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Should Not Have Stopped

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Straight guy gets a surprise when he stops at the wrong type.
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I had gotten a job in South New Jersey, not bad, right after law school. It took me awhile to clean out my old apartment so I did not get to leave on the road until Saturday morning.

I was a little angry at myself for waiting so long, my plan was to get to a hotel on Friday night then check out the bar scene all Saturday and Sunday, pick a new place based on the scene.

Hey, I was young and had a good job lined up. After the drudgery of school it was time to live a little, find me some hot ladies to while away the weekends. And it would be beneficial to be in walking distance from the local scene, a DWI would end my career really quick. And now, here I was, not starting until Saturday morning.

I had heard somewhere that long haul truckers sometimes wore adult diapers to cut down on bathroom breaks so I figured I would give it a try.

I was embarrassed at first picking them out in the pharmacy the Friday before I left. But then I realized nobody would think they would be for me and, even if they did, I was moving so who cared.

There were a few people there and I was still a little embarrassed so I grabbed the first bag I came to. They were TENA brand briefs, plastic back with tapes like a real baby diaper. I found out later that people actually search for those specifications. The cashier was a young girl and, like I thought, she had no idea I was going to wear them.

When I got home I cleaned up some more and then got ready for bed, I would drop the keys off with the landlord in the morning. As I lay down, I saw the bag of diapers and thought; "might as well give them a try" so I opened the bag and took one out, it took me awhile but I finally got a nice secure fit and got under the covers.

As I lay there I realized the diaper was very comfy, and it felt good rubbing my inner thighs when I shifted. I also felt naughty, doing something everyone is told is wrong after a certain age.

As I drifted off to sleep I started fantasizing about some of the more stuck up, hot girls from school discovering me in the diaper, and using that knowledge to make me submit to them.

I started to rub the front of the diaper and ended up cumming in the diaper. "Cool" I thought, "don't even need to clean up."

I woke up the next morning and decided to go in the diaper. After all, I had to test the capacity to see if it would hold during my road trip. I had to concentrate real hard to let go but, once the stream started, it flowed easily.

The warmth hitting that area felt really good and, when I was done, the diaper did a good job of whisking the moisture away so it was not uncomfortable.

I really saturated the diaper and decided to keep it on to make sure it did not leak. As I shaved and brushed my teeth I became conscious of how good the saggy diaper felt between my legs. I did not really want to take it off but finally I had to and I jumped in the shower.

After that, I put a fresh diaper on. I was better at it and was again surprised at how good a new diaper feels once you have worn a soaked one.

I put on a pair of cargo shorts and a long polo shirt, stashed the soaked diaper in the bottom of my trash, took the bag to the dumpster, dropped off the key in my landlord's mailbox, and hit the road.

The ride was uneventful, it was hard at first to pee while sitting but I got good at it; the energy drinks helped. They worked maybe too good I found out when I stopped for gas.

As I got out of the car the diaper sagged really low, I thought it would burst or the tapes would break and the soaked diaper would fall out of the leg of my shorts.

I hurriedly paid with a credit card, started filling up my tank, grabbed my backpack with the diapers in it, and headed to the restroom.

I had to sort of waddle and walk carefully because the engorged diaper kept me from walking regularly and I thought, if I rushed, the diaper would break. My face flushed a little at the thought that people walking around could tell I had a wet diaper on. I do not know if they did because I kept my eyes on the ground as I waddled to the bathroom.

Once inside, I went into a stall, dropped my shorts and undid the diaper. It was heavy and plopped on the ground, leaking a little. Good thing it had not leaked into my shorts. I folded it up and put it on the back of the toilet so nobody would see it if they came in.

"Now what?" I thought. My skin was damp and I did not want to put a diaper on. But I did not want to continue my trip without one because I had been peeing a lot and would have ended up stopping at rest stops constantly on the ride. So I decided to check out the rest stop store.

They had wipes and a small bottle of powder so I bought them and returned to my car. I thought it would have been weird to go back in the bathroom. There was truck parking behind the rest stop so I pulled around there, found a place, and rediapered myself in my car. It was a pain in the neck.

It was too cramped and the car ended up smelling like baby powder. But I got the diaper on, put on my pants, and went to a trash can to throw out the baby wipes. The feel of the diaper on my powdered skin felt amazing.

I was feeling naughty again and the combination gave me a hard on. But I had to get back on the road. My erection was distracting for the first few miles but I ignored it and it went away.

I did realize that I did not want to check into my hotel with a diaper that was soaked. It was too close to the area I would be living and, hopefully, scoring some chicks in. So I decided I would stop before the hotel somewhere to take off the diaper.

Decision made, I continued driving. It turned out I was right, I did have to pee a lot and quickly filled the diaper. When I got close to my destination, I decided to get off and take surface streets. That way I could approach where I would be working and check out the neighborhoods around it.

I was driving in Lumberton, NJ and realized my diaper was at capacity again. I saw a pizzeria and figured I could get a bite to eat and also change my diaper in the bathroom. I decided I wanted to change into another one because, with stop lights and traffic, I could not judge how long it would take me.

So I grabbed my backpack with the diapers, powder, and wipes and walked toward the pizzeria. There was a cigar store call Gemini in the same mini mall so I decided to go in and get some cigars.

When I walked in I was surprised at how small the selection was. Also, the shop did not take up a big portion of the building. A door lead to the back of the building with a sign that said, "Over 21 Only." Curious, I decided to check it out.

It was a porno shop. There were racks of sex toys in the front with DVDs in the back. I mumbled to myself, "Who gets there porn from DVDs anymore?"

I must have said it too loud because the others in the store looked over at me. The only ones there were the cashier and three customers.

The cashier was an overweight biker type, about 6 feet tall, balding, and dirty looking. He was talking to two other biker types, a man and a woman. The male biker was over six feet, younger, just packed with muscle. His friend was a biker chick, a little past her prime but still kinda sexy in a trashy sort of way. The last customer was a skinny black guy in his sixties who had been heading toward some booths in the back.

Apparently, they just heard me make the noise, not what I said, because they went back to doing what they were doing before I had come in. Embarrassed by even the little bit of attention they had given me, I quickly averted my eyes and tried to not look so out of place, pretending to take an interest in the closest thing to me; which turned out to be a wide variety of dildos and strap-ons.

I blushed and decided to check out the DVDs, they were closest to the sign for the bathroom and I still needed to change my diaper.

Before I could move, however, I heard what the three bikers were talking about. It was interesting so I decided not to walk past them and make them stop.

The cashier's name (I found out later) was Stogie, the younger biker was Moose, and the woman was Nancy. From what I could gather from Stogie, Nancy was his Old Lady but he wanted Moose to take her in the back and get a blow job.

Apparently, that was supposed to get customers to shell out ten dollars once Stogie posted what was happening online. Moose didn't think it would work, he said most of the regulars had seen Nancy and him before and knew it wouldn't lead to sex; they needed to get new, and younger girls in, to draw in some more customers.

I looked up to see if Nancy reacted to being called old, she didn't because she had been looking at me. We made eye contact briefly and she smirked. At first I thought she had caught me eavesdropping but then realized she smirked because I had been infront of a dildo display for a while.

She looked away quickly, because I guess it is bad business to laugh at the perverts when your old man runs a sex shop. It kind of hurt my pride, though, to have her think I was into that kind of stuff. If I left then I figured she would think it was because she had caught me, confirming her suspicions that I took it up the ass.

So I decided to move over to the DVDs, maybe buy some lesbian porn. As I walked by the bikers I saw again the entrance to the hallway that the black customer had gone down toward the video booths. I wondered how they made ten dollars off every customer if Moose and Nancy went back there to do blow jobs.

I decided to check it out. There were about eight booths, four to a side with the black customer leaning against the wall at the end of the hallway, not even in a booth. It was dark in the hallway so I did not see him until I was halfway down the aisle.

Embarrassed, I quickly took a left turn into the second to last booth. Inside the booth was just a TV screen with a place under it to insert money.

I closed and locked the door behind me and it got really dark, the booth only illuminated by the light on the money slot. I grabbed some singles from my wallet and fed the machine, which instantly started a video of a tranny fucking a guy.

The light from the screen illumined that the booth had a hinged bench on the wall that you pulled down to for a seat. Before I pulled the seat down I realized this was a great place to change my diaper. I could put the old one in my bag, put on a fresh diaper, and get back on the road.

As I took off my pants, undid the diaper tapes, and let the soaked diaper fall to the ground; I heard a video start up in the booth next to me. Light came from that booth into my booth through a perfectly round, three inch hole that had been cut in the wall around crotch height.

With a smile I realized that it was a glory hole. Then the light was blocked out from the other side so I continued with my diaper change.

I pulled a baby wipe out of my bag, cleaned my balls, pulled another out, cleaned my ass, and dropped both into the diaper on the floor.

I took the powder out and applied it to my crotch and ass, then put the powder back in my backpack. I used another wipe to clean the powder off my hands and got myself a fresh diaper.

Leaning with my back to the wall I managed to diaper myself snuggly, I was getting good at it. I turned with my back to the glory hole and bent over to roll up the wipes into the diaper, tape it into a ball, and stick it into my backpack.

Just then the video in my booth went off, plunging me into darkness since the video had killed my night vision. I groped around the ground until I found my shorts, and then put my hand behind me to find the wall so I could lean back into it for support when I was putting on my pants.

My hand went back right over the glory hole, some of my fingers going through. I grasped the bottom of the hole as I stood up and rested my back against the wall. Thus supported I stepped into my shorts and pulled them up and fastened them.

I bent over to pick up my backpack and heard whispered from the next stall, "Suck it diaper faggot."

I looked over at the glory hole and, bathed in the light from the money slots, was a black cock sticking through it. The cock was about as long as mine but a little thicker.

Mortified, I hastily got out of my booth and headed toward the exit. The black customer in the next booth heard my door open and he angrily cursed, "Fucking cock tease, get back here!"

As I increased my pace I heard his belt jingle as he quickly pulled up his pants, making me want to get out of there faster. As I left the hallway back into the main store I came to the conclusion that I did not want this guy to confront me in a public parking lot, better to stay in the store and hope he did not want to make a scene in front of the cashier and the other customers.

As I came into the main store I saw that Nancy had a babydoll nightie from the store laid out on the counter in front of Stogie. She was saying, "... and giving this as a gift is cheaper than hiring hookers."

They both looked up at me as I exited the hallway. Stogie mused, "passable with a little make-up."

Made uncomfortable by their scrutiny, I dropped my eyes and moved toward the DVDs; realizing I still had to get that lesbian video.

When I got to the racks, I saw the black customer come into the main room. More interested in what he was going to do than the selection I stopped and pretended to peruse them why I watched the black customer out of the corner of my eye.

To my relief he paid me no attention and went over to Stogie and Nancy. I closed my eyes and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Bondage huh?"

Confused, I opened my eyes and looked to my left toward the sound. The speaker was Moose who had been in the back of the DVD section but was now right next to me, in my personal space.

He was huge, towering over my 5'3", and twice as wide as my skinny 120 pound frame. I realized he had asked me a question. "What?" was all I could muster.

"You like bondage porn?" he asked again with a smile, "a lot of twinks fantasize about having a strong man control them."

I looked to my front and realized that I had stopped in front of the gay bondage section. My cheeks flushed a deep shade of red; having such a man's man think I was a fairy was humiliating.

"No," I weakly stuttered, "didn't realize..." I decided to just get out of the place and never come back. When I turned to my right, though, Stogie was there, blocking my exit.

Nancy was behind him and, back by the cash register, was the black customer; leaning against the counter, watching me.

"Why the rush?" asked Stogie.

"I was just browsing, I have to get back on the road," I mumbled.

"Daryl told us what you were doing; it wasn't just browsing," Nancy laughed, "no reason to be embarrassed."

"On the contrary," growled Stogie, "you should be embarrassed."

He took a step closer to me. "I bet you'd be real embarrassed if folks found out what a sissy faggot you were," he poked me in the chest as he said it.

I should have told him to stop, should have pushed past him, but I was too scared. His words froze me in place as I thought about people finding out about my diapers and that I had been in a place like this at all.

That fact that I put up no resistance, like a real man would, brought a satisfied smile to Stogie's face.

"I got enough trouble trying to get customers into this place without having my regular customers like Daryl getting blue balled. A place gets a reputation like that and it'll end the business real quick," Stogie said matter-of-factly.

"Sorry, won't happen again, just let me go please," I whined.

"Why the rush?" Nancy asked suspiciously.

"Maybe he took one of them videos," Daryl smirked.

"Are you a shoplifter, boy, as well as a tease?" Stogie said as he held out his hand, "Let me check that bag."

"I just need to leave," I said nervously, obviously not wanting anyone to discover my secret, not realizing yet that Daryl had probably watched me through the glory hole changing my diaper.

"If you aren't going to show me then I guess you'll have to show the police," Stogie said with a look of satisfaction on his face that I did not understand at the time, "get his wallet."

From behind me, Moose grasped the back of my neck with one huge hand and placed the other on my butt. Frozen, I made no resistance as he patted my diapered ass through my shorts a few times, making my diaper crinkle.

Defeated, I let my shoulders slump and felt like crying. Moose, never relaxing his grip on my neck, fished my wallet out of my back pocket and tossed it to Nancy; then put his hand back on my rear, squeezing slightly.

Nancy opened my wallet and took out my driver's license and student ID that I had not gotten rid of yet.

"He's a law student from Ohio," she told Stogie. Then she asked me, "Do you want to be arrested for shoplifting, especially in a place like this, while wearing huggies?"

All I could do was look at her with tears in my eyes. Stogie motioned again for my bag with his hand and I handed it over. He opened it up and looked in. His smile turned into disgust as he pulled out my wet diaper, holding it up in the middle of the store in front of everyone. I wished the earth would have swallowed me up.

"You are one nasty faggot, boy," he said, making me feel even smaller.

He handed the used diaper to Nancy who took at and walked over to the counter to throw it out. I saw Daryl wink at her as she picked up the babydoll nighty and got a wig from the counter. Stogie finished looking through my bag as Nancy was disposing of my waste.

"Well, it looks like you didn't take anything," Stogie said, actually looking sorry, "can't be too careful, though; a lot of guys shoplift because they are too embarrassed to come to the counter."

"I understand," I said lamely, "can I go?"

Stogie smiled again. I guess an assertive person would have just grabbed his bag back and stormed out. I, the unjustly accused party, was asking his permission to do stuff, even though I had done nothing wrong.

"Not so fast, we need to make it up to you," Nancy said sweetly, "let me take you in the back and change your diaper for you. Free fetish fulfillment."

"It's not a fetish," I said confused, "I just was on a long road trip."

"Then why were you rock hard in the booth when you changed out of that pissy huggies?" asked Daryl.

I had no answer for that; I had not even realized it. Moose moved his hand from the back of my shorts to the front and grabbed my cock through my shorts and diaper.


Maybe it isn't Nancy that he wants to change him," he said as he gave my package a squeeze, "he is hard now."

"He was looking at them strap-ons when he came in," Nancy added.

"I'm not gay," I blurted, "Nancy could do it but I don't need a diaper change."

"Nonsense," leered Moose, "smile for the camera."

He moved his giant hand from my neck to the back of my head, and turned it so I was looking at a security camera, directed right at me. My heart sunk.

Moose moved his other hand from my crotch to the button of my shorts, undoing it. He then hooked his thumb into my waistband and pulled the shorts down, exposing my diaper. He patted my diapered butt some more then removed both hands from me.

I heard a zipper, and then he used his fingers to pull the back of the diaper away from my skin.

I felt something warm against the small of my back and realized it was his dick that he put into the back of the diaper.

Before I could react I felt a stream of hot piss hit my ass crack and start flooding the diaper. Everyone started to laugh at me and I did nothing but cry. When he was done, Moose removed his dick and put it back in his pants. Mortified, I just stared at the floor and felt my eyes start to water.


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