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Since You're Into It

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A wife tries exhibitionism while on vacation with her husband.
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The following story is about a woman who tries exhibitionism for her husband. Please comment and tell me what you liked or didn't like. I love all feedback.



Rosie stood on the lanai of the hotel room listening to the steel drums of calypso music from the open-air bar below. Hot sun burned down on the white umbrellas scattered across the beach. Beyond that the ocean was pockmarked with colorful sails bobbing in the waves. Beads of sweat trailed down her skin despite the blast of the air conditioning coming through the open door.

"You know," Don called from inside, "We should do an experiment."

Rosie looked over her shoulder to see him uncapping his fancy camera. She tried not to roll her eyes at him. God love Don, he was obvious when he was up to something.

"Let's do some before-and-after pictures of you so we can show how the tan lines came along. Of course, they'd be PG only."

That meant he would try for not-PG pictures if possible.

"You mean R-rated. I know what you're into; you leave porn up." Don enjoyed nudity, public and otherwise. He had shown Rosie a few pics and videos here and there in their 20-plus years of marriage and his tastes were predicated on showing skin, specifically in outdoor and public locations.

He joined on her on the lanai and looked down at the pool by the bar. She decided she should indulge him. He was a good husband and they had a strong relationship. But then she thought of her body and sighed. She tried eating well and exercising but she was in her late 40s and she didn't look nearly as good as she did 20-plus years ago when they first were married.

"See them?" Roise asked, "I can't compete with them. I don't look like that," she said pointing at the bikini-clad women gathered around the bar and pool. She looked at Don and expected some kind of compliment but he was, indeed, seeing them gathered around the bar and pool. Rosie swatted his shoulder with her hand.

"Ouch!" Don said, "You told me to see them. Well, I'm looking!"

"I didn't mean it, doofus," Rosie said, feigning frustration.

"You have a beautiful body anyway," Don said, slathering on the flattery like butter, "And you should know because I have sex with it as much as I can ... which is almost enough."

"ALMOST ENOUGH!?!?!" Rosie said, "Wait, seriously? You want more? Is it not enough now? I thought were we doing okay. Do we need to talk about it?"

"Skip the talk," Don said, "Let's just enjoy getting away from kids, work, the dog, all that, okay? And, seriously, I've had sex with you the last 20 years and it's been good. I'm sure the next 20 will be good too."

Rosie decided. "Okay, fine, we can take a picture. But in the bathroom and you're not putting it online anywhere, are you?"

Don put his hand over his heart and looked to the heavens promising to never violate the code of a man to his wife unless she wanted that in which case he was totally down to do it. She playfully slapped his chest at that last part.

Rosie went into the bathroom and stripped. She was sort of okay with what she saw in the mirror but there was room for improvement. Hair, not bad, a nice light brown color and not mousy at all. She thought she had a pretty face and she liked her high cheekbones. Her breasts were starting to sag and she didn't care for them. Don, however, loved getting his hands on them. He encouraged her to wear low-cut shirts because her breasts were made for spilling out of her tops (according to him). Her stomach had pockmarks Don swore he never saw and her legs were okay. Rosie did like her calves. They managed to stay youthful and strong.

"Okay, let's do this," she called, nude.

Don stepped into the bathroom and pointed the camera. Rosie didn't care for the feeling it gave her. It seemed impersonal and somehow not fun. She felt like the large lens was judging her, critiquing her body. Don asked her to turn around a few shutter-snaps later, "So we can get both front and back to make sure." Rosie did and concealed her slight frown.

She turned again and smiled this time. She really hadn't let Don take nude photos of her before and it was obvious he was enjoying himself. His blue swim trunks were tented in the front and the one of the turtles printed on the material was almost swimming right at her.

He gestured down. "See what you do to me? It's not those girls out there that get me excited, it's you."

Rosie liked that. It made her feel good.

"Let's get some drinks downstairs and we can come back up and I'll take care of that for you," she said, giving his crotch a gentle squeeze as she slid by him and headed back to her clothes.

What Rosie and Don weren't used to was the sun setting so early. The tropics are closer to the equator and even in the summer it quickly gets dark in the evening. They lived on the far west side of their time zone and it was well after 9:00 pm when the sun went down in the summer at home. Here it was barely 8:00 pm here and tiki torches lit the bar. The pool had underwater lighting effects that changed from red to blue to green every few minutes. The ocean was full of bobbing pricks of light as pleasure craft sailed in the nighttime ocean.

Rosie was glad they were on the second floor. One flight of steps was a challenge after her sixth rum runner. Or was it her seventh? Rosie had gone to public school so she wasn't too strong in math anyway. She snorted at her own joke. Now to get past the lock on this door.

Key in door like so.


The world did a slow roll to the left and Rosie propped herself up against the closet just inside the room. Don was right behind her.

"Well," she said, "Now's your chance since I'm way more drunk than I should be."

Don grinned and nearly ran to get his camera. He came back and evaluated the shot.

"Okay, hold on," he said.

He opened the lanai door and humidity flooded into the room. Eyes sparkling, he directed Rosie to stand in the middle of the doorway just inside the room.

"Okay, face me," he directed.

She turned, unsteady on her feet, and faced him.

"I'm not going outside nude," she said to control his expectations.

"That's fine. I was thinking we'd stay in here anyway," Don said, "Let me help you."

He put the camera on the bed and turned the room lights off.

"Woah, dark," Rosie said while stifling a laugh while thinking about making ghost noises.

"Here, let me do this," Don said. He pulled Rosie's halter top up to expose her stomach. He knelt in front of her and planted soft kisses her belly, his fingers tracing up and down her sides. He worked his way higher and pulled the elastic of the halter off her body and over her chest. Her breasts popped into view. Rosie, head swimming, held her arms up and Don peeled the shirt off her body. She stood topless just in front of the lanai, backlight by tiki torches and starlight.

"And now these," he said, unsnapping the button on her shorts. In one quick move, he pulled both shorts and underwear down her thighs and legs and moved her feet. He threw the clothes to the corner of the room.

"Two steps back and prop an arm up against the frame," he said.

Laughing, not looking back at a potential crowd staring at her, Rosie did as she was asked. Don snapped a shot, fiddled with the settings in the dark, and shot a few more times.

"Okay, turn sideways. Let's get the curves of your body in this one," he said.

Rosie obeyed but her head was clearing and she was aware that she was exposing more of herself to the outside world. It was dark in the room and highly unlikely anyone could see them but one never knew. Don had shown Rosie video and pictures from voyeurs who hung out at places like this waiting for that instant where they could catch someone. She hoped it wouldn't be her.

Don was suddenly next to her. She hadn't notice him close the distance.

"See what you do to me?" he asked as he held her wrist and put her hand on his crotch. He was rock hard. It usually took oral to get him really going but here he was standing at attention. She smiled, happy she could make him work like this after 20 years of a life with kids, a dog, and the daily grind.

He dragged a chair over to the entry of the lanai and sat with a thump. Rosie was pulled on his lap before she knew it and his hands and mouth were all over her breasts, kissing, sucking, licking, stroking. He nuzzled his head in the hollow of her neck and she ran her hands along his shoulders and back. She always liked his shoulders and she was turned on that he was turned on. It took little effort for her to warm up.

Somewhere along the line his swim trunks had come off. He slid inside her with a grunt and a groan. Rosie dragged her nails along his arms and rocked her hips, forcing herself on him, clamping down on his cock, urging orgasm.

"Won't. Last. Long," he said.

"Cum for me, baby," she cooed. She leaned back, her hands on the sides of the doorframe, almost outside. There was a hoot from the bar but Rosie was sure it wasn't for them.

"They see me fucking you," she breathed. That was enough. Don came hard, his body bucking, his hands kneading her tits. She felt pleasure ripple through his body and decided she was unlikely to cum. She freed a hand from the door and reached behind her. Her fingertips stroked his balls as he recovered from orgasm. Spent, he lay back in the chair, sweat starting to form on his forehead, his breath slowing. He gave a final heavy sigh. Rosie knew that meant he was satisfied.

She climbed off and went to get a towel to clean up.

"Can I finish you off?" he asked.

"No, that was for you. I'm going to lie down. I'm surprised I made it this far."

She crashed into the sheets moments later and things went black.

Rosie came to. Bright sunlight streamed into the room. She was shocked she didn't feel like shit. Sex was good for clearing the mind but usually not a hungover body. She was also surprised to find herself completely nude under the light linen bedsheet. Rosie always wore clothes to bed. She couldn't remember the last time she slept naked.

The door unlocked and clicked open. Don appeared with steaming Kona coffee, muffins, and fruit. He smiled at her and put the tray on the small side table.

"I was going to do waffles but I thought you might want something light after last night's binge-drinking," he said.

"You'll be as baffled as I am. I feel fine," she said. Don looked mildly surprised. No one would accuse Rosie of being a drinker yet she apparently held her own the past 12 hours.

"Well, since you recovered so nicely, here's my chance. Grab that towel and let's do like last night," he said.

"No, you do like last night," she said, "Is this trip just about sex with you?"

Don mulled it over. "Not exactly but we don't have kids here, we have no responsibilities and you know what? Yes, it is a lot about sex because we should be having more sex. We let everything else come first and I feel like we're missing out on that part of our relationship. When has it ever been a bad idea to have some sex? We finally get around to banging and you say "That was a good idea." So, I'm trying to have more good ideas."

Rosie was surprised at the hint of venom in his words. Was he dissatisfied? She thought they were doing just fine.

"And," Don went on, "I'm really into it and now that I get a chance to try the public thing, I like it. I want more."

"What about what I want?" Rosie asked and immediately shook her head at herself. Don wasn't a push-over but he generally went along with what Rosie wanted. She knew he worked hard to provide for her and her family and she never once questioned or worried about what he was doing when he wasn't with her. Don was a good man, a good husband, a good father. Why not let him have some fun?

"What do you want?" he asked quietly.

"You over here," she said, throwing the sheet off her body. She reached forward and pulled him on top of her.

"We should make it three times in two days," Rosie thought to herself as she drowsed. No, drowsed was the wrong word. She fell asleep. Not only is she sleeping nude now, she's also taking daytime naps? What was happening to her?

The sex had been fun. Don jumped at her and they fucked like rabbits. No, make it dogs. She was on her knees, head and arms on a pillow and he took her from behind. It had been years since they had done that. He laughed when she flipped over to her hands and knees and he slid right into her. Afterward, he fell asleep with his head resting on her stomach. She followed him into dreamland in short order.

Freshly awake, Rosie felt something. A tickle. Was she horny? She liked sex and they were generally a once-a-week couple but now something was working in her. Was this a trip back to being young and wanting, actually wanting more sex? She enjoyed the sensation teasing her body. She mentally upgraded to 'turned on.' She was turned on. She had read articles that more sex begets more sex. This was a practical application in the works and it turned out it was true.

The tough part: The nudity did nothing for Rosie. Don loved it. He reacted to it and she reacted to him. The two of them enjoyed sex with each other and it was, as Don pointed out, once a week or so. There wasn't anything exceptional but it was good and they both got satisfaction regularly. Maybe he had a point about having more. Rosie didn't owe it to him but why not give him some fun while on vacation.

Don was sipping coffee on one of the wicker chairs on the lanai. He looked lost in thought but content to be so.

Rosie made a decision. She stood, nude, and walked quickly to the lanai. She bent at the waist, kissed Don on the top of the head, took a sip of coffee and turned back into the room. It was at most three seconds of being fully exposed to the world. She glanced back once she was within the protection of the walls. Don was staring back at her, eyes wide.

"I've never seen you with your mouth hanging open like that. C'mon," she said and gestured him toward her.

Don stood and Rosie nearly laughed at how unsteady he was on his feet. He almost lurched forward.

"Holy shit," he breathed.

"Don't have a heart attack, love," she said, kneeling in front of him. She quickly undid the strings on his turtle swim trunks and pulled them to his ankles.

"Do you, uh, want to..." he started saying.

"No," Rosie cut him off, "I'm afraid I'll start getting sore. You don't seem to have that problem."

She stroked his cock, squeezing and sliding her hand up and down his shaft. He hardened quickly and Rosie smiled as pride filled his face.

"Okay, don't get arrogant," she said as she played with his balls. He shook his head and tried not to look pleased that he was erect so fast.

"I'm certain someone saw me, too. You like that?" she said as she took him in her mouth. Don's comment was cut off and his knees buckled. Rosie worked her tongue along the smooth skin on the underside of his shaft. She got down to business, her head bobbing up and down on his cock. He moved his feet wider and Rosie's fingers snaked under him and pressed circles around his asshole. She liked that he came quickly with blowjobs and he didn't prove her wrong. Don pumped his hips. He held the back of her head and fucked her mouth. She felt his ass tighten and he cried out, dumping his load down her throat. Rosie swallowed his cum, congratulating herself on being a good wife. Don, emptied, collapsed on the bed. Rosie, feeling quite out of character, followed him on the bed and leaned forward. She licked his balls and ran her hands up and down his thighs. He spread his legs wide and put his hands behind his head.

"I. Don't. Know," he said between gasps, "What I did. But. You're. Welcome."

Sand pffted under their sandals as Rosie and Don trekked down the beach. Don always laughed at the people who carried entire set-ups to go sit in the sand and he limited their beach gear to towels, sunscreen, and two bottles of water. They skirted a family of five. The father was setting a tent up over what looked like half an aisle of Toys'R'Us thrown in the sand.

Rosie was about to drop the towel at their usual place at the end of the beach but Don kept walking towards the rocks. Her feet kicked up a spray of sand as she sped up and drew even.

"Let me guess," she said, eyeballing the rocks in front of them, "Nude beach?"

"Yes," Don said, "I didn't see anything online but I had a nice conversation yesterday with a local who mentioned it. He said tourists don't go there and it's purely word-of-mouth."

"Now don't you go expecting anything. Just because I

"I won't," he cut her off with a wave of his hand. Neither said another word as they breasted the rocks. A narrow path cut through the tropical scrub and bushes reached out to scratch at Rosie's calves. Fifteen minutes of walking through the bush led them to a small beach.

"Not much of a beach," Rosie said. Instead of sand, the stretch of open space was littered with tiny rocks, like gravel. They crunched under Rosie's feet and she wondered how laying down would be comfortable even with their thick towels.

"I think that's why this is it," Don said, "No one wants to really be here."

They reached a small point sticking out into the ocean and curled around the corner. Rosie couldn't help but gasp. She heard Don inhale sharply.

The stretch of gravel continued another fifty yards before ending in thick vegetation. The beach was narrow and maybe 40 feet separated lapping ocean water from island greenery. It was mostly shaded, the sun screened by overhanging mangroves. Twenty people or so were scattered along the beach.

They were all naked.

Rosie and Don threaded their way to the far side of the strip. Rosie tried not to glance down but she couldn't help looking at the folks camped out. Almost all were men, most seemed 50 or older and almost all of them all-over tanned. Several young men with dark ebony skin were lying in a row and Rosie tried not to stare at either their privates or their insanely well-built bodies. A couple in their 60s, a man and a woman, were planted in the middle of the beach. Rosie was impressed the woman was also completely nude and sitting so close to men who were not her husband. Other men, mostly white, were by themselves and glanced up as Rosie and Don passed by. One young woman sat away from the water and away from everyone else. She was planted almost in the treeline of the mangroves and her tan lines suggested this was one of the first times she had been topless outside. She wore pale blue bottoms.

Rosie simply had no way to prepare herself to see all the penises on the beach. She tried not to stare but she caught glimpses of wrinkled skin, smooth skin, hairy and shaved. And Don had joined the party while Rosie was trying not to stare at the others. His towel was laid out and he was sitting on it nude as the day he was born.

"You look like Neapolitan ice cream," Rosie said, "Tan, pink, and your white-as-shit ass." She almost startled herself. It dawned on her that no one else was talking at the beach. Except the wind and the waves and the birds, there was little noise. It was quiet, unlike the beach in front of the resort (or any other beach Rosie had been to for that matter). She joined Don on the sand on her own towel and looked up. Trees covered the glare of the sun and she wasn't interested in sunscreen. She simply laid out in her red two-piece and closed her eyes, not thinking about the nudists around them.

The older woman from a few towels down the beach walked over and Rosie found herself looking up at the smiling face of a naked woman.

Don must be in Heaven, Rosie thought to herself as she returned the woman's greeting.


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