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Silver Screen Express Ch. 16

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Katy Perry shakes her ass from the back of a taxi.
9.8k words

Part 16 of the 25 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 05/11/2017
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Author's Note: This story is completely fictional and did not happen. All characters and names are fictional and were made up.


Los Angeles, California

Hot air streamed through the vents inside the van, warming up what felt like an ice box during the early morning hours. Winter mornings were almost here in L.A. For a town known for its blazing heat, it was quite a relief to have a lovely morning like this in early November where one didn't have to worry about sweating. Right now, the afternoon hours were beginning to pass through and an aged man was sitting behind the wheel of his gold van as he worked through the busy streets of downtown L.A. Today was Wednesday, often known as the 'hump day' during a work week. For many people, it was a joy to get over the half way mark, meaning the day the eagle flew with a pay check would be approaching much sooner than before.

David sat in the driver's seat of his gold Silver Screen Express van, gripping the steering wheel firmly within his hands. Today had been the first time since mid-February that he was forced to bundle up in warmer clothes. He was forced to wear a pair of blue jean pants instead of the preferred cargo shorts. His feet were pushed into a pair of sneakers he didn't often wear during the year. They still appeared to be brand new, as they weren't his favorite flip flops that were truly worn in. The one piece of warm clothing David didn't bother with was wearing a jacket or sweater. He went for a black shirt, knowing that once the afternoon hours had rolled through, he would be forced to switch the heater off in his van as the day would've warmed up by now.

So far, the day had gone by rather slowly for a Wednesday morning. Over the past two weeks, David had worked a few night shifts again much to his distaste. Some drivers may have grown to enjoy a night shift, but at his age, David knew he probably never would find himself comfortable on the streets once the sun had went down. Shady characters seemed to always have a habit of calling for a Silver Screen van during the dead of night. Only someone with deep pockets could afford to regularly call for service, though who he was picking up at night tended to be a mystery. This week had been going by somewhat better, as David wasn't stressed about meeting odd people at night. In the last few hours, he had only completed two fares, but they had him driving all over the roads to Bel Air and Beverly Hills.

The wealthy neighborhoods often were a decent place to stick around while waiting for more fares to call in requesting rides. Since he had been working with the company for a few years now, David had the privilege of driving many residents from these areas over time. With two fares complete for the day, it wasn't hard for him to decide to stick around driving the van through the roads of Beverley Hills while he listened to the radio dispatch repeat call-ins requesting various rides. By now, the sun had settled over the day and it was about time he could turn off the heater in the van and switch on the air conditioner at a low level of power. He licked his lips while listening to the dispatch, knowing that a full ten minutes had passed of him pondering his thoughts among various customers requesting to be picked up.

There was always one subtle rule when staying in a specific area as a taxi driver. David had learned many years ago when driving an old yellow cab that sometimes you had to wait a long time to find a fare in a certain area. Several minutes usually went by from when he heard the call from any residential places. Once he had waited around twenty minutes, he was about to give in and call in for his lunch break. Just when he had almost lost his hope, the dispatch radio called in for a woman who was requesting a ride outside of Beverly Hills. At last, David thought to himself as he grabbed the walkie-talkie to call in that this fare would be his. His wait had paid off from cruising around the same place as now he had a fare to make a bit of money with. He shifted gears, turning around so he could head down the street that was given to him from the dispatcher.

It was a short drive for David, but he went on and punched in the address through his GPS tracker just to be on the safe side and not getting lost. He may have been familiar with these roads, but he couldn't tell every house from which. The only time he had spent in Beverly Hills had been from working, as it was never a place he would go joyriding to witness various homes he would never be able to afford in his lifetime. At times, David thought of himself as an adventurer when it came to his job as a cab driver. He was able to go through several trips, sometimes meet interesting people along the way who gave him memorable conversations. Perhaps his next client of the day would be someone to cherish in his memories, he could at least hope. His career of driving taxis before the gold colored company vans had been quite illustrative in his diaries, but now he had a lot more grandiose memories written down.

The van pulled up into a white painted gateway where a large, two story mansion resided beyond the open gates. White and black mosaic tiles built a driveway in stone with large bushes around it. From a driveway in the distance, David could see two luxury sports cars but couldn't make out what they exactly were. Both were yellow in different sizes, clearly luxury rides he could never afford. Before pulling into the driveway, he shifted gears into reverse and backed up slowly beyond the gates. From his rear-view mirror, he could see out the back windshield what appeared to be a figure of a woman in a black shirt and blue jeans awaiting him. David knew this had to be customer who had called in for a ride. When he stopped the van, he shifted gears again while awaiting her to climb into the back seat. He didn't have to wait for long as he could already hear the left side back door sliding open as she climbed into the back.

"Hello there!"

David called out to her as he got a quick reply.

"Hi! Who's my driver today?"

"I'm David and you are?"


"It's a pleasure to meet someone with such a lovely face today, Katy."

"Thank you!"

He turned around and was greeted to a smiling face with big blue eyes. Her hair was jet black, split down the middle with a few strands of purple dye off to both sides. A beautiful smile came over her face with pink lipstick, flashing a set of perfect white teeth. Below, David glanced down to see quite a busty cleavage tucked in her low cut black shirt. It wasn't often that a client introduced themselves to him like this. Right away, they knew each other's names and David couldn't help but smile back to her beautiful face. When he turned to face the steering wheel again, she went on and had a seat in the back. David got the impression right away that she must have been a returning customer, since she had asked who her driver was right away. When he placed his hands back over the steering wheel, he glanced up into his rear view mirror to take another look at her as she was now sitting over the black leather seats.

"So, I take it that this isn't your first time calling?"

Katy shook her head.

"No, I call all the time. Sometimes twice a week, if I'm still in town."

"Well, I don't recognize you at all, dear so I don't think I've had the pleasure of driving such a pretty woman like you."

Right away, David didn't even catch himself flirting with this woman not even a full five minutes after she had climbed into the back of his cab. Katy laughed to herself, as she didn't seem bothered by his behavior so far. He decided to constrain himself for now, knowing that it would be rude if he carried on like this.

"So, where do you wanna go?"

"I've gotta get out of here and to the studio to get some work done today."

"Where's this place at, Katy?"

"It's in downtown L.A., hold on. I'll get out my phone and give you the address."

He turned around as he heard her hand rustling through one of the pockets of her jeans. When David glanced to the floorboard, he spotted a large pair of black high heels over her feet. Though he was trying not to think about her beauty, it was quite difficult to not allow his imagination to roam freely with thoughts of her. This black haired beauty was definitely dressed to kill. Pale white skin and gorgeous big blue eyes, not even counting the impressive rack he had laid his eyes on. David took a second view into her heavy cleavage as she handed him her phone.

"Here you go, the address is right there."

To David's eyes, he was reading a text message that appeared to be a conversation with someone working in a music studio. It was probably a producer or sound engineer, at least he guessed. The address was listed with a message that spoke in details about an accident with sound equipment that led to another part of the studio having to be used for today's session. He couldn't ignore all the message, as she was referred to as 'Miss. Perry' towards the end of the words. Once he typed in the GPS to estimate their destination, David handed the phone back to her and now was ready to take off from the driveway of her mansion. Across downtown, the studio was some distance away that would require a long drive lasting at least an hour. The realization hit him hard that he was driving pop singer Katy Perry to a recording studio. Her name definitely had matched her gorgeous looks, David had become lucky yet again to drive a famous name in his taxi.

"Alright, this drive looks like it might take an hour or so. The initial fee is for five hundred dollars, I'll add up the other charges when we get there."

"That's alright, I know just how I can pay you for such time."

As he pulled out of the gateway, David chuckled a bit at her comment. He figured now was the best time to tease her about her status of fame.

"You aren't gonna try and pay me by giving me an autograph, are you?"

Among the backseat, Katy busted out giggling before grinning big. She seemed to be subtly surprised as she crossed her legs, sitting firmly in the middle of the black leather seats in the back of the gold van.

"Oh, so you guessed who I am, huh? That's funny, the other drivers never can tell it's me."

"Your name was in the text."

She gasped, dropping her lower lip trying to pull off a shocked expression. David had glanced upwards into the rear view mirror to capture such a comical look painted over Katy's gorgeous face.

"You do know that makes you a bit of a nosey man, don't you?"

"It was in the text, I couldn't avoid reading it!"

Katy was still giggling from the back seat. The scenery of Beverly Hills could be seen through a blurring vision outside the windows as the van was passing through the roads. Since she didn't immediately reply back, he couldn't help but speak again.

"That's okay, I wasn't gonna ask you for an autograph anyway. I've driven some famous people in the past, I know better than to ask for something like that."

"Most fans don't ask for autographs anymore, they would rather take a selfie so they can post it online."

"Is that so? I guess I'm more old fashioned, I'm used to thinking autographs were the best treasure from famous singers and bands."

"Well, you look like an older man, so you can blame it on age. I'm sure you've seen a lot of interesting things before."

David laughed at her words. He had not forgotten that she mentioned another way of paying for the ride, as he already was thinking to himself that it couldn't possibly be the same offer he made for beautiful ladies before her. He could at least hope while gripping the steering wheel and making a quick turn in traffic. Something about Katy Perry sitting in the back of his van had quite the effect on his mind. At least judging by her attitude so far, she had a goofy personality that was refreshing from every other person who had sat down in the back of the van so far this week. His two customers earlier today had been forgettable, not offering much of a discussion but Katy had already done a great job forcing him to crack up in laughter.

"So, you said something about another way of paying for the ride, did I catch that right?"

Sitting up in her seat, Katy nodded her head as she looked up into the rear view mirror. David caught her eyes, as it seemed she had done this before with other drivers of the van service.

"Yeah, I usually dance back here and most drivers don't mind giving me a discount if I shake my stuff back here."

"You dance for the other drivers?"

Katy nodded her head, knowing that he had to be taking second glances at her when he wasn't watching the road. In front of David's view, he was driving behind a slow moving truck with purple metallic paint nearly blinding his eyes from the sun shining down below. Katy's revelation was almost a shock to him, but deep down he knew this was the kind of kinky woman who would revel in such things as she had mentioned. If she had no problem dancing in the back of the cab, then he probably had an ample opportunity to offer something a bit more than just a subtle dance. For now, he was just going to wait and not push his offer too much.

"So you want me to put on a little show for you back here, David? Something tells me that you're the kind of man that would enjoy something like this."

The roles seemed to be reversed with this woman sitting in the back of his van. David was just now realizing that Katy was the one making the moves and not him, as he usually did. He chuckled at her words, she had to know that he wasn't going to say no to her. If other drivers in the past had enjoyed such a sight, of course a kinky old man like David wasn't going to deny this chance. Something else was still on his mind that he had to ask her, he couldn't believe how easy this was turning out.

"Yeah, I'd love to see that. But first, tell me why you like to do this? It can't just be to knock off the prices for the rides. I know you're a famous woman and I've seen that house you stay in, so I know this is pretty much chump change for someone like you."

A sigh was heard from among the back seats as Katy glanced up into the ceiling. The van was still rolling down the streets, but David was already considering making a scenic route as he had done so many times before. Her heels touched the floorboard of the van from under her as she sat there and then replied while running her left hand through her long raven black hair.

"I don't know how to answer that for you."

"Why not?"

"Well, let's just put this way..."

She bit down on her lower lip, sticking the edge of her tongue out. Katy pushed her hands down into the seat, letting out another sigh. When David glanced into the rear view mirror again, he had noticed that she was wearing a few rings over both hands and a bracelet over her left wrist that he didn't notice before. She seemed like silver or white gold for her elegant jewelry.

"Would you find it hard to believe that I like to have a bit of naughty fun from time to time?"

"Not at all, you aren't alone when it comes to that!"

"Alright then, so just enjoy what I'm about to do for you. Oh yeah, try not to get us into a car accident, I know it's gonna be hard for you to keep watching the road once I get started back here."

David had to chuckle at her words, as once again he was thinking about how easy this seemed to be. Katy pulled her shirt over her head, already taking her clothes off without him having to request the removal whatsoever. Her shirt was thrown to the floorboard of the van so quickly. There was only one other woman in the past year who had done something similar to this, so he couldn't help but remain shocked that Katy was so open with her dirty mind. Beyond her black shirt was a black matching push up bra, containing her busty beauties. David took a deep breath when he glanced back up into the rear view mirror.

"Ohhh my, what do we have back here now?"

Katy didn't utter a word back to him. All her focus was diverted to giving up a little bit of a dance now. She began to grind her hips down into the seats before closing her eyes and grinning as she looked forward. When she began to shake her body back and forth, her large tits bounced and jiggled slightly from the bra they were held in. David smirked at the image he was witnessing each time he glanced into the rear view mirror above. By now, he had already taken a turn onto the left side of a street and was moving through an alternate route. He had complete confidence in himself that he would soon be in the back seat with Katy not before long. While he had these thoughts, nothing was going to break her concentration from moving her body from within the back of the cab van.

After she was done shaking her tits, Katy stood up and turned around. It wasn't much of a factor to be driving within a moving vehicle, as she had experience throughout her past. Turning around to face the seats, she pushed her hands down and then spread her legs while bending over to pump her large ass into the air. When David glanced into his rear view mirror, he was greeted to the sight of her jean clad booty sticking straight up as she attempted to twerk it up and down in a rotation. She didn't have any music or beats to bump to, just the ambient sounds of the moving vehicle. It was somewhat difficult for her ass to properly bump back and forth, but Katy remained impressive as she was shaking it. David couldn't help but grin while he turned the steering wheel again. By now, they had moved from the busy highways and down another street leading closer towards a part of town that wasn't as populated during the afternoon hours.

"Damn, you know how to shake that ass, babe."

"Mmmmmm, I can do more than just shake it."

Her voice had changed, instantly becoming more seductive and a slightly more slutty. Katy knew just how to toy with his fantasies the more she was shaking that lovely rump in his view. She was playing into the role of a seductress, as this was all too easy for her little game. David was ready to make her an offer now, unable to contain himself any longer.

"Well, if you wanted this ride to be free, I've gotta hand it to you babe. Nothing makes me happier than a sexy girl like you who can shake that ass back there."


She giggled, flashing her teeth in a grin but David's eyes weren't glancing into the rear view mirror above this time. Katy sat back down over the left side seat and began to grind her hips down as if she were performing a lap dance into the leather cushions of the seat. With her recent teasing act, he couldn't refuse any longer.

"Do you always manage to get the other drivers to make the ride free just from your dancing alone?"

"Yes, all the time!"

Katy didn't seem to catch on at all that he was hinting to something more than just a private strip tease from the back of the van. She continued pumping her ass down into the back seats, still grinding.

"Have you ever had a driver offer to get in the back seat with you and have a good time?

I think you know what I mean."

She licked her lips, this time he caught her seductive actions from glancing back into his trusty rear view mirror. Katy shook her head to his question.

"No, are you trying to ask if we can get it on?"

"Yeah, basically. I remember you said that you had to wait before recording in the studio, so how long do you have to actually wait? I can take us out to a quiet place somewhere far off from here, get in the back seat with you and we can both have a good time together."

Suddenly, Katy busted out laughing. His offer was amusing to her, but David wanted an answer almost immediately. He rudely spoke again before she had a chance to respond to him.

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