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Sharing the MILF List Ch. 01

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Practicing to make the MILF List Airtight.
23.4k words

Part 1 of the 17 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 10/13/2012
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Chapter 1

Practicing to make the MILF List Airtight

Author's note: It is time to share. This begins the process of sharing the MILF List. The MILF List was made in the previous series, "Making the MILF List". If you like, you can read that first and this may make that much more sense. The characters are the same and the origins of this story are there. The main setup is in Chapter 1. This chapter has some setup but heats up before it ends. Thanks to everyone who commented on the previous installment. I have benefitted from the feedback. I hope you enjoy the ride, the guys certain will. --Contrasting

I stayed in bed late Sunday morning. My three sisters banged around and giggled and talked, they woke me but I just rolled over and covered my head. I did not get out of bed till the house was quiet and on a Sunday, that did not mean much. Maybe everyone was downstairs reading the Sunday paper and doing the crossword or whatever they did. I read the sports page, the comics and the editorials. But this morning, I lay on my back with my hands behind my head thinking. Usually thinking got me in trouble but this morning, my mind cleared as I worked through what was happening to me

I had fucked seven beautiful women. I had been charged by my friends to open a new frontier, namely the possibility of fucking our mothers and I had done that. I decided to get together with the guys and watch football and play pool and I was going to announce the consummation of the MILF List by yours truly. But considering that moment, I naturally had to consider the next moment, that is, who fucks whom and when. And how? And that gave me considerable pause. So I went on to the other issues, Mrs. Kingston for one. When someone speaks broken English, the delicate balance between polite and confrontational speech could easily get blurred but maybe she did think she could control who and when and how I fucked, not likely. I had classes with International students and doing labs was more an exercise in English speech than Chemistry or physics. At the same time, I think I understood her intention. I had to deal with that and thinking back through the previous day's events, I determined that things were not all as they appeared. My mind developed an interesting theory which I was going to need to address before evening, before reporting to the guys.

Another thing was my own mother. I thought about jumping up as soon as the house was quiet to see if I could have her again. Thinking that way gave me a great woody but it also put a knot in my stomach. I had confronted my own mother like a woman, a sensuous, sexy, wholly fuckable woman. As a woman and as my mother, she still deserved my respect, our respect. But that has always been the problem in the gender scuffles; how do you have sex with someone and then respect them in the morning? I could not know if being married fixed it but that seems to have been conventional civilization's solution to the problem. We, however, were somewhat off the map, some considerable distance beyond the limits of conventional wisdom in the matters of cock and pussy. Not only was it an issue with my mother but how were we going to introduce the option of mothers fucking sons to the rest of the MILFs on the list, not to mention sharing them among us. The MILFs fucked me but would they cotton to becoming female pin cushions or sex toys. I could only hope!

But what about us? Did I have any guarantee the guys would all follow through and do their mothers? I was on a bit of a skinny branch and if the wind came up . . . not knowing how to fly could be a real liability! Funny how easy it is to dodge reality by rolling around in a complex metaphor. Not to put too fine a point on it, getting to airtight was still a stretch. Except for the bout with Brent, the five of us guys did not really have much idea if we could keep wood with each other while we all got naked or for that matter, how to manage doing a single woman's holes without causing some esoteric sports injury. Could we even live up to such a task? There was certainly some doubt, you know, who goes where, when, in what order and such. We had no experience with community fucking and doing a mother could complicate the scenario beyond my ability to imagine and thus beyond our ability to anticipate the consequences. You only hear about the colossal disasters when it comes to such things; successes are strictly on the QT and rarely make headline news. It was easy to imagine things blowing up but less easy to imagine having things be well blown.

I giggled to myself but the reality of the problems I faced did not fade.

I lay and pondered this matter in some detail for some time. Finally, it struck me and in a moment, I saw how everything could fit together for me and I hoped, for us. I even knew how to address Mom. (My sisters, now that was another matter but I had no pressure to deal with them immediately so I could let that slide for a while, but not forever.) I had a plan. Brent would be proud of me which gave me the starting point.

I jumped up, showered and dressed for the day and called Brent. I asked if we could watch the game that night at his house and shoot some pool. He agreed and said he would contact everyone else. I thought he was being coy till he said his mom said 'hi'. Then I understood. We agreed to meet about five and shoot some pool and then watch the game. He made a point of saying his mother was going to be out for the evening which fit my plans well. I rang off and went downstairs. As the silence suggested but did not guarantee, my sisters were gone to brunch. Mother sat on the couch reading the paper, dressed only in her pink robe, feet tucked under her, rich black hair pulled together and tied at the nape of her neck, she did look sexy. I stopped at the bottom of the stairs and she looked up, over her reading glasses. She took them off and gazed at me, eyes open but unblinking.

"Good morning, mom." I said softly.

"Good morning, Sonny." She responded. She laid down the paper. She licked her lips.

I walked the rest of the way into the living room and sat down. "Mom, tell me about you and the girls." We two always said 'the girls' when referring to my sisters, when they were not present. I avoided the inviting silence, the inviting lack of company and the inviting vision of her breasts clearly outlined in the pink robe. I avoided all that and stuck to my plan.

Mom's eyes widened but then she nodded. "Of course. I owe you that." She talked longer than I anticipated, giving me a lot more information than I thought there was to be had on the subject. More than I knew I had asked for. Mom proceeded to explain her life to me, adult to adult, woman to man . . . which made me hard for a while so, maybe actually, woman to boy.

She had loved sex with dad and they had been adventurous. Having children had not altered her body significantly. She was one of the lucky women for whom having children seemed like a simple task and left her body both intact and reactive so that it responded to the work she put into keeping herself sexy but that came later. For her, sex was accentuated by age and sex drive as she emerged from the cloud of anxiety about it which often goes with being young. She began to enjoy sex for the sake of sex. My father benefitted from this but then he was gone. He died in a private plane crash when I was fourteen, Georgia was seventeen. Dad's business and insurance as well as wrongful death benefits associated with the company-owned plane provided well for us. She tried sex for the sake of sex but that proved complicated and she had four complications growing into puberty in her own house—three girls and me. She finally encountered a lothario who moved in with us. He lived with us till we were older, till I was 16. Then, he disappeared and Mom never volunteered the reason. They did not love each other, she told me but it was 'convenient' for them both. He was mysterious and remote and intermittently present with lots of travel but he was kind and attractive, voraciously sexual. One day he left and did not return. Mom got a notice to surrender his belongings to officials from the Federal Government and that was that. She did not discuss it.

His departure left Mom cold and she shut down. For a while, she cared for us with all the energy she possessed without any sexual involvements. She worked, however, to keep sane and, she said, to demonstrate to her daughters that a woman would function without a man. No easy task for superwoman even with a husband. Earlier, she remained sexual so her daughters would understand sex as something beneficial, to be enjoyed honestly, or that was her rationale. With his departure, she became cold and unresponsive. Her close down scared us all.

Then one afternoon she found Georgia with a young woman. The girl had gotten Georgia's clothes off and was administering a clearly skillful tongue lashing to Georgia's virgin pussy when mom walked in on them. Georgia was mortified and defensively angry which mom defused by apologizing and leaving. She left the subject alone for some time but the woman, Charm, she called herself, a experienced but delightful twenty-year old to Georgia's nineteen continued to come around. Unaccountably, mom liked Charm and enjoyed her company. Charm began to discuss her situation in life, her absent parents, distant and cold. The nannies, for she came from a well-off family. Her college experiences and disillusionment with men. Mom listened sympathetically, dismissing the vision of Charm between her daughter's legs and the fact she was two years older than Georgia at the time. They would talk for a few minutes each time Charm came over. The conversations were casual, comfortable and remained so till at one point Charm laid her hand on mom's leg and told her with perfect solemnity that Georgia was not lesbian but she seemed open to 'other options'. Mom stayed motherly right up until Charm kissed her on the lips. Two surprises emptied mom of all thought. One was that this young woman had taken the initiative and kissed her. The other surprise was that she responded to Charm's lips, that is her body responded while her mind shifted into cool, comfortable neutral, a place her loneliness had contaminated. She thought it gone forever but Charm guided her to it once more.

Best therapy ever! I thought to myself.

Here my mother blushed and laughed, chuckling at her memory of her reaction. "I just stood there while this slim woman unbuttoned my blouse, unhooked my bra and began to nuzzle and suck my breasts. You cannot imagine what I was feeling. Sexually, she stimulated me. I was horrified at my inability to stop what was happening but also thrilled to be desired by someone like that again. At some point, Charm stopped, kissed me on the lips and told me I should watch them together—she and Georgia, see how a woman making love to another woman looked. See if I thought it was beautiful. I might like to try it, she said with a consciously conniving smile. Then Charm flounced out of the house, leaving me standing there with my tits hanging out and panting like a virgin. I felt like a virgin again but more than anything else I felt passion, I wanted her. I imagined her doing to me what I watched her do to my daughter and in that moment, my whole attitude about sex changed. I wanted it, again, some more. I began to think about the world around me as a sexual place but despite the general change in attitude, I retained a lust for Charm. That took me time to process that but eventually I did."

The rest happened rather organically. Mom returned home early one afternoon to find Charm's car in the drive. She quietly entered the house and discovered Georgia and Charm having sex as she had hoped but on her bed, her bed! She watched till Charm noticed her peering through the crack in the bedroom door. Charm spoke to Georgia who smiled and waved, in itself a shocking thing but a sign that Charm had been at work discussing her proposal with Georgia. Charm got off the bed, undressed my mother and Charm and Georgia introduced her to lesbian sex. Mom passed over the details, leaving it to my imagination as it were. In truth, she left it for later because I was not likely to forget to ask for those details, repeatedly.

Well, by this time I had a fantastic erection. I remembered Charm. Straight black hair, lean with prominent breasts which were the mouthful desired and thick lips she had always coated in a variety of bright red lipstick. She wore lots of eye shadow in a style that put me in mind of the Goth oeuvre but she was not truly Goth at least in style. She would wear fishnet stocking and shiny black high heels or sexy vinyl boots but her attitude was far less intense than a real goth girl. She had style, her own, distinct style. She both looked and acted alluring and inviting. Between the two women, they brought mom to several earthshattering orgasms in about half an hour. While she recovered, they dressed and left, leaving her naked and sated on her bed. A couple days later, Georgia snuck into Mom's room a bit after midnight and had her again. And again.

"I felt like a girl again," Mom said, "like a virgin investigating sex all over again. I became the woman I had lost when George died. Then Georgia fell in love, with a college guy99/. You would think that would put an end to it but he was respectful and much less sexual than Georgia or Charm for that matter. His respectful repression left poor Georgia frustrated and by frustrated I mean sexually frustrated. She did everything but invite him to sleep over and he seemed unable or unwilling to take the hint and take her as she wished. They would go out on dates and she would come home well after curfew, shower and come to my bed and we would make love. She was always so turned on, so electric, so ravenous. She would communicate that to me and she would plead with me to give her fulfillment, to satisfy the need in her he seemed oblivious to. After a while, it became a new normal with us and I moved her curfew later to allow her late arrivals into my bed. We shared an intimacy at the time but longed for, which I missed from losing your father and she missed as a dream. Then Dalia caught us together and I thought the world would end. She was eighteen and curious."

I remembered that weekend. As the only boy in the house it was an ordeal that swirled around me but did not touch me. At the time, I had no idea what was happening. I was sixteen and though my lurid interest in my sisters was irritating to them, it was neither mature nor threatening any of us. I was vanilla in my curiosity, not even thinking of capturing them naked with a digital camera. It would have been rude and I did like my sisters. I lusted after them in general as females, only trying to get peeks of them in the shower or dressing—which I was wholly successful at doing with all three sisters. I was 'nice' which got me ignored much more than noticed. In general, we four were at peace.

That weekend Dalia had been furious, screaming and crying. I spent most of the weekend with headphones and a computer game or watching TV in my room and everyone left me alone, glad to be ignored. I remember coming down for more cookies and chips to find Georgia, Dalia and Mom sitting in the living room. They went silent, staring at me as I traipsed through the living room. No one spoke till well after I got what I wanted, their eyes following me till I returned to my room. I felt distinctly unwelcome. By late that night, they were still there. Tawny was at a sleep-over with one of her friends. I remember standing at the top of the stairs trying to hear. I saw Georgia sit beside Dalia and they talked and then they came upstairs. I hid and watched them go into Georgia's room. Two hours later they came out, mom ordered pizza and everything was fine except Georgia and Dalia held hands for most of the night. Now, thinking back, it is obvious what happened.

Mom explained. "Georgia seduced Dalia with my blessing. Georgia was still dating around and coming to my room. Dalia figured that out pretty quick and one night Georgia came home to find Dalia far ahead her. She looked in on us and tiptoed back to her room. Dalia insisted that I 'do her' the way I did Georgia and, well, I guess I felt caught and I did. Believe it or not, Sonny, I thought that having sex with my daughters opened them up to me which I thought was better than the repression wars I watched happen between most women and their daughters. I always heard about their romances and their sexual encounters, admittedly after both of us had an orgasm or two but they talked to me and never seemed to lose track of me as their mother. It was precious and I fell into it and refused to ruin it for reasons of conventional wisdom. Tawny was included later, when she developed and started dating after she turned eighteen." Mom chuckled. "You always thought I was the coolest mom to let you do all the things you did. Parties and trips and all that stuff when I was simply getting the house prick out of the way so the pussies could play."

I was hard and embarrassed at the same time which is difficult for me.

Mom sobered. "I have to admit, I thought of including you often, particularly after you were eighteen, after you got laid the first time. You were so cute and so heartbroken when nothing came of it. I left you to your buddies because I genuinely feared if I tried to comfort you, I would go much, much too far with you." She looked over at me. "I have wanted you for so long. The girls were always chiding me for mooning over you, hissing that you were going to figure us out and demand your opportunity which, I have to say, not one of us would have resisted for long. One of the most endearing things about you, Sonny is that you are incredibly attractive to the opposite sex and utterly oblivious. You have your father's charm and when I look at you, I feel what I felt for him. I have known for a long time that if you ever tried to seduce me I would be helpless. I was right. I am."

I understood, miffed but I understood. How I could have ignored perfectly good pussy laying around left me a both nonplused and embarrassed. I thought I understood or at least I understood enough. "So? What do we do now?" I asked.

My mother shrugged. "Fuck when we can I suppose." Her eyes glinted. "Like now. The girls are gone." She grinned impishly.

God but I was tempted! But I had other fish to fry. "Is that what you are thinking? You will just fit me into the rotation? How long before the girls figure out that we are fucking, then what? Hell, Georgia already knows and I am surprised she had not made a fuss."

Mom shrugged and nodded. "I told her not to. We agreed we had to be careful and let things develop naturally. I told her that if you wanted her and she wanted you, then fine. But what happened does not give any of us the right to demand sex. I simply cannot be that way and none of us want it that way. The best sex is to be shared . . . except . . . " she trailed off.

I nodded, relieved and gratified but fully aware that Mom was still being Mom. It was time to determine if she wanted to stay 'Mom' or if she wanted to become a woman and only a woman to me, perhaps to us all. "Mom, listen to me, I am going to tell you my story now." I proceeded to lay out the progression of the MILF List and the making of it. Her jaw dropped and her eyes widened as I related our determination to fuck our mothers. She already knew I had fucked three of her friends and when I told her about Mrs. Honeywell, she merely nodded like it made sense.

"I wish I had been able to see that, Sonny. Any of them. Watching you and Laura together and Georgia then Annie. . . my gosh I never imagined that watching someone you knew and cared about having sex could be so erotic." She actually sighed.


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