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Sisterly Love Ch. 07

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Howie brings Regina home - but not to study.
6.4k words

Part 7 of the 23 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/04/2017
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All I knew was that I'd tossed and turned all night. I woke up at 4:30 wondering about so many different things: Committing incest with my sister—more than once; letting Candy help me nail Stephie. Should I tell Reggie about my sister and me? Ah, that one I crossed off as soon as it occurred to me.

After that I had comingled thoughts about fucking--first Stephie, who was promptly joined alongside Candy and then Reggie. I tried keeping focused on Reggie, but images of Mrs. Rodriquez and her daughter, Rosa popped in and out of my half dream, half conscious state. There was even a brief moment when I envisioned myself humping Sydnie-Ann Jablonski from behind that left me with a roaring hardon, and of course no alternative other than to jack off to ease things back to normal--whatever that was.

It was at precisely that moment that I realized Stephie and my mother bore a striking resemblance to one another. Yes, I realized this was not that unusual inasmuch as Stephie had my mother's genes, but suddenly I was picturing my mother differently--not as my mother, but as a woman; a tall, long-legged and shapely woman.

Willie Martin, one of my over-sexed, but closest friends, was unabashed in comparing her to various movie stars and not shy at all about telling me he thought she had great tits and was always trying to catch a glimpse up her skirt or down her blouse while drinking a Pepsi as my mother did housework around us. To my surprise, my mother wasn't home. Her bed hadn't been slept in and the house itself didn't have that usual 'everything in its place look.' Being a typical teenager, I had thought only of myself on arriving home the night before and being completely fucked out, had drunk a quart of milk and gone to bed without calling out any greeting to let my mother know I was home.

This was totally unlike my mother, who I knew to be at little on the obsessive-compulsive side, in that she was a control-freak. Because of the hour, I held off calling Stephie, deciding to get my ass back into bed, but unable to sleep, got up and wandered about the apartment mulling over those thoughts and others while fondling my morning boner.

I relieved myself, but the bone remained so I explored Stephie's old room hoping to find something sexy she'd left behind. It was not to be. Stephie was too methodical; she'd taken everything but her old teddies and a few dolls.

That left my mother's bedroom. It was strange realizing her bed had not been slept in. She must have had a date that went well as she was obviously sleeping over.

Mom, actually, Rachel Lamella to use her maiden name--which was her preference even though she was only separated from my father, Jeffery Crowder--was the almost invisible force that had unified my small world until Stephie and that fateful weekend. She was always there. Except now she was missing.

That had never happened before--no note, no phone, no nothing. It never occurred to me that she might be lying in a hospital somewhere following an accident or worse.

Until the separation, Mom was a stay-at-home mom, but made a point of always being properly dressed, and not going about in a housecoat or lounging pajamas or the like until after nine at night when visitors were unlikely.

I formed a mental image of her on a typical morning, stopping before the full-length mirror to check herself out. I saw her adjusting her clothing, touching her hair, straightening her back until assured that she looked every part the successful businesswoman she was. I also recalled the final, curt nod she gave to her reflection before stepping out and kissing me goodbye in the kitchen where I usually sat finishing breakfast.

But then I began to poke around the lingerie in her dresser and recalled her sexuality and compared it with that of my sister, Stephie. Oh, I was definitely a bad boy. I squeezed my cock with one hand and fingered her panties and bras with the other. Occasionally I brought a particularly sexy item to my nose and sniffed away; enjoying whatever fragrance it held while imagining they were being worn on her silky thighs and satin-covered breasts. I was literally dripping precum.

Overcome by sexual need, I wrapped my boner in a pair of her panties and within a few seconds had flooded them with semen. That left me with a problem I hadn't counted on. What to do with the semen coated undies. If I threw them away: A. she might find them, and B. if I rinsed them out, she might come home before I dried them and put them away, or even C. she'd know anyway, whatever I did. I lay them on the small table next to my bed and decided to deal with the problem when I woke up. I tried not to think about item B. and sexually satiated for the moment, fell fast asleep.

And woke up late for school that morning, groggily wondering why my mother hadn't woken me as she usually did. I gulped down a bowl of cereal, had some OJ and left a note for my mother that I was home missed seeing her but had gone off to school and would see her around four, or so. I had no doubt about her reading it.

Then I was out the door and walking briskly in the spring breeze. I was looking forward to groping Regina a few times during the day and hoping to hump her once or twice before heading home for dinner if we could find a safe place to do the deed. ________________________________________

Halfway to my high school I turned a corner and heard a noise. I stopped and listened because it sounded like a girl or a woman crying. In the doorway of a recently closed Tobacconist I saw her.

It was a girl about my age, other than the fact that she was crying I couldn't tell where or even if she was injured. What struck me was that she wore the uniform of the St. Veronica's Catholic School, but that was blocks away. Their students didn't wander by this area very often and sensed trouble and looked around to see if anyone else was in the vicinity. There wasn't and I went to the girl's side.

It was a long moment before I realized that I knew this girl. Her name was Becky Chase and she lived at the opposite end of the block from me. Normally a pretty girl, her face was now marred by two black streaks down her cheeks.

"Becky, what happened? Are you all right?"

She turned toward me and tried to focus, but her eyes were filled with tears and it took her some time before she was able to see me clearly. "Howie? Is that you, Howie?"

"Yes, Becky, it's me. Are you all right?"

"W-what are you doing here?" She asked, as she pulled her arms around her legs, hugging herself tightly.

"I'm on my way to school."


"Yeah, well, I'm kinda running late."


Since she wasn't about to stand up, I sat down next to her and said: "I heard you crying, you know?"

"Ohhh, well there's nothing you can do so just go away. Just leave me alone."

"Becky, I've known you for years and I won't leave you when you obviously need help."

When she didn't move away from me I took it as a positive and came closer, even placed a hand on her shoulder and nudged her to him. That was all it took. Becky immediately burst into tears and chest heaving sobs then launched her upper body onto mine and clung to me.

Not knowing what else to do, I brought my other arm around to encase her, stroking her hair and whispering that it was all right that I was there for her.

We remained like that until Becky's sobs became little sniffles and hiccups. I handed her my handkerchief and she used it to wipe her eyes, cheeks and then blow her nose. She finally sat up a bit and tried to blot the tears that had soaked into my shirt.

As she started to get herself together, I had an opportunity to check her out at close range. She was definitely shorter than me, with straight, shoulder length brown hair and only a subtle trace of makeup. Becky's breasts were not really large, but they filled the blouse she had on nicely. Her legs were long and toned and her skirt, having worked its way much higher than it was supposed to, provided me with a glimpse of thigh that ended where the elastic around the leg of her panties began.

I started to berate myself for taking advantage of her as distraught as she was then decided to enjoy the sights provided and no more than that unless she wanted to go further.

She finally brought her head up to look directly at his face. "Thank you for stopping to help me, and letting me cry on your shoulder. I can't believe that I got your shirt all wet."

"Hey, we've known each other a long time. I mean even though we don't see each other much anymore, we're still friends. And friends are supposed to help each other."

"Yeah, I guess. I just can't believe that Gavin dumped me after we..." She stopped before finishing the sentence.

Whoa, she'd just given me a shit-load of information. Maybe more than I needed to know.

"Are you headed for school? I can walk you most of the way if you want."

"Oh, no, I was going, but I couldn't face ... I mean, I don't think I could handle classes today. I'll just go home."

"Your parents there?"

"Why do you want to know that?" she said, giving me a suspicious look. But she began walking in that direction and I joined her.

"Umm, I was thinking ... sometimes I over think things, you know? And I'm sorry if I did in this case, but you did lay the blame for your situation on some guy named Gavin ... so I put one and one together, you know?"

Becky smiled at me and I felt better than I had all day. "You're still the sweet guy I've known forever, Howie."

"Thanks, Becky," I replied softly.

"You seem more mature than the other guys."

"I do?"

"Well, I don't have all that many to compare you with, but you do seem to be more confident in yourself than they are. I mean, I haven't seen you for ages, but you've changed."

"For the better I hope," I said and laughed.

We got to the sidewalk in front of her apartment house and she touched my face then turned and walked into the vestibule and let herself inside.

I realized that if I hurried I might get to school just before lunch started and moved a little faster thinking all the while about how I might nail Becky, and then about that afternoon and what Reggie and I were going to do to one another--if we could find a place. Jeez, what a horn dog I was turning into.


As I settled into my desk at school following the lunch break, Reggie slipped me a note in class that she still wanted to see me if we could find a safe place to do it, and that she still wanted to go out that night.

The bell rang signaling that school had ended for the day. I slipped my arms through my backpack and sighed to myself as my mind went from school work to actual problems. Mainly where was I going to take Regina?

Regina was waiting for in front of the school and ran up to me, hooking her arm through mine in a show of possessiveness that I liked only because several other girls stopped in their tracks to take notice.

I recalled my sister Stephanie telling me that when girls see a guy with another girl, his stock went way up; and that the prettier the girl, the higher his stock went up. Reggie was a very pretty girl. Heads turned our way and I knew that I had arrived without being a major athletic star.

"So, do you know some place we can go to ... you know, make out?"

"I um, don't have the perfect place ... I mean, it could be, but I'm not sure."

"What do you mean, Howie?"

"My place might be perfect ... but, and it's a big but ... my mother might be there. What I'm saying is she wasn't there last night, and she works until seven tonight. So there's some time available, but there might be all night available too. That is if she doesn't show up again tonight."

"I don't understand, Howie," Regina said petulantly.

"Look, its 3:20 now. We have at least until seven. That's good isn't it?"

"Well, sure ... but ..."

"And if she's a no show, we have all night.

That's even better. Hey ... can you stay out all night?"

"That's the problem, silly! I told my parents I was staying at Chrissie Turpin's tonight ... a sleep-over!"

"Hmmm, that is a problem," I said as my mind raced to find a solution. It did. I love my brain; it always has an answer to my problems, even when I don't realize it.

"If you can't stay with me, then you just go home. Tell your mother you and Chrissie had a difference of opinion over a boy and she asked you to leave--so you did!"

I watched her pretend to pout but she couldn't stop the sly smirk from forming on her face. "You know, that makes sense, Howie. I'm sure my mother will buy it!"

She went up on her toes and kissed me in public. We were two blocks from our school, but someone must have noticed, for the next day we were the talk of the school.


But that would be the following day.

Ten minutes later we arrived at my house. I opened the door for her and we stepped inside.

"Hello, Mom?" I called out and watched Regina freeze in place.

"We have company; I've brought Regina home with me. We're going to have some pizza and do a little studying in my room."

"Is she home?" Regina asked in a voice filled with apprehension.

"I think she would have answered by now. So shall I order the pizza, or would you prefer to see my bedroom and test the mattress?"

Regina giggled at that and pulled me by the hand. "Show me that mattress!"

Once inside the bedroom Regina got right in my face put her hand on the back of my neck and forced my face down to hers. Before our lips touched I heard her breathe, "Oh, this is exciting!"

And we kissed.

The kiss she laid on me was completely indescribable. At first it was soft and slow. I tasted strawberry flavored lip balm and then I didn't for our tongues were jousting with one another and I had one hand on a breast and the other between her legs.

That's me ... Howie the Octopus.

Regina didn't seem to mind as she took hold of my dick and wouldn't let go--until I insisted we get naked.

When she broke from the kiss, she was breathing hard. She smiled at me, and her green eyes once again lit up her entire face. "You better not order a pizza just yet," she giggled.

She turned her back to me. "Do me a favor. Pull the zipper, please?"

"Uh, yeah sure." I answered, pulling the zipper down, not quite believing I was going to see and play with her magnificent boobs again. The dress fell from her shoulders to her hips.

She looked me in the eye while reaching behind her, unclasped the bra and let the straps slowly glide down from her right shoulder over her arm, and then did the same with the left.

My eyes widened even more. The cups still clung to her breasts until she giggled and shrugged her shoulders and free them as the white lace bra floated to the floor.

Regina broke eye contact and clasped her arms over her head, making her breasts the major focal point in the room, as if they weren't already.

Regina then cupped each lovely tit in her hands as if she were offering them to me. Looking back, I now know they were commonly referred to as 'Bell Shaped Breasts,' more narrow at the top, and then dramatically fuller as they bottomed out.

I didn't realize it at the time, but they were heavier than most, but I did know I was hefting a pair of amazing tits.

If I were to tell you that the furthest thing from my mind was my dick you probably wouldn't believe me. Unless I added that while I held her lovelies in my hands I was looking downward at the pubic forest now visible through her while silken panties.

Her belly curved smoothly in a soft arc to the shadowy darkened region between her thighs. In my mind's eye, I could see that her rich chestnut pubic hair, while not extensive, it was thick, full and curly. I was delighted and tormented and excited, all at once.

"Ain't you gonna play with them?" she said in a husky voice dripping with lust.

"Oh yeah," I answered and did exactly that. Without another word I bent my head and took a stiffened nipple into my mouth. I let her hold her tit while I sucked away at it, and quickly accepted the other one when she switched, murmuring, "I think I could cum this way if I let you keep going."

"So why not let me?" I quipped before returning to suck even harder and cause her to shudder.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh, fuckkk! Ohhhh, Howie ..." She paused in mid-sentence, her lips parted and her eyes widened as she took a long look at my hardon, her tongue flicked over her lips and I wanted to suck on it as much as the nipple I had between my lips.

Regina slowly let her eyes travel upwards again and I saw a little smile play in the corner of her mouth and when her eyes met my eyes the smile was one of pure lust.

"I want your cock inside me even more! But—but maybe another time, say after you cum?"

"Sounds good to me, Reggie."

"Then let's fuck, Howie. I can't wait any longer!"

I remember dropping to my knees and tugging her panties down and then staring at her glistening pussy. It was already partly open. I saw the pink. Oh, it was definitely pink there, crinkled and with thickish lips like a ridge running between her thighs. And she was dewy wet ... for me.

"I need you now," Regina panted as she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me around and down to the floor on top of her. She reached one hand back between us again, found my cock and aimed it at her wet pussy.

"Ohhhhh, that's it!" She moaned as I pressed part way into her and then began gyrating my hips, working my dick in and out of her a few inches at a time, working her slick juices up my shaft and plunging ever deeper into her.

"Ohhhhh, damn you're so tight, Reggie!"

"Shit—shit--Shit ... I love the way this feels." She moaned while raking my shoulders with her nails.

"Go faster! Go harder! Oh, baby, I want you to pump me faster."

"Uh huh, Uh huh," I grunted, changing my strokes to plunge in and out of her faster; listening to the squish of my cock slathering through her cunt and the soft slapping noise of my balls tapping against her bare ass as she lifted her hips to meet me halfway.

"God what a cock you have!" She moaned giddily. "Just keep going like that and you are so going to make me cum!"

I could only grunt a response for the pain in my knees from fucking on the hard wooden floor had taken its toll. I wasn't about to stop. I'd have died first, but it was definitely tougher going.

Oh that soft silken tunnel of hers continued to caress my cock, while the floor punished me far more than I ever expected it too. From that day forward I never took another woman while on a hard wood floor. No sir, a bed was a plus, but chairs and even walls sufficed from that day on.

Deciding enough was enough, I paused long enough to allow Reggie to regain her breath, then with a loud grunt I pulled her to her feet and guided her dazed body to the couch where I carefully parted her thighs and eased my dick back between her swollen labia.

"Do you love me?" she asked hopefully.

"Of course I do," I replied, following the automatic response males the world over have adopted to quell a woman's anxiety about sexual encounters. .

"I had to ask, you know," she said lamely, following the similar rejoinder females the world over use to temper their 'love' request on realizing its tantamount to a form of blackmail in that both parties want to fuck in the first place.

I let my cock back completely out of her. It wasn't deliberate, but it happened.

"What?" she gasped at the loss of contact. "I'm not ..."

Hastily I pushed the knob back into her, spreading the labia as it slipped back into her silken warmth.

Regina moaned with pleasure.

I sank my shaft further into her crease.

She grunted.

"Did that hurt?" I asked with genuine concern.

"No . . . keep going," she answered. "I'm sooo close!"


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