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Seeking Saskia

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I find a girl in my bed.
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I woke early; it was still dark. I could feel the beginnings of a hangover; I'd definitely had more to drink than usual the previous night. I lay still not wanting to move my head. I lay half asleep for perhaps another hour, then moving a little to read the clock, which said 5:15 I felt something else: it was warm, smooth and soft; a body. There was a girl in my bed! I could tell it was a girl by the smoothness and roundedness of her rump, which I'd just brushed against. I froze, but she didn't wake, she just sighed and wriggled a little.

It's not unknown for there to be a girl in my bed, but it doesn't happen that frequently either. I'm not keen on hookups. I prefer relationships, but I've never been very good at them. Girls don't seem to see me as a long-term prospect. Embarrassingly, I couldn't remember who this one was. I tried to go back over the night before, but nothing came. As slowly and as stealthily as I could I climbed out of bed, grabbed my boxers from the floor and padded silently to the kitchen. I gulped down a pint of water and a couple of paracetamols. One memory came back: the feeling as my cock pressed into her vagina and the little gasp she gave as it did so. That was a start at least, though the memory triggered a little twinge in my cock. I needed to remember her name, but all that would come to mind was mushrooms (mushrooms? What the fuck?). That didn't help.

I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. Suddenly something else came to me. An image of a small, blonde girl smiling up at me. She was saying something. She had an accent. I worked at it as I gargled mouthwash. It came to me.

"If you want to have sex with me, you must not drink any more." That was it. I was standing at a bar somewhere about to order a shot. She was standing next to me smiling widely, her head back. Needless to say I didn't order that drink.

I was in the bar for someone else's birthday. I didn't know many people there and had drunk too much in trying to compensate. The girl wasn't of our party. As I drank more water, a clearer picture of her formed. She was shortish, about 5' 2". She was wearing a short dress. Her legs were good, her hips were quite wide, but her waist narrow. Her breasts looked a good size under her dress. My mind flashed forward to a picture of her breasts encased in a white bra with flowers on it. My hand was holding the breast. I felt another twinge in my cock. Another flash to her face which was round, her eyes bright blue, her lips around her big smile were wide and sensuous. She was laughing at me, but not a mocking laugh, a gently amused one. I'm a happy drunk, it's true.

I went back into the bedroom. She was still asleep. I still couldn't remember her name. I could just make out her blonde hair in the little light that came in around the curtains. I concentrated on what she'd said to me and how she'd said it to try and jog my memory. "If you want to have sex with me, don't drink any more." Her English had been very good, but there was definitely an accent. Eastern European? Then another flash came: "I am from Estonia." She'd said. We were sitting down, we'd been talking, swapping life details as you do when you've just met someone who you're attracted to. So she must have told me her name, but it wouldn't come to mind.

I stood by the bed, watching, undecided what to do. It occurred to me that if she woke up to find me peering at her, it wouldn't look good. I stepped out of my boxers and climbed slowly and gently back into bed without waking her, though she stirred a little. As I lay back more of the previous night's happenings came back to me. Fragmentary images of us dancing, drinking, talking, but always there was that wide, white-toothed, amused smile that encompassed her whole face. She had a way of brushing back her long slightly tousled hair that was very endearing.

I was beginning to get aroused now, which was inconvenient, so I concentrated hard on trying to remember her name. Why did mushrooms keep appearing in my mind?

Suddenly a vivid memory flooded my mind. I was holding her legs apart, her head was thrown back, her mouth open, her eyes closed as I thrust into her, strongly but gently. It was the onset of her climax. She pressed her hips hard against me and shuddered several times. I waited a while before I began thrusting again to finish myself off.

I turned towards her to try and see her face, but she was lying on her side with her back to me. As I turned, she moved a little and my cock, which was semi-erect by now, contacted her bum. It felt so good. I stayed momentarily, intending to pull away, but she murmured something (in Estonian, presumably) and pulled my hand around her. So I snuggled up to her properly, my cock hardening as I pressed against her bum. She made happy noises so I gently held one of her breasts. She covered my hand with hers, but she was obviously still sleeping, so I didn't go any further.

Lying there pressed against her warm, smooth body was lovely. If more sex was on the menu later, then great, but If she shrieked and ran away when she woke up; I had some good memories. Well, fragments of good memories anyway. We lay there for some time, her breathing slow and steady. Eventually my erection slackened. Her breast felt good in my hand. It wasn't very big, but it was round and firm.

Another image popped into my head: a nipple, hard and erect, saliva glistening on it as I moved my head off it. It was light brown with a large areola. She giggled as I moved to the other one. My erection returned. The girl wriggled a little as she felt it, but she didn't pull away. I pressed into her bum a little. She murmured something again, but I couldn't catch it.

Some time later I felt the need for more water, so I slipped out of bed again and drank another glass. This time I thought to fill another glass for her, which I put on the nightstand beside the bed. When I returned to the bedroom, she was still asleep, but had turned over, so when I slipped carefully back into bed, she was facing me. She was beautiful in the soft morning light. I didn't try to wake her; I was happy to watch her sleeping face. If only I could put a name to it other than 'mushroom'.

It was a full hour later, but still early when she awoke. Her eyes looked at me unfocused for a few seconds, before she recognised me. Then, gloriously, she smiled and I remembered her name: Saskia! Lovely, funny, sexy, bubbly Saskia! Most of the previous evening and night came back to me then. After we'd met, by which time I'd already had too much to drink, we'd talked and talked. Her English was excellent. She told me she was in London for a conference, which had been very useful to her. She'd come to the bar for the last night drinks party but it had been low-key because most of the delegates were older men. She'd had to fend a few of them off, but once she'd met me it was better, she said. I couldn't remember what the conference was about or what she did, but I hoped that would come out later.

She hadn't shrieked and leapt out of bed, so far, so I was very pleased and inevitably was getting hard again.

"I brought you some water." I said indicating the glass on the nightstand.

"Oh. Thank you," she replied, sitting up to drink it, allowing the duvet to fall away exposing her breasts. They were beautiful. Round, firm pert.

She looked at me speculatively, I thought, then said:

"I will go to bathroom. Then I come back. You wait, yes?"

My cock got harder on hearing that. It was clearly an invitation to more sex, I thought, but I cautioned myself to not react too strongly. I explained where the bathroom was.

"If you'd like a shower, there are towels in the cupboard," I said.

She gave me a curious but pleased look and climbed out of bed, completely un-self-conscious about her nakedness. I watched as she walked away. Her buttocks curved voluptuously up to her hips which just showed a suggestion of pelvic bones, then flowed into her waist. Her fully-packed, beautifully prominent bum swayed as she walked, running her hands through her hair. Another fuck from last night flashed into my mind, indicating that we did it at least twice. I remembered coming on her belly, but I didn't know if that was the first or second time.

I knew now that her name was Saskia, but I couldn't for the life of me recall her surname, the picture of mushrooms still coming into my mind every time I tried to recall it. Nor could I remember what she did for a living.

I heard the shower running. I wondered if that meant she would shower and leave. She'd said she was coming back, but perhaps she'd changed her mind? Should I get up and make coffee?

I decided to wait where I was and see what happened. Five minutes later she appeared wrapped in a towel with another turbaned around her head.

"You have dryer? For hair?"

I told her it was in the wardrobe. She fetched it, taking a long look at my clothes while she was there.

"You have good taste. I like your clothes,"

"Err..thank you," but that was lost in the noise of the hairdryer. She switched it off after just a few minutes.

"That is ok. You don't mind it a little wet, yes?" she said with an impish smile as she dropped her towel to reveal her full body. I said nothing, just throwing the duvet back so she could get into bed.

"Saskia, you're gorgeous!" I said as she climbed in. She draped herself around me, her sensually thick lips pouting. I kissed her, our tongues instantly getting involved. I ran my hands over her body, feeling her curves. She pressed her hips into me, I could feel her cunt against my thigh. I squeezed her bum, ran my hand up to her breast and took hold of it very gently, massaging it slowly. She raised herself up and brought it up to my mouth so I could suck her rigid nipple. She was gasping and moaning gently as I sucked and licked it for some time until she swapped it for the other one. She was on top of me by this time, my cock absolutely rigid against her stomach.

"Is time," she gasped and raising herself up, she straddled me, guiding my throbbing and jerking cock into her vagina, which was very wet. Once she'd sucked me in fully, she dangled her tits onto my mouth again, squeezing my cock with her vaginal muscles at the same time. It felt so good. I had to be really careful not to explode yet. I wanted to make her come. I couldn't remember if I had done so the night before.

She straightened up after giving me another passionate kiss and began gyrating her hips, slowly at first. I held her hips, adding some pressure to her movements. She massaged her breasts and tweaked her nipples, her pace increasing as she became more aroused. After a few minutes of this I was very near climaxing, but I held back as hard as I've ever done. Just when I felt I had to let go, she came in a shuddering, juddering, screaming climax. I'd never managed to make a girl come so hard before and I joyously let myself go at the same time, squirting what felt like pints of semen into her.

She collapsed on top of me, breathing heavily, her arms around my neck. I could feel her tits against my chest as she got her breath back. What a fuck! By far the best I'd ever had.

A little while later, she raised herself up, kissed me and said

"I love you very much, David Walker," and kissed me again.

"I love you too, Saskia," I said without thinking about it and without any real emotion, just being in the moment.

"No! You must not say that unless you really mean it. I mean it. I love you very much. But now I must go." She climbed off me and the bed and almost ran to the bathroom.

Confused, I lay back and wondered what had just happened. Did she just say she loved me? Ok, I had said it unthinkingly, but hadn't she said it twice? And we'd known each other for less than twelve hours? And now she was obviously leaving. I rose from the bed pulling on jeans and a t-shirt not knowing quite what to do. I went to the kitchen and began to make coffee. By the time it was ready, Saskia had appeared, wrapped in a towel and looking beautiful. She kissed me again, a full arms-round-neck, hips-pressing-against-me, tongue-in-mouth kiss.

"Please, darling order me taxi, would you? I have to go to hotel first and then Heathrow Airport."

"You're leaving the country? Now?"

"Jah. I must go home. I am pharmacist, remember? I have business to run."


She went back to the bedroom, presumably to get dressed. Stunned I went back to the coffee machine then remembered she'd asked me to order a taxi. I called through the door to get the name of her hotel and ordered a taxi to arrive straight away. She came back to the kitchen fully dressed. She put her arms around my neck again and looked me straight in the eye.

"I love you, David. If I could stay here we would marry. We would make love every night and every morning and have four, no! five children, yes? But I cannot stay. I have flight home today, this morning. I am so glad to have met you. You are best man I ever know. I will remember you, you must remember me, yes? Do not forget!"

"I'll certainly never forget you, Saskia. But can't you stay for a little while?"

Just then my phone buzzed, the taxi was texting that he was here already. He must have been parked round the corner I thought.

"I am sorry, truly. But I must go." And with one more deep kiss she went.

Still slightly stunned by the whole thing I stood looking at the door she'd just walked out of trying to assimilate what had happened. I'd met a gorgeous girl a few hours ago, who made no bones about wanting to sleep with me, who'd been the best lover I'd ever had, despite my having had too much to drink, who'd told me very definitely that she loved me, and who'd just walked straight out of my life and onto a plane to Estonia.

Probably as a consequence, my hangover was beginning to bite, so I decided to go back to bed. It smelt of her and of sex. Within minutes I was masturbating furiously, remembering the feel of her body against mine, her vagina gripping my throbbing cock, her hard nipples in my mouth. I wanked quickly which tired me out enough to make me fall asleep.

I showered when I woke up, found some breakfast, went for a walk, still in a slightly detached frame of mind. Why did she tell me she loved me and then just leave like that? What was I feeling for her? It couldn't be love after just a few hours. But I'd told her I loved her. Was that just the sex talking? I didn't know. When I reached home, I saw that the bed was in a dreadful mess. It stank of sweat and sex, and there were stains all over the sheets. I took them off to wash them. When I lifted a pillow to take off the cover I found a pair of skimpy panties under it. They were white with little red roses on them. Written across the front in red felt tip was "Remember Me!" I held them up for a long time just looking at them and, well, remembering her. Unbelievably, my cock hardened again. I dropped my jeans wrapped the panties around it and wanked yet again. Then I regretted it because I'd come in them. I washed them very carefully, making sure I preserved the writing and put them away carefully in my underwear drawer when they were dry.

I tried to get on with my normal life. I work from home, though, so I was constantly reminded of her night with me every time I went or even looked into the bedroom. I wanked like a teenager. I slept with her panties in my hand.

"This won't do!" I said to myself. So I tried hooking up with a couple of girls. But I wasn't really into it and the dates weren't a success. I tried absorbing myself in my work. I call myself a software engineer, but really I'm a troubleshooter. I have a good facility for working in assembler language which is used in embedded software in microchips amongst many other things. I get sent software that isn't working properly and fix it. The current project was control software for a nuclear power station. Pretty important stuff and I managed to clear it in two weeks. But it was hard with Saskia's face intruding all the time, never mind the memories of her body heaving under me or gyrating on my rigid cock.

Eventually I decided that I had to do something and the only something that would work was to track her down. I had a name, Saskia, and an occupation, pharmacist. I knew nothing about Estonia other than a vague idea that it had been one of the Soviet Republics in the past and that it was independent now. Research was required. An easily learned fact was that Estonia has a very small population (so my Saskia was truly one-in-a-million. Well, ok, one-in-1.3million.). Next I googled pharmacies. There are less than 500 in the whole country. Now my Saskia was just one in five hundred! If only I could remember her surname. Then I had an idea. I wrote a little routine that searched each pharmacy's website for a list of staff. There were more than a hundred Saskias on it! It seems it's the most popular name in Estonia. I was a little dismayed, but at the same time encouraged, because now she was just one-in-a-hundred or so. I left the search for a day or two hoping for inspiration. And I had an idea. I modified my little search program to find Saskias with photos.

And there she was! My gorgeous girl smiling at me from the screen. Her name came up as Saskia Sepp ("So that's the mushroom thing", I thought.). Her pharmacy was in a town called Parnu, a seaside resort, it seemed. I walked around it via google earth. It's a nice town. Her pharmacy is situated one street back from the waterfront.

Was I really going to follow this up? There was an email address and a phone number. I thought it over for a few days but didn't actually try and contact her. I took on a new contract, a Ministry of Defence one which I obviously can't reveal any details of which absorbed me fully for another two weeks, but finding where Saskia lived and worked had calmed me down. When I dispatched the repaired software back to the MoD, I found I had made a decision. I would fly out there! I'd go and see her in person. There were a few possible results. She might be embarrassed and not want to have anything to do with me. Well, at least I'd know where I stood with her then. She might be pleased to see me, but the same spark would not be there and we'd have an embarrassing few days or weeks and I'd return home disappointed. Worst of all, she might be married or in a steady relationship and be horrified at my visit. I needed to find out, though, so I booked a flight and a hotel just for one night. If it didn't feel right straight away I could fly back the next day. I gave myself two weeks' leave, just in case things went well.

Chapter Two

I landed at Tallinn airport in the late afternoon of the following Thursday. I took a coach to Parnu, finding my hotel without trouble. By the time I was booked in it was nearly seven pm. I guessed the pharmacy was closed, but I walked over to check, just in case. In truth I was a little relieved to find it closed. I was very nervous and an excuse to put off seeing her was welcome. I ate in the hotel then passed an almost sleepless night.

Next morning I couldn't eat breakfast. I waited nervously until nine-thirty, then told myself to get on with it. There was no point in coming all this way then chickening out. Go and see her and take the consequences!

The pharmacy had an automatic door which whooshed open as I neared it. No chance of a discreet entrance then! It was a large, modern store but, in the continental manner only stocked items of a medical or useful nature; no cosmetics, I noticed as I wandered around trying to pluck up courage to approach the counter where a middle-aged woman was dealing with another customer.

Eventually I went to the till. The woman looked at me inquiringly, but not unkindly or suspiciously.

"I speak English," she said with a smile, so obviously had sussed me as a tourist straight away.

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