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Shirley Partridge at Boy Scout Camp

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Shirley Partridge becomes the nurse at a boy scout camp.
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Disclaimer: I do not own The Partridge Family, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.

Shirley Partridge stood uncomfortably in her nursing uniform. White shoes, white starched collared dress that came down to her knees, with buttons from her neck to the bottom of the dress, topped with a white starched nursing cap on her head. It wasn't the outfit that made her uncomfortable. It was the fact that she had no nursing or medical experience at all. And here she was at the Boy Scout summer camp to work as a nurse.

It was her middle son Danny's fault that she was in this predicament. Danny had joined the Boy Scouts and had been looking forward to this summer camp for months. At the last minute the nurse who had volunteered to work at the camp clinic had to leave the state because of a family emergency. With no nurse, there would be no camp. So without asking her first, Danny volunteered his mom telling everyone that she was a nurse.

When Danny had asked her if she could volunteer and stay at the camp for the week, she had agreed not knowing that his troop thought she was a nurse. Shirley thought this would give her a chance to spend some quality one on one time with her precocious middle son. All he told her was that she would be helping out at the clinic and that she would have her own private room to stay at for the week.

When she arrived at the Boy Scout camp with Danny and discovered that she was to be the camp nurse, it was too late. She talked to the Scoutmaster, Thomas, who was one of the other Boy Scout's fathers. Though he sympathized with her, the camp could not be cancelled at that point. He told her that she would be mostly putting bandaids on little cuts, calamine on poison ivy, and cold cream on sunburns. He reassured her that anything more serious would be sent to the local emergency room anyway.

As Thomas walked her to the clinic, he pointed out the different areas of the camp, which was next to a pristine lake with clear blue water. The Boy Scouts slept in tents at one end of the camp with a shower house and bathroom. She could see Danny with the other scouts bustling about getting their camp ready for the week. Most had on shorts and t-shirts but some took their tops off because of the summer heat. Shirley admired the well toned bodies of the older scouts and it brought back memories of her own summer camp experiences. Before she could reminisce much more, the Scoutmaster ushered her to the next area.

The dining hall, handicraft lodge, camp store, and administrative buildings were centrally located. The boat dock with canoes were next. Archery and rifle ranges, athletic field, and the ropes course were inland. They were quite alone in this section of the camp and as the Scoutmaster continued to talk, she noted that he was actually quite handsome in his olive green Scoutmaster shirt with various patches and pins, matching olive green shorts and socks, leather hiking boots and a smokey the bear hat. As he led her down a narrow path toward the clinic, she couldn't help but admire his muscular legs and backside. Her face flushed, was it the summer heat or something else?

The clinic was at the far end of the camp and by the lake but relatively isolated from the rest of the camp. The cabin had originally been used by the ranger who cared for the camp but it had been converted later into the clinic. The front of the cabin faced the lake with a porch and two rocking chairs. Inside, to the left was a small kitchen. To the right was an examination table, a stool, a privacy screen and a desk. Against the far wall were two small cots. Cabinets behind the desk were filled with medications and other medical equipment. A doorway on the back wall led to a bathroom on the left and a small bedroom on the right which was to be her room for the week. The cabin was very old, rustic, but clean and was the only building with air conditioning.

Thomas rummaged around in some drawers allowing her a fine view of his backside as he bent over. Even with the air conditioning, she started to feel warm again. He found a nursing uniform and told her to go ahead and put it on.

"Sorry, but I have to get back to the troop," he said. "I'll come by later to check on you."

"You can check on me anytime you want," she thought to herself as he left the cabin. Then silently she berated herself. What was she thinking? It must be being alone out in the woods, completely out of her element that was making her think such unusual thoughts.

Shirley went to the bedroom and changed, then looked at herself in the mirror. The outfit fitted her well, emphasizing the curves of her body, flattering her figure. Not bad for a mother of five she thought to herself as she turned this way and that, admiring herself in the mirror. Then the reality of the situation hit her. She felt completely out of place and was in over her head. She was going to kill Danny when they got home.

She walked back out to the main clinic area and looked around to familiarize herself with the place. The cabinets were organized well and she was able to find the different medical supplies without much problem. As she familiarized herself with the clinic, the door opened and a thin Asian man walked in. He was in his early thirties wearing shorts, a Hawaiian shirt, and flip flops.

"Can I help you?" Shirley asked.

"Hello, I'm here to give the camp exam," he replied with a slight accent.

"Camp exam?"

"Before any scout can participate in camp he has to have physical exam," he explained. "Most have exam before camp starts but some haven't so they have to come today for exam."

"And you are..."

"I'm Doctor Lee."

"Sorry, you don't look like a doctor."

"Does this help?" he asked as he put on a white lab coat he was carrying.

"A little," she answered uncertainly. "But you seem kind of young to be a doctor."

"I just finished my training and started my job at the local hospital. They asked me to come out here to do the camp exams. Here is list," he said as he pointed to a clipboard on the desk.

Shirley glanced down and saw several names listed next to a time slot, one every 30 minutes.

"Oh," she replied. "I haven't done this before."

"Not to worry," he said. "I'll teach you what you need to do. Usually the nurses do the exams anyway."

Dr Lee picked up a stack of forms next to the clipboard.

"Here are the questions to ask and then just check off the boxes yes or no. The back has the physical."

"Ok, but..."

Just then, a boy scout opened the door and stuck his head. "Is this the clinic?"

"Yes," the doctor replied.

"I'm here for my physical."

The doctor looked down at the clipboard.

"James Richardson?"

The boy nodded.

"Jimmy?" Shirley asked.

"Oh hi, Mrs. Partridge," he replied.

"I didn't know you were in Danny's troop."

"Yes ma'am. I'm eighteen now and this is my last year. I'll be starting college in two months."

Shirley couldn't help but notice what a fine handsome young man he had become. Dark curly hair, brown eyes, toned and tan.

"Have a seat," Doctor Lee said gesturing to the chair next to the desk.

"Here's my form."

Jimmy handed it to the doctor as he sat. Doctor Lee sat down at the desk and placed the form down and pulled out a pen from his coat pocket.

"I just need to ask you some questions first. "

Doctor Lee went down the list of questions, checking them off as the young man answered. After finishing the questions, Dr. Lee asked Shirley to get his vitals.

"I don't know how to because I'm not really a..."

"Don't worry. You're just rusty. I'll give you a refresher."

Dr. Lee got his height, weight, heart rate and blood pressure showing Shirley how to do them.

"Now time for your physical. Just step behind that screen and take everything off except your underwear."

Jimmy did as he was told then stuck his head out from behind the screen.

"Ok, doc."

"Come and sit here on the exam table."

Jimmy sheepishly came out from behind the dressing screen wearing only his white briefs and sat on the table. Dr. Lee looked in his mouth with a flashlight, felt his neck, then listened to his chest with a stethoscope. With one hand on his back, the doctor used his other to press on different areas of his abdomen while asking, "Is any of this painful?"

"No sir." Jimmy shook his head.

"Ok, now stand up and drop those briefs," the doctor ordered as he pulled over a stool and sat in front of the teen.

The young man stood awkwardly, head and eyes down, hooked his thumbs and his waistband and pushed his shorts to his ankles.

Shirley had been standing quietly by watching the doctor do the exam. When he stood, it was the first time she had seen a man naked since her husband passed. She was surprised that he got naked just like that in front of two strangers. And, she was amazed at how well endowed he was. Even in his flaccid state, his penis hung like a club from his large testicles. His whole manhood looked abnormally large on his young body.

Shirley was a virgin when she met her late husband. He was a good lover and they had a great sex-life. When he died suddenly, she was too busy raising her five children alone to think about herself. It was only at night when she was going to bed that she felt the emptiness both emotionally and physically.

From its hiding place in the back of her underwear drawer, she would pull out a rubber dildo. Her husband had bought it as a gift. As she would take his penis deep into her mouth, he would thrust it into her vagina, making it feel like two men were taking her at the same time. It was her favorite fantasy and the fastest way for her to have an orgasm.

Now alone, her hand would make its way down to rub herself until she was wet with desire. She would then ease the dildo deep inside herself. As she thrust the artificial penis in and out of herself, she would rub her clitoris furiously until she came. Every night she did this to release some of her pent-up desires. However, it only took the edge off those desires. The blonde mother-of-five still wanted to feel a real men's body against hers, sweating and grunting as he thrust inside of her, his hands roaming over her body. But with her five children, it wasn't going to happen any time soon.

Shirley watched the doctor examine the naked teen, carefully palpating one than the other testicle, looking for any abnormalities that might signal a cancer. As the doctor explained to his patient, testicular cancer was the most common cancer in young men so it was very important to do this part of the exam very carefully. He then squeezed his penis to see if there was any discharge. Shirley was fascinated that the Boy Scout would just stand there and let a stranger, even though he was a doctor, do all these things to him. What would it be like, she wondered, to be so intimately touching young men like this. Then the exam was over. That was the grand finale. Jimmy quickly pulled up his briefs then went behind the screen to get dressed. Dr. Lee filled out the form and handed it back to Jimmy when he came back out.

"Thanks doc," he said then walked out the door.

Shirley then watched the doctor do several more camp exams in quick succession. The doctor was a good instructor and very quickly she was able to get the vital signs without any problem. The rest of the exams all pretty much went the same. Shirley found herself waiting eagerly in anticipation of the final part of the exam. She was fascinated by the differences she saw in the different penises. Some were longer and thinner, others wider with a thick bulbous head. She could feel herself getting more and more aroused and heated up with each exam.

There was only one name on the list left when the phone on the desk rang. Shirley picked up the phone.


She handed the phone to the doctor.

"It's for you."

The doctor took the phone from her and after a brief conversation hung up the phone.

"I have to go," he said as he rushed out the door. "There's an emergency at the hospital."

And with that, Shirley was alone again. She fanned herself and undid the top 3 buttons of her dress to try to cool off. The door opened and Shirley hoped it was the doctor returning, but no such luck.

A skinny red headed boy walked in, form in hand.

"I was told to come here to get this form filled out," he said.

Shirley looked down at the list. "Ronald Simpson?"

"That's me."

"Well, I'm sorry but the doctor had to leave because of an emergency at the hospital. Why don't you return tomorrow to get this done?"

"I can't. I have to have this form filled out or they'll send me home. I have to get this back to my leader now."

"I'm not sure when the doctor will be back."

"Can't you do this?" he pleaded. "It says on the form that a doctor or nurse can do the exam."

"I'm not sure..."


Shirley struggled to come up with the correct answer. Part of her really wanted to help him, but she didn't think she knew what to do.

He took her hesitation as a positive sign. "This is my last scout camp. Ever. Please just help me with this."

"Well, I'm new at this..."

"Thank you so much," he said as he handed her his form. "I've been through this before so I know what to do. I'll go ahead and get changed."

Shirley looked down at the form. Name, address and birth date were already filled out. He was eighteen, about the same age as her oldest son Keith. Ronald walked out from behind the screen with only boxers on and sat next to the desk. He had a runner's body, long legs, six pack abs, lean with no extra fat.

"Ok, I'm ready."

Shirley sat down and started asking the questions on the form. They were very straightforward questions.

"Have you ever had chest pain or discomfort during exercise?"


"Do any of your joints become painful or swollen?"

She went down the list checking off the answers without incident until she got to this question.

"Do you have groin pain or a painful bulge or hernia in the groin area?"

"Umm," he hesitated. "Not really I guess."

"So that's a no?"

"Yes, I guess so."

"Ever have an STD?"

"A what?"

"A sexually transmitted disease, like syphilis."

"I guess I couldn't since I've never been with a girl," he embarrassedly answered.

She then finished the rest of the questions.

"I guess it's time for the exam."

Ronald got up on the exam table. Shirley tried to remember what the doctor had done. She looked in his mouth with a flashlight, felt his neck, then bent over to listen to his chest with a stethoscope. She was surprised that she could hear the beating of his heart and was so mesmerized by the sound, she sat still for a long time just listening. The rhythm of the beats appealed to her musical instincts.

She happened to glance down and saw a bulge growing in his shorts. When she looked back up, she could see Ronald's eyes on her cleavage which had become quite exposed after she had undone the top buttons and now even more as she bent forward to hear his heart. Now her own heart began to beat hard, and the room suddenly felt warmer. She found herself enjoying the attention she was getting, surprised that a young man would find an older woman like herself sexually attractive.

Staying in the same position so that his view of the top of her breasts remained unimpeded, she took the stethoscope off and put one hand on his back, the other pressing on his stomach. Touching his bare skin felt so intimate - it was the first time she had touched another man like this since she became a widow.

"Any pain here?" she asked as she pressed all over his abdomen. She took her time, enjoying the feeling of his muscled young flesh. And enjoying the effect she was having on him as demonstrated by the bulge that was now tenting his shorts. Her heart pounded in her chest as she considered how far she could go with this virgin, what he would let her do thinking she was a real nurse.

"It looks like you have a bulge in the groin area," she said, her throat dry. "Is it uncomfortable?"

"A little."

She turned and looked at the form on the desk. "When I asked if you had groin pain or a painful bulge in the groin area you said no. I guess I'm going to have to mark this as a yes."

"Please don't do that. Then I won't be able to stay at camp."

"Well, let me take a look and see how serious this is."

She sat on the stool in front of him and licked her lips as she pulled down his boxers. His erection sprung out, pointing straight at her.

"I'm going to have to check your testicles first," she said as she gently grasped his penis in her hand to move it up so that she could get a better view of his scrotum. The feeling of his warm hard flesh in her hand made her flush with desire.

"Got to make sure there are no signs of testicular cancer which is the most common cancer in young men like you."

With her other hand, she carefully began to feel the egg shaped objects hanging below his stiff rod.

"This may take a while, but you wouldn't want me to miss cancer would you?"

"No ma'am," he croaked.

She took her time, exploring every inch of him. His penis was like the rest of him, slender but muscular. She could tell he was still ogling her boobs and his penis became completely erect in her hand. A small amount of fluid oozed from the tip.

"Well the testicles seem fine, but you still have this uncomfortable bulge. And some discharge," she said as she squeezed his penis and milked it. Some more liquid oozed out. "I can't let you go back like this. I've seen cases like this and I think if I keep squeezing, I'll be able to drain out all this liquid and the swelling will go down."

"Do whatever you think is best. You're the nurse."

The nurse impersonator squeezed harder, moving her hand up and down his shaft. She leaned forward, her arm movements making her breasts jiggle, giving her patient a show. Her other hand continued to fondle his testicles. She was so tempted to take him in her mouth but knew that would definitely be crossing the line and destroy the illusion that she was a nurse just trying to help.

He was now rock hard, a steel rod in her hand. All the stimulation was too much and his testicles began to tighten.

"Um, nurse?" he groaned.

Shirley already knew what was about to happen and she was ready. She released his testicles while continuing to pump him with her other hand. She grabbed a glass specimen container and placed it in front of his penis just in time to catch the semen as it shot out.

Ronald grunted as he came, the thick white fluid coming out in spurts filling the bottom of the container.

"I need to send the specimen to the lab."

Shirley relished the feeling of his hard virile penis pulsating in her hand. He groaned as she milked the last few drops out of him.

You feel better now?

"Much better."

He began to soften in her hand.

"It looks like the swelling is going down."

"Does that mean you'll pass me?" he asked.

"It does look like that painful bulge is going away. But, I'll only clear you if you promise to come back so I can check you again."


"Just remember, if you tell anyone that you're being treated for a groin problem they will make you leave."

"I won't say a thing. Thanks so much for helping me out!"

He quickly got dressed and left. Shirley ran into her bedroom and couldn't wait any longer. She ripped off her panties, drenched from her constant state of arousal, hiked up her dress then started to rub herself furiously as she lay back on her bed. The parade of naked young men had built up her pent-up sexual energy to the boiling point. She had seen, touched and smelled her first man in years. She yearned to taste and feel a man inside of her. Remembering the specimen jar with fresh sperm she opened her eyes and reached for where she left it on the nightstand. But in her haste, she knocked it over and it shattered on the wooden floor. The scent of semen wafted up. Darn it, she really wanted to taste it. Furiously her fingers slid over her slippery nub of sensitive flesh, eliciting jolts of pleasure. Very quickly she felt the familiar pressure building in her pelvis.


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