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Seduce me, Jack... Ch. 15

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Jack and Amanda get a happy ending.
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Part 15 of the 15 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 05/19/2009
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Wednesday evening, April 13, 1988, Amanda Lewis had a quiet dinner with Bruce Temple after they'd gotten off work and then he drove her back to her house. She invited him in for a drink, knowing full well they'd probably end up in bed together again. Bruce was insatiable for her and she was doing her best to try to use the passion and desire she felt from him to help her forget the love she still felt for Jack Nicholson. She had a feeling it would take a while for that to happen...

Just as she and Bruce were moving things from her family room sofa to her bedroom, the front doorbell sounded. Bruce set her down and waited at the hallway while she went to the door to get rid of whoever it was. As soon as she started to open the front door, she was forced backward when it was pushed open and Jack stood in front of her glaring at her menacingly.

"Whose fuckin' car is that parked in your driveway, Amanda?!!!" he growled angrily.

"Jack... what the hell are you doing here?!!!" she yelled back.

Jack's seething gaze shot past her when they heard Bruce's voice. "What the fuck is Jack Nicholson doing here, Amanda?!!!"

She stepped back and turned so she could look back and forth between Jack's dark, angry scowl and Bruce's confused expression of surprise. "I'm not really sure why he's here, Bruce. He has no right to be!"

Jack advanced on her and grabbed her arms. "What do you mean, I have no right to be!" he gritted through his teeth. "I came over here because I needed some reassurance from you... someone I trust... after my disappointment at the awards ceremony the other night... and I find a strange car here! And I have every right to check up on the woman I love and make sure no one else is messin' with her!!! And from the looks of things, I got here just in time!" he stated angrily as he took in her disheveled appearance and Bruce's unbuttoned shirt.

Amanda yanked herself from his grasp and backed away toward Bruce. "No you don't, Jack! You don't have any right to be checking up on me! I do NOT belong to you! And besides... you're too late. Bruce and I are getting back together... and we've already had sex!!!" She stopped when she felt her back come in contact with Bruce's body and he put his hands on her shoulders.

The anger in Jack's eyes more than doubled in intensity as he slowly advanced toward both of them. "What the fuck do you mean by you and he are getting BACK together?" he growled quietly.

Bruce spoke up, his voice reflecting his increasing anger over this interference from the big star he'd been such a fan of for years, not fully realizing the implications of what was going on between the woman he loved and his favorite movie star of all time. "Amanda and I were college sweethearts, Mr. Nicholson, and we found each other again about six months ago and we're picking up where we left off. And I'm really starting to wonder just what the hell is going on here!!! How in the hell do you two know each other?!!!"

Jack glared up at the younger man who appeared to be a bigger, leaner, meaner, and slightly better looking version of himself, except his eyes weren't quite right... Bruce's were greener and he didn't have Jack's expressive eyebrows. Jack grinned at him devilishly. "Well... Bruce, is it?" he asked sarcastically, and then continued after an affirmative nod, "A little less than a year ago, I rescued Miss Lewis, here, when she was stranded by a broken down rental vehicle and got her to Santa Barbara for the weekend so she could complete a job assignment... and then I stayed with her and fucked her the whole weekend!!!" He stopped and chuckled when Bruce's face registered total shock.

"Jack... why are you doing this to me?" Amanda pleaded desperately when he looked at her still chuckling.

"Because," he growled as he got totally serious again, "I told you... you belong to me and I'm not giving you up without a fight." He looked up at Bruce again and saw that the young man had sobered and was also looking like he wasn't going to give her up without a fight... not that Jack could blame him! But he also didn't want to have to take the guy on in a fist fight... he was pretty sure Bruce would probably beat the shit out of him. He would just lay the facts out and hopefully Bruce would realize that he didn't stand a chance with Amanda when she was forced to admit her true feelings to him.

Jack looked back at her. "Amanda... did you tell Bruce that you're in love with me and that I'm in love with you?"

"WHAT?!!!" Bruce cried incredulously as his hands on her shoulders moved to turn her around to face him.

Jack continued confidently. "And did you tell him that I'm the man who took your virginity?" He paused as Bruce looked shocked once again, and then he drove the final nail into the coffin that was burying any chance Amanda had at a relationship with Bruce. "And did you also tell him that you got pregnant and then lost our child three months later?"

Amanda's head dropped forward, her face crumpled in pain and she began to cry when Jack reminded her of the baby she'd lost. She just stood there alone when Bruce dropped his hands from her shoulders and walked several feet away from her.

He stood still as he internally digested the shockwaves from the bombs that Jack Nicholson had just dropped on him. Then he turned around to face them again. His heart almost lurched at the sight of Amanda's pitiful face until he recalled why she was crying. Then he looked at the smug expression and the angry glare in the older man's eyes and it suddenly hit him how ironic it was that he'd lost Amanda AGAIN... but at least this time it really was because of Jack Nicholson.

He'd told himself when she kept rejecting him before it was because he just didn't turn her on like Jack Nicholson did... He'd really been kicking himself lately when Amanda had explained to him that touching his huge cock had turned her on so much that it had frightened her, and if he hadn't been so goddamned impatient and out of control four years earlier, Amanda would've been his and she'd have never met Jack Nicholson! He had only himself to blame...

Bruce looked back at Amanda again and he felt sorry for her... and himself. "Amanda... why didn't you tell me all this? Why did you lead me on this way?"

She looked up at him, tears streaming down her face. "I wasn't leading you on, Bruce! I've been honest with you about my feelings... I told you I wasn't in love with you... I care about you and I desire you, but I never told you I loved you! I told you that would probably take some time... But I guess I should've told you that the reason was because I'm in love with Jack..."

Bruce snorted an ironic laugh. "Hell, Amanda... you've been in love with him since I've known you! What you should've told me was that he was in love with you! How the fuck was I supposed to ever have a chance with you against him?!!"

"BECAUSE HE AND I AREN'T MEANT TO BE TOGETHER!!!" Amanda screamed at both of them. "WHY CAN'T YOU GET THAT THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULL?!!!" she screamed at Jack as she shoved her hands on his chest, pushing him away from her.

Then she advanced on Bruce and started shoving him. "And you... you bastard... you're so willing to just roll over and give me up after you dumped me four years ago using the excuse that I'd never want you the way I wanted Jack! Well, you know what?!! Maybe you were right! Maybe I never really loved you at all and the only reason I wanted you was because I was curious about how it would feel to be fucked by this big dick of yours..." she sneered through her teeth as she reached down and pawed at his crotch.

Bruce jumped back from her and raised his hand like he was going to backhand her, but he stopped and just growled at her, "You fucking bitch..." as he slowly lowered his arm.

Amanda whirled around and screamed at Jack, who was standing there looking slightly shocked, "WELL... THERE YOU GO, JACK!!! YOU'VE GOT YOUR PROOF! I AM A BITCH AND IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT! NOW YOU HAVE A GOOD EXCUSE NOT TO LOVE ME ANY MORE!!! So, now you can go back to Anjelica and not feel guilty about leaving me alone... GO ON!!! GET OUT OF HERE!!! BOTH OF YOU!!! I'M SICK TO DEATH OF BOTH OF YOU!!! JUST... GET... OUT..." she gritted forcefully and stared at both of them until they silently moved to her front door and walked out.

Even through her seething anger and pain, Amanda remembered that Bruce's car keys were in his jacket pocket that was laying over the back of the sofa in her family room. She stomped in and grabbed it and went to the front door, opened it and threw his jacket at him just as he was turning around from remembering he needed it and then she slammed the door shut again. She leaned her back against it and slowly sunk down onto the floor as she started to sob.

Jack and Bruce glowered at each other for a moment until they heard her muffled sobs on the other side of the door. Jack turned back toward the door but stopped when Bruce said quickly, "I wouldn't do that if I were you. I've never seen her this upset and angry and there's no tellin' what she might do next."

Jack closed his eyes and rubbed them with his hand as he shook his head and sighed heavily. "Ohhh fuck... I have really screwed things up now. She may never forgive me..."

Bruce frowned at the genuine regret on Jack Nicholson's face and in his voice. "You really do love her... don't you?" he asked quietly and still felt slight surprise at seeing the pain in the man's eyes when he glanced at him as he nodded his head. Bruce took a deep breath and blew it out slowly. "Then fight for her... don't let her push you away. She's afraid because of what I did to her when I was young and stupid. She wants someone older and wiser..."

Jack snorted a harsh laugh. "I may be older, but I don't know about wiser... Amanda knows my reputation... that's what she's been afraid of, too, not just because of how things ended between the two of you. I don't know how to convince her to just give me a chance... to give her and me a chance..."

Bruce said speculatively, "Hmmm... so maybe I would still stand a chance with her..."

Jack's head snapped toward the younger man as he growled, "Forget it, son! I don't want to try to take you on because I'm pretty sure you'd beat the hell out of me, but I will if I have to! I'm not giving her up to anyone!"

Bruce chuckled as he slipped his jacket on and started buttoning his shirt and headed toward his car. Then he pointed at Amanda's front door, "I'm not the one you need to fight... she's on the other side of that door... and I wish you luck!"

Bruce Temple climbed into his luxury sedan, started it and backed out of the driveway, saying a silent good bye to the woman who had haunted his dreams for over five years... until the night the dream had finally been real. He had derived even more pleasure from Amanda's body than he had imagined in his dreams, but he could tell from the way she had responded that her heart and soul were not with him when she came... they were somewhere else... with someone else... And now he knew with whom...For your sake, Amanda... I hope to God Jack Nicholson always loves you as much as he does now... you deserve it...


Jack watched the other car leave her driveway and the realization suddenly hit him... that young man had fucked Amanda and was getting ready to again when Jack arrived! Now that he'd had a chance to think about it, he might really have kicked Bruce Temple's ass!!! And then he remembered what Amanda had said, and his anger came roaring back. He stalked over and pounded on her door.

"AMANDA?!! AMANDA!!! OPEN THIS GODDAMN DOOR! WE NEED TO TALK! OPEN IT NOW, OR I'LL KICK IT IN!!! DO YOU HEAR ME?!! OPEN... THIS... DOOR...!" he growled menacingly as he kicked it on the last three words.

Amanda stood up and backed away from the door into the hallway as she yelled, "It's unlocked, you asshole!"

Jack growled as he grasped the handle and pushed the latch with his thumb and threw the door open into the foyer wall. When it bounced off behind him, he kicked the door backwards and slammed it shut again. He slowly and deliberately advanced toward her until he backed her up against a wall and trapped her.

"I can't believe you let that bastard back into your life after the way he hurt you and you won't even give me a chance to LOVE YOU!" Then he growled and gritted through his teeth, "You let him FUCK YOU, Amanda! How could you do that to me?!! And what was that shit about him havin' a big dick?!! WHY did you say that?!! Was that just for my benefit? You couldn't think of enough ways to hurt me so you were throwing everything you could think of at me?!! Well, guess what, darlin'? It didn't work!!! I'm still here and I still LOVE YOU! I'M FUCKIN' PISSED AT YOU for actin' like such a BITCH... but I still love you..."

Amanda stood glaring at him, waiting for him to finish. When he stopped, she asked him one simple question. "Have you and Anjelica broken up for good?"


"Get out, Jack," she said simply. When he didn't move from in front of her, she brought her hands up and pushed him away from her. "GET OUT!" she yelled.

"GODDAMN IT, AMANDA!!! YOU'RE NOT GOING TO PUSH ME AWAY ANY MORE!!!" He grabbed her arm and started dragging her toward her bedroom. "This is not about Anjelica and me... it's about YOU and me... and the fact that you don't TRUST me!!! Well, FINE!!! Let's see if I can give you another reason not to trust me... HUH?!!! Come on..." he growled as he jerked her around and threw her backward onto her bed. "Let's see if I can make your body betray you..."

"Get away from me, Jack..." she said as she tried to back away from him further up the bed. Some of the anger in her eyes was being replaced by fear.

He crawled over top of her and trapped her again, grabbing her wrists and pinning them over her head as his right knee forced her legs apart and then he lowered his body fully on top of hers, grinding his hard cock against her. Then he sneered, "It ain't as big as your young lover boy's but you want it just as bad, doncha, sweet girl?" he taunted as he saw the angry fire and the fear in her eyes turning to flames of desire.

"Tell me what you want, Amanda..." he demanded quietly and then bent down to lick her lower lip where her teeth were dug into it. Then he nipped it with his teeth and sucked it into his mouth, running his tongue back and forth on the soft, swollen flesh until she whimpered softly. And then he parted her lips to plunge his tongue inside her sweet mouth, groaning as he tasted her again for the first time in months...

He dragged his mouth from hers to trail his lips across her cheek and down her neck to her right ear. "Tell me, Amanda," he whispered as she whimpered and writhed beneath him. He groaned softly every time she arched against him, crushing her full breasts to his chest, and then her hips would roll upward to grind her crotch on him. But she was biting her lip and frowning with her eyes tightly closed; she was going to torture herself before she'd give him the satisfaction of telling him what she wanted...

Jack captured both her wrists with his left hand and brought his right hand down to unbutton her silky blouse, lifting himself off of her as he worked his way down, completely opening it and pushing it to her sides. His right hand then caressed up her left side from her hip to her breast, fully cupping it, rubbing his thumb across her hard nipple and causing her to hiss as she arched in pleasure. Then he noticed that her bra had a front closure; he grinned wolfishly as he grasped it and squeezed until it popped open.

He laughed softly when she briefly struggled against him until he bent down and sucked the peak of her left breast into his mouth and fluttered his tongue on her nipple. They moaned in unison as their crotches ground together. Jack lifted up to stare at her, his breathing becoming ragged as he struggled to control his raging desire for her. "Tell me... what you... want, Amanda..." he growled again as he pinched her nipple firmly.

She whimpered again and kept her eyes closed. "I want you... to get off of me!" she gritted through her teeth and then groaned loudly and arched in pleasure when he bent down to suck on her nipple again and grind his cock against her.

Jack laughed softly again as he nipped the puckered dark pink tip of her breast with his teeth before he released it and drawled sexily, "Your lips can protest all night long, but I told you your body would betray you... You want me, Amanda... you need me... admit it." His teasing laughter had died and the sexy drawl of his voice became a low, painful groan. "I have no problem with admitting it... I need you, Amanda... I need you so bad that I ache for you... it starts with my dick and then spreads until my gut and my heart are aching for you..."

Amanda's whimpers died when his mouth took hers in a deeply erotic kiss as their bodies strained to come together through their clothing. Jack's left hand released her wrists and her arms immediately moved to cling to his torso for a moment as she kissed him desperately, and then her hands were moving to his pants, urging him to lift up so she could open them and free his hard cock. She groaned as she wrapped her hand around his hot, hard shaft.

Jack broke their sensual kiss to stare down at her when she released his dick, moving to lift her skirt and remove her panties as he poised above her, anticipating sliding his throbbing flesh into hers... Then she pushed his pants and shorts down his thighs and helped him until his legs were free. It was his turn to groan when she grasped his cock and pulled him to her.

Amanda stared up into his eyes with desperate desire as she placed him where she wanted him... where she ached for him... where she throbbed painfully to feel him fill her body... "I'm aching for you, too, Jack... please make it stop!" she whispered forcefully. She dragged air into her lungs and then expelled it raggedly as he slowly slid inside her.

Jack had intended to take her slowly and savor every last minute of being inside her tight, sweet pussy again, but their urgency from not having fucked each other for over four months blew those plans all to hell. Within a minute, they were slamming together, grunting loudly as they both struggled to release the pent up frustration, lust and anger that still lingered from their unresolved argument.

Jack lifted up on his left forearm to grasp her left thigh with his right arm and leveraged his right leg to forcibly drive his cock into her. "Is this... what you... wanted... Amanda?" he growled between grunts as he pounded into her. "Is this... making the... ache... in your... greedy... little pussy... go away? Huh... sweet girl?"

He slammed deeply inside her and stopped for a moment as he growled through his teeth, "It's a good goddamned thing your little pussy still feels as tight as ever... I don't know if I could've forgiven you for letting another man fuck you if he had ruined your sweet little pussy with his big dick!"

Amanda stared up at him, breathing raggedly as her anger started to resurface. "And what about you, Jack?" she gritted bitterly. "How many times have you fucked Anjelica since the last time you fucked me? And how many OTHER women besides me and her, huh, Jack?!!"

"You little bitch... I'll shut you up!" he growled angrily as he grabbed a handful of her hair, pulled her head back and leaned down to angrily crush his mouth to hers as he pounded her furiously. He would loathe admitting to her that his anger and bitterness over her constant rejection of him had driven him to take a few other women who had thrown themselves at him over the last several months.

He kept telling himself that if Amanda would just give him some indication that she was willing to give him a chance, it would make him not feel the need to try to forget his pain and anger inside the body of some other willing and attractive woman. But at the same time, he knew his weakness only reinforced her right not to trust him... Not to the mention the fact that Anjelica was becoming less and less willing to help him try to get rid of his ache for Amanda.


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