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Shannon and Mark's Story


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"Yeah." He said not quite sure what to make of it.

This was now incredibly awkward. "Well do you want to stay and hang out?" I asked, not knowing what else to say.

"Sure." He said unconvincingly.

We ended up watching TV, and went to bed together. We spooned a little, but neither one of us was in the mood for more. It was terribly uncomfortable. He had his arm wrapped around me while he slept. I felt trapped and all I could think about was my day with Mark.

It took me hours to fall asleep, but when I finally woke up Jason was on the other side of the bed. I wonder what he thought about all night? I'm guessing not much. Guys never seem to have a problem sleeping, even when they're stressed.

We hung out for a little more, and he eventually went home. I asked him not to tell Ashley about the surprise trip, but I'm not sure he even heard me say that.

Later I texted Mark. "Everything's all set. I have your tix waiting for you. I can drop them off this week."

"How about you come by on Sunday?" Mark texted back.

"Sure. See you then."

He ended with, "Looking forward to it."

And just like that I was already overanalyzing it. Looking forward to seeing me or getting the tickets? Why do I obsess over these silly little details?

On Sunday, I went over with the tickets. I was eager to see him, but a little nervous as well.

He came to the door, but seemed a little out of it.

"Everything alright?" I asked. "I have your tickets." I said cheerfully holding out an envelope.

"Thanks, but not sure I'll even need the tickets now." He said softly.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Ashley seems to be having second thoughts. Or something. I'm not really sure. She said she was taking some time to think things over. And not to contact her." He said, clearly upset by it.

"I'm sure it's just cold feet and nothing serious. Everybody gets that. It will be okay." I tried to cheer him up.

"Maybe. Or maybe she just doesn't want to be with me for the rest of our lives." He said softly.

"Well then she's an idiot." I said bluntly.

"Excuse me?" He asked surprised and a little amused.

"From the brief few times we've hung out, you've made me feel...incredible. You're kind, caring, handsome, talented. Any girl would be lucky to spend the rest of their life with you." I said as I walked over to him. It seemed so effortless to find each other's embrace, but I wasn't sure how we got there.

"That's really sweet of you to say." He said and he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. "Jason is a lucky guy."

"I'm not so sure he thinks so." I joked, halfway trying to cheer up Mark, but it was true. That actually made me really sad, and Mark could tell. He always knew what I was feeling.

"Hey, if he doesn't realize all that he has, then forget him. You are beautiful inside and out, giving, simply amazing." He said as his hand rubbed my shoulder gently.

I was so conflicted as I looked up into his piercing eyes. I could feel his whole body slightly lean in, and at just the last moment he turned and only kissed my cheek. I needed a moment to gather my thoughts, and I stepped away. This was already getting pretty heated and I just got here.

The sketch of my naked body still was up on his easel. I took that as a sign Ashley hadn't been here all week. "Still staring at my ass?" I joked hoping to lighten the mood, but realized that only made things more awkward.

"I like looking at it. I mean the drawing, not your ass. Well I mean your ass is nice to look at but that's not what I meant." He sounded a little flustered. "I leave it up because it reminds of, well, everything." He looked at the sketch. "Feels a little incomplete, though."

"Looks pretty complete to me." I said, unsure of where he was going with this.

"Well the drawing is close to complete, but that's not what I meant." He said so softly.

"What did you mean?" I asked. Everything he said seemed to pull me in, always leaving me wanting more.

"When I look at this drawing I see a beautiful girl. A little sad, and I want to comfort her. I'm never happy looking at this because it leaves things in an awkward spot."

Everything with us felt like an awkward spot, I thought.

"If I could have one wish," he continued, "it would be to draw you from the front. To see who I was drawing, who I was wanting to comfort. To see who I haven't stopped thinking about for weeks."

Holy shit. My heart raced; did he finally say what I was longing for? I broke eye contact and regained my composure.

"One wish? You'd use your one wish to draw me? Most people would wish to win the lottery." I said giving him an easy out if he truly didn't mean it.

"This would be worth more to me than that. It would feel like my heart won the lottery." He couldn't help but smile. "Sorry that sounded so cheesy."

I just shook my head trying to process all of this. He reached out his hand to mine and walked me over to the posing area. What the hell was he doing?

He gently led me over, and began unbuttoning my shirt. I was too in shock to say anything, as I saw my shirt fall to the floor.

I opened my mouth to tell him to stop, but no words came out. I just stood there, watching him slowly unbutton and now unzip my jeans. He did it so slowly, giving me every opportunity to stop him, but I didn't.

He reached around my back, unhooked my bra and gently slid it over my shoulders until my breasts felt the tingle of the cool air on them. He took in the sight, but barely smiled. He was so focused.

I felt his thumbs slip into my panties as he pulled them down over my thighs, over my knees and I stepped out of them with each foot. He tossed them aside, and locked eyes with me. "Wait here." He said.

I crossed my arms, covering up my breasts. I was so on edge, so alive. This was feeding my adrenaline fix he made me grow to crave. He returned with a stool, and had me sit back. Gently he had me place one leg slightly higher, and crossed my arm over my side. I was both covered and exposed.

He took a step back admiring my pose. "Simply beautiful. I'll try to be quick." He said as he took his spot behind the easel and drew frantically.

"Not too quick, I hope." I muttered at a volume I wasn't sure if he could hear. I tried to look in the direction I posed, but my eyes kept glancing over at him. I hadn't seen him draw like this before. It was like he was staring right through me.

After I don't know how long he finally called out, "Alright you can relax." He looked physically drained.

I walked over to him, "May I see?"

"No, I'd rather you wait until I finish." He said.

That was unlike him. He always let me look. "Is everything okay?"

"Yes, I just, I'd just rather show you the finished result. So you can see how I really see you." He said looking me in the eyes.

This was making me want to see it so much more. "Let me see!" I said playfully.

"No!" He laughed as he watched me walk closer.

"Come on..." I said teasingly as I was nearly on top of him.

"No, get away!" He said jokingly trying to avoid my advances.

A mischievous look came over my face.

"What are you thinking?" He asked clearly intrigued.

"I'll give you two choices. You have to pick one, or I won't let you finish the drawing." I said mysteriously.

"I don't like this." He said with a smile.

"You can either let me see the drawing now." I said slowly.

"Nope." He interrupted.

"Or you can pose for me." I said with a sly smile.

"You want me to pose for you?" He asked holding back a laugh.

"How many hours have I posed for you? You could return the favor for 10 minutes."

He contemplated his options for a moment, and I could tell he was starting to cave.

"It's either that, or I'm going to go look at your drawing right now...what's it going to be?" I said playfully. "Fine I'm going to look." I said quickly without giving him much chance to respond.

"Okay, okay. Just let me put up a blank sheet for you first." He shook his head, laughing. "Alright, you're all set up. Now just give me a minute."

He removed his shirt up over his head, exposing his muscular and toned frame.

I actually was a little surprised he was going through with this as I took my spot behind the easel.

Next he undid his jeans and tossed those to the side next to his shirt, and stood there in his dark blue boxer briefs that showed a perfect imprint of his penis. He stood there with a look on his face that says, now what?

"Keep going." I said teasingly, enjoying how he was the one feeling a little vulnerable for a change.

He took a deep sigh and removed his boxers. And there he was. All of him. His muscular frame, toned arms, firm legs. And finally giving myself permission, I looked...there. Even when we showered together, I don't think I ever clearly saw his penis, but I saw it now.

It hung thick and full, with the tip resting just below his balls. I've never been one to care too much about how a guy's dick looked, but his looked perfect.

"How do you want me?" He asked as I had so many times.

Oh my, so many ways to answer that question, but I kept my cool. "Just like that." I said as I took the wooden stick he once used to measure me. I held it up with my arm straight out.

"What are you doing?" He laughed.

"Just counting your heads." I said trying to sound serious. "I see one," as I held the stick up near his face, and then clearly lowered it to his crotch. "And two. I see two heads on you."

That made him blush and he slightly turned his head away. I'm not positive, but it looked like his penis got just a little thicker from my comment. It hung just a tad bit further from his body with a hint of more bounce to it. Did he even know how naturally sexy he was?

I picked up the pencil and finally began sketching. I kept a serious look on my face as I attempted to capture his essence. "Oh yeah, this is really coming together." I mocked. "Some of my best work."

He laughed and just stood there. Naked but not free, captive to my full attention.

"Simply beautiful." I declared after a few minutes.

"You're done already?" He asked.

"Yup, it's perfect. Come see for yourself." I said stepping aside, awaiting his artful critique.

His full cock bounced from side to side as he walked over. I was a little nervous to see what he would say. And he burst out laughing.

"It's like looking in a mirror." He said unable to control his laughing. "You captured the proportions so well. Tell me, do they teach stick figure drawing in art class these days?"

My drawing looked like a basic line with a head, arms and legs, and a detailed penis that was unnaturally large.

"This isn't a stick figure, it's a dick figure." I joked.

"I can see that." He laughed. "Looks like you certainly have a high opinion of mine."

"It's just how I saw it." I blushed, realizing how I just told him I was staring at his penis this whole time.

"Well thank you." He kissed me on the cheek. "I'll cherish it forever. Now may I resume my drawing?"

"Of course." And I took my spot back over by the stool. I watched him take his familiar position behind the easel again, but he didn't bother putting his clothes back on. He drew quickly while still completely exposed. We both were.

I had to keep looking straight, so as not to change my pose. Even though he was completely naked and in open view, I still had to imagine it because my head wasn't facing him originally. What a cruel and delicious tease.

But I'm only human, and eventually my curiosity won. I glanced to the side to watch him draw. Slowly my whole body slightly shifted.

"You've completely changed your position. Can you move your leg a little to the right?" He asked.

"Like this?" I asked as I slid my leg slightly to the side almost exposing my slit.

"No, the other direction..." He said softly.

"Like this?" I played dumb and opened my leg a little further.

"You know that's not how you were." He said neither amused nor upset.

"Then how do you want me?" I asked softly, letting my hand fall between my thighs, covering up my slit as my legs opened wider.

He walked over without a smile, his penis bouncing freely growing fuller by the step. "That's a dangerous question." He said as he placed his hands on each of my thighs. His fingers slid on the outsides of my legs, while his thumbs trailed down my inner thighs.

He closed my legs, returning them to their original position, but kept his hands on my thighs. "This is how I want you." He whispered in my ear.

I let out a little gasp from the feeling of his breath on my skin as he kissed my neck. I closed my fist and was amazed to find I was gripping his now hard cock.

My eyes were closed and I felt a hand cup my breast as my legs parted. I gasped and tried to tell him to stop, but deep down I didn't want him to.

I felt him grip my waist and pull me closer to him on the edge of the stool as my legs wrapped around him. It all happened so fast, I heard myself moan as I felt his girth penetrate my intimate slit. I leaned into him and bit his shoulder to prevent myself from screaming louder.

"We can't..." I finally managed to mutter as I now kissed him on the lips. His tongue lightly glided over mine. "We can't..." I said again as I started to grind my hips into him, feeling his frame thrust into me forcefully.

"I know." He said as he continued to slide his cock in and out of me, each thrust getting harder.

I felt my whole body shake each time he slammed into me. I angled my hips just right, so with each thrust I could feel his shaft reach just the right places. His breathing picked up and it tingled my neck as he held me close.

"We..." He said with a heavy breath, pulling his pulsing erection out of me almost completely, "can't..." He said as he slowly slid back into me.

I felt his girth part my lips all over again, inch by inch he fully entered me until my clit rubbed up against his pubic bone.

"Fuck." I whispered as I felt him slightly move inside me without thrusting. It was all happening too fast. I was so close. So confused.

He somehow pulled me in even closer as if he was holding on for his life. I gasped again and whispered, "I'm going to..." I couldn't even finish the words before I felt myself tremble. I felt him shake as well as his cock pulsed deep inside me, releasing his warm seed.

Together we shook and clung to each other, waiting for the spasms to die down. What have we done?

He slowly pulled out his long, hard shaft. We both just looked at it, still erect and covered with our bodily fluids of guilt. In a way this moment felt inevitable, yet still just as wrong.

"I don't think Ashley is coming back." Mark said without much warning.

"What?" That caught me off guard. I was hoping he'd say something about how much he cared for me. Not bring up Ashley. "What do you mean?" I asked.

He shrugged his shoulders. "I've just got a bad feeling about it."

"A bad feeling? Like bad as in you feel guilty? Bad as in you think Ashley is leaving you?" There was a sudden sense of panic and insecurity in my voice.

"No. I've got a bad feeling about Ashley and me." He paused and kissed my forehead and lightly cupped my breasts. "I'm not sure we're supposed to be together."

Again I was confused. Wasn't sure who was supposed to be together? Him and Ashley? Or him and me? "Oh." Was all I said.

"I don't think she's right for me." He kissed my neck softly. "How could this have happened if I was meant to be with her?" He asked rhetorically.

I felt a little less guilty about what we did, but not much.

"So where does that leave us?" I asked as I watched his penis slowly shrink back to its non-aroused state.

"It leaves us needing to finish your drawing." He said avoiding the question. I watched his cute little butt as he headed back over to his easel.

He picked up his charcoal and started to draw. This all felt so wrong. What the fuck have I done to Jason? He did not deserve this.

"I'm sorry I have to go." I said as I quickly got dressed, grabbed my phone and headed out of there. I could feel his cum dripping down my leg as I drove home serving as sticky a reminder of our guilty act.

As soon as I got home, I tried to call Jason, no answer. It was just as well. What would I even say to him?

The next day I couldn't stop thinking about what happened. I needed to see him again. I texted Mark saying I left my purse over there and I needed to get it. Truthfully I don't even think I brought my purse the other day, but he politely invited me over to get it.

We hugged when I got there, but it was an awkward hug. I don't even think our bodies touched, just our arms loosely around the shoulders. That only seemed to increase the tension.

"What are you going to do about the unfinished drawing?" I asked out of nowhere. Maybe deep down I was hoping he'd ask me to pose for him again.

"I prefer to leave it as is. It will remind me of what happened." He said softly.

"What's wrong?" I could tell something was bothering him.

"Oh not much. My fiancé is nowhere to be found. I'm not sure if I was meant to be with her. Oh and I slept with her roommate's girlfriend. That's all." He said dryly but added in a small laugh despite the pain he was in.

"It will be okay." I said as I walked up to him and ran my fingers through his soft hair.

He gripped my waist and gave an awkward hug. It was more entitled than a friendly hug, but more awkward than a lover's embrace. He kissed my forehead. "I'm sure it will." He said as he locked eyes and gave me a gentle kiss on the lips.

I practically melted in his arms. I seemed to lose all self-control around him as I kissed back even harder. Before I knew it I felt his hand running up over my shirt caressing my breasts. Almost as an instinct I was simultaneously unbuttoning his jeans.

He made short work of my shirt and bra as I felt the cool air hardening my nipples. He looked down as I had quickly removed his now completely erect penis from his boxers and held it in my hand.

"We can't..." He said as he was already panting.

"I know." I said as I slowly got down onto my knees. Gently I stroked his cock as I kissed his balls. I had never really done that to Jason before, but I wanted to give Mark something special. My lips kissed the underside of his shaft, working my way up to his engorged head. I cupped his scrotum, feeling the gentle give as his balls glided around in my hand.

Giving Jason head had often felt like a chore. Just something we did. But this was different. I wanted nothing more than to make Mark feel on top of the world, I thought to myself as I slid my tongue around the tip of his shaft. He moaned loudly as I sucked on the tip, before slowly working it deeper in my mouth. His precum tasted like candy to me.

"No, we can't..." I heard as I continued undeterred.

It wasn't long before I felt his arms reach down to my shoulders and physically pick me up off my knees. "No, really...we shouldn't." He said as clearly his self-discipline was stronger than mine.

"I don't understand." I said not sure where my sudden tears were coming from.

"Yes, you do." He said holding me tightly.

"Don't you want...?"

"More than anything." He replied before I could finish my sentence. "And I hope it does happen. I hope THIS happens for real. But it can't right now."

He was right. As much as I wanted it to happen, I think we'd both regret it if it happened right now.

"Could I at least see the drawing...?" It was all I could think to say.

He gave a long indecisive sigh. The kind an artist gives when fearing judgment on an incomplete work. "Of course. You deserve that much." And with that he stepped out of the way so I could walk over to the easel.

Once again I was brought tears. "I really can't believe it."

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