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A woman experiences her flasher fantasy in real life.
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Sarah's eyes flicked up from paperwork spread over the conference table as Paul brought a man into the office. The man was average in height and looks, mid-40s, and refused to wear the usual hang-dog look of people who interacted with Sarah. Paul's hand was locked around the man's upper arm, propelling him into the small conference area. Sarah refused to refer to it as an interrogation room.

"Jesus, we're only mall security," she had said a year earlier during her orientation, "Not some elite police squad."

That had gotten laughs, a good start. Her work over the past year had gotten respect from the other security officers. Flash forward to today.

"We caught this perv flashing women at Lorraine's. He was in the changing room, leaving the door open. The sick bastard is all yours," Paul said, releasing the man's arm.

"No, I wasn't," the man said, rubbing his arm and assuming the pose of a man unjustly insulted, "I was simply trying on pants."

"Whatever, shithead," Paul said, handing Sarah a clipboard. He closed the door on his way out, snarling something about fucking nasty people.

Sarah looked at the clipboard of information.

"So... Larry..." she said, "Did you flash women by leaving the changing room door wide open?"

"Dear lord, no!" he said, "I may have bumped the door accidentally since those locks don't work too well and the changing rooms are tight quarters, and let me tell you..."

He launched into five minutes of denials, reasons for, and examples of his innocence. A simple explanation may have worked just fine but the excuses piling up stank to high heaven. Sarah let him talk. She heard it before and it seemed to be the same story over and over. She was convinced of his guilt by the end of his monologue.

Me thinks he doth protest too much she thought to herself.

"You know," Sarah said, cutting him off midsentence, "It's too bad you weren't doing it."

"What? Why?" he asked.

"Between you and me," she said, eyes casting about the room, voice lowered, "I'm into it."

"Into what? I don't know what you're talking about," Larry said.

"You know, CFNM. Clothed-female, Nude-male. I like it," she leaned forward, a look of conspiracy covering her face.

Larry leaned back in his chair, no words coming out. His eyes went narrow with confusion and distrust.

"You know why I got this job?" Sarah asked after a minute of silence. Larry shook his head.

"I thought they had cameras in the dressing rooms," she said, voice low, "I was thinking Macy's and Nordstrom's would have their men's sections covered in cameras and I could come in here, get trained real quick, and get paid to watch men strip down to try on clothes."

Larry frowned, his mouth pinched, uncertain.

"But I got better than that," she said, leaning the chair back on legs, mimicking Larry's posture, "Once every so often, we get these show-offs, these exhibitionists, and they go crazy recording themselves flashing. We had a bust a month ago, an old man with a huge dick standing almost nude in the men's bathroom room over by Banana Republic. And he was getting it all on his iPhone. They brought him in here and I talked him into showing me the video."

She waited, a Cheshire cat grin settling on her face.

"And...?" Larry finally asked.

"Well, I can't masturbate right here in the office, not with people around," she said, "But as soon as I got home, I rubbed out an orgasm that make my legs shaky for a half-hour. It was so hot. I love it. I even thought about letting the old man get a quick peek of me too but... I like this job too much. I couldn't risk it."

She rocked forward, her chair back on the ground.

"He did, though, give me his profile name and his favorite website. I went online to go watch him in action. He flashed bus riders from his car. That was his thing. It was sexy that he was old and had a big fat dick that got hard. If I weren't married, I probably would have fucked him or at least jerked him off. I like to think about that, jerking off a man in his car in the parking deck downstairs. Especially when people are walking around. I'd make him strip nude first, of course."

Larry calculated.

"So, say I actually did the alleged thing. Would you want to see?" he asked.

"Fuck yeah," Sarah breathed, "Would you turn down titties texted from a woman? Just don't expect a handjob."

"And then what happens?" Larry asked, hope creeping into his voice.

"Paul, the security officer who got you? He's already out on the floor again. He doesn't concern himself with this part and he expects I'll have you arrested by PD and clean you off the streets. But, in reality, you head out to the parking lot through Macy's and you won't run into him. I'd suggest not playing here again, though. He can get... aggressive... And do you post videos online? I'd love to see what else you have. Just jot down the site and your name. I'll hit you up later."

Larry shook his head, amazed at his luck.

"Here," he said, pulling out his phone. He tapped the screen a few times and there it was, him filming his erect penis through the sizeable gap in the open door of the dressing room. Women walked by, either not seeing or glancing down looking shocked.

"I was also in Nordstrom's earlier. If you actually had cameras in there, I would have given you a show," he said, puffing up with pride. The same point of view played on a second video, Larry exposing his genitals to women.

"That's perfect," Sarah said as Larry put his phone away. He wrote down a website and user name and pushed the slip of paper toward her.

"Here's the rest of my work, too," he said, "Please let me know what you think."

"I'm sure it's great stuff," Sarah said as she pushed a button under the desk. Two uniformed police officers moved into the office and hauled Larry up out of his chair. He sputtered a protest. One held him facedown on the desk while the other yanked his arms behind his back. Handcuffs clicked into place.

"Larry Hodges, you're under arrest for suspected indecent exposure and aggravated indecent exposure. You have the right to remain silent and refuse to answer any questions. Be aware that anything you say may be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to consult an attorney...."

Sarah didn't wait for the rest of the Miranda Warning. She walked out of the room, giving the real officers space to work. She stood in the hallway just outside the security office, laughing to herself. Mr. Keane, the head of security, strode over.

"That was well done, Security Officer Hutcherson. You are an asset to this unit. In fact, take the rest of the day off. I'll still pay you for it" he said before walking in to join the real cops.

Anne, another security officer, walked over.

"You play that role too well," Anne said to Sarah, "I would have thought all that actually happened with the old guy in the bathroom. What a story. Are you sure you aren't a sick, twisted bitch deep down inside? That seemed too good to be made up on the fly."

Sarah laughed, shook her head.

"I'm pretty vanilla," she said to Anne, "I don't need anything fancy to get me going."

Anne shook her head laughing, "You fooled me. Anyway, don't let me hold you up from going home early. Good for you. It couldn't happen to a better person here... except, you know, me."

Anne laughed and walked back toward the stores, on patrol again.

Sarah hung her duty belt and gear up in the small locker area. She grabbed her keys and headed out into the beautiful sunshine, the smell of flowering trees floating on the warm afternoon breeze. Her hand reached in and fingered the piece of paper in her pocket. She smiled, now having something to do tonight.

It was too bad Kevin was on a business trip. He was gone for a few days every other month and Sarah missed him, especially today. She didn't lie to Larry when she told him she had run into the occasional flasher at the mall. She always did the security intake when they were caught. Management loved that she could elicit confessions to simplify things. Her coworkers loved that they didn't have to look at penises and have uncomfortable (for them) conversations with wackos. Sarah simply loved seeing dicks. It turned her on. Had Kevin been home today, she would have jumped him and rode his cock to a nub thinking about that Larry guy and his videos.

Sarah pulled into the driveway and let herself into the house. She walked through the kitchen to the living room in the back and looked out the massive picture window. It opened to the backyard and, further, acres of empty parking lot of an abandoned supermarket. Bits of colorful trash fluttered in the wind, caught in the chain link fence separating her property from beyond.

She faced the window and undid the buttons of her uniform blouse. It was a button-down long-sleeve shirt but there were enough retired Marines on the security team that their verbiage crept into the everyday language of work. Apparently, they called shirts blouses, or had at some point. Sarah couldn't help but think of it with that word.

Button by button, a thin line of pale skin, now a peek of bra, and now lean torso and bellybutton came into view. Sarah peeled her shirt off, standing in bra and long pants in the window. Next, she undid the snap of her pants and slid them down her legs. She stepped her feet out and kicked the puddle of cloth aside. She reached behind her, undid the clasp of her bra, and pulled it off her chest in one quick motion.

Sarah enjoyed this moment. She liked standing topless in panties in the window. She only owned dark-colored pairs to set off the lightness of her skin. She rested her forearms on the glass above her head, pulling her breasts up and feeling more exposed. She pretended the store was packed and people were getting an eyeful of her toned, lean body. Closing the distance to the window, she pressed her tits against the glass and imagined a man out walking his dog along the fence. His gaze would swing up at her, his eye would open wide, and he would stop to let his dog sniff while Sarah gave him an eyeful. She would turn around, take her panties off, and show her body, front and back. The man would go crazy when she leaned over and gave him a view of her pussy from behind. She'd watch him glance around, pull his dick out, and stroke for her while he stared. He would never know what her face looked like since his eyes would be glued to her body, visually groping her, scanning her bottom to top, at least as far up as her neck.

Heat and wetness flooded through her. She pulled her panties off, stepped away from the window, and went upstairs.

The shower warmed within moments and Sarah stepped in. She took the hand-held and placed it on the low holder. Kevin rigged it at the bottom of the shower caddy so Sarah could do exactly this. Warm water pulsed up between her legs and she moved her hips, riding the showerhead. Orgasm built and she pulled her body back to prevent finishing. After a minute of coming back down, she again stepped into the stream of water, teasing herself, pleasuring her clit, building closer to explosion.

Sarah turned the shower off before she came. She toweled off, heat radiating up from her low belly, and put on a thin blue robe. She went back downstairs and perched on the stool at the kitchen counter and opened the laptop. The computer popped on with a click and the quiet hum of the fan.

Sarah preferred her porn on laptop, not phone. She liked seeing the details. She looked at the slip of paper and put in the website. She already had a profile there so logging in was quick. She found Mr. Larry Hodges, named LQQKandCEE, and scrolled through his saved favorite pics and videos. Very nice. Public nudity, both male and female. Here were women walking nude through streets and cities or stripping in parking lots. Nude beaches, yep, beach sex, yep. Some dogging and gloryholes, very sexy. A few of the videos and pics were saved on Sarah's favorites too.

She clicked on his uploads. Here we go. Her hand, with a mind of its own, slid between her legs and started stroking while she watched Larry pull his pants down and show his hard dick. He was in some bushes, behind a bench at a park somewhere. A few people were out walking but no one was close enough to see him. He stroked his cock and Sarah matched his pace. Moments later he shot his load, cum flying out onto the grass. He pulled his pants up and the video ended.

Another one showed him set up the tripod by his car. He had pulled over on a road near the interstate and he filmed himself stripping down nude. The car was between his body and the traffic but he was nude in public, jerking again, cumming again. Sarah enjoyed watching it, impressed and aroused at the confidence on display. She often pretended people were outside her own window while she was wearing only panties but she knew no one ever went back there. She just couldn't be naked where actual humans might show up.

The next video loaded. Larry was in a dressing room that had a heavy red curtain instead of a door. It was pulled open and the camera was aimed so the viewer could see his body from the waist down as well as out into the main changing area. He was hard, his dick sticking out from a short tangle of gray and black pubic hair. His balls looked shaved. He gave a few strokes but pretended to be struggling with pants. A young woman, early 20s, passed by. Her eyes darted down and she saw him. Her face turned shocked as she went out of view and the video reversed and played it again in slow motion.

Sarah's own fingers were moving furiously between her thighs. She stroked her clit in circles, pressing hard, feeling bliss shake through her body. She imagined she saw it happen live and she imagined she reached through the curtain and touched Larry's cock. He came in her hand and she came in her robe, spasms rocking her, hips bucking, tightening and bending her in half as the orgasm ripped through her pussy and radiated outward, engulfing her body. Her hand slowed, her breathing slowed, and she sat on the stool, Zen Buddhist calm overtaking her body. She had a content smile.

Slowly, recovering her legs, Sarah stood and walked to the sink. She drank a glass of cold water and went upstairs to get dressed. She had zinnias to plant. It would be a nice surprise for Kevin.

*Ding* went Sarah's phone.

Hey, love, how was your day?

Of all the nicknames Kevin tried out the past 10 years, this one stuck and Sarah liked it. She texted back, thankful he was old enough to spell things out. She didn't want to have to learn texting shorthand. It seemed like effort to keep up.

"Great. We apprehended a flasher today at work."

So you've already gotten off, I assume? And I don't mean work.

"Yes. It was fantastic. I'm sorry you weren't here. You wouldn't have been able to get out of bed after what I would have done to you."

Damn! That sounds like fun. Was the guy hot?

"Nope, normal. I think that's what makes it so hot."

Were you the one who caught him?

"Sadly, no. I still haven't had it happen in real life. Maybe one day."

Maybe sooner than later. Give me ten minutes.

Sarah was patient. She waited for the phone to ding again and opened the oven to check on dinner. The chicken was almost done. Green peas bubbled in boiling water and a tall glass of wine sat waiting for her on the table. She never minded eating alone but she looked forward to having dinner with Kevin after two days by herself. Fifteen minutes passed, then twenty.

She had given up on waiting and was cutting into the chicken when her phone dinged again. She reached to the counter and checked the message.

I know you're eating so no need reply. I just put up an ad in the W4M section for a woman who wants to be flashed. You have an hour to get down to the second park bench at Hornsby Preserve. Wear that long yellow dress and put your hair up with a yellow ribbon. Have fun!

"You're kidding me, no need reply," Sarah said aloud, frowning. She texted back.

"What are you doing?"

I'm setting you up for success. You are all but begging for this to happen in real life. I simply put this ad out there and said you'd be around from 7:30-8:00 if anyone wanted to show off, no judgment. Here's the link.

Sarah clicked on the link and read the online post.

"Mid 30s attractive female looking for exhibitionist at Hornsby Preserve Park. I'm looking for any males, females, or couples interesting in flashing some skin for show only. Size, race, weight, age doesn't matter. Be legal. No sex, no drugs, just show me what you're packing. I'll be wearing yellow. If you're uncertain, ask me what time it is when you see me. The password is showtime. See you tonight!"

"Showtime?" Sarah texted.

Yeah, stupid, I know but it was the best I could do. Go and have fun.

"I can't. That's not what couples do to each other."

I know it's no threat. I'm not bothered. I want you to have a good time and be happy. Probably nothing will happen. And you'll have crushing disappointment. But I know what you're into it and I'm comfortable with it. I trust you.

"I love you, man of my dreams."

Me too, love.

7:55 PM.

Late spring was in full bloom and it was unusually warm out. Sarah sat on the bench, a book open on her lap, waiting to see if anyone would show. No one had. Her emotions had run the entire spectrum from outright anxiety, to simple nervousness, to anticipation, to boredom, and disappointment. There were no cars in the turnout or the parking area, no runners out despite the beautiful weather, no dog walkers. Kevin had picked this preserve because it was away from neighborhoods and less likely to have random strangers walking about confusing things for Sarah. He always did think ahead.

The sound of gravel crunching floated up to Sarah from around the corner of the path. Her heart quickened in her chest and her mouth went dry. Holy shit, this is happening, she thought to herself.

A man walked into view. He wore a plain black cotton t-shirt and loose fitting athletic shorts with white sneakers. He was late 50s, in decent shape, clean shaven. His gaze stayed straight as he power-walked right by, arms swinging. He didn't so much as glance at her.

Sarah sighed. She put the bookmark in her book, The Ritual, and closed it on her lap. She didn't need to be reading about haunted woods while out here anyway. It was still light enough but the shadows were already long and night was closing in quickly.

Crunch crunch crunch

The same man who had passed by was coming back. He was looking right at Sarah.

"I'm Martin," he said, "Mind if I sit a second and catch my breath?"

Sarah nodded and moved over on the bench. There was already plenty of room but she gave Martin some extra space.

"You look smart," he said after a few moments, "You could have come up with a better password."

Sarah laughed, surprised at the compliment.

"It wasn't mine."

"Ah," Martin said, "Your husband's?"

"Boyfriend, but he might as well be that," Sarah said.

"And where is he? Out there?" Martin asked, gesturing to the woods.

"He's in Austin," Sarah said.

"And he put you up to this? He's into it? Or are you?" Martin peered at her, studying her.

"Me. He said I should give it a try and he set this up. Basically it's his way of giving me a kick to the seat of the pants to get going."

Martin nodded.

"Seen anyone yet?" he asked.

Sarah shook her head.

"Well, okay then," Joe said. He leaned back and pulled the leg of his shorts up to his hip. Sarah froze, unable to look. She heard the whisper of fabric on skin and knew Martin was exposing himself. She took a breath and looked.

Her gaze went to Martin's lap. He held his shorts up and out of the way. She stared. His cock was cut, semi-erect, and his skin looked satiny smooth. His balls were pushed up from the bench, skin wrinkled but soft. A patch of trimmed silver pubes grew above.


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