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Silver Tiger

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Rent-boy helps track arms merchants from Singapore to China.
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He was introduced to me as Simon Tung when Peter brought me down in the elevator at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in downtown Singapore, both of us dressed for handball. He hadn't been identified to me the previous day when he'd fucked me. That had been a simple rent-boy tension-reliever encounter; I was just a hole he wanted to fill. But I now figured that he was someone higher up in the ST Enterprises hierarchy than Peter Chau, who had hired me as a model for this launching of the Silver Tiger luxury sedan. I hadn't just been brought in off the street for Tung to fuck; they were paying big bucks for me to come in and do PR model work with their automobile launch. They'd paid extra for me to lay down for some bigwig—in this case, Simon Tung. Standing behind him was the same thuggish Asian guy, introduced merely as Bao, who had fetched me to Tung the previous day. Both Tung and Bao were dressed for handball too, so I assumed that was who Peter and I were going to be playing.

It wasn't an unusual arrangement—the model's ass going with the PR modeling—and my high-end escort agency liked it because it put the fee structure up front rather than someone trying to get the model to open his or her legs outside of the deal. I didn't have much to say in the arrangement. I was employed to let clients fuck me.

Tung was not a chore to go under. He was a tall, muscular, handsome, and commanding figure. And, being partly Asian, he was something different from the usual for me. I could well imagine that he was senior in the business to Peter Chau, who was no slouch either in the presentable body sweepstakes. Both were half Asian and half something else. Peter told me later that Tung was from Macao and that his father was Chinese and his mother hailed from White Russian stock, many of the royal Russians having come down into China in the early twentieth century to escape the communist revolution there. Peter said his mother was Australian, his father Singapore Chinese. They both carried the mix well, although it was the taller, older, silver-haired Simon Tung who was the most commanding. He certainly had commanded me in his Mandarin Oriental Hotel suite the previous day. Tung had shown that he had much experience in using male prostitutes. Both men were hung, and I needed to be stretched to be in the mood, so that was fine. I'll have to admit I wouldn't have thought of Asians as being as well-endowed as these two men were.

A sleek, black hotel limousine took the four of us to a nearby club with handball courts, Peter and I sitting across from Simon and his bodyguard, with Tung's eyes boring into me, undressing me again as he'd done before, devouring me fully—as he had done fully, efficiently, and without any chatter the previous day. It had been as if sex with a man—on a man—was just part of his daily exercise. When he'd fucked me before, there was no chit-chat or niceties express. He commanded what he wanted me to do and he took me quickly and boldly.

I easily went hard for him. I should have been put off by the cold, clinical way Tung had fucked me, but I wasn't. He had completely dominated me, speaking only in terse tones of how to position myself for his maximum penetration and pleasure, and I was a submissive for that. Sitting next to me, Peter, who had fucked me last night after I had returned from servicing Tung and had every reason to think I was here for him, sat, looking out at the pristine downtown area of the city state, apparently oblivious that I wasn't meeting his boss for the first time.

"If you know how to play, as you say you do," Peter had said up in his room before we'd come down in the elevator, "play convincingly, but lose."

That's when I knew we were off to meet someone who dominated Peter Chau, supposedly the chief of the ST Enterprise operations here in Singapore, just as he had dominated me in sex in the night.

So, here in the limousine, I was set to wondering if Peter, in fact, knew Tung had fucked me—and would fuck me again—and that I'd been hired as a model and brought to Singapore from L.A. just to stand beside his fucking new car for a few hours while he launched it in front of a motley group of Asians, Westerners, South Asians, and Arabs. It appeared that ST Enterprises intended to produce its knock-off, but hand-built Bentley lookalike limos worldwide.

The handball was high level, all of us playing like our lives were on the line and, even though I, in fact, was very, very good at the sport, Simon Tung and bodyguard Bao edged a win. They did so honestly. I sensed Tung wouldn't take well to anyone throwing a game of anything for him. Tung insisted we all play bare-chested and we all were quite impressive that way. We all were noticeably hard from ogling and bouncing off each other, and we drew quite a crowd to the glass walls around the court of onlookers ogling us and some of them, in this men-only exclusive gym, going hard as well.

When we got back to the hotel, Tung asserted I would be going clubbing with him that night, and Chau showed his subservience by not objecting. He asserted a bit of his own position, though, by immediately taking me up to his room—which had become our room when I'd arrived, sent from his specifications by my L.A. escort agency, and he'd seen me—and fucked the stuffing out of me. Chau, very well built in his mid-forties, was athletic and esthetic in his fucking—and, as I've already noted, surprisingly well hung.

He claimed to be a practitioner of the male Kama Sutra. That afternoon, he took me several ways: the lotus position, facing each other with me sitting in his lap and him deep inside me; moving to the Arch position, in the same penetration position, but me reclining away from him, with my shoulder blades pressed to the mattress; to the Crab position, with me raising my torso up, my palms on his knees. In all positions, he was mining me deep. He had little trouble keeping himself sheathed even in transitions between the positions.

Tung did take me clubbing that night, chauffeured by Bao, who drove one of the ST Enterprises new Silver Tiger sedans, which got as much, if not more, attention than the two of us did. He took me to a leather bar, where he gave me to three Russian studs to work over while he watched. He hadn't asked if I could take two cocks in my ass and one in my mouth simultaneously, but I could and I did. Then he took me back to his suite at the Mandarin Oriental and fucked me doggy and missionary style that had none of the finesse and art but more of the power and testing than Peter Chau had displayed that afternoon.

To get the effect of what he'd watched the Russians do with me, he went between stretching me with just his huge cock. He got a thick dildo into the act as well. I was trained to take it, and take it I did. After the first fuck, I took his fist up to the wrist as well. He hovered over me in the dimly lit room and looked down into my eyes with his, showing that it was this fetish he enjoyed most—and he fucked me and fucked me and fucked me with his fist well beyond when I gave him my load and collapsed, panting and whimpering, into his full control.

If I wasn't an experienced international call boy, the night would have, at the least, exhausted me, and, at the most, ruined me. But I was an experienced international call boy—of somewhat a unique, specialized nature—and I reveled in the attention from the two half-Asian hunks. I wouldn't have been in this business if I wasn't—or, rather, I wouldn't have put myself into a position to be maneuvered into this business if I wasn't randy for men like Tung and Chau. Each, in his own way, was quite satisfying to a trained and needy submissive.

They also both were paying well—and I was operating on higher orders than either one of them gave.

When I left Simon Tung's suite that night to return to a snoring Peter Chau in his room, I managed to smuggle the glass Tung had been drinking his Glenlivet scotch from and handed it to the room attendant waiting in the corridor who was my contact to my on-site controller.

* * * *

The escort agency in Los Angeles was one that specialized in the sort of international gig that I was on in Singapore, the arrangements having been made in convoluted ways that I didn't have to worry about. I was told how far from pure modeling I was to go. The gigs were special and sometimes were dangerous, but I didn't have to set them up, nor did I have to find the escort agency myself. Some of the clients could prove to be quite interesting. I wasn't sure initially that this one would, but it did. Being covered by hung men who were partly Asian was a new experience for me.

Ostensibly, and in the eyes of the puritanical authorities in Singapore, I was just here for the weekend to stand by the driver's door, with a gorgeous blonde woman standing by the passenger door, of a flashy big, new sedan, being introduced to the world as a break into the international auto manufacture world at the top by a Hong Kong manufacturing consortium, ST Enterprises. I had been hired as the male counterpart of the gorgeous blonde model, under the theory that Asians loved blondes and that there were Asians who preferred males to ogle over women. I was just eye candy, the Singaporeans letting a foreigner in to just stand there next to a new luxury car model revolving on a platform in a hotel convention center—in this case the Singapore Mandarin Oriental—where auto distributers from all over the world had been brought in to help ST Enterprises get their Bentley-like cars on all of the best avenues on the globe.

I didn't ask why a firm with headquarters in Hong Kong but presumably factories in China—and maybe fronting for China as well—was launching their new car in Singapore. Singapore, of course, was a very Chinese city, but I had no idea why luxury auto dealers from around the world would prefer to come there rather than Hong Kong, other than that there had been some unrest in Hong Kong in recent months over China's control there. Regardless, it was no part of my brief to figure that angle out.

What I knew, though, that the puritanical authorities in Singapore didn't, was that there were lucrative deals and "greasing the wheels with candy" issues involved in all of this that I, as male candy, and the other model, as female candy, were being brought in to help with. In short, I was supposed to sleep with dealers ST Enterprises deemed such candy was necessary to swing their sales deals. For this, a big, fat fee was levied.

In my case, the chief officer of ST Enterprises in Singapore also was into men. I had been hired to sleep with him when he wanted me to. By the time I had mounted the revolving platform for the first time in the lobby outside the Singapore Mandarin Oriental Hotel convention center, I'd been on the job for two days and had been fucked by a Greek, an Arab, and Peter Chau, the CEO of ST Enterprises Singapore.

In less than an hour trying not to get dizzy on the platform and working on maintaining a smile and a handwave, I met the cock of an even bigger ST Enterprises daddy than Chau, although I didn't know his name or his importance until the following day when I was rousted out to play handball with him.

I was coming onto my first break, when a thuggish-looking Asian—but thuggish in a rather arousing way—approached me with an envelope in a card that gave me a hotel room key card, a time, and a note from Peter Chau to "be there and do whatever was needed."

What the man, a handsome, well-built, gray-haired Asian-featured dude in his early fifties, but in gymed condition, wanted was everything. He met me at the door in just a red silk robe, flared open to show a muscular torso, low-hanging balls, and a magnificent erection, and holding a cigar in one hand and a glass with amber liquid in it—Glenlivet scotch, I later learned—in the other.

He laid me on my back at the foot of the bed, legs spread and buttocks raised, expertly and methodically ate me out, fucked me with his cigar, and then covered and mounted me, and power fucked me into the next day. He even got his fist in there.

The cigar was a surprise. He had me on my back at the end of the bed, naked, and the leaning over me, looking down into my eyes with his piercing gaze. A strong hand went to my throat, grasping and squeezing. I was fighting for breath, scared stiff of that look in his eyes, scrabbling at his hand with mine, but not able to shake the grip. Then, I suddenly had something else to think about altogether. I knew it was his cigar, because he had it in his other hand, gesturing with it, when he was crouching over me and choking, releasing, and choking me again, establishing control over my breath. The next thing I knew, the cigar was inside me. For the briefest moment, I thought it was going in lit end first—the lustful, nasty expression on his face would match that torture, but then I realized it wasn't. I relaxed, getting the hang of his breath control, and he exchanged the cigar for a thick, long cock. He knew how to power fuck. The rest of the fuck was just a master class by an experienced man with a big cock and a flexing fist.

I gave him everything, thinking he was a particularly important ST Enterprises client. I found out the next day that he wasn't—that he was the international CEO of ST Enterprises. I also found out when I reported in to my controller, that my employers were very, very interested in the international CEO of ST Enterprises and in what he and his conglomerate were up to beyond breaking into the luxury car market.

* * * *

My time on the platform with the Silver Tiger luxury sedan was bunched around the meal and cocktail hour breaks given to the dealers during their meetings on becoming distributors for the car. The main interest generated at the platform was around the noon hour. This was when I and the other model didn't just stand there, pointing to the car, and pretending we were in love with it. That's when I had to invite the distributors to come up onto the platform, in orderly fashion, and look the car over in detail—sit in it, look in the trunk and under the hood, hopefully love to it with their eyes, while I reeled off facts and figures about the automobile that I had memorized and had little idea what they meant other than I had to know them well enough to latch into questions about the car and provide half-way believable answers about its amazing capabilities.

If they wanted to touch me while I was demonstrating what the car could do, I was to allow that as well. If they were interested, they could make arrangements through the ST Enterprises desk to do more than touch, on a scale that went from sharing a meal, clubbing together, to bedtime sport. If they propositioned me—and more did than I thought would—I had a card to give them sending them off to someone else to make arrangements—or not.

By 1:30, the lobby of the convention space was deserted and I could bail out for a couple of hours to myself.

The day after the ST Enterprises International CEO worked me over so totally, I got a "to-go" sandwich meal from the hotel kitchen after my noon stint with the Silver Tiger on the platform and went for a walk. I took Elizabeth Walk into the Merlion Park all the way to the famous Merlion statue on the water and found an unoccupied bench facing the water to sit in.

I ate quickly because I wasn't here just for the view. As I was finishing, a tall man in his middle ages, but fighting the effects of that well, with military bearing, a Marine crew cut, and a look of authority, approached the bench at a leisurely pace, stood there momentarily, taking the Merlion, the water, the city skyline, and me in, and gestured for permission to share the bench, which I acceded to, with a smile.

I was a rent-boy. It was natural for me to respond to any possible overtures from a man like him. Anyone watching who knew my purpose for being in Singapore would think that was natural. And that's how I accepted his presence—with a smile, a bit of a slouch into the bench, with my legs spread, turned a bit toward him, putting an arm across the back of the bench to jut my very nice chest at him. I added a bit of a shy look. I hadn't eaten my cookies. I offered one to the man and he took it and gave me a smile back. His arm went to the back of the bench too. It was quite possible to discern that his fingers touched the back of my head.

"Were you followed?" he asked me, keeping his voice low.

"I don't think so, but in a city this crowded, how would I know for sure?" I answered. "I mean, Asians. One looks more or less alike."

"Well, we'll make this look like hookup negotiations," Sam Winterberry, chief of the CIA's Candy Store Unit, said. "I'm at the Raffles. You'll spend a couple of hours this afternoon there with me. I'll make an off-the-books offer for you right here that you can't resist. We'll go to the Raffles and I'll screw you."

I knew what that meant, and it didn't mean that the entire time we'd be there would be taken up by my boss at the Agency briefing me on this operation. He didn't have to declare that he would screw me for me to know he would. That was one way he controlled his agents—he mastered them.

"Is there anything in this?" I asked. Of course I wondered if this would be the loss of a long weekend in terms of intelligence value. ST Enterprises had rung enough bells in spy circles for the Agency to set up an insertion, the insertion being me. In its Candy Story Unit, the Agency combined the two oldest professions in the world—spying and whoring. It was just a reality that the quickest way to enlist and suborn intelligence from a foreign target was to give him or her what they wanted sexually and then control them with their desire or blackmail them into cooperation. The Agency had its tentacles into escort agencies across the world. When an opportunity arose to use them and insert one of their own prostitute agents, they did so. When the ST Enterprise need for a model and rent-boy in Singapore came up, the L.A. escort agency that was contacted offered them me. I wasn't one of their regular rent-boys. I was a staffer in Sam Winterberry's Agency unit.

"Paydirt," he answered. "We don't think it's cars they're selling, and it's not the most important thing they are manufacturing. Both Peter Chau and Simon Tung are up to their eyeballs in illegal armament production and sales—quite possibly for the Chinese. The strange thing is that it was their use of the Silver Tiger name that drew our attention. There was a Chinese spy some years ago who used that name. He did a lot of damage to U.S. relations with Taiwan before he went to ground and wasn't heard from again. We think Simon Tung might be our boy."

"Did you get fingerprints off the glass I got from Tung's room?" I asked.

"Yes. Simon Tung is a Chinese general from Szechuan province, Tung Shao-chuan. High up in the Chinese intelligence services. He's a slippery character. We now think he is the Silver Tiger, a major Chinese agent from earlier years. We never managed to get his fingerprints then. As soon as we'd get him in our sights, he was wriggling away. Quite a find to pin him down here. Have you heard him or Chau mention the terms Dǎjí Huǒjù, or Striking Torch?"

"Not yet," I said. "So far nearly all I've heard them talk about was the next position they wanted me in."

"Fucking you a lot, are they?" he asked dryly.

"Both, like bunnies," I said.

"Either one of them screw you really good?"

"Yes, both."

"You got them salivating over you?"

"I think so, yes."

"Good to know. Dǎjí Huǒjù, Striking Torch, are the Chinese and English names for a new, Chinese-manufactured handheld rocket launcher. From what we've been able to learn, it looks like that's what they're selling here, not a fancy new automobile. The car is just a blind in front of the real sales. We're busy tracking down the buyers who have shown up. This looks like a gold mine for us. You'll keep working it for as long as we can. Maybe we can recruit Tung or Chau through you."


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