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Sera Ch. 18

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Kitten lets something slip.
10.2k words

Part 18 of the 35 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 05/17/2015
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I'd seen the sandy haired young man once before, changing out a long fluorescent tube from its fixture in the basement ceiling. This time, he was watering the tall plants in the main level hall. Auntie and I had been walking and talking, on our way to an early evening snack on the rear patio when we saw him. He was quite attractive and had this funny, attentive way about him that I'd noticed before.

"-and I love a nice pussy massage, or just a dirty fingerfuck," Auntie imparted, "that feeling it gives me while I'm sitting there with my legs spread like a slut, somebody 's hand there while I hold my dress up for- I see what you're looking at, you horny little Kitten."

"I- (giggle!)"


We took to staring at him, Auntie obviously as horny as I was. When he noticed us, he actually started, but managed to greet us.

"Hello, Ma'am, Ma'am. My name is Keith."

"Um, no offense," Auntie politely told him as she focused on his pelvis, "but I don't think we care what your name is."

" ... Oh. Uh, can I help either of you?"

"(Giggle!)" I replied, skipping towards him and grabbing his crotch when I got there. "Let's suck on his cock, Auntie!"

She was already on her way, her leering grin answer enough as her hand joined mine from his other side, both finding their way into his loose fitting maintenance trousers. We backed him into the wall and went to our knees in front of him, quickly pulling his trousers and underwear to his feet to grab at his hardening member with slow, horny laughter until I just went ahead and popped it into my mouth.

Auntie watched, really getting off and I thrilled to the feel of her hand on my bum as I sucked away like a little tramp. When I was temporarily satisfied, I passed it to Auntie and grinned as she went down on him with no more hesitation than what I showed. Holding her hair for her, I watched her suck on the head, eyes closed and loving it as the owner of the average sized meat groaned. I giggled again, grabbing her between the legs and massaging her pussy like she was just telling me.

"Mmmmm! Mmmmm! (slurrrp) Ommmb-mmm..."

"Go right down on him, Auntie. Suck him like a whore."

She went ahead and did just this for a minute before passing it back to me.

"Oh, sweetie pie... yes... shove it right down your pretty throat..."

"Gmk! Mmmm! (gukk) Gmm! (choke) Mmmff!"

I felt him getting close and Auntie could tell by his intensified behaviour that he was going to cum. I let him out of my mouth and jerked him the rest of the way while she watched, smiling at my boisterous laughter as his spunk squirted my chest over and over.

We each left him with a kiss, back on our giggling way to the patio. During our meal, I told her about Stevie's and my experiences at the hotel. I had her attention the entire time, her eyes almost never leaving my face while she ate. When I was finished, she regarded me openly and I wasn't sure if I did the right thing in telling her.

"I just wanted you to know..." I tried to explain. I mean, if you felt bad about that family at the motel that you told me about. I understand how stuff happens. Geez, do I understand how stuff happens. Mostly, it's always my doing and I'm asking myself if I'm crazy, or what?"

"I appreciate that. And you're right, this stuff just happens. Like I told you earlier, we have irresistible urges that demand the most deviant satisfaction at times. Besides, I've had an adventure where something like that happened to me too, so..."

"Really," I asked."

"Yes. Steven was a little scamp," she laughed.

"How so?" I asked as I finished my plate.

"Well, he's a Burchell too, and just as susceptible to that deviant satisfaction I mentioned."

"Auntie, tell me," I eagerly bugged.

She laughed a little, but explained, "We were at this party, both of us pretty drunk, and I was one of five women with about fifteen men. Everybody was turned on because I'd nudged two of the other women to 'go with the flow', as I told them."

She started laughing a little here as her complexion turned a bit pinkish. She took a bite and chewed with her mouth closed while continuing to laugh silently.


"Heh," she said after swallowing. "Well, he dared me to suck pussy in front of everyone, so (ahem) I did, but somebody started fucking her while I was doing that, and one thing led to another..."

"Auntieee!" I begged, laughing as I watched her finish up with her small meal.

"Well, the guy's prick kept falling out of the woman whose clit I was sucking because of the angle, so I sort of licked his cock a few times and..."


"And he came in my face."

"Ohhh, Auntie..."

"Well... It just sort of happened. I mean, yes I licked his cock a few times, but it wasn't like I was sucking it. He was fucking Vivian and he accidently fell out again just before he came. God, he got quite a bit right in my mouth."

"Oh my god... did you freak out?"

"Well... like I say, it's not like I made him cum and it's not like he meant what happened... I just kept licking her pussy while he got me. I figured it wasn't that big a deal, and everybody laughed about it, so it was more funny than anything."

"Then what?"

"Well, we all had a laugh and some more drinks. A bit later, my perverted son pulled my skirt up on me, and I had these panties on that were partly transparent... they could all see my clit."

"Was it...?"

"Was it ever."

"What'd you do then?"

"(Ahem) I- well, it was really more funny than anything. It was a party and you know how... It was a bit embarrassing, but there I was with some guy's cum on my face, so it wasn't that big a deal. I let them look, but then one thing led to another and my skirt was suddenly at my waist. Somebody came on my ass, and then he told them to do what they wanted with me."

"Ohhh..." I quietly exclaimed, trying to picture this. "And he watched?"

"Yes. He was jerking off while he did."

"Oh my god, Auntie... That is so hot."

"It was quite an experience, alright," she admitted with a slightly embarrassed laugh.

"One thing's for sure," I said as I rose from the chair, Keith's seamen wiped from my chest, but still staining my halter.

"What's that?" Auntie asked with an expectant grin as she joined me on her feet.

"I totally get what you meant when you said that it could get boring here."

"Ha! Yeah, but... One can see the wisdom in this place for people such as us. I'm coming around to staying more and more, but it depends on what else Ashleigh has to say."

"Like what?"

"I don't know. The thing is that I tend to trust her."

"You do?" I asked, thinking of their tumultuous relationship.

"Yeah. Whatever her agenda, if she has one beyond reuniting the family, my instincts tell me that she doesn't mean any harm, and it's not like we haven't agreed on some things, so... I just don't like her thinking she's the boss of me. Especially now that I know where all the wealth came from."

"Good point, Auntie. Um, please tell me you're not going to challenge the will or anything?"

She laughed along with me at this, saying, "No, I'm sure Ashleigh would have all that sewn up tight. Anyway, I'd expect to see her come across more than fair on that. Don't be fooled by your surroundings, this is the biker queen we're talking about here. Wealth and power for the sake of it isn't what she's all about, it' not what she wants."

"What does she want?" I asked.

"I believe she'll ultimately tell us that herself," Auntie replied.

"So, you don't think she's hiding anything."

"Nothing she won't tell us in her own time. She's gotten to Steven, that's for sure, and I don't know what to think of that anymore. He's so different from what he used to be."

"Like how?" I asked, imagining him watching her getting fucked while he jerked off to the spectacle.

" ... His other side is out more often. His other side is more uh, uninhibited. Forceful. Passionate."

"What about his non passionate side?"

She glanced at me, then back at the cobblestones as we continued, not answering for a few seconds.

"It's not that he isn't passionate. Not at all. He was an impossible little hellion in school, it's just that his respect for me makes him... I'm really waiting for Ashleigh to lay her cards out before I decide anything with finality, but she was right when she said that we're all here at a crucial time in our lives. Each of us, including Steven. I think a lot of things about each of us are going to be settled once Ash tells all and, again in agreement with her, I think it'll be a lot easier for each of us to make a proper decision about where we're going from here once she does."

"But, she'll have her preference in our decisions. She'll spin what she tells us to draw our favour to what she wants us to decide."

"Smart girl. Yes, she will. And she'll make a good case, too. God knows, she's had time to prepare. You know something?"

"What?" I asked as she looked down at me with a fond smile.

"I hope this doesn't offend, but you sometimes put me in mind of Sheila when she was younger."

"I'm not offended; I know you wouldn't try to hurt my feelings, but you're not the only one who's said that."

"She's not all bad, you know. She does have her good points."

"So I've been told."

"She was very good to her friends."

"So I've also been told," I replied with a smirk, "just don't leave her alone with your man for more than five seconds."

"Heh! Five seconds? Heh! That man's a goner, sweetie pie."

"(Giggle) With that Grinch smile."

" ... Yes! Ohmigod, yes! I know that smile and that's exactly what it looks like!" she exclaimed, both of us stopping to laugh our heads off over this.



"Can I come out nooow?" Gina moaned.

Sheila rolled her eyes, but otherwise ignored her uninvited houseguest as another long moan from the other side of her bedroom door turned into giggling laughter.

"Uh, I don't mean to hurry you..." I poked.

"You and Kathy have to swear this never comes back to me, she dictated with a level tone.

"I'll tell Mum before she even gets here."

"Pleeeeeease, let me ooouuut...? I don't do well in captivity, I'll wither and diiiiiie..."

"She can't be like this when you're gone."

"But, I don't know what to do about that, that's why I have to go get Mum."

"Well, we'd best do something before you go," she said as she got to her feet. "I'm not listening to that for however long it takes your mother to get here."

"Like I said, I don't think there's anything I can do about it," I replied, also getting to my feet as she approached the door.

"At least she's not doing the Asian prostitute thing anymore," she noted just before opening it.

Gina was sitting on the carpet. She looked up at Sheila with a stunned smile before speaking with no small amount of wonderment in her simple statement.

"God, you're beautiful."

"Whatever floats your boat, Gina," Sheila quipped with a wry grin. "Come on, you can come out now."

"Awww, don't be like thaaat," Gina countered with a big smile as Sheila helped her to her feet. "I'm a nice person. Heeeehh."

"Part of her problem is that she's half wasted," Sheila determined as she let Gina flump on the couch, "so go make her something to eat."

"Uh... Like what? I can't cook."

"Can you make a baloney sandwich?" she asked as though she were asking me if I could tie my shoelaces.


"Oh! Oh! I can cook toast!" Gina excitedly reported, bounding up from the couch only to be pushed back down on it again by Sheila.

"Sweetie pie, please hurry with that?" she irritably asked as she sat down beside her.

I decided not to argue. She was helping and that's what I wanted, so I went to her kitchenette to look into a baloney sandwich. A minute later, I had the bright idea that coffee might help, so I turned around to ask. I didn't get the first word out before I saw Sheila making out with Gina.


She jumped and looked at me with an expression that was somehow guilty and indignant at the same time.


"What are you doing!?"

"Nothing, I'm keeping her quiet."

"That's not keeping her quiet, that's-"

"It's like kissing slutty, but not," Gina determined.

" ... -that's taking advantage," I finished.

"Would you just get the sandwich?" she asked again, more irritably. "Jeez, all we were doing was kissing!"

"Well," I pointed out with sarcastic over clarification as I got back to the sandwich, "the problem with that is in how it totally defeats the whole idea of why she's here in the first place. You see? It's like throwing somebody a lifeline only to use him as bait while you trawl for sharks. As a term, I'd call it 'counterproductive' and- Sheila!"

They were necking again, Sheila's hand inside Gina's lingerie and squeezing her tits until she jumped at her name, quickly removing her hand from a smiling Gina's nightwear.

"What!?" she asked defensively.

"I said stop it!"

"It's not me, it's her!" she claimed, looking at me as though she was surprised I'd think otherwise.

"Gimmie a break, I'm trying to tell you... to... Aww, Gina!"

The young woman in pink leaned over and gave Sheila an open mouthed kiss that the blonde returned.

"Fuckin, geez... Sheila, stop it!" I almost begged.

Forgetting the damned sandwich, I moved back to my slutty aunt's couch as Gina moaned and grabbed Sheila between the legs. Sheila spread them for her as though on reflex and they both passionately fell into each other, French kissing and beginning to squirm and wind themselves about one another.

"Sheila, I mean it!" I threatened.

They weren't stopping. Neither of them were even listening to me as I stood in front of the couch. Was I supposed to actually pull them apart, or what? During my indecision, my meat twitched and began swelling. I was already half hard when Sheila pulled the low cut front of Gina's nightie down, exposing her tits one by one as Gina watched me watching. With a horny smile, she spread her legs and showed me her matching panties, a transparent pinstripe running almost dead center down the length of her opening.

Sheila noticed this as well and stopped mauling Gina's fair sized tits to check out the view before looking wantonly at me. She noticed what was happening in my pants right away and fixed me with that evil grin again as she reached between Gina's legs and pulled the front of her panties down to totally expose her wet and spread lips. A cute little runway of dark pubic hair topped her hood and my erection reached its full measure as they both giggled at me.

"Fuck me," Gina softly sleazed.

"But..." I tried.

"Yeah, fuck her," Sheila invited with the same tone. "Fuck me, too."

Gina unbuttoned the fly of my aunt's hip huggers with a slight jerk, showing the front of her black panties, and I did the rest, suddenly pulling the little blonde's jeans down and off. Her panties were next, making her evil grin wider as she dared to correctly assume my intentions.

Both of them giggled excitedly and I couldn't help smiling as I helped Sheila remove her shirt. Gina had leaned forward and, before I could even remove my beautiful, smiling, conniving aunt's little black bra, she had my pants down. I was inside her mouth in a heartbeat, gasping at how good it felt as Sheila got to her feet on the edge of the couch to start on the buttons of my shirt.

When I was naked, I found my aunt's tongue in my mouth, me sucking it hard the way she liked, gasping around it when Gina deepthroated me. On the edge of the couch, she could come close to my height, also making it easy for me to give her tits lots of attention while my hand found its way between her thighs. She let me rub and massage while her moans grew raunchier and more insistent, Gina sucking my pole like we were just married.

I know what you're thinking. You're wondering what happened to all those high and mighty morals I was just willing to stack up against anyone else's in my family. You're probably also thinking that this is more the style of my mother's other son. Unfortunately, I have no real explanation or defense for what happened. I got unexpectedly worked up and I suddenly found myself just doing what I wanted, as though the weight of responsibility and the rights and wrongs of the entire situation became temporarily too heavy, too unstable to stay on my back. At the time, the only real question in my mind was which of them I was going to fuck first.



We made our way to the pool/bar in the basement. I liked it, the reflections from the water on the medium to dark earth tones of the marble walls, floor and ceiling. I also liked how the plants added to the feel of surrounding nature, the way they based the supporting columns that sprouted from the pool, fronds almost touching its surface and adding to how the light threw itself around the large area. Of course, I especially liked the free bar. What I didn't like about it was that it was Sheila's turf but, since I was there with Auntie Kathleen, it was a lot easier to enjoy myself without the constant distraction of my biological mother possibly coming through the door.

Another thing that kept my mind occupied was my horny. Sitting at the bar, I watched Sheldon, our bartender. He wasn't my type, but I assumed he had a cock and so I watched him anyway. Behind us, Jeffries and a young male servant that I'd seen around the house sat at a table with a couple beer between them while Auntie and I drank enough to intoxicate a bull.


"Yes, sweetie pie?"

"Um... what are we gonna do about Sheila? Why are we...?"

"I know what you're asking," she imparted with a sigh. "Are we going to give her a chance?"

"Well, yeah."

"Do you want to?"

" ... I think about spending time with her... maybe getting to know her from closer ground."

"Does she turn you on?"

" ... Yes," I admitted. "Yes, she does."

"Do you think of the fact that she's your biological mother?"

"Sometimes. It keeps surprising me every time I remember, though."

"Hm," Auntie thoughtfully expressed. "Speaking for myself, I don't know. I just wish things could've been different, is all. You might find this hard to believe but, for me, it's not only that she seduced Dad, causing what he did next, but also- maybe even more so- because she... did it without me. She did it on her own, like she didn't trust me. She abandoned us. Do you understand?"

"Yeah. But, that makes it easier for you in a way."

"Oh?" she asked.

I loved the way she looked at me in such a way as to make it clear how much she valued my viewpoint, rather than treating me and my insights as childish or misguided.

"Well, most people in your place would make it about your daddy, and that's where it would stop. It's understandably hard to forgive something like that, and I'm sure that part of it is always front and center, but it obviously isn't just about that for you. This is really between you and Sheila. She acted on her own, made a mistake, and now she wants your forgiveness. Um, I don't mean to minimize what happened in any way, but what happened to your daddy is kinda beside the point where you two are concerned."

She continued to stare at me, her expression unreadable. I was a bit nervous that, despite my cautioning, she was taking it wrong anyway. Thinking of my own life and how it related to what Sheila did, I took a drink and went on with a sadly reminiscent demeanor, hoping to better get my point across.

"Auntie, I've done some things... (Sigh) OMG, some of the parallels between Sheila and I, based on what you and some others have told me, are pretty trippy. I'd rather not get into detail, but I sometimes wonder if the only difference between she and I is that things worked out better for me at home. To this point, anyway. Some of my past actions might well have turned out disastrous, like what happened to your daddy. I could have so easily lost everything and everyone I cared about just like she did, and I'd sure want someone, especially the one person I always thought I could count on, to forgive me..."

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