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Sister Starts My Harem Ch. 01

Story Info
Jack comes home to a devoted sister.
6.8k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/07/2020
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OK first disclaimers: Every character in these stories that has sex or is treated sexually is over eighteen years old.

If you are not over eighteen, go away. You should not be reading this stuff.

This is a work of fiction and as such has nothing to do with any real persons alive or dead. This story contains themes that may be offensive to some people, so be warned that it contains: graphic language and sexual content, incest, bisexuality, group sex, light domination and submission, and who knows what else by the time were finished. etc. etc. etc.

This is the first installment in what I hope will become a multipart incest-harem serial. This first chapter has a lot of exposition as I set the scene and introduce the characters. Think of it a foreplay that will make the sex hotter once we get there. And, once we get there, I promise plenty of sex.

This is my first attempt at writing fiction, and naturally my first erotic fiction. I have not availed myself of an editor. I will do so in the future but wanted to get feedback on this first story in its raw form.

So, any feedback is appreciated. Feel free to encourage, discourage, offer editorial or future plot suggestions, or simply let me know if you do or don't like it.

I hope you enjoy yourself and thank you for reading.


Chapter 1

I am Lieutenant Jack Phillips and I have just recently resigned my commission as a civil engineer in the US Navy. My last day on base had arrived. In the early morning, I met with my commanding officer, signed a bunch of papers, and hopped on a plane headed for southeastern Florida. I was going home, and I should be there by mid afternoon.

Well, not home exactly. I was heading to the house where my parents and little sister have lived for the past six years. For me it's not home yet as I have never been there. I plan on staying with them while I find my own place and get re-acclimated to civilian life. I have not been a civilian since leaving for the Academy nine years ago.

My family is not rich, we are wealthy. The kind of wealth that comes from owning a company that was founded by my father's grandfather over one-hundred years ago. It is now the largest closely held civil engineering firm in the world. We have built skyscrapers, bridges, dams, major shipping ports, and airports on every continent.

So, how does the scion of a wealthy family with a bottomless trust fund end up in the US Navy? It's all because of my mother's father, my grandfather. We've always just called him 'Gramps'.

Gramps was a retired navy commander. Until his death ten years ago, he was the most important role model in my life. You see, my dad is a quiet unassuming man who spent most of my childhood traveling to construction projects throughout the world. He was rarely home. He is a genius engineer and a loving but distant and unavailable father.

Gramps filled the void for me, my sister, and often my mother too. As children my sister and I spent more time at his ranch than we did at home. We were inseparable. We were best friends, And, we were happy.

When the time came it was natural for me to follow my grandfather's footsteps. I attended the Academy and served in the US Navy. This said, it should be no surprise that I studied engineering like my father, grandfather, and great grandfather before me. It's in our blood, and I expected to make my career within the family firm after leaving the Navy.

My mother, Anne, lost her mother as a young child. Gramps worked hard to raise his only daughter without the help of the wife he so much adored. His Naval career was also demanding. Fortunately, he had the help of a kind and devoted housekeeper who we all still call Auntie Ruthie.

They raised my mother together, and Gramps made certain that Auntie Ruthie was well taken care of in her retirement. My mother tells us that my grandfather's home hadn't changed much since she was a child. It was a place of order, discipline, kindness, and love. It is where she learned about hard work, duty, obedience, and the value of both mental and physical fitness.

Her devotion to physical fitness and the stress-free lifestyle that great wealth can provide has helped maintain her amazing figure, and she is now a beautiful mature woman. She has the attractiveness and sensuality of a woman much younger than her forty-six years.

My sister Jeannie was a tomboy, and from the time she could walk she followed me everywhere. Before I had reached ten, I knew that as her big brother it was my responsibility to protect my little sister and do all that I could to see that she was safe and happy.

I left for the Academy at seventeen. As a gifted student I was able to finish high school one year early. On the day that I left, my rail thin twelve-year-old sister, with her messy hair and tear streaked face, desperately held on for one final hug before I climbed into the car. While I was away, she wrote to me often, but I haven't seen her in nearly nine years.

My plane landed in Fort Lauderdale and my mother had a car waiting for me at the airport. The driver loaded my duffel bag and drove me to my new home.

I had grown up around wealth, so fancy houses are no big deal. But, when I saw the new house (more like a compound) I was wide-eyed and impressed. The front of the house faced the inter-coastal waterway and the private dock where our boats were moored. The back, as I would find out later, opened onto a vast stretch of private beach and the Atlantic Ocean. The driver carried my bag to the pool house where I would be living, and told me that my family was out, but they would return soon.

With nothing else to do I decided to change, have a swim in the ocean, and explore. I followed the path from the pool area through the dunes and saw grass to our stretch private beach.

As I walked on the hot sand down toward the water, I saw that I had some company. There were seabirds and a group of four trespassers sunbathing down near the water. I couldn't care less about the trespassing and decided to offer a friendly hello as I passed. Once I came closer to the sunbathers it became clear that they were four very attractive young women, and they were all tanning topless. I took a moment to enjoy the scenery from a distance before calling out. This way they could retrieve their bikini tops and avoid any embarrassment.

"Hello there." I called, which started a flurry of activity. One of the girls looked up, pulled on a t-shirt, and came sprinting directly for me.

This gorgeous girl hit me at a full run, threw her arms around me, tackled me to the sand, and started kissing all over my face. After a moment of stunned enjoyment, it became clear that this petite blond-haired hellion was none other than my little tomboy sister all grown up.

I returned her hugs and laughed "Jeannie! Oh my God, look at you, I've missed you


"Oh Jackie, I've been waiting and waiting for you to get here. Please tell me your staying. We're going to have so much fun, come and meet my friends." She said breathlessly while pulling me by the arm toward the three other sunbathing women.

My little sister had transformed since the last time I saw her. When I left for the Academy nine years before she was a too-skinny twelve-year-old with a boyish figure and tomboy haircut. At twenty-one she had blossomed into a very attractive young woman.

She had blond hair that was tied into a long ponytail, and curves that were just right for her petite frame. The golden hue of her flawlessly tanned skin, large green eye, dancers' posture, and the light dusting of freckles across the nose and cheeks made her look elfin, or maybe like some wild sea spirit animated by the sun and ocean spray. Her generous mouth seemed made for smiling, and her grin didn't quit. I forced myself not to stare at my sexy little sister.

With her arm around my waist and mine around her shoulders she walked me to her friends. They lounged on beach towels sipping cold drinks. I couldn't help but admire these beauties. They looked like they had just stepped from the pages of a swimsuit magazine. My little sister included. One of the girls hadn't retrieved her swimsuit top and showed no signs that she planned to do so. Her perfectly tanned breasts with dark caramel gumdrop nipples had my undivided attention.

"This is Sarah, Shauna, and Taylor, don't mind Taylor, she's an exhibitionist and an incurable flirt. Put your clothes on girl. This is my long-lost big brother, Jack. He's finally home from the Navy." Jeannie said with a giggle.

Taylor looked up with a smile but made no move to cover her lovely breasts.

Sarah and Shauna were twins. They were identical and indistinguishable. They looked more like a single woman sitting next to a mirror than two different women sitting side by side. They were even wearing matching bikinis. Both had sable hair and fair skin. They looked taller than Jeannie but shorter than Taylor. With all three girls seated it was difficult to be certain. They had oversized breasts, curvy hips, and I'm sure nice round asses that I couldn't wait to see. Their bikinis were deep green with high wasted bottoms. The tops were just strings attached to triangles of material that were far too small and straining to cover their substantial breasts.

The twins looked up in unison, gave shy smiles and together said, "Hi Jack."

Taylor was tall dark and exotic. Her hair was black curly and cropped short, she had high cheekbones, big brown eyes, and skin the color of cappuccino. She sat wearing only the tiny bottom of her white thong bikini unfazed by her near nudity. Her breasts were large but not huge and had a slight rounded sag from their

youthful weightiness. They were a perfect match for her slender athletic frame. Her nipples were puffy, large, and much darker than her flawless milk-chocolaty skin.

Taylor looked my way and said. "Nice to finally meet you Jack. I feel like I know you already. Jeannie doesn't stop talking about her wonderful big brother who's off in the Navy keeping us safe."

I wanted to stay and drink in all of this feminine splendor but decided against being a pervert around my little sister's friends.

"It's nice to meet you too. I'm going to cool off in the water. I'll be back in a bit, squirt." I said.

I quickly turned toward the ocean, but not quickly enough for the lump my swim shorts to go unnoticed by the girls, As I left, I heard the twins exchange a few muffled words and then all four girls broke out into soft giggles.

I never dated much while in the Navy, and I've never had what you would call a steady girlfriend. It's been a long while since I've enjoyed the company of a willing woman.

It's no surprise that these beauties quickly gave me half-hard boner. I thought as I ran into the chilling surf, I better get some private time to rub one out before my little friend embarrasses me again.

A cold swim tamed my erection problem, for the moment. I walked back up the beach, and I saw that Jeannie's friends had already left. She picked up the cooler and was waiting for me. She was wearing a wispy cover up over her bikini. The ocean breeze made it flow around her hips in an erotic dance.

I thought to myself, "stop perving on your sister." For some reason I couldn't help it. I really needed to jerk-off, and soon.

I took the cooler from Jeannie, and she took my other hand as we walked back up to the house.

"My friends think you're hot" she said with a mischievous smile.

I laughed and said "I don't know about that, but there's no question that they are very pretty girls," I paused. "and so are you, squirt. You're not the skinny tomboy that I remember. The ocean lifestyle agrees with you."

"Go get cleaned up and come over to the big house for dinner. Mom and dad will be home by now, and they're super excited to see you." She said with a twinkle in her eye, "But they're not as excited as I am." She paused "I think you're hot too. The Navy has 'done you good'." She winked and skipped away.

I shook my head, turned toward the pool house, and chuckled as I thought, "I better clean up quickly. I don't want to hold up dinner."

As I showered I thought, "Jeannie's right, the Navy has 'done me good'. The discipline of the Navy life and the dedication to physical fitness I learned from my grandfather and my mother had filled out my formerly lanky six-foot-two frame. I was tall, fit, had wide shoulders, and plenty of lean muscle. I felt good, very good."

I soaped up in the shower and remembered what else the Navy had taught me. How to lead and take responsibility for myself and others, how to be assertive, and how to take command. I learned that being in command made me responsible for the well-being of the people in my charge. And, if I failed to remember this then I didn't deserve to be handing out orders to anyone.

I was at my peak mental and physical fitness and was ready for this next part of my life. I felt great, and considered jacking off in the shower, but I didn't want to make my parents wait any longer. So, still horny, but hopefully in better control, I headed over to the big house.

The 'Big House' was big. 'Big' is too small a word to describe it. The pool house was big, but it would easily fit inside of the big house with room to spare. All tile, windows, and light it was decorated in a style that said, 'South Florida and unapologetic wealth'. It was two stories tall with a rooftop deck that looked over the dunes and out upon an endless Atlantic ocean. I entered through the French doors by the pool and heard voices and laughter coming from what would prove to be the kitchen.

With a shriek my mother jumped up in delight the moment I stepped into the room. She ran to me and started hugging and kissing me as thoroughly as Jeannie had done earlier at the beach. My father waited for her to finish, embraced me around the shoulders, and shook my hand. He is shorter than me with a much smaller frame, so I had to stoop to return his hug. Jeannie, not to be outdone, greeted me with hugs and kisses as if she hadn't just done so down at the beach.

All smiles we settled around the kitchen island ate snacks and drank wine while Andorra, the housekeeper, set for dinner in the dining room.

Throughout dinner and well into the evening we chatted, laughed, and caught up on everyone's lives. Afterwards, we settled into a sitting room with cozy overstuffed chairs, drank wine, and did some catching-up. My parents shared a loveseat. Jeannie curled up next to me on a big soft couch. It seemed as if she needed to keep in contact with me to prove to herself that I was truly back from the Navy. It felt good to be home.

Near ten-thirty, with hugs all around, my father left for bed. He had an early flight. A bridge project in Peru needed his attention. He would leave tomorrow morning and be away for at least ten days. Jeannie, my mother, and I continued talking and drinking past midnight.

"You look so much like my father. It's making me miss him." Said my mother. "you've always favored Gramps. Having you here with your strong jaw, military posture, and confidence has got me thinking of him."

"He looks just like Gramps in that old photo from his Academy days, they could be twins" replied Jeannie, "The girls think he's 'hot'. And, so do I. Don't you agree mom?"

"Jeannie you'll make your brother blush." my mother said with a laugh, "He is a very handsome young man," she added with a faraway look in her eyes, "and you better make sure that your girlfriends go easy on him, let him get his land-legs back under him. Give him some time to settled in before they start chasing after the new boy in town."

"Don't worry, I'll fight 'm off for you brother." Jeannie giggled, "Tomorrow it's just you and me all day. We'll take the small sailboat out in the morning, so the girls can't come stalking my super-hot older brother before he's had time to relax and recharge. It'll be just the two of us."

"Well, if we're sailing tomorrow, we'd better get some sleep." I said, and with many hugs and kisses from both women I headed to the pool house, and fell right into the amazingly soft king-sized bed. To exhausted for masturbation, I fell asleep in only moments.

I woke to the sound of my little sister excitedly yelling "get up, get up, get up, it's time to go sailing!" She was jumping on the bed next to where I lay and laughing. I immediately knew that I had drunk too much wine the night before and hoped my headache would pass soon.

I got out of bed and headed into the bathroom for a quick shower. "Leave the door open so we can talk." She yelled after me. "I promise I won't peek...much." I've started to realize that my high-energy sister might be a handful. If I had only known.

We headed down to the dock, cooler in hand, and boarded the 'small' sailboat. If the small sailboat were any bigger it would take more than just the two of us to sail it. It was a beautiful boat, large enough for about eight people with a spacious cabin and full galley. We cast off, motored out through the inter-coastal waterway, and set sail south along the Florida coast.

It was perfect sailing weather; steady wind, no clouds, and plenty of sunshine. Jeannie was dressed in a cute crop top that showed off her taunt belly and a long gauzy skirt that brushed her sandals. It flowed around her legs as she walked, and I needed to stop myself from staring at her sexy form. I hadn't found a chance to jerk off yet, and with my headache gone it took concentration to keep my erection under control.

As soon as we were on the ocean and sailing south, Jeannie stripped off her clothes to reveal a tiny black thong bikini. The top barely covered her small perky breasts, and the bottom was no more than a small cloth triangle held on with string. She turned to climb ladder to the forward deck, and I saw the back. I nearly groaned out loud before I caught myself. The back was a thin string that circled her delicate waist with another that disappeared between the two loveliest ass cheeks I had ever seen. She might as well be nude.

"I need to stop perving on my little sister." I silently chided myself.

With one foot on the ladder she paused as if she had forgotten something. She stepped back down, handed me her lotion, and said, "Will you help me, I don't want a burn?"

Was she purposely teasing me? It can't be, she's my little sister and I'm her big brother. She's not teasing, this is innocent. You're imagining things. Stop being a pervert and help her with the lotion.

I rubbed the lotion on her shoulders and back but stopped at the top of her perfect ass. She could reach the rest by herself and I needed to stay in control of my arousal.

She paused for a moment and looked like she might say something more. Then she took the lotion back from me, and with a look over her shoulder climbed the ladder to the forward deck. I stared as she finished the job and spread the lotion over the rest of her body. I'm glad she didn't remove her bikini top to sunbathe. If she had my semi-hard cock might have burst.

After a few hours of sailing we dropped anchor, had a swim, and ate lunch. Andorra had packed the cooler with sandwiches, fruit, and bottles of beer. This was the best 'date' I had ever been on, and it was with my little sister. I was confused and horny, and we had a wonderful time. After lunch it was time to weigh anchor and head home. As I sailed the boat Jeannie curled up next to me and dozed off.

We came into dock with the twilight. It was calm, quiet, and peaceful. We didn't have a care between us. We tied off and Jeannie told me to grab the cooler. She said that he guys who took care of the grounds would wash down and service the boat in the morning.

I climbed onto the dock, turned and offered her my hand. She took it, climbed up, stepped in close, wrapped her arms around me, and rested her head on my chest.


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