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Sharing the MILF List Ch. 09

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Mom does a monster cock and the guys do the sisters.
34.3k words

Part 11 of the 17 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 10/13/2012
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The story continues . . . vote, send comments and enjoy! -C

I woke about nine to the rattling buzz of my phone. I had slept ten hours. After a shower, I fell into bed and the black hole below it. I think Mom and Georgia spoke to me when I got home but I was so wrung out, I either ignored them or they got it that I was a zombie husk and not worthy of human interaction.

The phone continued to buzz and rattle on my night stand and I roused out of the cloying slumber and answered it. "Hello?" I mumbled.

"Mr. Duncan, I hope I did not wake you." The dark rumble of Sid Kingston's voice snapped me awake.

"Mr. Kingston." I said.

"Call me Sid, really. Listen, Sonny, I just wanted to tell you . . . "

I interrupted him. I had no wish to hear anything of that sort from him. "Forget it, Sid. Least I could do. Annie's . . . " I stalled, still unsure of my stance with them. "Glad I could help." I finished lamely.


Sometimes I fucking hate silence and this was one of those times. I got to my knees and sat on the side of my bed. Adrenaline pulsed through me till I felt sick with it.

"I think I scared the shit out of one of our buddies this morning." Sid said, amusement watering down his deep voice. "But thank you. I just wanted you to know I scared the crap out of one of you buddies.

"Oh." I said, surprised. Once again I thought I knew something when I didn't. Listening really is a good thing. "What happened?"

"I got up to get some coffee. Annie had gotten up to make us breakfast and I found him fucking her in the kitchen. I am unusually quiet for a big man so he did not know I was there. I don't know what sort of situation you have with the other guys and my wife but I did not want to interfere, since I have benefited so directly, you understand, though it seems to me that I should charge you all something for using my wife like you are." He chuckled, "Like she is mine to give away or something. Annie is her own woman. If you all were paying, I would not even get a percentage. We have renegotiated and you are the beneficiary. Anyway, I went back up stairs and hollered down at Annie if the coffee was ready. Something I never do. Annie yelled back, something she only does if she is really, really pissed about something.

"I was far enough down the stairs to see the naked kid from next door bouncing off the deck and disappearing through the hedge." Sid chuckle. "I bet he got scratched pretty good going through that hedge naked like that."

I did not see fit to correct him since I did not want him to go examine it and see the path we were making through it to the back door of his house, to Annie, to his wife. Well, now everyone knew he was home.

Suddenly it struck me what I had forgotten the night before. I did not tell anyone else that Sid Kingston was home and now poor Chris . . . I could not help it, I laughed. "Poor, poor Chris." I said out loud.

"Is that his name? Oh yes, Chris Wills, I remember now. Good looking kid. Annie seemed to like him. Shit, she fucked him."

For a moment I was struck by Sid's chattiness but then I was struck by an entirely different thought; one which blanked everything else but the logic of which did not complete itself for some time. "Hey Sid, did I hear you say that you will be seeking new representation and that you want to move it local?"

Sid did not answer immediately. I think I could hear him mulling the question over, wondering if he wanted to make that any of my business or not.

"Yes, I think I did mention that last night. Jetlag makes me garrulous sometimes."

Garrulous? Good word, I thought. Garrulous. Must mean 'chatty', I thought. The idea burned in my brain and I could not shake it even to go look up a new word. "You know, I happen to know someone who is with Peppers, Bickerstaff and Kline." I waited. Sid did not respond. "I wonder if you'd be interested in talking to her."

"She's a woman?" Sid said immediately.

"Yes. Alissa Honeywell, Annie, your wife knows her, I think."

"That firm is on the short list." Sid said slowly.

I don't know how, but I knew what he was thinking—well, not what he was thinking so much as that he was thinking and somehow I had managed to pique his interest. Little did I know.

"Is she a friend of yours or something?" Sid asked, his voice replete with something I could not name but knew it meant something. There was inquiry behind the inquiry and there was a 'right' answer and he was asking to see if I knew what it was, if I knew the 'right' answer was the 'right answer'.

"Well, I have been fucking her. She might be on the menu today, in fact."

Sid sighed, actually sighed into the phone. "You know, Sonny, I'd like to talk to her, right now. This morning. Can you arrange it?"

He seemed so happy, I almost suggested he call their office. But I wanted to help Alissa. Her fear of getting dumped by the firm partners seemed real and the idea of the Honeywells moving out to California disturbed my comfortable view of my life. Ah hell, I just wanted to help her and I wanted her to know I helped her so she would get off the throne and fuck me like an equal again.

"Let me think. I am just waking up." I said to buy time. "Let me call you back, I gotta piss like a horse in the rain."

"A horse in the rain?"

"Forget it, I'll call you back." I returned, fumbling but finding no explanation.

"This is Annie's phone. She has your number on speed dial."

I heard the rebuke.

"Call me back on this number." Sid said, his voice sardonic, wry, dry but honest. "I'll answer for the next few anyway, till she notices I am auditing her call log." Sid chuckled.

I did not find it as funny as he apparently did. I hung up.

I pissed, washed my face and went back to my room. I heard rattling and the TV from downstairs but did not want to mix with my family just yet. I had to think. I sat on my bed and then lay down, letting my mind touch each possibility, trying to untangle the right potential from the thicket of options. When I thought I had things clear, I called Annie's number.

Annie answered. "Hi, Sonny. What you want?"

"To fuck you in the ass again." I said immediately, "while Sid is jamming you full of his monster cock."

Annie giggled. "Honey, it's for you." She said away from the phone.

"Mr. Duncan." Sid said into the phone.

"Is that your business voice?" I asked instinctively and cringed. I had little faith in my instincts in this context.

"Close enough." Sid responded, not put off by my question. "What have you got for me?"

"Well, Sid, I would like to help but I think if she thinks this is my idea, she won't go for it. That's an entirely different story. At the same time, I want her to know she has the opportunity to bring you to her firm because of my help."

"Sounds complicated. Business is easy, Sonny."

"For you maybe, I am just a dumb kid trying to get some quality pussy lined up for the next few months." That was true but I had another agenda, relating to Alissa's offer to me earlier in the week. I could not say how the two issues related but I knew they did. Unless I converted Alissa to someone who took me seriously 'in the room' I had no hope of being involved with the project from her partners. I knew that down to my toes. My toes were also telling me I wanted in on their seedy little deal. It sounded both lucrative and very, very sexy if I did it right. It had potential but I had to have a hand in making it work. Maybe I was just delusional but hey, aren't dreams just delusions till you make them work? I had to convince someone first and Alissa had to be convinced to start with. She could not be dismissive of me. Whether this could fix that in her, or fucking her sister and not her or whatever, I did not know. I just knew it had to be fixed or I would not get involved at all with Peppers, Bickerstaff and Kline. "Women are never simple, at least for me."

"Well, you got me there, kid. What are you thinking?"

"Annie knows Alissa. Have her call for you, ask Alissa if she is interested. Act like it was your idea. Or better, Annie's." I wanted to say more but thought this would need to develop. I sincerely hoped Alissa was still shackled to her bed and could not reach her phone or it was dead or she could not hear it.

"And?" Sid knew there was more.

"And I don't think she'll answer. Then wait to see if Annie will call my mom. My mom will ask me if I know how to get hold of Alissa. Make sure Annie explains to her what is at issue."

"So it's not your idea but knowing you . . . I get it. She ends up owing you but you never tried to make her owe you. Nice thought. Let me work on it." Sid did not wait for an answer but just hung up.

That went too easy, I thought. This could work out. I had had a vision of Sid and Alissa at his table in their house . . . but most likely she would suggest the office and not want to deal with it today. She would be distracted . . . but it was worth a shot. Either way, maybe it would help her keep her partnership at the firm. Then I thought of Alissa trying to fit Sid's missile into her womb and I felt a little sick. I really did not want to compete with that thing. Curiously, though, I got a little buzz imagining Alissa on her back taking him. What a fucking perv I turned out to be. I shook the thought from my mind. I wondered if Chris informed everyone that Annie's husband almost caught him boinking Annie? I felt a new thrill of adrenaline running through me. The whole fur ball was complicated and fraught with possibility; something I was learning both to appreciate and utilize. More than that, I liked it.

Twenty minutes later, Mom knocked on my door. "Sonny, are you awake?"

I had dozed and her voice woke me back up. I rolled over and sat up half hard with a half formed but fond memory of Alissa sucking my cock. "I am now." I said.

Mom opened the door and slipped into the dimness of my room, pulling her robe tight around her body, which managed to accentuate the full shape of her figure. She hesitated, then closed the door. She sat on the bed and I looped an arm around her waist. She snuggled in a bit but then sat up straight.

"Did any of the girls say anything to you about the other night?" She asked.

"No. Nothing. Not like I have been around, though. Why?"

"No reason. Just wondered. Brent was wonderful by the way. I really hope you don't mind. You did not fuck me angry so I presumed we are okay and it did not cause any problems with you boys."

"We're fine mom. I fucked his mom while he fucked you."

"And he fucked her while you fucked me?" Mom murmured, like she had not heard it before.

"Exactly." I said, thinking she had blanked out the discussion of the arrangement while she was bound and I was fucking her.

"A curious sort of balance but if you are fine with it, I am, though I need more cock than I am getting. So does Georgia, for that matter. She has not been going out at all and I think it is because she is waiting for you to do her some more. Not again, more. She is as enticed by the idea of having a man at home as I am." Mom chortled. She bumped me with her hips and I scooted over. She slid down beside me. "I have to confess, something, son." She said, her voice going soft. "I called Brent."

"Oh?" I said as innocently as I could. "When." A man at home? I filed that line away for later consideration. My mind was focused on Alissa and her various complexes, I was pretty sure I did not have room in my lizard brain for my own mother's complexes AND my sister's at the moment.

"I asked him to come take me." She said in a smaller voice. "I wanted to feel him fill me again."

I almost said something about her being in my bed with me but then mentally shrugged. My cock roused and her hand found it when she turned and pressed her tits against me and looped a bare leg over mine. "Do you mind that I called Brent? That I asked him to fuck me?" My mother whispered into my ear, before touching me with the very tip of her tongue.

I moaned a little; my Mother said 'fuck', a woman who almost never said 'fuck' except under the influence, or under something anyway. I almost commented but turned to her and kissed her lightly on the lips. "Mom, you are an adult; who you fuck is no one else's business, least of all mine. I don't care if you pull a train full of my friends. I can hardly complain; I have done all their mothers."

My Mother was quiet for a while, pulling back from me. She was obviously mulling something and she spoke, it was clear what it was.

"I don't care if the girls think I am in here doing you." She whispered. "I sort of hope they do. I had a dream of Tawny catching us and then you made love to her while she licked me." She shuddered a little. "I never knew I had that in me till I had you in me . . . and Brent. And the others. Since you boys attended to me, I have not been the same woman. When I called Brent, I was sooo excited." Then she pulled away and sat up. "Goodness me, I came up here to tell you something, not to mount you." She twisted and sat on the edge of the bed, her back to me. The position pulled her hand off my erect cock.

"Do you know if Alissa Honeywell is in town?" She asked.

I did not know if my Mother was being coy, disingenuous or she really was oblivious. "She is in town." I said.

"Can you get a hold of her? Sam answered at home and said she was out of town. Now why would he say that?"

"I don't think they are getting along too well at the moment. I think he has moved out, more or less." I waited to see if mom wanted to comment but she just waited. "She is in town, though. Why?" Now I was being coy.

"Do you know where she is? Can you get a hold of her?"

"She is shackled to a bed in Laura Wills' house waiting to see if we are all going to fuck her or not." I said coolly. I almost made it, 'fuck her or her sister' but thought better of that. Not that it would be a secret with that squall of hens. God help me I loved them all, naked and on their backs and legs open and waiting for a good rogering.

"Oh? Oh my." Mom said. She turned around and looked down at me.

I had a flash of fucking my mother, pounding into her pussy while I nibbled on her breasts and being caught by one of the girls or perhaps all of them. That image of my sister auditing a mother fucking rattled through me like a torrent, hot and frighteningly attractive. I scooted away from her and sat up, hard cock and all. I knew I had limits and if I touched her I would be bouncing off them before noon. I had other fish to fry or pussy to fuck as it were. My cock was huge and hard and I wanted to fuck; it seems that use does not wear me down; it is like practicing anything, you get stronger the more you work at it. Or maybe like a drug, the more you had the more you needed and I was getting fucked a lot lately, it seemed. I almost smiled. "Why? What do you want with Alissa?"

"Annie Kingston called. Sid is back in town." Mom was soooo casual, dropping that on me like I did not know but would benefit from the intelligence. "Apparently, he is looking for new legal counsel and wants to use a local firm if he can find one. Annie thought of Alissa and suggested that I call her and ask her to call Annie."

Not exactly what I had in mind but it was close enough. "Sure," I said. "I can get Alissa on the phone."

Mom waited a dozen seconds then stood up. She seemed unwilling to get sexual with me unless I put my hands on her first. It turned out to be good thing I demurred. We both had better things waiting for us but I knew it though only in part and she was as yet unawares.

She eased out of the door but then poked her head back into my room. "Do you need my car today? I was going to get my hair done at five or so."

"If you can drop me at the Wills house, I'll snag a ride home with someone else."

"You can drop me at the salon, son. I can get a ride with Salisha since I am her last appointment or Georgia said she might meet me there and get her hair done too. Either way, I can leave you the car."

I thought about it. "Okay, sure.

Then I remembered the other thing I had in mind. "What are you doing tomorrow?"


"Can you get a few hours off, maybe in the afternoon?"

"Maybe, why?"

"There is someone I'd like you to fuck, or, more precisely, someone who would like to watch me fuck you."

Mom colored a pretty shade of pink. Then she nodded matter of factly, "okay, Son, okay." She closed the door.

I had calls to make and despite the idea of making her scream and luring my sisters into my bedroom to watch, I had enough pussy to fuck and it did not do to be greedy. They would all have to wait; well, mom would not wait so long if tomorrow worked out right. I called the a hotel I had in mind and made reservations for Alissa Honeywell and Melissa Crawford. That done, I sat for a moment, composing myself and what I wanted and needed to say to Alissa Honeywell.

I called Laura. She put Alissa on after some rearranging.


"Hello, Sonny." Alissa said coolly. She did not sound like a night shackled to the bed altered her basic inclination. I wondered if I had played out my hand and lost her altogether. I had a flash of her losing it when we all picked her sister and making a scene. I knew it would likely ruin the delicate balance we all were working so hard to keep with our MILF list. It was like a romance that was threatening to turn into a relationship, with all the attendant complications and expectations. None of us wanted that, we just wanted sexual highs we would never get any other way and likely, never again once The List ran its course. Life would go on. For everyone but me, this would be true, well, sort of. Truth is you cannot cross the same river even once.

"Mrs. Honeywell, ah, Mrs. Kingston called my mother this morning. It seems her husband has arrived back in town."

Alissa's dry chuckle sounded like a cackle, or near enough which was so out of character for her with her lush laughter and teasing, breathy voice she could turn on and off at will. "I know, I heard. Chris came back naked from over there, clothes in a bunch and came up to my room and dressed. He told me about getting cock with his cock in Annie and swore me to secrecy. He seemed really frightened. No wonder. Sid Kingston can be a scary man. I have met him and he can be impressive."

For a moment, I almost told her he knew about the MILF List but then I thought it might unbalance her AND that it could be more fun to attenuate that discovery for her and everyone else. I could not see how and I had no intention of lying to anyone, least of all her, but leaving out a detail that did not seem relevant to the present situation felt okay. Also, it gave me a thrill to think everyone else would be missing that particular fact. "Ah, well, Mom tried to call your house and you were not there, so, she, well she asked me if I knew where you were."

"Oh, why? What does Annie Kingston want with me? She already fucks my son, what more could she want?"

I waited a couple moments, letting Alissa dangle. "Well, she told Mom that her husband, Sid . . ."

"I know her husband's name." Alissa snapped.

She was snappish this morning. I felt really glad I had something to offer her beside neglect and shackles this morning. I was feeling a little guilty about trying to bring her down off her throne. Then I realized I had to spill the beans about Sid knowing about her and I, the MILF list and everything. I thought a moment about the order of presentation, finally fixing on an approach before Alissa got impatient. More impatient.

"Sid Kingston is looking for local legal representation. His New York firm encountered a conflict of interest and needed to disengage." I hoped it was New York. New York or Chicago, it was all the same. I hope I sounded like I knew what I was talking about.

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