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Seducing Kelly

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I finally get the girl I want.
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"Good night, then," said Kelly, "You really are a good friend."

I watched her as she walked off to the bedroom. My secret amorous intentions at last hardened into resolve, "It's now or never", I thought. I undressed quickly, went to the bedroom and climbed into bed beside Kelly. She was lying on her right side with her legs curled up. I could tell she wasn't asleep yet. After a few minutes I turned on my side and spooned her. She murmured something unintelligible but didn't move. I put my arm across her and began very gently pressing on her stomach and caressing it a little. She murmured something again and squeezed my hand. I continued with the stroking, moving my hand a little further with each stroke. My other hand I managed to slip underneath her so I was embracing her. By now I was moving my hand all over her stomach. I risked moving it onto her thigh and then back onto her abdomen. She didn't stop me, but didn't react either. I continued with the abdominal massaging in the hope that it would turn her on. I'd found that quite a lot of women are aroused by tummy-massage. I tried another expedition to her thigh, running my hand nearly to her knee and back up. She sighed.

'That's better', I thought, 'a reaction'. I concentrated my efforts on her thigh for several minutes ranging from her hip to her knee with gentle caresses. I could feel the warmth of her thigh through the soft material of her pyjamas. After some time I could hear and feel her breathing deepen, so I took another chance and ran my hand over her bum, very briefly. There could be no question now but that sex was on my intention. She still hadn't stopped me, so I continued moving my hand more towards her inner thigh. Her legs were still together, so I couldn't get my hand between them but I ran it up and down where they rested together, but avoiding her cunt. Encouraged by her breathing becoming heavier and odd little noises she was making I caressed her buttocks, squeezing them gently. With my heart thumping and my cock getting very hard I reached under her and squeezed her cunt. It felt hot, even through her pyjamas. She gasped slightly as I squeezed it. I rubbed gently around it for a while, and assuming that she realised what I was wanting and that she hadn't stopped me I decided the time was right. Pushing my hand into the waistband of her pyjama bottoms and the panties she was wearing underneath them I pushed them slowly down towards her knees. She shifted her bum a little to enable me to do it. Her exposed cunt was hot, smooth and wet. Fully confident now that she wanted me I manouevred so that my cock was at the entrance to her vagina. She whimpered a little as I pressed forward and gasped loudly as I pushed my cock into her. It took me a few thrusts because of the position we were in; but she parted her legs a little against the constraint of her clothing to ease my entry. I pushed all the way in.

I kissed the back of her neck and began fucking her very gently. I ran my hand upwards and held her right breast outside of her t-shirt as I increased my pace slightly. Her nipple was nicely hard. I kissed and nibbled her neck and ears. She was constantly making gasping and whimpering noises, now, so I increased my pace again, but still it was a fairly gentle fuck. It was heavenly. After all my yearning for her over the last two years I was finally inside her. I'd never felt so good inside a woman. I remembered Cathy, the girl I'd been on holiday with at the time of the yellow bikini incident and how I'd fucked her every night while thinking of Kelly who was herself being fucked in the bedroom next door. What with these thoughts and the repressions of the past two days I didn't last very long. I came with huge force holding her against me as tightly as I could while my cock jerked and spurted inside her.

"I love you, Kelly," I whispered as I subsided.

After just a minute or two she moved away from me, my cock slipping out of her cunt, pulled up her pyjamas, rolled over to face me and said, "Well, that was unexpected."

I was abashed. She didn't say, "I love you too", or "Wow! that was great", or anything that would encourage me to think she'd wanted or enjoyed the sex.

A little panicky I said, "I love you Kelly. I mean that. We've been friends for a long time, but I..well.. I wanted to show you mean so much more to me than that....I wanted, move our relationship on...I wanted it to be more than just friendship.."

She interrupted, "So you thought shoving your huge cock up my wahzoo uninvited would be a good way of showing me that, did you?"

(I briefly noticed she'd said huge cock!)

"Well, when you say it like that... but, you see, I want us to have a real, committed and full relationship, the full thing, permanent, er committed...


"..the whole...Yes? Yes what?"

Her face hadn't changed, her expression was still neutral.

"Yes, I'll marry you. That's what you're asking isn't it?"

To say I was astonished would be to understate very heavily what I felt then. I hadn't thought for a minute of marriage. I'd considered three possible reactions; firstly, that this would just be a one-off (I didn't want that), secondly, that we might become friends who fuck, (That might be acceptable. Better than nothing anyway.) or thirdly, that we'd have some sort of dating relationship with a view to making it more serious in the future. I looked at her open-mouthed for a few seconds. She just looked calmly back at me awaiting a response. In just a few seconds It dawned on me that marrying her was everything that I wanted. It was everything I'd wanted since the yellow bikini episode two years previously.

"Well, yes, I suppose it is."

"You suppose? Suppose? That's not good enough. Do you want to marry me or not?"

I didn't have to think about the answer.

"Yes, I do, more than anything, Kelly."

She smiled at last, took off her t-shirt, pyjama bottoms and panties, spread her legs, put her arms above her head and said,

"You'd better fuck me again then, hadn't you?"

I climbed on her, smiling. She took my cock which was rising gamely and guided it into her vagina with no further ado. I felt her arms and legs wrapping around me as I began to move my hips gently in and out. She moved with me. It was, again, heavenly. I nibbled and sucked her smallish, cutely conical tits feeling her nipples harden in my mouth as I maintained my steady movement, interspersing that with nibbling her neck and ears, which I already knew she liked. I was able to keep going for a long time as I'd climaxed recently and Kelly was aroused but not yet to a climax so it was a gloriously long fuck culminating in a shuddering, powerful orgasm for us both.

I rolled off her, happier than I'd ever been. Charmingly, she snuggled into me with her head on my shoulder. But disarmingly said, "I'm not on the pill, you know,"

I was shocked and horrified. I felt tremendously guilty, I never gave a thought to birth control or safe sex. I'd let my lust for her overcome my usual good sense.

"It's probably Ok," she said, "I'll get a morning-after pil tomorrow, just in case."

"Kelly, Like I said, I just wanted to..."

"...move us on to a deeper relationship. Well, yes, you've done that alright. Especially if I get pregnant."

"But you said..."

"The morning after pill? Yes, I'll take it, but they're not 100% reliable, you know. I assume you don't have any nasty diseases. I certainly don't."

I was feeling more and more embarrassed and guilty, but then I thought that she had invited me to fuck her for the second time, and now she was cuddled up to me all lovingly, so she couldn't be too disgusted with me. Just at that moment she raised herself up onto one elbow and looked at me. She was smiling with her whole face.

"Ok. Let's consider that out of the way, shall we? We love each other. We're getting married, yes?"

"Yes," I said.

"Ok, then." She kissed me, snuggled closer and fell asleep.

I was less able to drop off. I lay thinking over what had happened and how we'd got to this point.

I'd first met Kelly in my first week at University. I was studying History of Art, she was a History student. We found ourselves sitting next to each other one night in the students' bar. I was fixated on a gorgeous blonde at the time who had no interest in me whatsoever, but in the stubborn way of a nineteen-year-old I was still thinking I could impress her in some way. I never did; I didn't have enough charm, money or good looks.

I liked Kelly instantly. We chatted easily all evening. She was attractive without being stunning, I thought. Her face was oval with a wide mouth, good teeth and a long straight nose. Her hair was dark, almost black; it fell straight to her shoulders. The tips of her ears poked charmingly through it. She had an endearing habit of pushing it back behind them every so often. Her eyes, the best part of her face, were large and hazel with lighter flecks. But I had no strongly sexual feeling for her at all. She was pleasant, open, well-informed and warm.

Next day she appeared beside me in the refectory and sat down as though we were old friends. We chatted about our courses, gossiped about other students, smiled at each other. I remembered that she liked classical music, quite an unusual thing, and as I happened to have two tickets to a Bach recital that weekend I offered the extra ticket to her. I'd bought it to offer to the blonde girl I'd been swooning over, but the effort was wasted, "Bark? Who's he?" she'd said and walked off. Kelly jumped at it with the widest smile I'd seen for a long time.

"I'd love to. But like, is this a date or what?"

Without even looking at her I said, "Oh no. Nothing like that. I just happened to have another ticket, and you said last night that you were a classical music fan. So, I thought...."

"Who did you buy it for?" she asked quite brazenly.

"Err," I said, reddening.

Kelly laughed, "Sorry, I shouldn't ask should I? Well, anyway, I don't have to change my plans at all. I was looking at a quiet night in as well."

That little exchange made us even closer friends and after a few more weeks and 'dates' we were like brother and sister. Actually, we were closer than a lot of brothers and sisters. We saw each other often quickly getting to the hug-and-kiss greeting stage. Once in a while we kissed on the lips. We became quite intimate even confiding our love lives to each other. Mine was mostly a tale of rejection. Kelly, on the other hand was a popular girl and was clearly enjoying dating, though she confided that she was still a virgin and wasn't yet ready for a full sex life. "It would have to be with the right guy", she said, looking me straight in the eye.

"Whoever he is, he'll be a lucky guy," I said, gallantly I thought.

Like most guys of my age I pretended that I was having sex constantly, when I had just one clumsy, fumbly experience to my name.

From the start of the third term onwards, Kelly was a regular feature in my shared flat. We talked, drank, worked, ate and laughed several times a week. It was during that time that we slept together for the first time. She'd been in my flat all evening; we'd had our usual mix of light chat, serious talk and work oiled by red wine. The time had got later than we'd realised and when Kelly went to leave there was a thick layer of snow on the ground and it was still falling heavily. It was the worst night for many years. It wasn't far to her digs but she wailed, "Oh, God! I don't even have a coat".

"You can't go out in this," I said, "stay here. You can have the bed. I'll sleep on the floor. There are lots of cushions."

After some polite wrangling, she agreed to stay, but insisted that I should have the bed. I undressed while she was in the bathroom; I lent Kelly a spare pair of pyjamas. She came out of the bathroom looking adorable in my clothing. Lying in bed, I said, "Look, Kelly. This is silly. Let's share the bed. I can trust you not to jump on me, can't I?"

More eagerly than I would have anticipated and giggling, she climbed into the single bed beside me. We tried various positions for comfort, but the only one that worked was with her in my arms with her head on my chest. It felt good, but I was very tired so dropped off to sleep straight away. The last thing I heard was a heavy sigh.

When I woke, Kelly was already in the shower. She came out fully dressed, kissed me quickly and left. I was a little disappointed that she didn't stay for a while, but thought little of it. We maintained our friendship, but saw less of each other from then on. Kelly always seemed to have a boyfriend in attendance though we met occasionally at lunch times in the refectory and also occasionally for a drink. I had had some success with girls by that time, so I was reasonably happy to let her go, though I missed our closeness. I wondered if I'd done something to alienate her a little, but I couldn't think what. I asked her once if I'd somehow up set her but she just kissed me and said, "No! You're still my closest friend."

A whole year went by with us being good friends but less intimately so, then Kelly approached me one day.

"This guy I'm seeing, he's found us a week's holiday in Ibiza. It's actually for four people, the two others have dropped out. Its this weekend. You're seeing someone aren't you? Do you want to come? Spread the cost?"

It sounded great to me. I was seeing a girl called Cathy at the time. A lovely, kind girl. We hadn't slept together yet so when I asked her she said shyly, "That would mean sharing a bed right? Like, having sex, yes? Is that what you're asking me?"

"Well, yes, Cathy. I'd certainly like to make love to you. I've been itching to for ages."

"Itching? Eugh," she said mockingly to cover the embarrassment of the situation. But she agreed. So we all flew out of Luton airport that weekend.

The flight was fine, the accommodation was good, Cathy was happy. We all decided that the first thing to do was hit the beach. This is where things changed. Kelly stripped off her beach dress the instant we arrived on the beach to reveal that she was wearing a yellow bikini. It wasn't particularly small or revealing, just an ordinary bikini. But she looked absolutely stunning in it. I'd not seen her in swimming gear before; she generally wore comfortable, loose clothes. I'd always thought of her as attractive, but her body was spectacular! It wasn't that she was particularly voluptuous; in fact her breasts were probably no bigger than a B-cup and her bum wasn't exactly prominent. But her proportions were perfect for her slender body. Her legs were good and her skin flawless. I was completely besotted with her from that first instant when she removed her dress; it was like being struck by a thunderbolt. I couldn't do anything about it, of course, because she was there with her boyfriend. I can't remember his name, but he was a bit of an oaf, I thought.

The rest of the holiday was torture for me. That night Cathy was looking at me expectantly all through dinner. I had to either say something to her or continue as though I cared for her, which I suddenly had stopped doing. To my everlasting shame I chickened out of talking to her about my feelings. Later, as I removed her bra and her lovely big tits fell into my hands I conjured up a mental image of Kelly. Once I'd got myself into that state of mind momentum took over. I pushed Cathy onto the bed, licked and sucked her tits frantically while shoving two fingers up her cunt. She looked a little disconcerted but didn't object when I thrust my cock deeply into her. I managed to bring her to an orgasm, even though I was only thinking of my own gratification and imagining I was fucking Kelly. I fucked Cathy as often as I could, but shamefully I had an image of Kelly in that yellow bikini in my mind with every thrust, suck or lick. It was all made worse because our rooms were adjoining and I could hear Kelly being fucked by her oaf every night; usually at least twice.

When we returned home Cathy dumped me, saying, "You need to decide who it is you really want." I wasn't surprised, but I was ashamed that I'd made it so obvious. I tried to get closer to Kelly for a while, but she gave all the indications of not being interested saying "Isn't it good that we're such friends, it's so nice to know that we're there for each other without there being any pressure on us, isn't it?" Or something similar every time we met. We even slept together again; we got caught out by the weather again at a party. We commandeered a bedroom and shared a bed. Kelly kissed me and went off to sleep straight away, but I tossed and turned for hours trying to get my cock to go soft.

I didn't try anything on that night or later because I didn't want to risk losing Kelly's friendship. It was so important to me to have her in my life, even though it was torture seeing her with other guys, so I didn't do anything to alarm her or put her off.

Until, that is, the night with which I started this narrative.

Kelly had phoned me two days previously, sounding desperate.

"It's like this. I moved into a new flat share. I've only been here a week, but it's awful! They hate me!"

"Kelly, love, I can't imagine anyone hating you," I said soothingly.

"Oh, they do! They don't talk to me most of the time. When thsy do it's only pt criticise or belittle me! I've got to get out. Can I come and stay with you? Just for a couple of days until I find somewhere else? Please?"

"Kelly, of course you can. Come now."

She knew that I lived in a one-bedroom flat. I felt instantly that this was my chance; she wasn't seeing anyone at that time. If ever I was going to move our relationship on, this was the opportunity. I began to plan a seduction, in the classic way; nice music, good food, (I cook well,) good wine etc. But it didn't turn out that way.

Kelly arrived, gave me a huge hug and kiss, then demanded wine and a takeaway.

"God, those people! They're horrible!" she said angrily as we ate and drank.

She carried on in similar vein all evening. I talked her through it, trying to make it clear to her that it couldn't be anything to do with her, she was one of the nicest, friendliest, practical, level-headed people I knew. By late evening she was pretty drunk, so I told her to go to bed. I lent her a pair of pyjamas and she changed in the bathroom, climbed into bed and fell asleep immediately. I sat up a little longer but seeing her there in my bed was too much to miss so I climbed in beside her, wearing pyjamas too, and spooned her. I had to stop quickly because my cock sprang to attention as soon as I got my arms around her, but I wouldn't try anything while she was in a drunken sleep so I suffered a very uncomfortable night.

She was a little hung over in the morning, but very grateful. I looked at her as she thanked me and chatted about things in general,as we've always done, thinking "God, I love you! I want you!"

I hoped I might have better luck the next night. But Kelly was out all day shopping with a girlfriend. She turned up at about ten pm with a large suitcase.

"Hi! I stopped off to collect more of my stuff from that hell-hole. Is this Ok? I'll go tomorrow, I promise?"

"You can stay as long as you like, Kelly. In fact I'd like you to stay longer, I..."

"You really are a good friend. What would I do without you?"

That leads us to the start of this story. If she was really going to leave the next day I only had this night to make my feelings and intentions known, which as you've read, I did rather clumsily.

After the best night of my life I woke first with my usual morning erection. I lay on my back for a little while just recalling the previous night's experiences, which did nothing to relieve my hard-on, when Kelly woke up. She stretched then turned over to look at me. Her arms went round my neck and she kissed me.


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