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Sharing the MILF List Ch. 13

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A MILF Reward: Giving a MILF to Her Son.
69.5k words
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Part 15 of the 17 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 10/13/2012
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A MILF Reward: Giving a MILF to Her Son

Author's Note: Finally the next chapter is ready. I have the next two in first draft and should be ready in a few weeks. Thanks for your patience. I hope you all enjoy the rest of the MILF List. It has been a blast to write. Vote, leave some good notes. I am still looking for an editor but I have taken more time to get this one edited so I hope there are fewer flaws than were in the past few. Thanks again for all the support.

Regards, -C

I did not wake till noon. My big plans for being caught up on class work before I went back to class on Monday remained in place but as yet still unfulfilled. I hit the books but then remembered a thought that had surfaced during the drive home. Well, it resurfaced from somewhere and sometime. I dialed Sid Kingston's number before I lost my nerve.

"Hello?" Sid said, his voice tense. "Who is this?"

I felt slighted. Least he could do is remember my number and name me in his phone. I suddenly felt small. "Sonny Duncan." I said.

"Oh, Sonny! How you doing? You mom is fucking me again, the third time in three days. She is sitting down on me, trying to see if she can get it all in from that angle. What, uh, uh, uh, can I do for you?"

"Sid, I need some money." I said. Suddenly, as the words got past my teeth, I felt how bad that sounded. His hardened voice told me I was right.

"Money? Why are you asking me for money?" He said. "You ask for money after giving me your mother?"

"Bad idea." I said. "Forget it. I never called. I have not had enough sleep." I hung up, shaking but not afraid.

A minute later, the phone rang and it was Sid. "Sonny, hey Sonny, wait a moment. Hang on. I am sorry, I wasn't thinking straight. People ask me for money all the time but never while I am fucking their mother. Seems like a different set of circumstances than I usually encounter."

"I am sorry, Sid, I should not have called. It was a bad thought."

"What do you need money for?"

You know, in most stories, when someone is asked about the reasoning behind a seemingly crazy request, they never help themselves by trying to explain. I am not sure why. If you want someone to be rational, they have to have all the information. Maybe it is to avoid rejection but if that is true, then you weren't asking in the first place, were you? So I told him what I was thinking.

"I want to take Laura Wills shopping and I don't have any money."


I could hear the skepticism in his voice. "Well, okay, that still sounds stupid. Listen Sid, what I have been doing, you know with the MILF List . . . "

"Fucking my wife and all your friend's mothers?" He said.

Though his voice sounded reasonable, I imagined how it actually sounded, what the meaning seemed to be. "Well, yes. I, uh, I have prepped the MILFs. The guys, fuck Sid it was their idea and they always hand shit like this to me. I was supposedly the only one . . . I am sorry, am I interrupting something?" I was whining, suddenly defensive and unnerved by describing my behavior to the husband of a woman I had subjected to incredible erotic use, which, by the way, she loved. The man intimidated me but I did not hang up. I needed his help. I relaxed my grip on my cell, I did not have the money to get another one if I crushed this one.

"Yes, Sonny. But that is already done. She got all weird trying to fit over my cock while I chatted with you. Your mom is frigging herself trying to get oily enough to take me again. She wasn't going to make it riding me yet so really no loss. What did you do with Annie? I haven't heard from her?"

"I am sure she is having a good time." I said. I stopped, not sure how to continue.

"Go on. Take your time. Tell me everything."

"I had to fuck my mom because she was supposedly the one glitch in our plan to fuck our MILFs, make them all air tight."

"Okay." Sid laughed. "That was hardly accurate, huh?"

I chuckled too. "Who knew? Mom was . . . " I almost ratted her out and exposed my sisters to Sid Kingston's cock. Instead I said, ". . . She was demure as hell. I had no idea she would be good with being put on waivers and traded to a visiting team, pussy and all."

Sid laughed. "I get it. You had to fuck your mother first. Why? The others were presumed to be sure things?"

Fuck, the guy was quick. "Right. Anyway, I did. I fucked them all. Myself. Just me. Well, except for one little variation when we, a, Brent and I fucked Mom, Laura Wills and Annie, uh, your wife."

"Uh huh. How did that happen?" Sid asked.

I hesitated. I did not want to rat Annie out but hey, if she was gaming Sid, that was her problem, not mine. At this stage, the last thing I wanted to do was piss Sid off and fuck up the situation. Mom would never forgive me or Alissa or as I thought about it, Annie herself, for that matter. Annie herself was enjoying her brand of fuck me fast, hide and go seek. "Annie caught Laura kissing me, well, actually I made sure Annie saw me kissing Mrs. Wills. I figured Mrs. Kingston would eventually start talking about it and sooner or later my mom would hear about it. I was going to confess to being in love with this older woman and then see if I could get mom to fuck me to get me over the reality of it. I though for sure she feel the need to explain to me about being in love with a married woman." I knew I was not making a lot of sense, but that was sort of the point. If a guy makes too much sense in these situations you look like a psychopath.

"Okay. Not what happened, I gather? Sounds like it was a little thin. She didn't buy it? You did something else?"

I chortled. "Not hardly. I did Laura, while Mom watched, did her right in our kitchen. While Mrs. Wills panted and came on the kitchen table I think we all three realized that Mom could not be on the sidelines while I did the dirty with Laura. So we arranged to have Laura over again and I was going to fuck Mom, or something like that. Anyway, Annie, she caught Laura on the way over to knock boots with me and demanded a turn. Now that I think is about it, I wonder if the women were not negotiating to see who fucked me. Anyway, when I got there, Annie was eating Laura and mom was frigging herself. Brent and I fucked the three of them . . . but that is beside the point."

"Not to me it isn't. You say my dear little Annie horned in on your twofer?"

"I guess. She was there, face down in Laura Wills when I arrived."

"And that led to you tying her up and giving her to your buddies?"

I wondered how he knew about that. Had I told him? No idea. My cock works way better than my memory. I mentally ignored that little tidbit. "She was a bitch to us and I was a little pissed, worried that she would rat me out, fucking my mother and all."

"Uh huh."

"I thought I saw that she liked to be controlled, you know, used. She likes to have a man take from her what she is loath to surrender but wants them to have in the worst way."

"Fuck me, that is Annie to a T." Sid agreed. "Always fighting against what she wants the most just to make you force it down her throat, er, so to speak. I never understood that until I watched you guys running the ramrod up her cannon. Even knowing I was watching her, she was turned on by you guys."

"I realized somewhere along the line that we, me and my friends, we needed to practice airtight on someone. Just jumping in and trying to fuck our mothers, any of them, without some chance for everyone to get used to the idea of the whole situation seemed like a problem. I needed some half way method, someone to practice on, as it were. It wasn't like we had shared a woman before that. We were normal guys till the MILF list became real. I needed someone to go first but none of our mothers seemed like a good solution. Annie seemed more than willing, once we had all fucked her. To be airtight, I mean. So we did. Every hole at the same time."

"Every hole." Sid echoed.

I could not read his voice so I went on, a little nervously I'll admit. "Well, to make a long story short," but Sid interrupted me.

"No, no short cuts. Tell me everything." He waited while I gulped and searched for words. "Hey, I don't mean the whole play by play. She, Annie told me about it, about you guys tying her up and fucking her. It was a confession and she was, what would I call it? Contrite? That, but she seemed real excited about it all."

I nodded to my phone. "I know she liked it, Sid. Honest. I think she came all the way through it. Ass, mouth, cunt," I stopped, my head pounding with the pressure of describing this to her husband. "She loved it. She made us promise that we would come to her house, fuck her, ass over tea kettle whenever we wanted. She lit up like a Christmas tree when we crammed cocks into her and all she could do is grunt and come."

"Fuck me running!" Sid breathed. "I don't much like to watch but I wish I could have seen that. We always have to be so fucking careful. I don't want to open her up like a rip tomato."

I thought to myself, or turn her inside out. I nodded to myself again. "We did her good and it was fine. After that, it was airtight for all the other MILFs. Mom was easy but the other MILFs had only fucked me so I needed to introduce them each to the concept of motherfucking for real. So I got together with the son in each case and arranged to have them fuck their mothers, you know, while I fucked my mother. I figured it would be better for them if they watched me, er, and mom. Like we were showing them how. You know, so they did not feel so weird about it. But Laura Wills turned out to be a special case. She had already fucked one of us, er, two of us I guess. Annie ordered her around like a servant and it only made her come that much harder when we fucked her. It turned out that she enjoyed being around sex but having it denied to her. She liked being entered and sucking cocks and serving us, but not really participating. She wanted me to tell her not to come. I did. She cleaned us off with towels, at first, then using her mouth on the women. Watching them, I guess she got reasonably accomplished at muff diving. She did as she was told. She served us all. I told her not to orgasm and it just made her more excited."

"A submissive? Fuck me, I know some places in the world where a blond like her could make a fortune playing that game."

"No." I said. "I don't think it is like that for her but I am not sure, not like I'm an expert or nothing. I think she liked being involved in the MILF List and likes seeing us fucking our own mothers. She takes a little pain with her coffee too but ultimately, I think she is just wired differently. She loves to be fucked and to be denied it for as long as possible. I think seeing it, watching other women come unglued with ecstasy thrills her to her short and curlies."

"Okay." Sid said, neutrally.

"So, with the others, I and their son fucked them, with Mom there or at least involved. Mostly, I did it this way to make sure no one freaked when we all got naked and lined up to fuck a mom and she had to confront fucking her own son. That way, her son could fuck her and she could relax and fuck the rest of us and work through the delight of being fucked by five guys intent on making her come without being bothered by being entered by her baby boy." I realized I was repeating myself and stopped talking. I suddenly shivered with adrenaline. Talking about it, the MILF list this way was, well, it was strange. Telling Sid about it, even after all we had done, it just felt strange in a tingly, make-me-hard sort of way. I was hard and I just did not know how I should be feeling about that. I was aroused; no doubt about that. The MILF list was real! We were fucking our mothers and our mothers were fucking us. I felt how surreal that was.

"I see. Mrs. Wills, she is a special case because she has been available as a fluffer to the other ladies?"

I nodded, felt stupid. I just keep doing that. I said, speaking out loud, "Right. She has been a jewel in all this and I want to give her something special. My thought is that she should go shopping with me. I'll buy her some really sexy stuff, I am not sure about what yet. At the first store, we run into MILF #1. Chris and I are both there. We fuck MILF #1 and then have Laura eat her. Store number two, rinse and repeat. Till it is just Laura, Chris and I. We fuck her as well and as completely as possible. In the few months since this all started, she has not had a fully sexual encounter of this type since that first couple days when I initiated her. I thought it would be fitting to give her what she wanted; teasing her till she is ready to scream and then fucking her to so many orgasms she cannot breathe right for days. I want her to remember the first time her son entered her and came inside her body, if it has not already happened, she should remember when he came in her ass while she rides my cock. Or something like that." I finished lamely.

"Sounds fun. I can imagine why you want to give her that particular gift."

"Well," I grinned, "the MILF list is, how would you say it? The gift that keeps on giving? I don't think anyone wants to put it back on the shelf just yet. We'll put things back to normal eventually. Just not yet. Laura, Mrs. Wills really deserves something special."

"And you need money to buy her stuff so she is thrilled by the shopping mixed with being fucked so thoroughly?"

I nodded again. Felt stupid again. "That's right." I said out loud.

"How much do you need?"

I shrugged. Felt stupid. My head was not screwed on very tight I could tell. I was actually asking this man for money to make the MILF list better! But I was doing it. I had that falling sensation I started the MILF list with. But I had found the guy a female attorney and was keeping his rich little wife happy as a clam, so, if you squinted a little, he owed me? Right. Sure. But how much? "I don't know. Couple hundred maybe?" I really had not thought this through very well, note to self. I guess I was focused on the MILFs and the fun of running into them in a department store and then fucking them. The buzz of doing Kyla with Siena right there, a strange woman who liked to watch, that informed this whole idea. That whole thing captivated me and I ended up getting distracted from some of the more essential details.

Sid chuckled, his low gravelly voice replete with amusement. "Son, that would last you about ten minutes if you want her wet in a clothing store. And she has exhausted the erotic potential of window shopping. I'll send a couple grand home with Cici. I'll offer it to her and see how she responds if she thinks I am trying to pay her for sex." His rumbling chuckle held real amusement. "That should be interesting, see how she likes having money put in her hand after riding my cock. If she likes it . . . scratch that thought. She'll have it when you pick her up this evening. Six o'clock."

"Thanks Sid." I said. I did not know what else to say.

"Sonny, figure out something special for Annie, would you? I leave on Tuesday."

I hesitated. I wondered if he knew about his wife's delight with being fucked with force? "I'll line up the guys and do her all week long." I said, hoping that was what was on his mind. Then I wondered if I had just sold our services, servicing his wife for two grand? I shook my head. For some reason, making this a mercantile exchange ruined it for me. I like orgasms but coming when you look at a bank statement just seems weird and not in a good way. "We'll take good care of your Annie, Sid." I said, not realizing how casual that sounded. Sid did not seem offended.

"Good. I have never seen her calmer. She is high strung, even for a woman. I kind of hate to say this but I think she needs what you give her and no one knew it, not even her. And Sonny, that is a skill that no college degree is going to give you. Knowing that about her. Figuring it out is one thing but actually managing to provide her that sort of consistent ecstasy, that is a real talent. You should take that seriously. If you think that could be a vocation, I may be able to help but it means you'll never live any semblance of a normal life. Every woman you ever meet will be someone to figure out sexually. Most women would love having a man figure them out, even if it meant you turned their head in completely new directions. I think you might be good at that sort of thing. Just something to think about."

I nodded. Shook my head. Still felt stupid. Sid could not see me over the phone and I just could not seem to get that into my head. I couldn't wait for video phones. How would that change the call that arrives in the midst of coitus? I wanted to laugh to relieve the tension but instead said, "I will, Sid. Thanks."

He hung up and I went to work. It was a quarter to seven before I remembered I needed to go pick up Mom and wondered why no one called. I was on the way to the garage when the front door opened and Mom came in. She looked worn out but ebullient. She walked over to me and hugged me. Her walk was peculiar, her ass seemed to twitch further than it usually did or something. I wanted to look closely and see if she was bowlegged or something but figured staring like that would get me bonked. She did not speak but went upstairs, showered and went to bed. I worked late and went to school the next day, convinced I was forgetting something.

I got home early and was studying on the semester projects I had pending, due pretty soon when I heard Mom get home from work. She went to her room and showered. Her arrival prompted action because I finally remembered what I had forgotten.

In my room I called Laura Wills. I did not have the money yet but I had faith. If Sid did not come through, I figured I could hit Landon up. It was a stretch but it was my only plan B. I wanted to do it so, yes, I was getting out in front of myself a little. I had faith.

"Mrs. Wills?"

"Hi, Sonny."

"Is Chris home?"

"Yes. Finally. He was gone all weekend. You don't know where do you? Where has he been? When he got home last night he smelled like sex and seemed too tired to focus to the end of a sentence."

No mention of Annie. "Are you asking as his mother or as our MILF?" I responded.

Silence. After a long pause that punctuated the moment, Mrs. Wills spoke. "I am your MILF, Sonny. Surely you know that by now. I will do anything you want me to do. Anything." Her voice had shifted into a breathy facsimile of Marilyn Monroe, the sort of voice that a woman on her back, full of cock and close to orgasm uses to communicate. Ms. Monroe must have enjoyed practicing that voice before she sang happy birthday. If Laura was fucking with me, it was working. Perfectly. I could not tell if she was serious or not and that definitely fucked with me. So I ignored her.

"What are you doing Friday evening?"

"I have a board meeting for the Basics of Civilized Living."

"Saturday morning?"

"I am free."

I heard the tautness in her voice, the sudden swell of excitement in it. I grinned to myself. "Laura, I have been meaning to repay your for your service." At that moment, Mom cracked my door and stepped inside, freshly washed, wearing a robe, her hair wet, straggles of glittering black tresses stuck to her white skin.

"Sonny?" Laura said.

"What time does Kingdom Mall open?"


"I'll pick you up at eight-thirty."

"Okay." She said.

"I want to buy you some really nice stuff, Laura. You deserve it. After all you have put up with from me and the guys, your guys, you deserve something really nice. So be thinking of what you would want to buy. What stuff you would get if someone bought it for you that you would never dare get for yourself."

"Oh, okay. Thank you, very much, Sonny." I heard the disappointment in formality of her voice. It struck me as so odd that she would be disappointed, unless I or we had actually warped her out of shape and now she would rather suck our cocks than go shopping. It could happen, after all she was not married to any of us. But really? I shook my head, figuring I was the one that had warped out of shape. It felt okay. Really.

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