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Shannon's Cheating Excites Me

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Man finds out fiancee cheats...and likes it
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I wanted her from the first time I saw her. It was at a networking for young executives, one where almost everyone dressed very conservatively. She, however, was wearing bright flowered sundress that showed off her long smooth legs. She reminded me of Rashida Jones, and exuded a bubbly flirtatiousness. I followed her around the room like a puppy dog, but couldn't find a chance to talk to her since many other guys had the same idea. The ones she did talk to were clearly taken by her flirty nature.

Finally I literally waited near the ladies' restroom so I could talk to her when she came out. When she emerged, I nearly lost my nerve as she walked towards me. I looked at her long brown hair, her light copper skin, her high cheekbones, red lips...and those big brown eyes that were already making me fall in love. I almost turned away but I could see by the color in her cheeks that she had been enjoying a few drinks and impulsively asked,

"Looks like you've been indulging in the free wine"

She put her hands to her cheeks but seemed to be half playing embarrassed,

"Are you stating a fact or are you just hopeful?"

She had a beautiful soft voice with the hint of a southern accent. I tried to keep pace with her.

"Both?" I smiled.

I introduced myself as Mark and found out her name was Shannon. As luck would have it a waiter was walking by with a tray of wine glasses on offer and I gallantly picked up two and handed her one. We talked for about 10 minutes at the side of the room and I learned that like me she had been in advertising a year, It was clear she was no dummy, but I was impressed that she had already been promoted. I made sure to keep a flirtatious tone going and thought I was making progress when a girl I had seen her with before came and said they should head out.

"Wait!", I said, realizing I sounded a little panicky. "I...maybe we could hang out sometime next week?"

I always felt awkward trying to pick up a girl in front of someone else, and I could feel some heat rise in my cheeks.

"Oh", she said. I was sure she was going to tell me she had a boyfriend but instead she told me, "I'll be traveling for work."

I smiled, encouraged, "Well..the week after then." I said assertively.

Shannon became coy, "Perhaps." She saw my face drop a little and teased, "I suppose you want my number?"

She took my phone and typed in her digits then named herself 'Shannon Perhaps'. Shannon gave me a little wave with her fingers then walked away with her friend, her ass swaying in her dress.

I texted her and called her for a month. She never shut me down, but she always had other plans. Often her excuse was that she was working. I could see how she had got promoted before me, she was dedicated to her job. I had almost lost hope when I texted her one evening asking if she wanted to see a concert that weekend. I got a response almost immediately,

"I can't - but I'm at The Aviary with friends if you want to pop by"

The bar was at the other end of town, but I was determined to to take advantage of the chance to finally see her again. I texted back that I would be there in 30 minutes and hustled to change into a nice outfit and grab a cab. On the way over I was both excited and anxious, but was also questioning myself for chasing this girl so desperately. It's not like I couldn't get a date, but I had spent more time trying to see Shannon one more time than I had spent trying to impress the last girl I had actually briefly dated.

Any doubts washed away when I saw her at the bar. Her friends were attractive, but she still stood out. She was wearing a simple white sundress, looking the embodiment of sexy femininity. When she saw me approaching her face lit up like I was her favorite person in the world. Smiling, she stood up, with the clear wobble of a girl who had had a few drinks, and kissed me on the lips I was taken aback, and hardened immediately. I still think of that kiss today...how much I wanted her...how clear it was she knew.

We danced song after song. In some songs she would rub herself against me, making me crazy. The next song she would just sway beautifully in front of me, almost as if she forgot I was there. I put my hands on her hips, even stroking her ass, but I didn't push it, somehow afraid I might spook her and ruin everything. At one point a girl she introduced as her sister, Sandy, came over and the three of us danced. Shannon seemed joyous, as if she was dancing in a kind of celebration of being alive. It was infectious and my cheeks were hurting from smiling down at her. When Sandy left to return to the other friends, Shannon asked if I'd join her outside the club for a smoke.

Shannon bummed a cigarette from someone on the street, then couldn't find her lighter. I told her I would go ask someone for a light but she smiled, said she was trying to quit, then leaned in and kissed me. We made out of the street for several minutes before I finally had the nerve to ask if she wanted to go back to my place. She bit her lower lip, looked me up and down as if evaluating me, then nodded. I hailed a cab before she could change her mind. It was a long ride to my place and I stroked her bare leg anxiously, trying not to let the momentum fade. By the time we got to my apartment, there was a little awkwardness. I leaned in to kiss her again and she was receptive. We kissed standing up until I took her by the hand to my bedroom. We made out on the bed, and I was as hard as I had ever been. I was desperate to fuck her, but she was so beautiful I didn't want to scare her away or disappoint her. I really wanted to see her again.

Eventually I got her panties off under her skirt and she pulled my cock out of my jeans. When I pushed inside her I felt like I was the first man on the moon. It felt like a great achievement and I was giddy with excitement. It was clear she was the adventurous type, but I foolishly was playing it safe with her, very gentle. She was more beautiful than any girl I had been with and this somehow made me cautious.

Shannon seemed a bit confused at first, as if there was something missing as I pushed into her again and again. Finally she got on top and started to ride me. Looking up at her I was amazed at her beauty and felt so lucky. I tried hard not to cum but it was not easy Shannon bucked on top of me, her small hands pushed into my chest until I saw her eyes close and felt her tighten. I was proud to have lasted this long and to have made her cum, and shot into the condom quickly.

As the two of us lay beside each other, I murmured intimately that it had been quite a while since I had done that. Shannon looked at me curiously, and without shame or judgment said that she was very busy at work, but was still getting fucked quite often.

This gave me mixed emotions. I was not surprised she was getting fucked. Shannon is an extremely sexy girl and was clearly experienced. I was happy she was so open with me. The idea of her getting fucked actually turned me on, but I also felt worried she I might just be one of many for her. This concern was not assuaged when she started to put her panties back on, saying she had to get home since she had work tomorrow.

I was a little clingy, but let her leave after she promised she would see me again. She blew me off for almost two weeks, but finally agreed to meet me on a Saturday afternoon. It was a beautiful day and I had it all planned out. I took her to a fair, then to a great outdoor spot. We talked for hours and I learned more about her. She was from a smaller town, but had come to the city with big ambitions.

While we were walking down the city street, Shannon admitted she was a workaholic, and was doing whatever it took to get ahead. I nodded but she challenged me. "You don't know what it's like being a woman in a man's field...it's not always easy." I told her I understood and that I admired her drive and was impressed she had already been promoted. She seemed pleased.

"Good", she said, smiling, "that's a big part of who I am and it's important you understand that. I have always put my career first"

I was happy she cared so much and readily agreed that I understood. She took my hand and I felt my heart beat faster just with her touch. We ended up going back to my place, and it being the weekend, I even got her to stay the night.

After that night I started to see Shannon more frequently. She traveled a lot for work, and even when in town she worked later into most evenings, but she found some times she could see me. I was always grateful for the chance, even when she texted me late and suddenly suggested we meet up after she finished a late night at work. Often Shannon would seem distracted, like she had a lot on her mind, but I would work hard to distract her from work and we'd end up having a great time. It was so exciting every time I got her in bed. She seemed to appreciate that I worked hard to made sure she came every time, often licking her until my tongue hurt. I was glad to do so, it made be so pleased every time I'd see her face lost in enjoyment.

She was serious about her work though and only stayed over on weekends. When I did get to see her I'd often just get to meet her for a late dinner. If I was lucky, I'd get her to go back to my place. One night, however, she asked me if I wanted to join her at a club, where she was planning on seeing old college friends who were in town. Of course I agreed to be the designated driver, knowing she and her friends would want a few drinks. Shannon had a few glasses of wine with dinner and was feeling no pain when we arrived at the club.

Her friends were already there. There were three of them, and I was surprised to see they were all guys - introduced as Tim, Ben and Eddie. Shannon was thrilled to see them, giving each a long hug and kissing them all on the lips. Eddie, lifted her up and little when he kissed her, his hands cupping her ass. The guys seemed nice enough and they all shook my hand.

They bought a round of shots and after drinking them they started to talk about old times. I had a hard time keeping up with the conversation since I didn't know anything about what they were talking about, but I got the idea that Shannon used to be a bit of a wild child. In one story she apparently stripped down and jumped naked into the hot tub in front of most of their graduating class.

Soon they gave Shannon another drink and they all downed a round together. Shannon was taken to the dance floor by Tim. The three of us at the bar watched as Tim spun Shannon around then held her close as they laughed at some story he told. When the song changed, he turned Shannon around and she started to grind her ass against him. I was a little taken aback, but the other guys just smiled and drank and I tried to reassure that she was just partying with an old friend.

Eddie suddenly left us and we watched him cut in on Tim, laughing as he said something to the two of them. Shannon joined in, laughed joyfully, then gave Eddie a long kiss. Tim rejoined us and I watched Eddie dancing with my girlfriend as if she was his all along. Shannon didn't dirty dance with Eddie. They just danced slowly, her arms around his neck, looking him in the eyes as they caught up. Occasionally she would nuzzle into his big shoulders. I tried not to stare, but I couldn't help myself. They looked...like a couple.

When they finally finished dancing Shannon came back and sat on a stool beside me at the bar with her friends. She took my arm and for a moment I couldn't contain the resentment that was building inside.

"So, I get to be with you a little now?" I whined quietly.

"Do you have a problem?" she threw back at me, her words a bit slurred.

I started to say something but thought better of it and looked away from her gaze, down at my shoes.

"Look", she said, in a voice that may have been loud enough for her friends to hear, "I'm going home with you tonight, I'm going to fuck you."

I couldn't look up, feeling ashamed at her calling me out. She took my hand and practically dragged me the the door of the bar then out on the street.

"Look at me." she said sternly, her southern accent much stronger than usual. I did as she told me to.

"I need to hear you tell me it's ok...that you don't mind me being with other boys."

I looked at her quizzically, trying to follow.

"Tell me Mark."

"I...yes...it's ok....I..."

"I need you to mean it Mark. Tell me you like to know I'm free to do as I please."

"Shannon, I...of course I know you're free..."

I thought I saw a flicker of a cruel look in her eyes as she saw how desperate I was to soothe her.

"Tell me you like it!" she said in a firm tone.

I looked at her blankly not sure I was following.

"Tell me Mark."

"I...I like it Shannon. I like to see you free."

"Tell me you liked seeing me with other men." she taunted.


"Tell me!"

"I...I like seeing you with other men. I want you to be free." The words came quickly as I looked around to see who might be overhearing. I wanted her to calm down.

"Good." she said with real satisfaction. "That's very good."

She kissed me on the cheek and we went back inside. I didn't say anything as she had more drinks and overtly flirted with her friends in front of me. I didn't even say anything when their hands grazed her ass, or during her long kiss goodbye with Eric. As she promised sShannon came back to my place and fucked me, but she seemed distracted and left soon after.

I was a little concerned the next day, but after that night, things were back to normal, maybe even better with us. Shannon was still working long hours, but sometimes would stay at my place after. On those night she was almost always too tired to fuck, but would lie in my arms and fall asleep.

Shannon did become more openly flirty after the night out with her old friends. I realized she must have been holding back her nature when we were first dating, and I was careful not to look jealous. Sometimes it was hard. One night a bartender she was flirting with asked her for her number right in front of me. She told him she'd be back soon enough and maybe he'd get it next time. Another night I had an old friend visit from out of town. He's a charmer, and she took a liking to him. I felt like a third wheel much of the night as I watched her sit near him and giggle at his jokes. At the end of the evening she kissed him good night and made him promise he would stay with me next time he was in town so she could see more of him.

While her flirting sometimes concerned me, the truth was I really did enjoy watching her with other men. I even took it as a complement that so many other men wanted to fuck my girl. Shannon seemed to be aware of this - sometimes she would even tease me about other men while we fucked, or make me role play a guy we had seen that night. I didn't mind, I loved being with her.

In fact, I had fallen deeper in love with her. I thought of her all day and cherished the time she spent with me. I really wanted to take the next step.

"Shannon...I have had a great time these past months and...well...I thought...maybe you might want to move in with me? Even as I said it it sounded lame, but I was glad to get it out there. Then I saw the look in her face. Surprised, pained...perhaps a little pity?

"Mark...I....", she took a breath in, "I thought you...I mean I like you a lot but....work is so demanding and..."

My head was reeling. She was rejecting me...was she breaking up with me?

"Can't we just...I mean keep things the way they are?"

I could see in her eyes she just wanted that and I couldn't disappoint her. I was desperate to make it all better again.

"It's ok...it's fine." I thought a moment and her offer suddenly seemed wonderful. "Yes...yes of course things are great the way they are. I really like you...let's not change."

Her face brightened immediately. "Really? I...hope you understand. You're ok with me...?"

I wasn't clear on what she was asking but I assured her I was.

"Good!" she said kissing my cheek, "I mean I really do consider you my main guy."

I was caught completely off guard by this and couldn't find the words to respond. Did she mean there were still others? I started to say something but she leaned in and hugged me tightly. We stayed in an embrace for a few seconds and then she felt my cock stir against her. She reached down familiarly, unzipped me then wrapped her little fingers around it. Soon we were fucking again, and she seemed eager to make me happy. I quickly lost any doubt about our relationship. Things were good; why would we mess it up? Of course Shannon was reluctant to make a commitment, she had been burned by guys before. Guys would always try to take advantage of a beautiful, open girl like her. I committed to myself that I would not pressure her, not get jealous. I was pretty sure I was her only guy.

As months went by things stayed the same, but better. We spent almost every weekend together. I adored her and loved spending that time with her, out on the town, or back in my bed. The concerns I had about other guys faded as I told myself she didn't have any time for guys other than the ones she would flirt with when we went out. She was almost always at work, traveling for work or with me.

I did have concerns that she worked too much but the one time I gently suggested that she was upset and pushed back firmly. She loved her work, even though it clearly tired her out. On Friday nights she would come to my place late at night and need one of my famous foot rubs. I was happy to give them to her, though I wished she wouldn't always fall asleep before we fucked.

One Friday night I surprised Shannon by picking her up at the airport as she returned from a business trip. I texted her so she would know to expect me. When she came out she looked sexy, wearing a rather short dress and a jacket, but she also looked tired, even bedraggled. I felt bad for her but before I could say anything I saw a big guy in an expensive looking suit approach me.

"You must be Mark." he said in a deep, confident voice as if I just arrived in his home. "I'm Mick, I work with Shannon."

Shannon looked like she was anxious to get away from Mick and finish her work week but she added, "Mick's my boss Mark."

Mick went on to tell me he had heard good things, made small talk for a bit then said brusquely patted me on the shoulder,

"Well, I had better let you both go. Good to meet you there - take care of her." He gave Shannon a smile and wink and headed off as Shannon watched him leave.

The ride home in the car was rather quiet. Shannon seemed tired but also distracted. She said several times that I shouldn't have gone to the bother of picking her up. I had planned on taking her to my place but she said she was really tired and wanted to sleep alone. I felt let down but thought I might cheer things up with the other surprise I had planned for her. I told her I had reservations at Benuto's, one of the city's best restaurants. Shannon's mood brightened. She gave me a big kiss and thanked me for being so sweet.

When I picked her up the next day I was amazed by how gorgeous she looked, how different than the night before. This was the Shannon I knew so well, but...more glamorous Shannon looked amazing in a sleek red gown. I couldn't hide my pride and love when she walked into Benuto's with me. When the champagne was served I lifted my glass and said,

"Shannon, it's been a year since we started dating, and I'm so grateful to have found you."

She had no idea and said was touched that I would be keeping track.

"It's been the best time in my life" I told her honestly. "You're the only one Shannon."

I felt anxious saying that as I didn't want her to think I was pressuring her, I just needed her to know there was nobody else. She seemed pleased though.

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