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Siblings Secret

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A Halloween costume party leads to mistaken identity.
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What follows is a complete work of fiction. All characters are over eighteen years of age and any likeness to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story contains elements of incest, consensual non-consent, and cheating.

Michael Kincaid pressed the play button on the tablet's screen. As he watched, a young, attractive, pink haired, woman smiled into the camera. Her pouty lips were coated in a shimmery pink lipgloss and parted into a smile. She was wearing an off the shoulder black top that was tight and accentuated her young, perky breasts. Around her neck was a black plastic choker with a tiny key pendant dangling from the center.

"Hey, welcome back Mina-J fans and a big welcome to all you 'FemFamily' who are new to the channel. This is 'FemFashions with Mina-J' and I am, you guessed it, Mina-J." she said as she started her opening monologue. "Today, the show is going to be a little different. We are going to take a break from fashion reviews and style tutorials to talk with one of my personal heroes in the space." she continued. "As you can see, we're not in the studio today, because I'm sitting here with the president, CEO, and inspiration behind this amazing platform, FemFam. The one and only, Miss Viktoria Kincaid."

Mina-J turned slightly and the camera angle changed to show her sitting across from a slender, attractive, blonde woman. Between the two women there was a small round coffee table with an ornamental sign displaying the colorful FemFam logo.

"Thank you Miss Kincaid for taking the time to talk with me today."

The camera switched to a medium shot of Viktoria Kincaid, sitting relaxed in a leather armchair wearing a pair of billowy black slacks and a loose long sleeve cream blouse, cut just low enough to show a hint of lightly freckled cleavage.

"It's my pleasure, Mina. And please, just call me Viktoria."

Michael rolled his eyes at the small screen.

"Oh course. Thank you." Mina responded with a smile as the video continued playing. The camera zoomed out to a wider shot, again showing the two women. "So Viktoria, tell us a little about yourself and how you to came to be the 'Queen of feminist media'."

Viktoria laughed. "Well, I can tell you I never set out in pursuit of that title."

Mina smiled, seemingly enamored with the older woman.

"The humble truth is, I lucked into being where I am today. You could say I was born into it."

"Right." Mina agrees. "Your father, Richard Kincaid, president and CEO of Kinoco, started Tam-Tam when you were just a child."

"That's right. And it had many years of success. But it was always overshadowed by the big boys in the content space."

"Right. So tell us a little about how you came to be where you are today, and how you transformed Tam-Tam into the overwhelmingly successful platform it is today, FemFam."

"Well, as you said, my father started Tam-Tam when I was young and it saw many successful and profitable years. But during my college days, new platforms and new fads came along and the company began falling behind. After college I started working for the company in the marketing department. I focused on broadening the appeal and drawing in more viewers." Viktoria explained. "It was during this time, while doing market analysis, that we realized the core user base of Tam-Tam was woman."

Mina nodded, thoughtfully.

"While doing this research we also discovered that the algorithms were pushing down female content creators and as a result they were being overshadowed by more male-centric content. The result of this was a dramatic loss of viewers."

"So this was the inspiration for 'FemFam'?"

"In a nutshell, yes." Viktoria continued. "At first it was only going to be a spin-off, or a sub channel within Tam-Tam, but after a lot of back and forth with the engineers, we crunched the numbers and decided a rebrand was in order. I will skip past all of the boring tech buzzwords from that meeting. There were certainly enough that I would bore your viewers to death with them."

Mina's laugh in response to this was a little too enthusiastic in Michael's opinion.

"Wow." the younger woman said with admiration. "And this was the catalyst for your first, and might I say, very iconic, takeover video. Your brainchild, I would assume?"

"Yes," Viktoria smiled.

Michael rolled his eyes again and shook his head.

"Demolishing the old Tam-Tam logo from the front of the headquarters must have been a hard one for your dad and your brother to swallow I assume. How did your father take it?"

"Well, as they say, it's better to beg forgiveness than be denied permission. So, we set up the shoot and the demo unbeknownst to any of the VP level administration or above."

"Amazing," Mina stated in awe. "So the future of girl power content was hanging in the balance. Powerful stuff! So with this, the new logo was born, algorithm changes were made promoting female content above all else, and here we are today."

Viktoria smiled and nodded slowly.

"You are such and inspirational woman, Viktoria. But there's also such a mystique around you personally. You've been seen elbow to elbow with some of the biggest names in Hollywood, music, even politics, but the world knows so little about you. Then, there's the falling out with your brother."

Michael closed his eyes and shook his head slowly as Mina continued talking from the small device.

"Please, would you tell us a little more about your formative years? There's not much known about you prior to college. Rumors circulating around the internet trace your feminist activism to this time. Rumblings say this is when you woke up, stopped dating men and joined the fight. Was there something that pushed you to this, or was it just...I don't know...organic?"

Viktoria bit her lip, looking thoughtful for a moment. "I guess you could say that I found my passion. What truly drove me."


Darkness had just descend on the college town and there was an almost palpable excitement in the air. Micheal Kincaid walked alone along the sidewalk that ran in front of the sorority houses. There was activity everywhere with laughter and excited screams from girls emanating out of every house. Jack-O-Lanterns adorned nearly every porch along with cheap looking fake cobwebs, crepe paper and lights. The tiny lawns were filled with inflatable decorations and most had some sort of spooky, stuffed, scarecrow out front sporting the letters of another sorority or the jersey from one of the college's rival teams.

It just so happened that October 31st fell on a Saturday this year. The football team had won the biggest state rivalry game just hours before and there was certainly celebration in the air. All of the associations on campus were going all out for the night with parties in every available venue. It was Michael's first time to the house since he'd begun dating Kayla just weeks before and he was nervous. He walked up the front steps, his identity concealed by the Freddie Kruger mask he wore. The striped sweater was real and looked just like the one worn by the actor in the movies, a great thrift store find the previous fall before another costume party. His glove weapon was ultra realistic as well, not some plastic, costume shop prop.

Michael didn't see many other guys around and felt like he was too early for the party, but his dad had always preached to him that one of the keys to success was punctuality. Starting college had been a whirlwind experience for him. Moving away from home and into a dorm was liberating but there was a lot of stress and pressure as well. It was a forgone conclusion that his father would one day turn the business over to him and his sister, Viktoria, but first he had to prove that he could handle the pressure before he could be trusted to run the global corporation. Intelligence wasn't an issue, it was the business sense he needed to work on as well as handling himself under pressure.

He'd made up his mind before ever stepping foot on campus that he was going to take college seriously and prove that he was up to the task, partly to make his father proud and partly to show that he could be just like Viktoria. If there was a polar opposite of Michael's naturally meek and mild temperament it was Viktoria's dominance and strong willpower. As long as he could remember, his older sister had tormented and teased him mercilessly. It was no secret that their father was concerned about Michael's demeanor for not taking on his sister but simply caving in to her any time she began her bullying.

"If he can't handle his own sister, what is he going to do when he's being pressured by the board to make a decision that he knows to be wrong?" his father had asked his mother one evening after the siblings had gotten into another fight.

Michael knew his father was right and that statement, made quietly to his wife and not intended for Michael's ears, had hit him hard. He was a sophomore in high school at that time with Viktoria about to graduate and leave for college. Michael decided, in that moment he was going to change. He was going to make his father proud. Over the following two years, Michael had worked on becoming more assertive and less anxious about new or confrontational situations. But as he turned and walked up the sidewalk towards the house with the Greek letters of Kayla's sorority, he felt the old trepidation wash over him once again. New situations always did this to him, regardless of how he had conditioned himself. The casual observer would never have known that the young man was nervous as he carried himself with determination and confidence, hiding his true nature.

The front door was open with loud music blaring from a sound system; a DJ was already playing tunes in the large common room as the girls ran here and there, finalizing everything for their party.


Viktoria Kincaid had spent a year in the dorm when she first arrived on campus. It was a miserable experience for her having to share space with scholarship girls and the "sleazies" as she called them; girls who were not of her social standing for one reason or another. But after the first year and the end of her probationary period in the sorority, she was allowed to move into the house. Finally, she felt as though she was in her proper place, more befitting her station in life.

Viktoria loved the sorority and outwardly showed love to all of her sorority sisters. But she kept her true feelings buried deep inside. She actually felt so many of them lacked both character and drive. During her freshman year, she had befriended Kayla, another one of the pledges who by chance was in the same business major as Viktoria. They shared several classes together and just like Viktoria, Kayla came from a wealthy family and was slated to enter the upper ranks of the family business after college.

However, unlike her new friend, Kayla was not as shrewd or determined, leaving Viktoria to take on the challenge of molding her into a strong woman that would help her out in the years to come. Viktoria's constant pushing did not seem to phase her new friend. If anything, Kayla pushed back on Viktoria to soften her up. Despite the push and pull of their individual philosophies, the pair got along great and ended up rooming together in the house.

Sophomore year had come and gone with the two moving up within the sorority and becoming inspirations to all the new pledges as well as some of the older girls. This led them to be selected for the pledge committee in the summer before their junior year.


During High School, Michael had dated a girl named Melanee through most of his senior year. The two had been inseparable and even discussed life after school and a future together. Both very much wanted to be together for life, but when it became apparent that the couple was planning on attending different universities, they had made the decision to put the relationship on hold until further notice. The day he drove off for school, his car loaded up with his belongings, she was there. They hugged each other tightly and even kissed goodbye. Michael was saddened by it, but felt that they would pick up their relationship someday. Actually, he was positive of it.

The university was large, huge in fact, with many schools spread out across dozens buildings and even a few offsite annexes to handle all the classroom space needed. The student body in any given year was so staggering that it was pure coincidence that Michael happened upon Viktoria during pledge week. She was across the quad in a sea of people when he spotted her. Frankly, she was not his favorite person but she was a familiar face and after a week of being lost on a huge campus he yearned for some familiarity.

After making his way across the vast throng of people and losing her more than once, he finally found himself standing several feet from her, separated by several sorority sisters and some pledge hopefuls.

"Hey, Vik." he said over the bustle of voices.

She whipped around and eyed him with such venom that he actually took a step back.

"Don't call me that!" she hissed.

"Sorry." he said, feeling embarrassed at her reprimand, and a bit miffed with her.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, stepping a little closer and almost ushering him away.

"Just checking out everything and I saw you. Thought I'd come say 'hi'."

"Hi." Viktoria said with raised eyebrows and a curt wave. "Now, bye."

It was typical Vik and Michael cursed himself for thinking it would be any different just because they were now both in college. A number of girls around them were eyeing him, some suspiciously and others mockingly. Some whispered to each other and giggled. He felt that old familiar feeling of inadequacy wash over him and fought the urge to run away and hide. But calmly, stoically, he turned, stood a moment surveying the throng of people and walked away, slowly, into the crowd, stopping from time to time to observe some activity going on around the busy quad, knowing that he was being observed himself. It was an act, but one he'd taught himself during things like this where he felt insecure; walk away calmly as if you were moving on rather than retreating.

One face watched him disappear into the sea of people, stopping briefly to listen to a couple of guys playing acoustic guitars before moving on.

"Kayla!" She turned and looked at Viktoria, who had apparently called her several times based on the frustration in her voice.

"What are you doing?"

"Who was that?" Kayla asked, ignoring her roommate's question.

"Who was who?" Viktoria asked, perturbed.

"That guy. The one you were talking to."

"Just my stupid brother."

"Your brother? You never told me your brother was coming to school here."

"Who cares? He's just a dork anyway and I don't want him getting into the habit of hanging around."

Kayla didn't argue, but what she had seen was far from what her friend was describing. Viktoria's brother seemed like a polite, easy-going guy, and he certainly didn't seem like a dork. As a matter of fact, she thought he was easy on the eyes, well built even.


Fraternities and sororities selected pledges, classes began, football season commenced and, like every year, the student section was the place to be for every home game. Michael had made some acquaintances in the dorm and on the first game day all donned their team swag and were in the stands long before kickoff with great seats. Shortly before the team took the field, a group of frat guys entered the student area and began harassing the underclassmen who had gotten there early enough for good seats. Most were easily evicted from their seats but Michael refused to back down and eventually they left him and his friends alone. However, they were soon completely surrounded by the upperclassmen with sorority girls piling in to fill in the gaps.

After the toss the teams took the field and the volume of the crowd was a rising crescendo as the kicker sent the ball down field to the opposing team. Everyone went wild as the defense took the runner down deep in his own territory. Michael, a life long fan, was ecstatic and beside himself with excitement to be at his first college game. He high-fived his buddies to his right and when he turned to his left, to the spot previously occupied by a very large jock looking fellow, he found himself looking right at a beautiful blonde girl in a team jersey. She slapped his hands excitedly, smiling. A smile that went all the way to her blue green eyes which sparkled with glee. Michael was dumbstruck at her sudden appearance and, not to mention, her beauty. After the visiting team failed to get a first down, the stands exploded with cheers. Michael turned back to his left for another high-five from the pretty girl only this time he found himself looking directly at his sister.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Viktoria asked him.

She was standing on the other side of the other girl. Had she been there all along? He couldn't remember seeing her but he had been so struck by the other girl's beauty that he hadn't looked beyond her.

"Just watching the game, sis. What are you doing here?"

She clinched her jaw shut and turned away.

"So you're Viktoria's bother?"

Michael looked over at the beautiful blonde who was staring at him, still smiling.

"Yeah." he replied feeling nervous. "Umm, yeah, I'm Michael." he said, offering his hand which she shook.

"I'm Kayla. Viktoria and I are roommates."

Michael's brain rolled through everything he'd heard their mom talk about Vik for two years and finally placed the name.

"Oh my god! You're Kayla? She's talked about you!" Michael said, knowing full well Vik had never told him the first thing about college or any of her friends. All he knew came from overhearing his mom telling his dad things.

"Yeah? What has she said about me?"

"All good, I promise." Michael said. "But she didn't say how beautiful you were."

She giggled and smiled broadly as her face reddened. Hearing each other over the din of the crowd was difficult but they continued their occasional banter throughout the game until halftime when Viktoria took Kayla's hand and lead her off. Michael remained in his spot and watched the band's halftime show. He wasn't much into music but the show was good; so much better than he remembered the high school band being. Everything about college seemed to be better.

Shortly into the third quarter the girls returned with drinks. Viktoria was not overtly rude to him but Michael knew she was not happy about his presence. Kayla on the other hand was very friendly and he wanted very much to get to know her better. He stole glances of her every chance he got and found her to be very attractive, head to toe. Sometime during the early fourth quarter, when the certainty of a win was obvious, a cameraman came close taking video of the people in the stands. Kayla put her arm around Michael's neck as everyone around did the stereotypical "we're number one" bit into the camera. Michael hammed it up right along side her and loved the feel of her hanging onto him. Her slender young arm draped over his shoulder, the feel of her body against his, the smell of her perfume. Michael was more than enjoying his time with her. They continued to talk and joke throughout the game and he felt like there was some connection there. Of course he knew that she probably had a big jock boyfriend out on the field right then, or that Viktoria would sully his name to Kayla and ruin his chances with the beautiful sorority girl. But, near the end of the fourth quarter, she took his hand suddenly.

"Hey, we're leaving. Where's your phone?"

"Huh?" Michael asked, not understanding.


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