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Selena Gomez: Damsel in Distress

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Selena gets herself into some trouble at a club.
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DISCLAIMER: this story is a work of fiction and does not in any way reflect the actions or thoughts of Selena Gomez (or Justin Bieber for that matter). It is written for the enjoyment of those who read erotic material and I do not make any money from writing it.

Also, despite him being the "villain" in this story I don't mean to endorse any harm to the person of Justin Bieber...

Just so nobody is disappointed: this story is not as rough as "Porn Star" or "The Walking Slut", here I put a little more focus on the plot instead!

I'd love to get some feedback, either via mail or in the comment section!

Codes: MF, oral, drunk, doggie, screaming, cunnilingus, mdom


I let out a sigh and leant down on the narrow catwalk's railing. Closing my eyes for a second I rubbed my temples. That damn beat gave me a headache! Fucking club music! I opened my eyes again and looked down onto the sea of dancing douchebag-kids, rocking with uncoordinated movements to the "music".

Grumpily I scanned the big room for possible sources of aggression, finding none. Sighing again, I fished a cigarette out of the inner pocket of my jacket and put it in my mouth. Jerry, my boss and the club's owner had forbidden me to smoke, but that punk was afraid of me, so I felt like I could have a peaceful smoke without getting too much trouble.

I flicked my lighter on and held it to the end of the cigarette. Taking a deep satisfying drag I let my eyes wander through the masses below me again. I still couldn't believe how popular this dump had gotten lately. I had worked as chief of security in the "Butter's" for over five years now and until about two months ago, business had been alright for the owners, not bad, not exceptionally noteworthy either. But then some tv show decided, for whatever reason, to make a feature about us, apparently THE hole in the wall. And since then every damn hipster-brat in this godforsaken city made a pilgrimage over here EVERY fucking weekend! Now I don't have anything against a little success for Jerry, god knows he has worked his ass off these last couple of years and he earned it, but these collections of spoilt bitches and momma's boys completely lacked respect! I will soon turn fifty and despite my regular workouts I begin to feel my age and these kids make me feel a lot older! Most of them are pampered brats with rich parents and every time I had to throw one of them out, they assured me they'd make me lose my job. But not only didn't they know how to treat their elders, most of these little shits had to be kicked out because they attacked girls who refused them.

I shook my head and searched for a distraction before I made myself angry. Taking another puff I searched the crowd for her. Working in a night club has its perks too, no denying that. If you can deal with bad-behaved teens and even worse music you can enjoy the good sides. Like smoking hot chicks in slutty outfits!

After looking around for a few seconds I spotted the girl on the dance floor, near the DJ's stand. I had watched this particular girl several times tonight. Unlike most of the other brats she knew how to dance, moving her body to the beat, twisting and turning, obviously enjoying the music. And she looked hot as hell too! She was a Latina, maybe twenty years old. Dark hair, dark eyes, light complexion and the cutest mouth you could imagine. She wore an incredibly tight, black dress, one strap and down to her mid-thigh, showcasing those long beautiful legs, which were even more highlighted by black leather fuck-me-boots with four inch heels. I had no clue why mothers allowed their daughters to dress this way, but I sure as hell wasn't complaining!

She danced alone and it seemed as if she wanted to keep it that way. I grinned as I saw the umpteenth teen boy this night grind up against her, trying to get her to dance with him. This one she actually seemed to know as the stance of his body suggested, which didn't change her reaction. When he tried to grab her hips she pulled his hands away and shook her head no. I smiled. I couldn't help it, I loved seeing these assholes crash and burn.

Suddenly the speaker in my ear buzzed to life. "Yo, smokes!" I sighed as Silas' voice cracked out of the device. I had given the kid this job two years ago to keep him busy and on the right side of the law. Guess I kinda liked the guy. It had worked, he did a tremendous job, but the gratitude he had expressed several times hadn't kept him from giving me this extra-creative nickname.

"What's up, dipshit?" I growled.

The black kid chuckled, a strange sound in my ear. "If you're done perving on that hot Latina ass you can take a break. We've got them under control..."

I blushed slightly. I didn't know I was being watched and now I felt stupid, lusting after a girl that wasn't even half my age. "Shut up, kid!" I replied, stood up straight and stretched. My spine cracked. Damn, I wasn't as young as I used to be! "I will be back in five minutes!"

Giving the dancing girl's fine body one last look, I walked towards the stairs.

At the bar I ordered a bottle of water and sat down, once again unsuccessfully trying to blend out the music that thudded against my eardrums. One last hour, then these kids would have to find another place to party and I could go home. Turning back to the dance floor I once again scanned the crowd, not able to suppress the instinct. I looked up and spotted Silas' broad figure on top of the catwalk, watching the dancing kids. I couldn't make out much of him, but I knew he was focused.

Suddenly the bud in my ear cracked, making me jump. "Smokes?" Silas asked. His voice had a serious tone to it and I knew what he'd say before he said it. "I hate to interrupt your little coffee break, but there is some trouble on the floor you might wanna check on!"

"I'm on my way!" I answered, setting down my bottle and moving towards the crowd. "And I wasn't drinking coffee!" I quipped lamely. But, hey, I'm almost fifty and tired! Sue me!

"Wow! Burn!!" Silas laughed before his tone got serious again, "A little more to your left!"

I shoved my way past twisting, drunk teens, looking for the trouble my younger friend had promised. After looking for a second, I spotted them. The dark haired Latina I had been watching was in trouble. The latest guy she had blown off, the one she had known, apparently decided that he hadn't tried hard enough. She screamed at him over the music, an angry look on her face while he tried to grab her, obviously thinking that she was only playing hard to get.

Before I was able to get to them, the little shithead became too cocky and actually grabbed the angry girl's ass. Now she obviously had enough! She reached out and slapped the guy across the cheek. I groaned. I had seen this numerous times. These guys had obviously never been taught not to punch a girl and sure enough, the brat already raised his fist.

I lurched forward, shoving two wasted dudes out of the way in the process, and caught his wrist just in time, the girl already flinched. The boy was about my height, but there were almost no muscles there when I squeezed his arm. He turned towards me in surprise and I shot him a menacing glare, before I turned and dragged him off without looking back, the protesting, whining momma boy stumbling after me.

I made my way up to the back entrance and shoved the door open. Throwing him out into the alleyway, he landed in a puddle, soaking his over-expensive jeans. "OW!" he shrieked as he struggled to get up, "You sonofabitch! I'll have your ass fired!"

"Sure you will, kid..." I grunted, before I slammed the door shut in front of him. "Done!" I stated into the micro on the collar of my shirt.

"Shit, smokes!" I heard Silas familiar chuckle, "You have any idea who that was!"

I shrugged, already on my way back to the stairs to the catwalk. "Another drunk asshole!"

"Yeah, man, that and more! That was Justin Bieber! And the chick is his ex-girlfriend, Selena Gomez!"

I frowned. "And my guess is I am supposed to know who those are?!"

I could almost hear Silas roll his eyes. "They are some Disney stars... Singers slash actors. Like Britney?! They're world famous! Your niece is going to hate you for throwing him out!"

Pondering, I looked down at the pretty Latina girl, who now sat at the bar, sipping some overpriced light-blue cocktail through a straw while she hacked into her iPhone, demonstratively giving the blonde surfer-type douchebag hitting on her the cold shoulder. "But if it helps you sleep," Silas added, "The rest of the world is going to love you..."

Suddenly the girl looked up into my direction and we made eye contact. She smiled at me, a beautiful, sparkling smile, then she mouthed something: Thank you!

I let myself get carried away to my first smile of the evening before I moved on, concentrating on my job.


An hour later we had kicked the brats out so they could get drunk somewhere else. The silence pressed harder onto my eardrums than the beats had. Sighing I sat on one of the bar stools and let my gaze travel across the dance hall, which looked like LA's bums had hid out here for a week and thanked god that I didn't have to clean this place every evening. Annoyed I took a swig out of my water bottle and closed it, slowly getting up to do my final security round of the day before I was allowed to go home.

"Shit, smokes, a guy your age should be in bed by now, you know? Otherwise your rheumatism will kill you in the morning!"

I turned around with a frown to face Silas, who nonchalantly leaned onto the reeling of the catwalk, looking down to me with a grin. "You should thank god that I don't want to make your mom unhappy" I growled, feigning anger. But this was our game, plus, he was kinda right. At my age you shouldn't spend your nights at loud teeny-clubs... "Otherwise I'd kick your brattish black ass!"

He chuckled. "You're welcome to try if you can manage to get that wrinkly visage of yours up all these steps..."

I shot him a glare then I turned to start my round when he stopped me.

"Seriously, man, you can go home! I will do the last check!" Surprised at the offer I looked up at him.

"You serious?"

He shrugged. "I have to wait for Marie anyway. No reason for you to keep me company." Marie was his girlfriend who worked behind the bar. Right now she was cleaning the glasses and would have to work for another hour at the least. "Smokes, you'd be doing me a favor! She is busy and I am bored..."

I thought, but only for a split-second before I decided to take him up on his offer. He was a loudmouth, but I knew I could trust him. "Fine!" I said and headed immediately for the entrance as if I was scared he could change his mind. At the wardrobe I quickly grabbed my old, black hoodie jacket, put it on and then I was gone.

It was nearing four o'clock and the dawn had already begun when I stepped outside. There was a long line of brats at the taxi stand, shoving, laughing, making out, but I ignored them as best as I could. Those shitheads were someone else's problem now. I fumbled out a cigarette from the half-empty package and quickly lit it up, taking a deep drag before I dug my hands into my pockets and walked past them at a fast pace. It was a short walk to my apartment, only about ten to fifteen minutes, so I decided to save the money and the waiting time for a cab and enjoy the quietness of the still half-asleep city.

I made a turn into a back alley, a shortcut that would save me about two minutes and the noises of the teen crowd slowly died away. I just lit up another cigarette and when I looked up I grunted with surprise. About thirty yards in front of me, the girl from the club walked through the alley. She hurried, probably creeped out by the darkness and keen to get onto a main street as fast as possible and she didn't notice me.

She wore a light denim jacket over her elegant dress and hugged her upper body with both arms to shield herself against the cool air. The heels of her expensive-looking black shoes clacked loudly as she walked.

I couldn't help myself and stared at the fine little ass of hers that peeked out beneath the jacket. She was young, young enough to be my daughter, but I couldn't deny how hot she was. The flimsy dress exposed a big part of her legs, ending only about three inches beneath her beautifully rounded butt and she moved with a natural grace that made my mouth go dry.

Just as I seriously considered shouting after her to start a conversation and already felt like a disgusting old creep something happened! The boy from the club, Justin Beaver or something like that, stepped out from behind a dumpster and blocked the girl's way.

He hadn't seen me, so I stopped and stayed in the background, observing the scene and waiting for the turn of events. A pipe a few feet over my head loudly blew steam into the alleyway, drowning the other sounds in the alley out for me, but I watched the couple with interest.

The guy greeted her with a smile, which vanished only seconds later, when the Selena-girl obviously rudely told him to fuck off. She was obviously done with him, a fact that he didn't seem to understand, so instead of granting her her wish he stayed and began to get angry.

I leaned against the wall and watched the two of them as their argument started. Their voices raised and soon they were screaming into each other's faces, she, fed up, insulting him, he obviously incredulous how a girl could resist his charm.

I couldn't stop myself from smirking when the boy suddenly had a breakdown. His aggressive stance changed within seconds to one of a begging little boy as tears began rolling over his cheeks. He grabbed her hand and whined miserably, but Selena seemed unimpressed and simply took a step back, pulling her hand from his grip.

I knew what was coming next and was moving before it happened, but I was too slow and too far away.

The Beaver-boy's expression darkened and he once again changed his mood within a split-second, turning furious. He stepped forward and gave Selena a hard shove. She struggled to stay on her feet, but it was an impossible task, considering the high-heeled boots she wore, so she stumbled backwards and with a surprised scream she crashed to the floor, landing hard on that cute, little butt.

Beaver towered over her, once again screaming abuse at her while the girl twisted on the dirty alley floor, holding the bruised spot and whimpering in pain, but at the same time she spat insults at him that I had never heard out of a mouth as beautiful as hers.

Her eyes grew wide with shock then when amidst his tirade of anger the boy lifted his foot, obviously about to kick the lying girl in the stomach. She braced herself, trying to shield her belly with her arms, when I finally came to her rescue.

They both were equally surprised when I suddenly rushed into the picture. I am a little over six foot tall. Age has slowed me down over the last years, but I like to stay in shape and be a fearsome adversary in a fight. So what time took in terms of agility I tried to replace with even more muscle, which left me built like a tank. It is really good if you need to scare off some big-mouthed, drunken teenagers. It also made me quite heavy, making me more than two-hundred pounds of savage force.

And those two-hundred pounds now crashed into the slim built, surprised boy at almost 20 miles per hour, effectively driving all air from his lungs and sending him to the floor. "Aaaah!" he yelped as he hit the cement hard, sliding across the floor until a bunch of trash bags stopped him.

I gave him my best intimidation-face. "Get lost, kid!" I grunted as the boy moaned in pain. At least for a few seconds he wasn't going to be a threat. Turning around I faced the girl and kneeled down with a worried look. "You okay?"

She gave me a pretty, thankful smile and opened her mouth to say something when her eyes suddenly widened in shock. "Watch out!" she screamed.

I twirled around in a blur, and to my surprise I found the Beaver-kid back on his feet and in the middle of his attack. His expensive clothes were soiled with mud and torn at one knee. I had to give it to him: I had underestimated the kid. He charged at me, fury blazing in his eyes, an old, dirty glass bottle in his hand which he swung wildly.

He gave a high-pitched, not very intimidating war-scream and swung the bottle at me. I had turned just in time. The hit, aimed at my head where it would have left a nasty gash, only hit my shoulder. The bottle burst, but by some kind of miracle, the shards didn't cut me.

I stumbled backwards, dumbfounded to be attacked by the opponent I had thought I had taken care of. The kid sensed his chance and followed me, swinging the broken bottle, which was a considerably more dangerous weapon now. But he attacked wildly, not using his head, like a raging bull. I wasn't completely ready, but I was able to prepare myself at least a little. I jumped backwards, dodging the whirring edge of the bottle by inches as it slashed past my chest.

Now I could see a flash of panic replacing the anger in the kid's eyes as he saw he had missed his best two chances to win this brawl. Desperately he swung again, but this time I had him. My left hand grabbed his wrist firmly, catching it out of the air less than three inches away from my throat.

"Wait..." Beaver yelped in fear, but I already swung and buried my fist in his stomach with all force I could muster. I sure as hell didn't plan on seriously hurting the boy, after all for all I knew he was drunk and I myself had gotten into bigger trouble than I could handle when I was drunk and was glad that no one had yet decided to make me pay permanently. Plus, if he was some celebrity like Silas had said I would most likely suffer more from this than he would... But I had enough of him and would make sure he would molest neither the girl nor me that night and this uppercut should have taken care of the problem. No broken ribs, but surely some severe abdominal pain once he'd wake up in the morning.

His eyes bugged out of his head almost comically and he was actually lifted clean off his feet. He didn't make a sound when he hit the cement and stayed there, rolling and unable to catch a breath.

I gave him a couple of seconds before I leaned down, grabbed his shirt and forced him to look at me. Pain was written all over his face. "Listen, shithead!" I growled with a cold glare, "You will leave this girl alone or otherwise I will do things to you that will make this punch feel like a blowjob from Santa Clause!"

He whimpered something I didn't understand, but I was sure he got the message, so I let go of him and let him fall back onto the cold, wet cement.

I turned back to the girl. She sat on the floor, watching me with an open mouth. "That was... awesome!" she finally stuttered, a grin breaking over her face.

I couldn't hide my smirk as I walked up to her, letting the half-conscious boy lie in the shadows of the alley. "Are you alright?" I asked her again and offered her my hand to help her get up.

Selena took it. I immediately noticed how soft and petite her hand felt, almost tiny in my paw. "I think so- oww!" she winced as she pulled herself up, "My butt hurts!" she said with a crunched up face, rubbing the sore spot on her left buttock.

"Can you walk?"

She looked at me for a second with an uncertain look, then she let go of my hand and put pressure on her left foot. Immediately I saw pain rushing through her eyes and she took her weight onto her other leg. "Definitely not with these heels..." she moaned with frustration.

I looked at her shiny leather boots. It was impressive that she had managed to dance with these! They looked hot, but painful.

"They are usually more comfy than they look!" Selena said, reading my mind.

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