinch at the forcefulness of her voice. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you... I do plan to keep this baby, so that won't be necessary. I'm just a little shocked because I didn't think I was pregnant when I had really hoped I was..." Amanda said, her voice shaking with emotion. She left her doctor's office still in a daze and headed back to the travel agency.

Heather saw her coming through the front door and caught her as she came in. "Amanda! You're never going to believe who's here and waiting for you in your office!!!" she exclaimed quietly. When her friend blinked at her in confusion, Heather added quietly, "It's HIM... Jack Nicholson! He stopped in and told the bosses that he wanted to see YOU because he trusts you! He's been waiting for over thirty minutes!"

"Oh, God..." Amanda breathed as she steeled herself to walk in and see him. How was she going to tell him now that she WAS pregnant?!!! What if he and Anjelica had really patched things up and decided they belonged together?!! She hadn't heard a word from him since the night they parted, other than the mailed invitation to that premiere over three weeks before, and he hadn't included any kind of personal message with it...

Amanda composed herself as well as she could, took a deep breath and then breezed through her office door like she was greeting any other client, the glass door automatically closing behind her. "Good afternoon, Mr. Nicholson! What can I do for you today?" she said as cheerily as she could as she rushed past him to the other side of her desk and sat down. She noticed that Jack grinned and started to get up to greet her, but he sat back again and his smile faded when she didn't stop.

He stared at her for a moment through his sunglasses before he spoke. "Well, good afternoon to you, too, Miss Lewis." He said her name sarcastically. "I just thought I'd stop in and see if you had any good recommendations as to a place where a couple of celebrities could retreat for a weekend and not be disturbed..."

He saw her eyes flinch when he made the comment about "a couple of celebrities."You shit... Why did you say THAT?!!! You don't need to deliberately hurt her... Can't you see she's in enough pain already?!!! Look at her eyes... her eyes do not reflect that cheerful tone in her voice...

Oh, go on, Jack... dig into her again... She didn't even have the decency to accept your invitation to the premiere... She didn't even want to be near you again... It's like she's already written you out of her life... So, you need to do the same...

"Well, Mr. Nicholson, I've only recently started to really research the nearby Inns and Resorts to learn their policies toward celebrity clients and I have a few recommendations that you might find suitable," Amanda quipped, using her most professional tone of voice. "If you can give me any ideas as to the type of amenities you'd like to be available, I'll be happy to check my list to see if I can match your requirements," she added as she pulled out her file on the elite establishments that she had discovered.

"Let's see, Miss Lewis... I think I'd like a place where you can get an individual cottage, not just a room... with, say, a private patio and a hot tub... overlooking the ocean. With a spa where I can get a good massage and a pool with hunky young waiters for my girlfriend to ogle... and most of all, a secluded area on a bluff where we can make love in the warm afternoon sunshine with a nice ocean breeze to cool our hot bodies..."

Amanda had looked up from her file to fix him with a cold glare as soon as he made the comment about the "hunky young waiters." The cold glare had turned to simmering rage by the time he finally shut up. Her teeth were gritted and the words were on the tip of her tongue, but she couldn't say them...FUCK YOU, JACK!!! Why are you doing this to me?!!

Ah fuck, Jack... this is insane! This is not why you came to see her! You're here just because you needed to see for yourself that she really was doin' OK... That she wasn't all twisted up in a knot or walkin' around like a zombie... feelin' dead inside from the pain of missing you...

JUST LIKE YOU... YOU GODDAMNED IDIOT!!! You need to stop this, Jack! You can see for yourself that she's fine! She's not pinin' away for you! So now make up some excuse and just get the fuck outta here before you really say somethin' stupid!!!

Jack put his hand to his forehead and swiped at it agitatedly and then looked at her in frustration. "Goddamn it, Amanda... why can't we just talk to each other? I came here to see how you're doin'... to make sure you're really OK!!! I didn't mean to get so agitated that you walked in here and started talkin' to me like I was just some stranger! I guess I just wasn't prepared for that, so I lashed out at you. I'm sorry..."

Fuck, Jack... there you go again... apologizin' to the bitch for hurtin' you! When are you gonna figure it out?!! She's let go of you! You need to let go of her now...

"No... I take that back... I'm not sorry! Just because we've let go of what happened between us doesn't mean we can't be friends... So, do you think you could handle at least treating me like a friend instead of a total stranger?" he asked sincerely.

Amanda did her best to hide the pain she felt when he said WE'VE let go of what happened... obviously he had so he was assuming she had as well. She mustered a smile and nodded as she replied, "Yes, Jack... I think I can handle treating you as a friend... as long as you don't try to needle me any more!"

They chuckled together for a moment and then asked each other how things really were going. Amanda definitely decided against telling Jack that she was pregnant when he told her that he and Anjelica had been getting along really well, that she had been more loving and kind to him than she had in a really long time... even after he'd told her that he'd been with another woman that weekend. But Anjelica had said she'd already expected that...

What Jack didn't tell Amanda was that he didn't tell Anjelica that he'd fallen for that other woman. He would have if Amanda had turned up pregnant, but since it didn't work out, he wanted to really try and hang on to what he and Anjelica had together and he felt it would only have hurt her to know he had feelings for another woman as well.

But Jack didn't have to tell Amanda any of that... she already knew... and she couldn't blame him. And now... she couldn't bring herself to tear apart what he was trying to re-build with Anjelica. So, she kept her mouth shut. But she knew at some point, if he insisted on staying in touch with her, she was going to have to tell him... before she started to show!What the hell am I going to do?!!!


Jack had left Amanda's office that day three weeks earlier, both of them promising to call and talk whenever they needed a sympathetic ear. Toward the end of July, Jack called her office one Friday afternoon just before closing and she could tell by the tone of his voice that he was not in a good mood. He didn't sound mad, he sounded more... depressed... not at all like his usual jovial "Jack" self.

He asked if he could come visit her that evening and since Heather had told Amanda she had a date that night, she told Jack it would be fine for him to come by for a little while... she'd added to try to make him understand that they were just friends getting together to talk.Yeah, right... You know damn well if he looks at you with anything like desire in his eyes that you'll be begging him to make love to you...

Sure enough, not thirty minutes after Jack showed up at her door, they were attacking each other like it was that weekend all over again! All he had to do was put his hand on her cheek and stare at her with love and desire in those sexy hazel eyes and she was lost...

"Ohhh God, Amanda... I've missed you so much," Jack moaned softly after he dragged his lips from hers to her neck and crushed her body to his, rubbing his aching cock against her. Anjelica had been gone for a couple weeks on a movie location shoot and Jack had been without sex since. Not to mention the fact that he no longer had quite the chemistry with Anjelica that he did with Amanda.

"I've missed you, too, Jack... Ohhh God, how I've missed you!" she whispered desperately just before he captured her lips to kiss her deeply again. Amanda broke their kiss just long enough to lead him from her living room to her bedroom, and as soon as they were inside the door, he was wrestling her clothes from her body. She started frantically pulling at his as well.

In less than a minute, they had moved to her bed, undressed each other, sunk onto her mattress, scooted back just far enough until they were completely on the bed with Jack poised over her and his cock sliding inside her as they moaned in unison. Jack immediately started driving into Amanda forcefully, grunting and groaning in his effort to come as quickly as possible.

Poor Jack couldn't hold back... his balls had been aching the last couple weeks in need of a good release. He would masturbate when he was really desperate, but the orgasms were never as good as when he was fucking a nice cunt... And he had forgotten just how much he'd craved Amanda's sweet pussy... but it was all coming back to him now... literally...

"AAAAHHHHH FFFFUUUUUCK..." Jack gritted through his teeth as his dick exploded inside Amanda when her pussy squeezed him as she came just before he did. He wrapped his arms up under her and held her writhing body to his as their orgasms faded, groaning softly and feeling the ache in the pit of his stomach again as her moans and sighs triggered a rush of emotions for her.

"God, Amanda... I still love you..." he whispered hoarsely. "I don't know what to do..."

Amanda opened her mouth and started to whisper that she was pregnant, but she stayed silent when Jack continued.

"I'm so confused because I can't stop thinking about you even though I've got such strong feelings for Anjelica, too... It's making me crazy!" He lifted his head to look at her with a half-joking expression on his face as he asked, "I don't suppose you and she would consider making an arrangement together wherein you two could share me... maybe even at the same time?!! OW!!!" he exclaimed when Amanda lifted her right hand and smacked the back of his head.

"Jack!!! You jerk! I can't believe you even suggested that!" Amanda exclaimed, trying not to laugh. She knew that, even though he'd made it sound like a joke, if he really thought she and Anjelica would go for that, he'd be all for it! "Look... I maybe could've handled the thought of you fucking just some random woman once in a while because you were desperate and didn't have access to me for whatever reason, but there's no way I could share you with another woman that I know you have feelings for! That's just a little too much to ask of me!"

He flopped his head onto her shoulder as he groaned softly. "I'm sorry... I guess that really was a stupid suggestion on my part. I know damn well Anjelica would never go for it either... for pretty much the same reason."

Amanda groaned miserably. "Oh, God, Jack... I can't believe I've let myself become 'the other woman'! I don't know if I can handle feeling like I'm pulling you away from a woman you love and care about... one that you have a long history with... I can't imagine putting myself in her shoes... feeling the pain of discovering that your heart was divided after so many years of having sole ownership of it. Jack... it's not fair to her..."

He sighed heavily as he laid his forehead against hers. "I know, sweet girl... and very soon, I'm gonna have to figure out in which direction I'm being pulled... even though neither one of you is actively doing anything to pull me either way. Goddamn it... I wish one of you would do somethin' to make the decision easier!!!" he gritted in frustration.

Again, she almost started to tell him about the baby, but she stopped.I don't want him to choose me just because I'm carrying his child... I want him to want to just be with me...

Oh, sweet girl... I so wish you were carrying my child... it would've made my decision so much easier... and not just because of that... I really want to be with you, but... my loyalty to Anjelica makes me feel guilty at the thought of leaving her for you... And I can't come to you with that guilt on my conscience...

Amanda relented to let Jack stay the night with her so they could make love as many times as they wanted, but she had adamantly insisted that it would be the last time...Yeah, right... she'd chided at herself, knowing that she'd take him into her arms and into her bed whenever he wanted... even knowing how badly she'd feel afterward.


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