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Sexual Gladiators Ep. 01


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CHAPTER 2: The Second and Third Rounds.

"Welcome back to Sexual Gladiators!" Ray Gun says to the camera. "Our contestants have passed the guards at the moat and now they have to cross it as they advance to the castle. We bring you our second event: The Log Bridge. Our contestants each have their own series of three bridges to cross in sixty seconds with a bit of a safety zone after each one. Of course, we can't just make it easy for them as we want to see naked women getting ravished, don't we? So... each bridge rotates with each successive one rotating faster than the previous one. After each bridge is a platform in which there are bag cannons. To make things interesting, the contestants are allowed to either fire on the gladiators at the end of their series of bridges... or... they can fire on each other to knock each other out. The gladiators will be raining down their own hail of bags on our contestants to knock them out."

Gunn turns to look at the contestants, now in their normal sparring helmets but with the catcher's pads still covering their bare chests. "Contestants? Ready?" The contestants all raise their hands in response. "Gladiators? Ready?" The six gladiators let out their savage roars as they lift their cannons up. Gunn raises the whistle to his lips. "Audience, count it down in Three! Two! One!" Gunn blows the whistle and the contestants are off across the first log, which is slowly rotating.

Andrew is first out of the gate, easily crossing his log and scooping up his bag cannon in which he takes a revenge shot at Hung Lo. The shot easily goes over Hung's head, who doesn't even duck for it. Then Andrew goes for the medium speed log, teetering slightly but staying upright. Likewise, Mike dashes across the first log and dives for his padded platform, barely missing the bean bag that flies over his head. On the opposite side of his bridges, The Sperminator swears out loud and fires again in three quick shots. Mike's hasty shot goes wide and wings Hugh Johnson in the arm, who fires back at him on principle before aiming again at a slow moving Rob.

Rob had cleared the first log but was pinwheeling on the second. He fails about and a shot from Hugh wiffs by his face, causing him to jerk back. Rob pitches backwards, hits the log and then plummets down into the pool below with a huge splash. "And down goes Rob, our first casualty of the match. Cait will lose her vest and shorts after this but I don't think that she's looking too upset about it," Gunn commentates. The camera cuts to Cait, who is grinning broadly at the prospect of being stripped finally.

When the camera cuts back, it shows Cory taking a bean bag to chest. He grunts as he endures the blow, picking up his first cannon and making a quick shot towards Doctor Climax. The bean bag ricoches off of the Doctor's helmet, thowing him off balance for a moment. Then Cory is off across the second spinning log, loses his footing and is starting to fall off. He makes one last ditch effort to throw himself to the platform, jackknifing his body on the corner as he then struggles to pull himself up. "Uh oh... Cory is in trouble! A fall here will put his newfound bride naked and in trouble herself should he fail in round three!" Gunn says. "Cory is a bit of a big boy so we'll see if his upper body strength is up to the task."

"Come on, Cory!" Kate cheers her husband on from the stage, now straining in her bonds as if she could get loose and help him out. "You can do it, baby!"

Meanwhile, after a couple of hesitant starts, Wes and Jon clear the first log. They both ignore the cannons and get going on the second logs to make up time while their gladiators rain down a hail of bean bags on them to try and knock them down. "Jon and Wes are finally in this match as they challenge the second logs. Both of them are moving neck and neck," Gunn says, calling out the action. "Andrew nearly gets hit as he's traversing that last log and... can he do it.. YES! Andrew is across and Red Team survives another round!" Up on stage, Leah looks relieved to the point that she looks like she could faint.

Gunn continues his commentary. "Cory is still struggling to get back up but he's not going down at least. OH MY GOD! Mike just took a bean bag to the face crossing the second log. He's flipped head over heels down to the pool! Talk about bad luck for the Orange Team!" Gunn says excitedly. The camera briefly cuts to The Sperminator with a smug look on his face as he makes a show of blowing the barrel of his bag cannon. Jon and Wes, still even with each other have cleared the second bridge and are moving fast to try and stay in it. Could be trouble as The Bull gets Jon in the arm, but Jon is staying up. Wes still ignoring the cannon as he hits the fast spinning log now. Jon takes a shot at The Bull. The Bull ducks and Jon is now dashing across, he dives! Wes makes a jump, the Doc gets him in the chest but the twenty-one year old construction worker is still coming. He's across! Jon is across! And that leaves Cory..."

The camera cuts back to Cory just as the audience starts chanting out the countdown from ten seconds. "Not looking good for the Green Team still as Cory has been stuck there all match," Gunn says. "Five seconds... three..." the horn sounds, signaling the end of the round. "That's it! The Log Bridge is over. Green Team is our first runner up with Purple and Orange Teams suffering losses and the Blue, Red, and Yellow teams winning twenty five hundred dollars! Let's go to the stage."

After some quick editing, the scene switches directly to the Gunn standing next to Jon, Andrew, and Wes. "Gentlemen, exciting round," Gunn says to them. "Andrew, you moved like there was no tomorrow. What was your strategy on this one?"

"Not to piss my wife off by losing again," Andrew snorts.

"Well, you did it; what's your choice going to be for your winnings this round?" Gunn asks him.

"You better be giving me clothes, back, you bastard!" Leah shouts from behind them.

"Guess I'm going with the cash and a piece of clothing back," Andrew admits.

"Alright then, twelve hundred, fifty dollars are yours as well as Leah's shorts given back to her," Gunn nods. "I guess someone isn't too confident in their abilities in the upcoming events." He then turns to Jon and Wes. "You two were in trouble there for a while but seemed to hit your stride. What happened?"

"Slow start, I guess," Jon says.

"Yeah... took me some time to get used to the spin on those things," Wes said.

"Well, in the end, you're both winners. What's your choices?"

"Cash!" they both say at once.

"Then you're both now twenty five hundred richer!" Gunn smiles. Then he moves over to the Purple Team. "Rob, you were struggling out there."

"Yeah, and Hugh then got me off balance with that bag across my face. I was done after that," Rob admitted.

"But you don't seem too upset about your loss?"

Rob shrugs. "Still have a grand from the first round and I get to see my wife stripped. Win-Win in my opinion."

"Right you are. Speaking of, Hugh, will you do the honors, please?" Gunn gestures to the gladiator.

Hugh Johnson grins as he steps up behind Cait, who is arching her back to jut her C Cup tits out for him. Hugh takes the invitation by running his hands up and down her torso and squeezing her breasts through the flimsy fabric. Cait closes her eyes and moans deeply as she's fondled there on stage in full view of the cameras and audience. She gasps and her body jerks when Hugh rips her vest off, exposing her Purple bikini top. Hard nipples are poking up from underneath much to the amusement of the men in the audience, who whistle and catcall at this sight. Cait smiles, bats her eyes, and blows them kisses. Then Hugh runs his hands down to her shorts, using both hands to massage her mound and inner thighs. Cait moans again, thrusting her hips out to meet his touch. A moment later, her shorts are ripped away to reveal her bikini bottoms. She pouts and whimpers when Hugh moves away but he gives her a quick kiss on the lips before he leaves, winking slyly at her.

Now Gunn has moved over to the Orange Team where Mike is looking nervous as always. "Mike, you were doing well until that second log. Any thoughts on what happened?"

"Just looked up at the wrong time, I guess." Mike says sheepishly. His eyes are downcast and refuses to look at his girlfriend. "Sorry honey..."

"It's okay..." Abby says meekly with a resigned look on her face, shifting her gaze back over her shoulder as much as possible at The Sperminator. A look of fear then flashes across her features.

"It's okay, I'm quite gentle," The Sperminator says as he steps up to cup her modest B Cup breasts. True to his word, he gently squeezes and fondles them before reaching into her cleavage to slowly tear the vest apart, exposing her Orange bikini. Then he slides his massive hands down to do the same with her shorts, massaging her mound only after her bikini bottoms are exposed. Abby bites her lower lip and blushes furiously as she's felt up.

"That brings us to our First Runner Up: Cory on the Green Team. You hung on there for the entire match but never hit the water. So Kate will only lose her bra this time around." Gunn explains. "What happened out there?"

"I just couldn't get a foot hold to get back up on the platform," Cory says, dejectedly. "It took all I could to hold on until time ran out."

"Well, it's still gonna cost Kate here," Gunn says sympathetically, putting a hand on Cory's shoulder. "You can't afford any further losses from here on out. First runner up in the next round and then anything short of a win in the last round will knock you both out and knock your wife up. A solid loss in the next round will do the same." Gunn gestures to their gladiator. "Doctor Climax, do your thing."

Doctor Climax smiles as he comes around in front of Kate's curvy body, making a show of hefting her D Cups in his hands while looking down into Kate's brown eyes. Kate looks fearfully up at him, helpless to do anything, as he plucks the two bow ties of her string bikini; one behind her back and one behind her neck. The bikini falls loose and he drags it off of her body. Then he hunkers down, taking one tit into his hand, pinching and rolling her nipple, while his mouth latches down onto the other. He nibbles and suckles on it for a full minute while Kate moans and gasps, writhing in place under his touch.

When the camera cuts back, Gunn is smiling as he's walking over to a huge foam mat pyramid that's easily two stories tall. "Things are heating up as we now head into our third event. We potentially have two women about to be totally naked and one woman who could get fucked this round. Anything can happen as we head into Pyramid. Six contestants versus six gladiators. The goal; reach the top to win. If our gladiators keep our contestants off the top, or manage to toss them all the way off into the pool behind their starting places, the contestants lose. 1st Runner ups are determined as to who is higher on the Pyramid, closest to the dotted line, when our sixty second timer expires."

"As if anyone needs any reminding..." Gunn's voice says as the camera cuts back to the stage to pan across the women in various stages of undress while still bound to their crosses, "Blue Team is down to two pieces of clothing, Red Team is just missing a vest due to gaining their shorts back after their win, Yellow Team is likewise just missing a vest. Green Team is now topless with only their bikini bottoms left protecting Kate's virtue, and finally Purple and Orange Teams are down two pieces now." He reappears on screen, standing at the base of the Pyramid with the six men, all just in their shorts and helmets. Above them, about five steps down from the top that's denoted by a white dotted line are the gladiators. "Let's get it on! Contestants, are you ready?"

The contestants all take their assigned marks and then raise a hand to indicate their readiness. Gunn gestures to the gladiators. "Gladiators, are you ready?" The gladiators all beat their bare chests and roar their readiness. "Audience, once again help me count it down," Gunn goads the crowd on into a frenzy. "In THREE! TWO! ONE!" Gunn blows the whistle and they're off.

All six contestants start scrambling up the pyramid as the gladiators come down to meet them. The Sperminator makes a beeline straight for Mike, who desperately tries to dart away. The Sperminator heads him off, wraps him up in a one armed slam grip that would've made The Rock proud in the WWE, and pitches Mike backwards into the air like a shot put. Mike screams and pinwheels in the air as he flies back past his mark and over the edge to make a huge splash into the water. The Sperminator does a double armed downward flex and lets out a savage roar to the exultation of the men in the audience and the squeals of the women.

Gunn rocks back in surprise. "And just like that, Orange Team is out of it! The Sperminator wasn't having any of it this time. Abby's going to be naked after this round!" he declares, to the excited cheers of the audience. "Andrew boldly charges up the Pyramid and is promptly tossed back down by Hung Lo. Rob and Hugh Johnson mixing it up together, each of them trying to get an advantage over the other. Jon is running back and forth, trying to get The Bull tied up with his fellow gladiators. Wait... he has an opening and tries to squeak past but The Bull snags him by the ankle and pulls him back down. Cory strong arms the Doctor, pushing him aside and going for the top. Doctor Climax is trying to catch him. Wes tosses Quiver aside, using his brute strength to his advantage but Quiver manages to wrap him up and drag him down to the bottom."

"OH!" Gunn then shouts out as Hugh Johnson goes tumbling down. "Rob just tossed Hugh like a bad habit with a haymaker throw. Hugh is at the bottom of the Pyramid and Rob is going for the top. There's nothing in his way and Hugh can't catch him. Rob is at the top for a solid win! Cory also has managed to shake the Doctor for a win as well, keeping him in the game. Three competitors left. Thirty seconds on the clock. Andrew tries to make his move and is tossed back down by Hung Lo for the second time. Wes is still struggling with Quiver at the bottom, who won't let him go. Jon near the top but Bull is blocking him at every turn. Fifteen seconds. Wes looks like he's tiring out in his wrestling match with quiver. Andrew making another dash for the top. Ten seconds... five..." The buzzer then sounds, with Jon sitting down and leaning back against the fifth layer down against the white dotted line. Andrew is three rows below him and kicks the mats in a fit of anger. Wes and Quiver shake hands and nod at each other with Quiver helping a sweaty and tired looking Wes to his feet with a look of admiration.

A few moments later, they're back on the stage. "And what an exciting match that was. We're not even going to bother checking in with our contestants as their faces says it all," Gunn says, gesturing down the line. Jon is looking winded. Andrew and Leah aren't speaking to each other as they both look pissed. Traci is trying to console Wes, who won't meet her gaze. Cory and Kate are looking happy at finally winning a round. Rob and Cait are likewise happy at the win while Mike and Abby are looking dejected and nervous. Gunn gestures to the Blue Team and their gladiator. "Bull, do your thing!"

The Bull smiles as he takes Jen's string bikini off and starts playing with her modest B Cups. Jen moans as he rolls her nipples with his thumbs while leaning in to suck on the side of her neck. He then steps back to present her flushed, topless body to the audience who cheers their approval.

"Hung Lo! Do it, man!" Gunn says.

Hung smiles, bows curtly, and then removes Leah's second pair of shorts that were given to her when the camera wasn't on her. He then pulls her string bikini loose, cups her teardrop Cs, and suckles on one nipple, then the other. Leah closes her eyes and scrunches her face up as she whispers "No... please, God... no..." Andrew turns away in shame and anger as his wife is fondled.

"Quiver!" Gunn says. "Your turn!"

Quiver steps up to Traci and gives her a suggestive look as he cups her mound through her Yellow shorts. Then he rips them apart and nips at her bikini clad mound before standing up and making her just as topless as Leah, Jen, and Kate. He leans in and kisses Traci passionately as he hefts her breasts in his hands, gently squeezing them in the process.

"Finally, Sperminator! I know you've been waiting for this!"

The Sperminator smiles broadly as he gingerly pulls at Abby's bow ties with two fingers from the side. The back knot loosens, then the neck knot, as the bikini top falls free to expose Abby's pert little A Cup tits with pale pink nipples already poking up. Then he pulls the side knot of her bikini bottoms, letting it flap down for the audience to get a flash of her brown pubic fuzz. He then pulls the knot on the other hip and it falls to the ground. Abby reddens as he then kneels down in front of her, placing his mouth over her mound, and jabbing his tongue up into her. His hands slide up the front of her body where he gently squeezes her breasts as he licks her out for a full minute. By the end, Abby is flushed and is panting hard when he pulls away. The audience goes wild at one of the contestants finally being stripped naked."

"Stay tuned folks as we go into our final event for the men to see which of their women will be facing The Gauntlet and see which of their women will be inseminated here on stage," Gunn says happily.


CHAPTER 3: The Fourth Event with Eliminations

"We now head to our fourth event: The Maze." Gunn says, smiling at the camera. "We potentially have five out of our six couples on the brink of elimination. Purple Team, with Rob and Caitlyn only missing two items of clothing, are safe to head into the fifth round where Cait will face The Gauntlet no matter what happens here. If all five of our other teams are eliminated, they will compete in a Redemption Round for their women to go into the Gauntlet. But first, the men face their final challenge for the time being. The Maze has our competitors going into a maze consisting of sixteen rooms in a square grid with each room having four doors in it. There is only one true exit out and our competitors will have to find this to win. All other exits around the perimeter will lead out for them to take a swim. Naturally, their assigned gladiator will be in the grid hunting for them to promptly show them out the nearest exit."

The camera cuts to an overhead view of the maze where The Bull is already inside next to the true exit in the lower left with Jon outside the first room in the upper right. "Jon from the Blue Team is first. Let's see how he does as he has sixty seconds to clear the maze," Gunn says in voice over commentary. The scene switches to an intent looking Jon and then to a nervous looking Jen. "Alright," Gunn says as the view goes back to the overhead of the maze. "With elimination on the line, Jon goes in three... two... one..." he counts down with the audience and then a horn sounds. Jon dashes through the first room and the next two immediately ahead of him, taking him to the third row of rooms where he then pauses and cocks his head as he seems to be listening for The Bull.

Gunn commentates the action. "Jon is now taking his time. He's got a few seconds to spare. The Bull is moving in a methodical pattern, looking for him. They're getting closer..." Jon takes a room to his left to move more towards the center. "Closer... closer... OH! And Bull finds him! Jon's dashing back two rooms to the first column, two rooms down from the start. Bull is hot on his heels, OH NO! Bull catches him and shows him the door!" The camera cuts to an exterior view of the maze where Jon bursts out of a side door backwards as he flies off the platform and into the water below. "Tough luck but that means the Blue Team is now out of it. Bull, get up here and do your thing!" Gunn says.

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