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Silver Screen Express Ch. 14

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Christina Hendricks takes her clothes off to pay a fare.
8.7k words

Part 14 of the 25 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 05/11/2017
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Author's Note: This story is completely fictional and did not happen. All characters and names are fictional and were made up.


Los Angeles, California

The humidity was dropping while the long awaited season of fall had finally come. With a cool breeze during the morning, it was completely refreshing after the blazing hot summer that was never easy on L.A. David's shifts had been changed to begin around 8 AM, rather than starting around the afternoon. He couldn't complain at all, as the slight cold weather brushes against his legs and past his feet in the morning was much better than the burning heat. Since the start of the week, he was able to begin his shifts during the morning and then take a lunch break around 10:30 AM.

Traffic around 10:30 was always the worst. It was the lunch break hour for many working in town, as the streets flooded with cars while people were traveling about. Usually, David always found himself to take a break by heading out to a fast food restaurant and enjoying a short meal. Today however, he had eaten a good enough breakfast to last him for now. He drove the gold plated taxi van nearby to an auto shop to buy a new air-freshener to hang over his rear-view mirror. So far, the morning shift didn't have much action as he could take a break like this and not feel as if he were missing out on anything. The sun was blocked from view in the sky thanks to a bit of clouds, leaving the impression that rain was possibly coming.

So far, the afternoon time was sweeping by as he got back into his van and returned to the streets of downtown L.A. His hand brushed across his purple shirt while his flip flops found the pedals underneath. David was back on his shift once the van had returned into the streets, driving next to an expensive Hyundai car and a Lexus in front of him. When he turned on the dispatch radio, it was time to listen for any close by customers calling to request rides. Just a few hours ago, he had completed one fare of escorting an old man across town to a movie theater. Conversation had been small, as David was beginning to feel lonely in the four walls of his van.

Downtown was one of his favorite places to work a shift. Throughout David's years of experience driving cabs and the Silver Screen Service van through L.A., he had learned specific areas of the large city like the back of his hand. From a citizen's view, he was able to watch the city from afar transform and evolve for the past two decades. Downtown L.A. was a mystery when working behind the wheel of a taxi car or the Silver Screen Express service. The cast who would be sitting in the back of the vehicle tended to be a strange list of characters. Sometimes important people in high places, other times the usual working people needing to go from point A to point B to carry on with their day.

Soon, his attention was captured by a request over the radio. Someone was calling from a luxury condo in Broadway. David smiled to himself, unable to hold back his desire to take a trip into that part of town. He grabbed his walkie-talkie attached to the radio and called in, alerting the dispatcher that he wanted this fare. Broadway was a special place throughout the city of Los Angeles. He was informed to be on the look out for a woman with red hair, as the only clue the caller gave in. There was a sense of glamour and mystery, not found within any other places in the large town. Broadway was filled with live theaters, movie palaces and the famous Bradbury Building as a landmark. David gripped the steering wheel and smiled to himself as he made a turn into the district.

The van moved past the Million Dollar Theatre, shifting through traffic while the bright sun was beaming down from above. As the afternoon was passing, the fall air and cool breeze had already faded away. The address for the condo wasn't far off, as he didn't have to drive much through the roads to arrive. Often times, David enjoyed to witness the scenery of luxury surrounding him outside the taxi van. It was nice to dream at times, knowing that at his age, the dream of becoming rich had long past him by now. The past several months had offered him just enough memories to record in his diaries to be proud of himself. When he pulled up near the sidewalk of the condo, David stopped as he glanced towards the building.

Dark blue paint covered the front of the building, just beyond the glass doors with gold interior. It was apparent from looking at the size of the condo building and the exterior view that it was far out of his league when it came to renting or owning a place. David could already guess just who this mystery woman would be for his fare today. Perhaps she was an important figure in town. With Broadway, he wondered if she owned a theater or maybe she was an actress. David would have his opportunity to learn soon enough. He watched as a woman came stepping out from the front doors, dressed in a gray jacket and skirt. The jacket was more like a trench coat, going past her knees and hiding her legs. She had the wild orange hair noted from the dispatch and toting a matching large grey purse over her arm. The right side passenger back door came sliding open before she climbed in and had a seat.

"Good afternoon, Miss!"

"Hi there..."

She replied in a soft voice, just before having a seat and shutting the door. David took a moment to study her from his rear view mirror. The first thing he noticed apart from her gray colored jacket was the ample display of her large cleavage. A red belt was fastened over her jacket, appearing to hold the outfit together. From her pale skin, big blue eyes and signature red hair, David almost could take a guess over who this person was sitting in the back of his van today. For now, he couldn't ask the question of her identity, as there was other important things to get to first.

"So, where can I take you today?"

"I need to go across town and get a massage. Can you take me out to the massage parlor up north from here? It's the one around the college campus."

"Sure, let me check the GPS first. Oh yeah, before I forget, the initial fee will be for five hundred dollars."

"That's no problem, I call all the time."

Glancing down at the computer attachment near the radio dispatch, David punched his fingertips over the keys to pull up the local area and search for a massage parlor. Since she didn't give him a name, he would have to locate it himself. After a few seconds, he chuckled before reading out the name that appeared over the screen.

"The Rub? Is that the massage parlor? It's the only one coming up in the area."

"Yes, that's the one."

"Alright, this place isn't too far out. We'll get there soon."

True to her word, the massage parlor was located near USC campus. David noticed from the location, this would be a short drive that would only take around thirty minutes.That wasn't a lot of time for him to try and work a charm over this beautiful lady, but he would be a fool to pass up such an opportunity. Something about her appearance reminded him of a busty red headed actress from a TV show he frequently watched. Once he learned her first name, he would be able to make a guess. As he moved the van back into the streets, the woman crossed her legs while her purse sat in the middle of the black leather seats.

"So, what's your name? I can't help but think that you look so familiar to me. Sorry if that's kinda rude of me to say."

"Oh, you might recognize me after all. My name is Christina, you can take a guess at my last name, if you want."

She spoke in her husky tone, just before offering a grin as if she knew his eyes would be gazing over her voluptuous form through the rear view mirror. David knew she was teasing him, as she probably knew that he would easily take a shot at guessing her last name. It had to be Christina Hendricks, what other woman looked like her? David smirked as he gripped the steering wheel. His mind thought of all the times he watched 'Mad Men' on television late at night and would look at her busty figure. As he made a short turn, David waited until he was forced to slow down and stop at a red light before he replied.

"Christina Hendricks, don't tell me I'm wrong. I know that's gotta be you, ohhhh man. I've seen you a lot on TV, there isn't another woman that looks like you."

With a slight giggle and a smile, David witnessed her nodding from the back of the van.

"Yes, it's me after all. Don't you feel lucky?"

He couldn't help but laugh at her question. Christina's tone of voice was almost seductive, displaying that brilliant charm he knew from her persona on television.

"Why yes! Of course, I feel lucky as hell right now. You're a hell of an actress, I watch Mad Men every other night."

"Thank you, dear."

When the light moved from red to green, only one thing had crossed David's mind as he continued moving the van towards their destination. He wanted to try and work a deal with her, some how. Despite the growing list of famous women who had undressed in the back of his taxi van, Christina Hendricks had to be another one to add among the list in his diary. The traffic in front of the van seemed to slow down, creating a busy hour through the streets. David hoped this would help his efforts at trying to smooth talking this curvy babe. He had to make an attempt somewhere, even if it was blunt and rude.

"Would you mind sitting up for me back there?"

"I beg your pardon?"

Christina had a dumbfounded look of confusion to his question. David didn't know where he was going with a bad attempt to flirt, but he had to try something.

"I just want to be able to look at you better. Come on, it's not everyday I get to escort the lovely Miss. Christina Hendricks around town."

Finally, she smiled and decided to give in with his simple request. As she leaned forward in the seat, she caught his eyes gazing up into the rear view mirror. Christina knew exactly where his eyes were set. The heavy cleavage she displayed was an open invitation to his wandering eyes. Since he didn't say anything after a minute between driving, she spoke up again.

"I think you just wanted to stare at my tits."

David chuckled. How could he lie about a statement that rang so true? The van was still moving slowly through backed up traffic as he responded to her words.

"I'd be a liar if I told you no. So yeah, I am quite loving this view of your big tits, babe."

She leaned back in the seat and let out a sigh.

"Typical man."

Taking in a heavy breath, David realized he needed to think of something fast. He had obviously offended the red haired beauty, but all was not lost. In his words, he was blunt and up front about his intentions with flirting, but now he was about to really up his game and lay it down with his next remark.

"You know, I could give you a discount on this ride if you flashed me with those tits."

She raised her eyebrow while replying back.

"Excuse me!? You want me to do WHAT!?"

David couldn't help but laugh. He had truly offended the woman with his vulgarity, almost in a refreshing matter to see his words go in the opposite direction. Despite how angry she seemed, he couldn't back pedal away from his initial plan. One thing he had learned from years of smooth talking women was you had to stick with your first plan and not try and change your tone after it goes wrong.

"Flash me your tits, babe!! Come on, I'll give you a discount and take off the charges for the ride. Hell, I'll even make this ride free."

"You're a fucking sleazy pig."

Once again, he had to chuckle at her insult directed to him.

"Yeah, you got me on that one. Sleazy, huh? I take great pride in that."

"You must be out of your goddamn mind. I'm a married woman and you expect me to just take off my clothes and flash you to make this a-"

"I'll make the ride for free! Honestly!!"

"No way, you're a fucking pig! Fuck you!"

Taking a deep breath, David had to let out a sigh. His plan had backfired big time, making him look like a fool. She sat in the backseat crossing her arms, seething in resentment to his awful attempts of seduction. At the moment, David didn't think the odds were in his favor at all for landing this beautiful woman. As he continued slowly driving through traffic, he came to another stop at a red light and then spoke again.

"Would you like me to drop you off here? I mean, you sound pretty pissed off."

"No, just take me to The Rub like we agreed on. That's all I want."

"Are you sure, babe? Cause if you're that mad at me, you can get out and call another driver."

"I might just do that next time. What's your name? I'll know who not to ask for next time I call the company."

"It's David."

"Thank you! Enjoy this time for now, cause it will be the last fucking time you drive me, David! I'm not going to forget about this."

The traffic in front of the van began to ease up with the light flashing green again. He figured at this point, it was best if he simply apologized for offending her with his crudeness.

"Sorry about that. I kinda got carried away with myself. You're a woman I've fantasized about for a long time, that's all. I couldn't control myself, sorry."

She let out a sigh and uncrossed her arms. Christina appeared to be calming down from her earlier induced rage from his words.

"You were out of line to talk to me like that."

"Yeah, I was. Sorry, I just got a little over-excited up here. You don't know how much a man fantasizes about you when they watch you on TV every week."

"I'm amazed that you didn't call me a bitch or tell me to get the hell out of your cab."

David chuckled before he replied.

"If you want to get out, I'll stop by the sidewalk and let you get out. The choice is yours though."

"No, no. That's fine, I'll let you drop me off where I need to go."

Thinking to himself, David wondered if he could play nice and probably seduce her that way. He couldn't pass on taking another chance. This was probably the last chance he would have at driving Christina Hendricks around. When an opportunity like this fell into your lap, you simply had to take the risks and try your luck.

"How about I make this ride free just to make up for my rudeness? This is my apology to you, how about that?"

Suddenly, a smile ran across her lips. It was the first time in several minutes that David was able to witness her in a happy moment.

"Alright, that's good. Sorry I was aggressive with you, I understand. You men always have a brain within your pants."

He laughed at her words.

"Yeah, that's true. We can't help it sometimes, it's just how we are."

The tension appeared to be loosening up as David now believed he had another shot with this married Hollywood woman. To think of Christina cheating on her husband with him was one possibility he would hope for. When he glanced back up into the rear view mirror, he noticed that she sat back up in the seat. Only this time, it appeared that she was studying him from the distance while allowing him to look into her heavy cleavage once more. David wanted to alert her, just to she would believe his act was in good faith.

"You know what happened the last time you sat up like that, right?"

Christina laughed as she looked over the side of his face.

"Yeah, if you wanna stare at them, I ain't gonna stop you now."

With words like that, things had truly changed from a hostile approach to something more relaxed. David was surprised at how Christina had seemingly began to play into his game after relentlessly denying him of any chance. She leaned up from her seat, taking one final view at his face before sitting back.

"Impressive. You might be a pig, but you're not bad for a perverted old cab driver. I take it you're only a few years older than myself."

"I'm forty-six, babe."

"I was right. You're just a few years older than me, that's not bad."

The buxom red haired actress was coming in at forty-two years of age herself. Now that she was flirting with him, David felt it was safe to take a detour route and begin planning his words to try and get her to take her clothes off. From the backseat, her red hair whipped around a bit as she turned her head. David noticed for the first time some pearl ball earrings pushed into her ears. When he took a turn off the main street, now was the time to ask a similar question from earlier.

"Since you're checking me out back there, mind if I ask you something again?"

"You want me to flash you with my boobs, right?"

"Yeah, can you do that for me this time?"

"I might as well, can't hurt."

Whatever had changed her mind didn't seem to matter at this point. David glanced back up into the rear view mirror to see her sliding the red belt off that held her gray coat together. Christina then pulled it apart, flashing her pale skin in a red push up bra. She slowly undid her bra in the middle, allowing her heavy breasts to flop freely from their clothed cage. David's jaw dropped.

"Goddamn, those are so fucking huge!"

"Mmmmm, yeah they are. You like 'em?"

"Fuck yes I do, babe!"

By now, David had witnessed some truly amazing famous breasts in the back of his cab van. There were the names of Pinder, Upton and Hayek who were clearly his favorites from experience, but Christina Hendricks was a name that belonged right up there with the women of heavyweight busty chests. Without him even asking her to do, Christina had slipped off her jacket and bra, revealing that below her long trench coat jacket, she had only a matching red thong on underneath. David knew now was his chance to offer something kinky between the two of them to pay for the ride.

"Wow, I didn't know you were gonna strip down for me."

"You like what you see, huh? You're a damn pervert, so don't lie."

"I'll tell you what, how about I take us some place close by away from open eyes and you let me climb in the back and we can have some fun together?"

"Are you asking me to cheat on my husband?"

"Fuck yes, that's exactly what I'm asking you to do."

Her large boobs shook around as the car moved over a bump in the road. Christina didn't reply back immediately. She sat there, almost completely naked among the leather seats while David was still driving. Since he had taken turns to go another route, there was a car park nearby that he planned to use as a quiet place. It was a 'special place' as he liked to call it, since he used the specific multi-story building a couple times in the past. Before David could pull into the building Christina answered him back.

"I guess I can. But only because you're a dedicated fan. Normally, I wouldn't lower myself to getting naked with perverted old cab drivers, but I'll make an exception for you."

"Alright then, you've made my day. Just a few minutes, I'm almost there."

When Christina glanced out the side windows, she noticed that he had already seemingly went about a destination off road to take them. She had to give him credit, for he was quite the womanizer weather he was sleazy or not. Here she was, sitting almost entirely nude in the back of his van while he drove through the tunnel and went up the next story of a multi-story car park. She moved her large purse off from the seats and to the floorboard. As Christina began to take her wedding ring off, David noticed her from the rear view mirror and spoke up.

"No! Keep that on, please! When I fuck a married woman, I wanna see that ring on her finger!"

"Okay, but only because you asked with saying please."

The van moved through the tunnels, the sunlight disappeared from the view outside the windows as David had driven them through another level of the multi-story car park. He had to make sure he was parking them some place quiet that wasn't near many other vehicles. The spot he found was located up against the wall in a clear open space without another vehicle anywhere close. Shifting the van in reverse, he began to back up while Christina slid her thong down and kicked it off. The only thing remaining on her body was her high heels and the pearl ear rings. David had another naked beauty to tend to in the back of his cab. Once he had parked the van, he turned the key in the ignition like always, shutting it down before he opened the driver's door and stepped out. Christina's large blue eyes followed his movements as he stepped to the back right side door and slid it open to greet her with a smile.

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