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Sharing Kate

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Three friends engage in a late night, drunken threesome.
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"Do you want another drink?"

"No thanks man," I answered with a dismissive wave of my hand. "I think I'm done for the night."

"Oh come on!" Ryan goaded. "Don't be a pussy!"

I just laughed and shook my head at my friend's persistence.

"Fine," I responded in resolution. "But only if Kate has one too."

Ryan cocked his head in the direction of his girlfriend who was seated on the couch beside me, her legs pulled up under her body. His expression revealed his desire for all three of us to continue our night of drinking.

"Ooooookay," Kate said, rolling her eyes in mock resistance. "I guess we can have one more."

I watched suspiciously as Ryan prepared the drinks, gauging the amount of alcohol he distributed to each one. I knew from experience that he tended to mix them stronger as the night went on, and at this stage, he was mixing them about half and half whiskey and coke.

"Thanks," I said dryly as I accepted my last drink of the evening.

I took a sip and pretended to hide my disgust as the foul tasting liquid passed my lips. I had imbibed my fill of alcohol for the night, and I knew that drinking anymore would simply be overkill. Kate took a drink as well before we exchanged knowing glances revealing our mutual dislike of Ryan's bartending methods.

"Soooo," Ryan drawled as slumped down on the couch beside his girlfriend, causing her to shift over towards me. "What do you think of Kate's new outfit?"

I threw an arm over the back of the couch and pretended to study Kate's attire, although in reality I had already taken notice numerous times during the night.

"Not bad," I stated with a smile, as Kate rolled her eyes with slight embarrassment. "I'm impressed. I've never seen you wear a skirt before."

It was true. Kate had always been kind of a tom-boy with a very plain fashion style, often mocking the current trends with fun-loving contempt. Over the last few times that I had visited my friends, however, I had witnessed a gradual transition in her appearance as she cautiously began to adopt a much more stylish and feminine look. Even her hair had evolved from a short, plain boyish style into a shoulder length do, containing hints of blonde that accented her facial features perfectly. She was also now wearing jewellery, as indicated by the dangling hoop earrings and matching silver necklace adorning her slender neck.

"Do you have any idea how much convincing it took to get her to wear that tonight?" Ryan said, before taking another drink. "She thinks it makes her legs look too skinny."

"Really?" I asked, leaning back to get a better look.

I could sense Kate's discomfort growing by the second.

"She looks hot right?" Ryan continued, as if trying to convince me of something.

"Uh huh," I agreed, beginning to share in Kate's discomfort.

Throughout the entire night, Ryan had been making comments like that. When we had been at the club earlier he had even tried to convince me to dance with her. And now that we had arrived home and his judgement was being tainted by intoxication, he seemed to be stepping up his efforts.

As Ryan left the room for a quick trip to the bathroom, Kate and I shared a brief moment of awkward silence before I broke the tension.

"You think if we dump some of our drinks out he'll notice?" I asked, unable to stomach anymore of the foul concoction.

"Good idea," Kate beamed, hopping up from the couch. "Hurry."

With a laugh, we rushed to the kitchen sink and poured out most of our drinks before refilling the glasses with coke.

"Is it just me or is Ryan acting kind of funny tonight?" I asked, as I shut the fridge door and headed back into the living room.

Kate just smiled and shrugged her shoulders. I could tell something was up.

As we heard the toilet flush, we hurried back to our seats before Ryan re-entered, strolling over the stereo system in the corner of the living room.

"Man, you should have been here on Halloween," he said, pressing 'play" on the stereo. "Kate dressed up as a nurse. "

"Oh yeah?" I responded, glancing over at Kate, who avoided eye contact by turning away and taking a sip of her diluted drink.

"Yeah, she looked really hot."

Again I looked to Ryan's girlfriend, whose face flushed red as she attempted to conceal her growing smile. Studying her nervous mannerisms, I took a drink from my own glass as music soon filled the room. Walking back over to us, Ryan turned on a lamp before turning off the main light, basking the entire area in a dim lamplit glow.

"You should have seen it," he continued, taking a seat beside his girlfriend. "She had this short, white latex dress with white stockings."

"Wow," I said with a smile, glancing back at Kate, who seemed to be gulping down her drink with increasing speed. "I wish I could have seen it."

"You still can," Ryan countered promptly, placing a hand on his girlfriend's knee. "Babe, why don't you go put it on.

Fully expecting Kate to brush off the suggestions of her inebriated boyfriend, my eyes widened with surprised as she gulped down the remainder of her drink before standing up and heading into the bedroom. As she exited the room, Ryan partially concealed a satisfied smile by taking another sip. My eyes narrowed with suspicion as I studied his movements, but he seemed unconcerned in any way. A few moments later, he got up and followed his girl into the bedroom.

At first I thought the evening was over and those two would be locked away for the rest of the night, but I soon heard quiet talking, although I was unable to make out what they were saying. I was taking another drink when Ryan re-emerged from the bedroom, grinning from ear to ear.

"You gotta see this man"," he proclaimed. "Sooo fucking hot."

I raised my glass in salute as down as Kate walked through the door and into the hallway. Glancing over, my jaw dropped as she appeared out of the darkness, making her way into the living room with tentative, hesitant steps.

She was standing a few inches taller than usual, due to the knee-high white latex boots she was wearing. Up to mid-thigh, her slender legs were covered by a pair of sheer, white stockings that clung tightly, outlining every single muscle. Around her waist, a tight fitting white latex skirt covered her narrow hips, reaching down to allow only a narrow strip of bare skin to be visible between it and the stockings. Kate was wearing a matching top as well, outlining her small but well formed breasts, wrapping around her upper torso. Between the shimmering white material of her skirt and top, her midriff was clearly visible showing off a tightly toned, flat stomach. Her hair hung down to one side, bouncing against her face as she walked, partially concealing the dimple in her right cheek that formed every time she smiled. Her big, brown, doe-like eyes struggling to keep from nervously glancing at the floor as she made her way into the room. Atop her head was a tiny white hat, complete with little red cross that portrayed the sexy outfit as a nurse's. Standing before us in display, she paused and placed her hands on her hips, her arms covered up to the elbow with a pair of long, white, latex gloves.

"Well?" Ryan stated emphatically, smiling as we both took in the sexy sight. "What do you think?"

"Uh....," I stammered, struggling to find the words. "Wow."

Kate slowly spun in a circle, modelling the provocative outfit further. As she turned, my eyes scanned up and down before settling in on the smooth, white latex skirt hugging the pert round cheeks of her ass. As if feeling my unscrupulous gaze on her backside, she paused for a moment before finishing her tantalizing rotation.

"You actually went out dressed like that?" I asked, as Kate stepped over and reached down to pick up Ryan's drink from the coffee table. "I'm surprised."

"And why is that?" she countered, her body swaying to the music as she took a sip from the glass.

"I...I just didn't think you'd wear something like that. You usually act pretty...conservative."

"You don't think I can act slutty?" she asked, her lips curling up into a cute smile as she stared down at me over the glass with her big brown eyes.

I shrugged, starting to feel a little uncomfortable with my friend's girl looming over me.

"I...I guess I've just never seen you like...this,"

Kate let out soft, quick laugh as she handed the drink back to Ryan and walked over to me. Taking a nervous sip from my own glass, I glanced up to see her standing directly in front of me. Furrowing my brow in confusion, I sat back and threw a glance over to Ryan whose face was aglow with a beaming, spirited grin.

"So..." Kate continued, her hands clasped behind her back as she bashfully turned from side to side. "Do you...like seeing me like this?"

Again I looked over to Ryan, who simply smiled again before taking a long pull from his glass and hopping to his feet.

"Uh..." I stammered with perplexed expression. "S...sure."

"Come on man," he blurted out enthusiastically as he embraced his girlfriend from behind, wrapping his arms around her. "That's not a very enthusiastic response. Look at her! She's hot as hell!"

Forcing out an awkward laugh, I watched as Ryan ran his adventurous hands up his girlfriend's body.

"Doesn't this outfit make her tits look great?" he asked, more of a statement than a question, as he gave Kate's breasts a lecherous squeeze.

I sat speechlessly gawking as her face flushed red and she bit her bottom lip nervously.

"But..." he continued, releasing his grasp and spinning Kate around by the hips. "I bet you like this view even better."

Ryan grinned with satisfaction as he presented his girl's latex covered ass to my roaming eyes. His hands slid over the smooth material before lifting his palm and bringing it down with a loud 'slap'. Kate let out a giggle as she subserviently stood on display as her boyfriend continued.

"Have a feel," he suggested, squeezing her firm little asscheek through the tightly stretched mini skirt.

I cast him a dubious glare, eyeing the scene suspiciously. I began to wonder if this was some kind of elaborate joke.

Kate looked back over her shoulder and smiled, her expression encouraging me to follow Ryan's tempting proposition.

"Alright," I said finally, shrugging my shoulders as I reached out and laid a firm hand on her enticing, round ass.

Feeling the smoothness of the shiny material, I cupped my hand under her right cheek, squeezing gently. As she felt my touch, Kate pushed her ass back into my hand, encouraging me to increase the pressure of my fingers, clutching and feeling with increasing confidence.

"Nice eh?" Ryan said with a grin as he watched me fondle his girlfriend's backside.

"Ooookay," I blurted out suddenly, removing my hand and sitting back in my seat. "What's going on here?"

Kate turned around, her face flushed red as she smiled sheepishly. She then exchanged a knowing glance with her boyfriend, as if communicating telepathically. She gave him a subtle nod and he turned to me, his hands still resting on her hips.

"Do you want to fuck her?"

The bluntness of Ryan's question struck me like a bolt of lightning and I sat, staring dumfounded as the pair awaited my response. I glanced at Kate's expecting face, seeing no indication of humour.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes," Ryan responded promptly. "We...thought it might be fun to try a threesome."

"Yeah...," I said cautiously as my eyes roamed up and down Kate's enticing body. "I'm sure it would be..."

"Well?" Kate piped in, taking a step towards me. "What do you say?"

I took a deep breath and exhaled.

"Sure," I answered finally, acquiescing as I slapped my hands against my thighs. "Let's do it."

Kate's face lit up with delight as the words of my compliance hit her ears. Ryan smiled with satisfaction and patted his girl lightly on the ass, prompting her forward. Kim moved closer, her face displaying a nervous but enthusiastic expression. As her legs came to rest against the edge of the couch she leaned over, placing her hands on either side of my head as she stared into my eyes. Her cute little dimples gradually disappeared as her smiling visage turned to one of sexual intensity. I swallowed hard and inhaled deeply as she crawled onto my lap, her white latex skirt sliding up her thighs as she straddled my legs. Hooking her hands behind my head, she gave me one more glance before leaning in and pressing her lips to mine.

At first I was hesitant, feeling strange about kissing Kate in front of her boyfriend, but the feel of her soft lips and prodding tongue combined with the night's intake of disinhibiting alcohol soon overcame my reluctance and I opened my mouth to accept her lustful advances. Placing my hands on her lower back I felt her sleek muscles with one hand as the other slid down to tentatively grope at her firm, latex-clad ass. Kate's soft slender hands moved up to tousle the hair on the back of my head as her kissing grew more passionate. Just as I was becoming lost in the moment, she pulled her mouth from mine and kissed my neck, nibbling her way up to my ear as she ground her hips into me.

"Mmmm," she purred quietly into my ear. "I've wanted to do this for a long time."

I could feel the front of my pants expand outward as my arousal grew in response to Kate's warm breath and sensual grinding. Her soft lips worked their way back to mine and she continued kissing me as my hands explored her body, moving down to feel her thin, well muscled legs through the sheer, smooth material of her white stockings.

"Okay kids," Ryan piped out, clapping his hands together. "Enough lovey-dovey stuff. Let's get this going."

Kate pulled away, blushing and turning back to her boyfriend with a disappointed glance. As she crawled off my lap I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, adjusting the aching erection in my pants.

"Oh, there's one thing I forgot to mention," Ryan said, as he walked over, peeling off his shirt. "Her ass is off limits."

"Uh...okay," I agreed as Kate shot me an apologetic glance, shrugging her shoulders. "No problem."

I was actually a little disappointed, but I kept my thoughts to myself.

"Yeah," he continued as he pulled his girlfriend close and placed his hand over her ass, treating her taut behind to a drunken grope. "I know it will be hard to resist...but this ass is all mine."

I nodded although Ryan hardly noticed as he was now too enamoured with Kate, kissing her neck as his hands roamed her tight, slender body. Taking a cue from him, I too removed my shirt as he gently guided her down to her knees. As she knelt before her boyfriend, Kate flashed me another sexy glance as she began to undo his pants. As his jeans fell to the floor around his ankles, Ryan motioned for me to stand up as well. As I followed his nonverbal directions, and rose to stand beside him, Kate was pulling his tight fitting underwear down around his hips.

"Take your pants off," Kate suggested to me as her glove covered hand stroked his half-flaccid dick.

As I removed the rest of my clothing, she turned her face back to Ryan, her little pink tongue shooting out to lick the tip of his cock. Unlike my friend, who was obviously experiencing the effects of the night's alcohol intake, Kate's amorous actions had me at full attention. I held my stiff rod in shaking hand as I watched her wrap her lips around Ryan's shaft, gently sucking as it slowly grew to full size in her mouth. Reaching out to take my dick in her hand, I soon felt the smooth, cool sensation of her gloved fingers wrapping around my warm, throbbing shaft. With Ryan's cock half buried in her mouth, her eyes shifted to look at mine while her left hand stroked me with slow, coordinated pumps. She then, pulled her little wet mouth away from Ryan and sucked my swollen head past her soft lips.

I moaned softly as I felt her writhing tongue swirling around my dick, sliding deeper into her mouth. After coating my shaft with warm saliva, Kate pulled back smiling with contentment as she held a hard cock in each hand. For the next few minutes, she alternated back and forth, swapping one hard, wet dick for the other as her face grew increasingly flushed with arousal.

Finding the gloves a bit awkward, Kate paused for a brief moment as she removed them while Ryan took advantage of the respite to take a seat on the couch. Tossing the gloves aside, Kate crawled towards her boyfriend on her hands and knees as he guided her face back into his lap. As her enticing lips once again slipped over his head and down his shaft, I found my eyes drawn to her perfectly round ass which seemed to beckon to me from within the tight fitting white skirt. Ryan noticed my interest had been caught and gave me a smile and nod. Emboldened by a mix of alcohol and arousal I moved up behind Kate, stroking my hands over the smooth, shiny material. Feeling my touch, she reached back and fidgeted with the zipper on the side of her skirt as her head continued bobbing on Ryan's cock. I brushed her hand away and finished the unzipping myself as the latex skirt fell from her pert little ass. I then found myself staring at her wonderfully round ass, covered only by a tiny pair of red panties, nestled snugly between her firm little cheeks.

As I slipped my hand up the inside of her thigh, she shifted around, spreading her legs a little wider in encouragement for me to continue. With two fingers, I gently stroked the lacy material, pressing hard enough to feel the moistness from her pussy dampening the red fabric. Kate let out a soft, muffled moan and used her hand to press my hand firmly into her crotch before reaching back to push eagerly at the waistband of her panties. Again I assisted, pulling the underwear down over her firm little ass, allowing the string to snap out from between her cheeks. With her bottom now unclothed, I again pressed my fingers into her pussy, wiggling them between her damp, swollen lips.

Kate gasped as she felt my middle finger slip easily into her tight little hole. I immediately added another, twisting both digits and pushing them knuckle deep as she purred ecstatically around Ryan's cock. I then wriggled my thumb between her cheeks, massaging her tiny pink asshole with firm, circular movements, pausing for a moment to see if anyone would object.

"Is this okay?" I asked, after neither Kate nor Ryan offered any protest.

"Yeah man," Ryan affirmed as he guided his girlfriend's head down onto his cock. "Go nuts. You can finger it, lick it, kiss it...you just can't fuck it."

I nodded in understanding, my thumb pressing harder against her wrinkled opening, feeling every crease in her tiny pink asshole. Leaning down, I planted a wet kiss on her soft, white cheek allowing my lips to linger long enough to evoke an approving sigh from her filled mouth. I then lifted my thumb and let a thin droplet of saliva trickle down over her clenched hole before replacing it, coating her little star with the warm fluid. Testing the tautness of Kate's ass with increasingly firm motions, I eventually felt the muscular ring give way as my thumb began sinking into her twitching hole.

"Go ahead and fuck her," Ryan suggested, breaking me from my anally fixated reverie.

Slipping my fingers from Kate's dripping wet pussy, I slid them up and down my shaft, coating it with the slick fluids. Then, moving into place, I pressed my shimmering cock head against her parting lips and speared her with a single, penetrating thrust.

"Mmmmm," Kate purred as she felt the entire length of my dick sliding deep into her accepting pussy.

As my hips came to rest against her tight ass, I felt her nimble little fingers reaching back to caress my freshly shaved balls. I withdrew and carefully pushed forward, as she pushed her ass back against me. It became increasingly obvious that Kate was not interested in gentle fucking, so I started pumping back and forth, striking her muscular ass with quick, short thrusts.


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