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Sheryl's Second Chance at Love

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After a great tragedy, fate throws Sheryl and June together.
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Sheryl remembered looking out her side window. The out of control semi barreling through the intersection, almost as if in slow motion. The squeal of tires when she jammed on her brakes. The sound of crushing metal and braking glass. Then... nothing. Just darkness.

She remembered coming to in a hospital bed. She felt strange. It took her a while to figure out why. Reaching down to rub her knee, she was shocked to find that it wasn't there. Shifting over, neither was the other one. Feeling her abdomen, there were scars there, healed scars. How long had she been out?

Her Sarah, where was she? She must be afraid to be without her mommy for so long. That's when the nurse came in.

"You've been in a coma for almost six months." The doctor had explained. There had been an accident. A really bad one. A truck had run a red light when its brakes had failed. Sarah and She had been Lifestarred to the trauma unit within minutes. Sarah had not made it. Sheryl had internal injuries and both her legs were crushed too badly to save. The fact that she was still alive was nothing short of a miracle.

The pain came in waves. Sometimes it was physical, sometimes it was psychological, sometimes both. Sheryl struggled to cope. So did Jackson, her husband.

The pills helped. At least at first. Sheryl could deal with the fact that her job teaching tennis was done. But getting over not having been able to say goodbye to Sarah... She got mad at Jackson, and it made her feel awful, but she couldn't help it. She was a hammer, and he was her nail. The pills muted that down into a white noise that just let her get through the day lying in bed, wishing for her legs back.

The day Jackson had given her the divorce papers...man. She really wanted to tear him a new one, but she had to admit that he'd tried. He'd tried really really hard. But Sarah wasn't coming back, and thanks to her injuries there weren't going to be any future children. She'd tried to talk about it. The pills were easier, though. They didn't argue. They didn't call names.

She could get into the wheelchair on her own. It was just hard to want to. She got the disability checks. There was a huge settlement from the trucking company. Alimony from the divorce. Insurance money. Was there a noise downstairs? Was it Jackson? No. Jackson had been gone for a while. He hadn't even tried to fuck her after she'd lost her legs. Never touched her. He was too afraid. She knew he was grieving Sarah too. Why did everything hurt so fucking much?

There was a noise. She felt sleepy, but someone was shaking her. She focused in on the young woman who was trying to get her to wake up. There was an empty dose of narcan next to the bed, but why?

"Sheryl, there's no food in the fridge."

"Why did you bother?" Sheryl said blearily.

"It's what I get paid for." The woman said.

"Oh. Okay.." Sheryl managed. She felt like crap.

"Let's get you cleaned up." The woman said.

"Have a party." Sheryl managed before checking out again.

She was in the shower. The water was nice and hot, and the wash cloth was just a little abrasive on her skin. The younger woman was there with her in a swimsuit. Cleaning her. She did not have any clear recollection about how she'd gotten there. She remembered laying there, a mess, not caring...

"Who are you again?" She asked.

"I'm June. Your Sister hired me to take care of you for as long as you need. I'm a nurse." The younger woman said.

"Okay, I get it." Sheryl said. "But you should have just left me. Look at me. I'm done. I was a wife, a mother, a tennis pro. Now...I'm nothing."

"What you were, and what you are, isn't really my job to sort out. I just need to make sure you're not dead...which you almost were when I first got here." June said.

"I feel like crap. Could you get me something?" Sheryl asked.

"I'm sorry. No." June replied, soaping up the washcloth. "We have some work ahead of us, Sheryl. Let's try that without substances, okay?"

And that set the tone for the next few weeks. Daily baths and showers, three meals a day. Out of the house in the wheelchair, June pushing her around the neighborhood. Sheryl had lost track of how badly she'd slid.

She was self-conscious. When June would wash the stumps of her legs. She'd felt repulsed when she'd first touched them herself. Her legs were always one of her best features, slender and long. Now they were gone. She hated how they looked now; how they felt.

June was kind and never judged her, just went about her business and did her job. Slowly the two women got to know each other. It was impossible not to.

"So, what do you do when you're not working here?" Sheryl had asked.

"I'm a circus acrobat." June had replied sarcastically.

Sheryl thought, yeah maybe. June had that kind of look.

It was during one of her baths that it happened. June was cleaning Sheryl's boobs. It sent a shiver through her at first. And then a sob. And then tears started coming. And June stopped.

"Are you okay, Sheryl?" She asked, concerned.

"I just realized..." Sheryl managed. "When I came out of the coma, and then got home. Jackson couldn't bring himself to touch me. At first it was because I was still healing. But later it was something else. It was too much change for him to swallow. Physical and emotional scar tissue. And then he left. So, I stopped looking for that sensation... until you... until just now..."

"I think I get it, Sheryl. Can I tell you something?" June responded.

"Sure, you can tell me anything." Sheryl replied.

"The reason I took this job? I'm a lesbian, Sheryl. I had a partner, Casey. I was working shiftwork at the hospital. Casey and I had been together for five years. I'd just pulled a double shift and was getting home when I saw it. Casey, had a Uhaul trailer packed with her stuff sitting out in front of our place."

"How awful." Sheryl commiserated.

"I knew things weren't perfect between us." June continued. "But I didn't think... She'd taken a job halfway across the country. Said she had to go. I mean, I just stood there and watched her drive away. Five years. Poof. Gone. So, when your Sister called my manager. It just made sense to me to take the job... and I'm glad I did."

"I'm glad too, June. Thanks for showing up when you did. I don't think I'd be here otherwise." Sheryl said, noticing that June seemed to tear up a little bit.

Later that day, as she was rolling down the hall past June's room, she heard the younger woman masturbating. She stopped and listened for a while.

June's fingers worked her clit feverishly. She was really close, and she needed this finish. She thought to herself how unprofessional this was. On the other hand, Sheryl was... beautiful. Not in the sense that there are fifteen check boxes and each one must be ticked off to qualify, but in a much more organic way. Sheryl had a soft sexiness that made June just want to touch her and hold her. There. That was it... She was there.

"June? Can I say something to you?" Sheryl began self-consciously.

"Sure. What is it?" June asked.

"The baths. We both know I don't need you to do that for me anymore." Sheryl said. "Probably haven't for some time."

"Do you want me to stop?" June asked, disappointed.

"No. It's not that. Not that at all. It's just that..." Sheryl stalled.

"What? What is it?" June prompted.

"The way you touch me. It feels... Well, it makes me feel... I get all..." Sheryl tried.

"All what? Just say it, Sheryl." June begged.

"It's... sexual, okay?" Sheryl admitted. "You told me you're a lesbian, but I guess I already knew that. At least on some level I did. Having you tell me that just confirmed something my body already knew. Something I was aware of."

"What do you mean?" June wondered.

"It's not just being touched by another human for so long. It's the way you do it." Sheryl explained. "I may be broken and ugly, but the way you've been... well I almost forget that part."

"Sheryl. When I first saw you, you were like this. I've never known who or what you were like before. But I think you're beautiful just the way you are. I've touched every inch of your body." June stated. "It isn't right for me to have... feelings. I mean some degree of professional empathy is part of the job, but... it just became something more, I guess. Maybe I should leave?"

"Please don't leave." Sheryl asked. "Take me to bed, June."

Sheryl looked delectable laying there on the bed, June thought to herself as she gazed down at the naked form, she was so familiar with, and yet not this way. Firm high breasts with prominent nipples, pale freckles framing full lips with just a hint of pout, that made her want to kiss them until they smiled. The flair of her full hips bracketing her untrimmed bush and the puff of her pussy. Yes, this was unprofessional to say the least she thought as she began to disrobe herself.

Sheryl watched as June undid her ponytail, allowing her long dark tresses to fall free past her shoulders. Her fine features, smart and thoughtful as she undid her nurses dress and let it slide to the floor. The way she winced slightly as she reached around to do the catch on her bra, was incredibly cute. She had medium breasts topped by extra puffy nipples that almost made her look like she had breasts on her breasts. They made Sheryl's mouth water. Her slender hips, and the curve of her ass coming into full view as her panties joined the dress. Sheryl shivered with anticipation as June slid into bed next to her.

June played with Sheryl's breasts, teasing them, caressing them gently, leaning over to kiss them tenderly. It felt incredible, the way she lingered there, patiently building Sheryl's arousal. Then she moved up right next to her and kissed her for the first time. Sheryl's lips parted for June's tongue, and she wrapped her arms around the younger woman as a feeling of erotic tranquility descended on her and she felt a stirring in her loins, an awakening.

Sheryl's libido was returning after a long absence. June's hands and mouth bringing it patiently back to life. Sheryl returned the kiss, letting June control the pace. The smell of another woman's arousal was a novel sensation for Sheryl, but the unmistakable proof that June was turned on, was like heaven. Almost without thought Sheryl's fingers descended through June's downy thatch to find the wet cleft of her pussy waiting below her throbbing clit.

She felt the younger woman shiver against her. Their tits rubbing lasciviously together as they kissed. Sheryl rubbed June's clit again and was rewarded with another shiver. Their bodies fit together like jigsaw pieces. The warmth of her was so comforting it was almost overwhelming after so long alone.

Sheryl's hand continued to work on June's pussy, and she had her moaning and trembling with arousal. June's pussy coated her fingers with a constant and copious flow of her juices. June broke their kiss and looked into Sheryl's eyes.

"God, Sheryl. Don't stop!" She moaned. "Fuck, you're making me cum."

"Get it, baby. Let it go!" Sheryl answered huskily.

"I'm cumming! I'm cumming!....Oh Fuck, Sheryl!...So good..." and Junes body tensed and shook her pussy flowing into Sheryl's hand as she buried herself against Sheryl's body.

They lay together in silence as June's breathing settled back down to normal. Sheryl, brought her fingers to her mouth and tasted, for the first time, another woman's sexual arousal. It was nice. Savory. She wanted more.

She became aware of June's mouth on her again. Kissing her neck and then her breasts as she worked her way down. The heat of June's mouth as she sucked and tugged on Sheryl's nipples sent little jolts of pleasure through her body.

She closed her eyes when she felt the warmth of June's breath on her clit. She honestly had never felt this level of arousal in her entire life, and the first soft touch of June's tongue on her, nearly sent her jumping through the roof. Sheryl moaned and relaxed somewhat as June's mouth continued to do the most amazing things to her pussy. She could feel herself growing wetter, as June's tongue entered her hole, danced around, and then traced her slit back up to wrap around her clit in the most sensuous way.

June really knew what she was doing, and soon two fingers had joined her busy mouth. Sheryl could feel the waves of pleasure washing through her, each just slightly more powerful than the last. She could hear her own moans escape from her throat, as June brought her steadily upward. She felt her G-spot being massaged over and over again. Her head was spinning from the stimulation until she hit the wall.

"Oh June! Oh My!" She managed as the orgasm overtook her consciousness. It felt like every synapse in her body was firing at once. She was floating free connected to the mortal world by the tether of June's tongue. She stayed there, a warm feeling overtaking her as she slowly drifted back to reality.

Sheryl was dumbfounded. Although, she'd had several boyfriends before she met Jackson. What she'd just experienced in June's hands was far and away the best orgasm of her life. Looking down between what was left of her legs, she saw June beaming happily up at her, her face glistening with Sheryl's juices. It was the first time in a long time that Sheryl could remember feeling joyful.

They kissed for a while, tasting each other's pussies on their lips. Sheryl played with Junes breasts, tracing them gently with her fingertips and feeling June moan into her mouth when she'd hit a good spot. She was aware that they were getting aroused again, and wanted to taste June's pussy for real.

"I want to taste you, baby. Like you did to me." Sheryl whispered in June's ear. Without a word she moved up to lean back against the headboard of the bed, allowing Sheryl to slip down comfortably between her legs. Sheryl admired June's pussy before taking the plunge.

It was warm and deliciously musky. She did as June had done to her, finding June's entrance with her tongue, and exploring her completely before moving up to her clit. Sheryl sucked gently, using the flat of her tongue alternately, which made June's thighs and tummy quiver, and her pussy release more of it's delicious liquor, which Sheryl eagerly lapped up.

Sheryl slid a finger into the warmth of June's hole. She felt June clenching and unclenching in time with Sheryl's clit sucking. Sheryl slid another finger inside and June reacted, groaning in pleasure, her whole lower body oscillating.

"More, Sheryl." She begged reaching for the older woman's wrist.

Sheryl slid a third finger into her lover, feeling the entrance to her pussy stretch to accommodate it. June rocked her hips bringing more and more pressure to bear, her juices flowing freely as she moaned encouragingly.

"More..." Sheryl slid a fourth finger in as June's pussy once again stretched accommodatingly. Her hand on Sheryl's wrist, guiding her lustily onward.

"Now! More!" June begged. Sheryl, folded her thumb into her palm and pushed gently forward, feeling at first a firm resistance that softly yielded allowing Sheryl's hand to glide inside June's gushing pussy. The effect was immediate.

June groaned huskily as she came. Sheryl could feel her pussy close around her hand, almost pulling it further inside. She looked down to where her wrist was framed by June's distended labia. Everything glistened with pussy juice. It was erotic, and dirty, and beautiful, and intimate all at the same time. June worked her hips, fucking Sheryl's hand with abandon, a wildness in her eyes as she gazed down at the older woman.

Thrice more Sheryl felt June's pussy contract in orgasm on her hand. June growled a primal feral groan with each release. Finally satiated, she allowed Sheryl's soaked paw to slip free of her stretched pussy.

"Oh Sheryl." She began. "I always wanted to try that. Casey always refused. Thought it would be gross, but it was amazing. Thank you." She said pulling Sheryl up to kiss her hard.

The next few weeks cemented their relationship, as the sex grew ever more intense. Sheryl felt more healthy than she had since the accident, and June had clearly gotten over her relationship with Casey.

At Christmas time they got a nice tree and decorated it together. By springtime they stared to make vacation plans. Maybe a cruise was in order.

June had Sheryl positioned at the edge of the bed, blindfolded. As quietly as she could she pulled on the new strap-on harness. Taking a bottle of warmed lube, she coated the shaft generously and positioned the head of cock between Sheryl's pussy lips. Slowly she leaned in increasing the pressure against Sheryl's opening, which she felt slowly give way.

Watching the shaft of the cock disappear into her lover's pussy, June listened for Sheryl's reaction as she reached the point of maximum insertion. Sheryl's breaths were deep and regular, her hands reaching out for June's hips. Then...a sudden exhale as June withdrew the cock to just head deep. June began thrusting, slowly at first, in and out in a constant fluid motion that soon had Sheryl swooning.

Sheryl's hips worked back against each of June's thrusts, and they soon had a rhythm going that was driving Sheryl crazy with lust.

"Fuck me, baby... Fuck me good... Take me..." Sheryl moaned to June encouragingly.

June grunted her reply as she focused all her concentration on giving Sheryl the ride of a lifetime. Sheryl was soon trembling through reoccurring orgasms her pussy making splooshing, and smacking sounds on June's busy cock.

"Fuck... Fuck... Fuck..." Sheryl would manage in between orgasms. And then "Oooooooooooooooh!" as she'd start to cum again.

June loved the way Sheryl's breasts bounced and swung around with each thrust. Definitely see why guys like doing this, she thought to herself. She could feel inside the harness, a wetness, as her own love honey flowed copiously.

Neither of them wanted this to end, but finally Sheryl pulled the trigger on a cataclysmic orgasm that left her panting for oxygen as June collapsed on top of her, the dong slipping free from Sheryl's pussy with a plop, accompanied by a river of girl cum. They took a few minutes to recover, but June was so revved up that as soon as Sheryl was ready, June had slipped out of the harness and was straddling Sheryl's face with her dripping pussy.

Sheryl feasted voraciously on June, driving her from one climax to the next. She could feel June's juices coating her face as June rode her mouth tongue and nose with shuddering thrusts. Each time she came it merely reinforced her need for more, and Sheryl's primal moans just made her work her lusty box harder and faster until, she too, was spent. Soon, the women were fast asleep wrapped around each other. The room smelled of the perfume of sex, the sheets permeated from their love making.

June entered the room to find Sheryl staring at her phone.

"Is everything okay." She asked.

"Yeah, I guess so..." Sheryl replied unconvincingly.

"What's wrong, honey?" June insisted.

"I just got a text from one of Jackson's work friends." Sheryl said glumly.

"And?" June prompted.

"We got texting back and forth, getting caught up on things. Honestly, it's been so long since I really thought about Jackson." Sheryl explained.

"Ancient history, Sheryl." June encouraged.

"I know, I know... but then he told me that Jackson is getting remarried. It just kinda hit me funny, I guess." Sheryl said. "That my brain says it shouldn't matter, but I get this feeling in the pit of my stomach because he is."

"I think I get it now." June said. She'd gotten up and was rummaging through their dresser. "I think hearing that your ex has moved on is... emotional at best. Hearing that he's getting married again is going to be tough, no matter what. But can I share a secret with you?"

"Sure, I guess..." Sheryl said curiously.


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