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Sera Ch. 10

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Ashleigh puts her foot down.
9.9k words

Part 10 of the 35 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 05/17/2015
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Auntie Kathleen stayed over at my place, both she and I sleeping in my bed after she spent the evening pampering me and hearing me out about Gina who, I presumed, went to her own apartment for the night. I never did go talk to her, I wasn't in the mood after getting my bum so literally kicked, and Auntie never bugged me about it, but did softly advise an apology. I had to agree.

Of course, we were all over each other in bed, our exciting, unapologetic affair going on despite the possibility that Gina might come back. It was so natural with Auntie Kathleen, like with Auntie Ashleigh, subtly more than just sex. I had a very deep reaction, or attraction if you will, to all of my family members, even Sheila.

And I did feel guilty about Gina, not only because of how I'd treated her, or because of my recent behaviour, but also because I had to admit that she was in my way. It wasn't just about sex either, but the growing feeling that Auntie Ashleigh was correct in that my dearest friend and adopted sister didn't belong at this little family reunion.

In addition, I still felt somehow different, something else I couldn't quite put my finger on. It was a persistent 'feeling', for want of a better term, that had arisen from deep within me since the incredible, shared orgasm with Auntie Ashleigh, and it was still there.

The next morning I lay awake with Auntie still asleep beside me while I recalled the sexual highlights of the night before with a slow, satisfied grin that hurt my swollen lip until I was reminded of why it was swollen to begin with. Grin fading, I began thinking about drinking when the door chimed.

Lynette asked after my condition, her expression becoming concerned at the sight of me. After assuring the Day Attendant that I was okay, she told me there'd be a family meeting in the library at eleven o'clock that morning, information I pondered as I stood naked in the middle of my living room, suddenly realizing that I'd stood in my open door that way without a thought. Oh well.

I wondered again what all had happened between Stevie and Auntie Kathleen, she not having gotten into any details about how she'd dealt with him no matter how I'd prodded. Whatever it was, I had the feeling it was effective. Auntie Kathleen certainly comes off as being very effective and this led me to wonder what she was going to do to Sheila today and whether or not I'd get to watch when it happened.

Standing there, I continued to ponder, soon coming back to Stevie and his little thing with Sheila. How could he do it to me? He knew that we were for each other. He knew that and how I felt about Sheila. Of course, it was her doing. She had her ways of sleazily attracting other women's men to her, then fucking them and their lives at the same time, ruining things wherever she went. He was just another of her victims, except he should know better because he'd been warned by his own mother!

My building anger was destabilized by a sleepy whimper from my bedroom, a note of soft pleasure. Looking in, I saw my auntie, her hand gently squeezing her pussy in her sleep with an expression of such content. I smiled, wishing I didn't have to disturb her with the news that we were expected in the library in less than two hours.


I awoke in a lather, drenched in my own cold sweat from a re-run of what happened at the pool the evening before. My hands shook as I tried to wipe the nightmare away, the distorted image of Mum looking down at me from above the water's rippling surface. Her expression was branded in my mind, that awful look of blank curiosity in her black eyes.

"Fuck off!" I trembled, then some moments later, "Right. Get your shit together."

Giving my head a shake, I forced myself out of bed and went naked to the kitchenette with Stanley at my heels. A few stiff shots of whiskey straight from the bottle evened me out further as I took a suspicious look at my balcony. I wanted to go out to greet the morning, but I didn't want to run into Mum out there on hers. Not yet.

My gut started to ache.

Less than ten minutes later, my gut was better with more whiskey in it. Still, frustrated thoughts of Ashleigh's attitude regarding Gina and the obvious implications made it hard to relax. I got to thinking about how good she looked, then felt my dick move, hissing a half disgusted laugh a moment later, amazed at how my sex drive could overcome such an event as my own mother almost drowning me.

"We're really something else."

"Definitely," I replied.

"Mostly you, though."

"Yeah, right."


"It's nothing that abnormal. Jeez, Ashleigh looks good. It's not surprising, regardless of what happened with Mum."

"It seems I'm always turned on now."

"So what?"

"It's you. Because I'm always letting you have such a strong hand."

"Not strong enough, if you ask me. Besides, if you're the one who's always letting me have such a supposedly strong hand, isn't it you who's to blame?"

"Shut up and fuck off, I refuse to argue with myself. What are we doing today?"

"First, we're going to get some sex. Good sex."

"Uh, were you not here when I was just now complaining about our sex drive?"

"Complaining about it doesn't make it go away. It has to be satisfied so we can concentrate."

"The best way to deal with temptation is to give into it," I quoted with a glib tone. "Lord Byron."

"Very good, young Mr. Burchell. You are definitely not the weakest link. Not yet. Hang in there and have some faith in me, okay? We'll get fixed up with some staff member a little later and then maybe go find Sheila."

"I wonder what happened with her and Kitten?"

"We'll find out once we hook up. Also, since we'll have had a staff member by then, we won't be distracted by thoughts about fucking her senseless while we're at it."

"Hey, that's good."

"I told you to have some faith," I reminded with a reassuringly jocular grin. "Didn't I tell you to have some faith?"

"You told me to have some faith," I affirmed in reply with (of course) the same jocular grin that faded as I went on. "But what about Mum? What if we run into her?"

" ... I'll handle her."

"You didn't do so well with handling her last night. As I recall, you had some decent hand then and..."

"She blindsided me," I replied, the jocularity gone, replaced by controlled tension that was popping up whenever she crossed my mind. It won't happen again."

" ... Hey, I..."

"Yeah. I know, I feel it too. I think of her differently. I'm, uhh... I'm not sure I could ever really trust her again."

"I can't believe I just said that," I tried to quip.

"I can't believe I just said that. But, this has been shaping up. It's been coming. Geez, it wasn't that long ago that we had to answer to her like, "Yes, Mum."."

"Yeah... both she and I have changed a lot."

"Shit. ... Why in hell did she have to go and do that last night?"

I had no answer for my parasite on that, however I really was surprised to hear his doubts concerning Mum. Between us, he was always the staunch supporter of her decisions and ways, even when I questioned them. As for myself, I definitely had different feelings towards her. Something had changed and I remembered what Aunt Ashleigh had said about Mum and I, about how we weren't right for each other as a couple. From there, my thoughts jumped straight to Kitten and my parasite willingly hopped with me.

"Maybe we should go see Kitten."

"Maybe we shouldn't. I doubt it's a coincidence that she showed up at Sheila's place at the same time Mum showed up here last night."

"How the fuck did they find out about our little date anyway?"

"Who knows? The big question is how we're gonna cozy up to Kitten like Ashleigh wants us to after this."

"Hm. I'm guessing she's gonna be jealous."

"And mad."

"Probably more jealous than mad. Maybe a little bitchy, but she has that thing for us, like we have for her. She won't be that mad. Yeah, we can do this."

I was dressed by nine-thirty, having eaten at my kitchenette instead of going down to the main kitchen. Lynette had stopped by to inform me of a 'family meeting' in the library and I was busily feeling disappointed by Ashleigh's lame response to last night's events, when there was another knock at the door.

"I mean, is this the mysterious something that she's doing?" I asked myself in a low voice as I approached my foyer. "Mum almost drowns me and she's calling a family fucking meeting? Christ!"

My loins were girded for Mum. Strangely, I was certain it would be her, but it wasn't. No, it was the family parasite's second attempt at Marie. I didn't even have time to hang my jaw in surprise, especially at the fat lip and the scratches down her face, before Kitten drove her fist straight into my gut. It was a surprisingly hard punch for such a little thing, and I was in no way ready for it. My vision grayed as I tried not to vomit right then and there. While sinking to my knees, she then delivered her motives straight from her temperamental, five year old personality.

"That's for being such a big jerk!"

With this, she stomped off down the corridor while I drooled on its impeccable hardwood flooring.


After Auntie Kathleen went to her apartment to get ready, I thought it best to go deal with Gina before the meeting. So, following a brief visit to Stevie's door so I could tell him exactly what I thought about he and Sheila hanging out together, I entered her apartment quietly to find her still asleep in her bedroom. Waking her up with a glass of OJ and a warm smile, I sincerely apologized about how I'd behaved the night before. She accepted, I think actually surprised to even hear an apology, but it made her happy enough. I informed her that I had to rush off, but also of where I'd be. It may have been this consideration, and the promise of talking later, that made her agree to my very careful suggestion that she not attend. Despite the fact that Delores didn't stipulate her absence, 'Family meeting' is quite a self-explanatory term and I think Gina understood that.

It helped that I'd dressed conservatively in one of her own black business skirts. On me it was a bit longer, the hem falling to just above my knees, but it showed off my hips well, making my bum look really nice. Up top, I wore a lose fitting, but thin, gray pullover, its sleeves fluted just below my elbows. The neck was open, but I was wearing a nice pushup bra beneath and, overall, there was nothing for her to complain about.

The trouble was that I'd sensed a part of her that wouldn't have wanted to be there anyway and, for whatever reason, this bothered me. Walking into the library, however, Gina was the furthest thing from my mind.

Auntie Ashleigh sat in the big, black, wingback leather chair with her legs crossed wearing a long, saffron, silk gown that looked fabulous draped over her curves, displaying her boobies and delicious nipples. She was speaking quietly to Sheila, who sat in a chair to her left within the semicircle of chairs with small, conveniently placed tables.

The eternal night club whore was sporting a nice shiner from my fists of fury, sitting straight as the victor would, but averting her eyes in discomfort at my arrival. She wore an outfit I would commonly wear, this being a pair of tight jeans with a tank top. The difference was that her black jeans had obviously never been worked in because she was a whore. I was surprised to see the outlines of a bra beneath her black top and it was the first time I'd seen her hair in a ponytail. Despite how I hated her, I had to admit that she looked awesome, no matter her attire.

So far, we three were the only ones and I wondered how long I'd have to sit and contend without Auntie Kathleen here. I silently cursed my distracted state of mind when I left Gina's. Had I been thinking, I'd have waited at Auntie Kathleen's apartment until she finished getting ready so we could show up together.

"Good morning, Kitten," Auntie Ashleigh greeted me with a warm smile after a brief inspection of my battle wounds.

"'Morning, Auntie," I toned with a tight voice.

"Please help yourself at the wet bar and have a seat with us."

I gave her a wooden smile, my lookalike and I studiously ignoring one another, and went to help myself. At the wet bar was hot coffee and biscuits, forcing me to ponder this option as opposed to a nice tall glass of vodka.

"At the risk of finding myself in personal combat for this," Auntie remarked with a light, conciliatory tone, "I'm really so glad to have you both here. Both of you are just incredible."

"Oh, please," Auntie Kathleen scoffed.

She didn't just enter the room, but actually invaded it with her aggressive personality and natural authority. She wore a deep, burnished brown blouse with moderate cleavage and a short, pinstriped business skirt with black high heels. The dramatic dark streaks in her blonde hair never failed to accentuate her presence and I couldn't help the smallest, horny smile as I looked her over.

"When are you going to see that she's only a whore, Ash? Just a filthy little whore, who's got a royal beating coming her way for-"

"Kathleen, for god's sakes, please don't start." Ashleigh testily interrupted while Sheila continued to avert her eyes.

"Pffft!" Auntie Kathleen replied.

Auntie Ashleigh's lips compressed at this, her eyes angrily watching her youngest sister approach me at the wet bar.

"How are you this morning, sweetie pie?" she asked with a wink of her shiny, beautiful eye.

"I'm good, Auntie," I said with a smile."

"What's she got for us here?" she asked in a lower voice.

"Coffee and biscuits, or booze. I can't decide."

Taking a butter knife in hand, she began splitting one of the hot biscuits as she spoke, her voice at its previous volume.

"I suppose you're about to bring order on us? Mistress Ashleigh snapping her crop over these peons of her great and glorious domain?"

"Shut up, Kathleen," Ashleigh almost grated. "You think you're so bright, but you're just acting like a child."

"You wouldn't have brought it up if you didn't know it was true."

Auntie Ashleigh's expression was a lot less than friendly when she took a breath to reply in turn, but that's when Stevie walked in, this event changing her mind. Auntie Kathleen saw him, but paid no mind as she quickly buttered the biscuit.

He stopped in the doorway, his eyes warily glancing across the room and everyone in it, lingering on me and his mummy while Sheila actually had the nerve to look at him.

"Close the door and come in, Steven," Auntie Ashleigh's replacement words invited in a warm and irritated tone. "Please help yourself at the wet bar. I've excluded any staff intrusions for the next little while."

Without greeting her, or anybody, he closed the door and I watched Sheila watching him as he went directly to the extra-large armchair, taking his seat and looking at nobody. Meanwhile, his mummy was handing me one of the little china plates that had been provided with the biscuit she'd buttered while reaching for a coffee cup.

"Now that we're all here," Auntie Ashleigh started with a sigh, "I'd like to first thank everybody for showing up. Also, I'd like to share with all of you something I just said to Kitten and Sheila, and that is how glad I am to have all of you here at the estate. I've so much enjoyed your company and the chance to get to know each of you in person. You're all incredible and I'd like to express my gratitude that you've chosen to stay as long as you have. I also offer my hope that each of you stay longer, preferably for good," she added with an honest smile.

Auntie had poured a cup of coffee and was now spilling a fair measure of cognac into the cup as she answered to this with, "Well, that depends on our motivation, doesn't it?"

"Excuse me?" my other aunt asked.

Auntie Kathleen passed me the coffee cup, then daringly gave me a peck on the forehead and a light slap on my bum to get me started to a seat before turning back to the wet bar to answer.

"I don't need the trappings," she clarified. "And if I did, I could get my own. The lesser Burchell in our midst may want to stay for those reasons, but I have my own and they're not being satisfied."

Seating myself, I had no idea who she meant by 'the lesser Burchell', but Sheila answered the question for me when her eyes darted to her younger sister at the reference.

"That's enough of that," Auntie Ashleigh told her in a level tone. "As I've already explained to you, it's important that we-"

"-mend fences to encourage a proper, shared dialogue," Auntie Kathleen rudely finished as she turned with a drink. "Yes, yes, I know all that, but I'm getting impatient with whatever little program you've got going here and, meanwhile, you've got this worthless whore running free to mess with my son-"

"Kathleen!" Auntie Ashleigh snapped.

Her tone actually gave the judicious blonde pause as she took a seat beside Stevie, who still sat looking at the floor in front of him without reaction. She took a look at him, though, her expression one of quick, almost humoured appraisal before she set her eyes on Sheila.

For her part, my biological mother still sat quietly with that tight lipped frown, an actual upside down smile that Auntie Kathleen and I shared. It told of restrained upset as she acted like she was too good to get involved.

"Can we all please just be civil long enough to talk to each other?" Auntie Ashleigh demanded of the group while looking straight at her youngest sister. "I mean, can't we all be in the same room together for longer than two minutes before a fight breaks out? Kathleen, stop staring at Sheila!

"She knows what she's got coming," Auntie Kathleen defiantly responded.

Auntie Ashleigh closed her eyes for a short interval before opening them again to plow on with, "Look... (Sigh) I know this is weird. We're all used to being on our own in one way or another, and some of the histories in this room don't exactly make that any easier, but that's no excuse for some of the behaviour that's been going on around here. Now, I don't expect everybody to get along like bosom buddies right off the hop, but is it too much to ask for a ceasefire of the hostilities? Yes, I do understand that there's some friction betw- Kathleen..." Auntie Ashleigh very testily interrupted herself, "I said stop staring at Sheila like that."

Shifting her eyes from Sheila, but not her face, Auntie Kathleen said, "You don't tell me what to do, Ash."

"Grow up, Kathleen." Ashleigh ground.

"Auntie," I had to put in, "maybe you don't know, but Sheila's been up to her old tricks again. She's been whoring around St-"

"Kitten, don't you start too."

"But she told me she was gonna-!"

Sheila, apparently no longer willing to pretend she could rise above it all, interrupted with, "All I did was cook him a meal! Fucking lemon chicken for chrissakes! Can I not even-!?"

"No!" Auntie Kathleen answered. "No and no and no! He's my son and I don't want him anywhere near you!"

"Ladies, can we please stop acting-!" Auntie Ashleigh tried again, actually standing now.

"Yeah!" I interrupted, going on with, "And I already told you how it is with he and I, but you still-!"

"Oh, shut up you retarded little freak!" Sheila spat. "Good god, look at you! You'll be living in a padded cell before you're old enough to-!"

"Don't you dare talk to her like that you almighty whore!" Auntie Kathleen erupted in my defense, standing and taking a step towards Sheila with a menacing expression, jabbing her finger repeatedly. "After what you did to her? By god, I'll twist your head off and-!"

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