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Sisters and a Paramedic Farmer

Story Info
Experienced man falls for a young unsatisfied woman.
9.9k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 09/18/2009
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Joe was thirty-eight and lonely. He was tall, average looking and successful. His problem was judgment. He had given up looking for someone to share with, someone to love and be loved by. How he wanted that. Yet, every relationship he ever had ended when his chosen woman cheated on him. That confused him because he was an attentive lover, a good provider, even-tempered and respectful. Wasn't that what the women wanted?

Corrine was afraid and horny all the time. She had little experience with sex, none of it satisfying. She was thin and far from ugly. She looked younger than her nineteen years but her body had that Jamie Lee Curtis sex appeal. Her father had been mostly absent in her youth. Even though he was an abusive drunk, every day during her early teens, she hoped he would notice her and say something nice to her. Instead, he called her names, said she wasn't smart and always sent her into rooms away from him. Her mind, soul and body yearned for something. She knew she did not want the yellow house in the suburbs with a picket fence, two and a half children, three televisions and coffee clutches with female neighbors who talk about how much they hate their overworked spouses. She could not answer what she wanted. For now, she had bigger, more pressing problems. She was sitting in her older Honda crying on the side of the lightly traveled rural road with a flat. Her boss at the restaurant where she was a waitress would be angry. He would yell at her. She hated that.

She jumped as a tall shadow darkened her window outside the locked door and said, "Can I help you? You seem to need your tire changed."

"Thank you but I had better wait for the police to come by."

"If you roll the window down just a little, you can use my cell phone to call them or you can just pop the trunk and I'll change the tire for you. You do not have to get out of the car."

His voice was gentle and assuring. She rolled down the window about an inch. Not enough to slip his older flip-phone through.

After the phone clanked against the window, there was a little impatience in his voice. "Maybe I should call the police for you. I can tell you are frightened and my presence is just making it worse."

Corrine opened the window a little more, "No, I really do appreciate the help, I'm just not familiar with this area. I was visiting my sister and am late for work."

"I understand. I'm Joe Sherman; I live in that house over there." He pointed to an older well kept, 1970's style California ranch style house in the front of acres of almond trees, as he slipped his phone through the slightly opened window. She took the phone and felt safer.

"I really would appreciate you changing my tire. I'll pop the trunk, if your offer is still open."

"Of course it is."

He had the tire changed quickly and returned to the driver's window wiping his hands on an oily rag that he had materialized from nowhere. He also had a dingy home printed card with his name, address and phone numbers.

"I'll trade you my card for my cell phone and you can be on your way."

Corinne had a rush of panic. Had he sabotaged her car? Would she break down before she got to town? Her hands were shaking when she took his card, just nodded and sped away, leaving Joe, the Good Samaritan, in a cloud of road dust.

There was no one to hear his words, "You are welcomed. I would not hurt you, but you don't know that. Go disappear into the big bustling city, relax and feel safe."

She was still trembling when she got to work. Her boss raised his voice but the scolding was quick; she was needed to help in the lunch hour rush.

Late that evening, Corinne was exhausted after her hot bath. The bad tire was in the shop. It was almost bald but still she was having it fixed. She would be asleep as soon as her mind slowed down. Her right index finger settled on her clit. Every night she would touch it just a little. Not for release. It helped her relax and clear her thoughts. Should she have paid the man something for changing her tire? She should have said "Thank You." What did his face look like? There wasn't a car in sight in either direction the entire time he changed her tire. He had told her how to get back to the main road.

Her finger sped up drawing circles over her moistening slit. Her mind raced, "I was helpless, lost and he knew it. He could have kidnapped me. Hid my car. No one would have known." She arched her body and slipped a finger into her pussy. "He was so big, so strong. He could have done anything he wanted to me. I would have had to submit, be his slave." A little moan escaped. She was getting closer and slipped a second finger in. "He could have tied me up, made me suck his cock, fucked me anytime he wanted, kept me nude in his house, spanked me and hurt me."

Corinne had been so tired, so worried, so broke for a couple of months. The local college would not even let her register again until she paid her delinquent bill. Her fingers tightened, painfully pulling her clit tight against the bone. She was taken by surprise when her first climax in a couple of months raced through her body. Her fingers lingered moving slowly; she imagined how his cock would throb inside her after he had cum in her belly.

Corinne awoke to the morning sunlight, started to stretch and realized that her fingers were still inside her pussy. She had slept so still and soundly that she had not moved her hand all night. Her fingers felt good. She thought of the tall farmer, being helpless and being captive. Again she came, enjoying the unfamiliar squishing sounds from her cunt.

Every day that week she thought about how big and strong he was and how helpless she had been. Every day she masturbated and came. This was not like her.

That weekend, she did not have to work until Sunday night and was visiting Alice, her sister, again. Sis was divorced and just about ready to give birth. She needed help cleaning, shopping and just getting out of chairs. She was going to have a big boy, her second. Over Sunday morning coffee, Corinne told her sister about the flat tire and the helpful farmer. Corinne could not explain where he lived.

"You still have his card! Why don't you call him and properly say, "Thank You." Not everyone would have stopped to help, you know. He was probably, hot, tired and hungry. He was probably on his way in for lunch. And still he took time to help."

About noon Corinne was ready to leave and decided to call the tall man. "I apologize. I was so harried; I forgot to say "Thank You." Can I send you some money for your trouble?"

"No, no money. But since you are close by again, you could stop by the McDonalds at the interchange and have coffee with me before you head back to the real world."

She started to say "No" but thought, "Maybe I should. Maybe if I meet him, see him; I will stop fantasizing about him and getting wet. Maybe life will get back to normal."

"Sure, I'll stop by and say "Thank You." I know you did not have to help."

He was thinner than she remembered -- taller, stronger and more wiry. But his voice was calm and deep. He was very self-confident and relaxed. He had already worked enough to count as a full day for most people. She caught his clean but sweaty scent when he was close, serving her coffee. For apparently no reason, her heart raced and her face flushed.

"No wonder you were so afraid of me. With you sitting in the car, I did not realize you are so tiny and so young." He paused, obviously looking at her body and added, "Pretty and sexy too. Thank you for having coffee with me. You have made my day and given me a wonderful break from work."

Again she felt his strength, a little fear and the draw of his masculine body. "It's Sunday; you are not having to work everyday are you?"

"I love to work, Pretty One. The almond trees don't care if it's the weekend or not. There is enough work to more than fill every day of the year."

"You don't talk like a farmer."

"After college, I was in business for a while, then taught some. But I wanted to work for myself. I bought some land and put in almonds. This is my fifth year. It will be my first full crop. It looks like it will be a good one and Blue Diamond has accepted me into the co-op. I don't know how long I'll do this but I love it right now."

"Oh, I have to run. I'm on the evening shift tonight. I'm a waitress."

"Please don't be offended by what I am going to say, I realize I am at least twice your age. I really enjoyed having coffee and talking with you. I hope you will call me and talk some more on the phone. Maybe we can even have coffee again next time you visit your sister."

A couple of weeks went buy. Corinne did not call. Joe had given up. He knew rejection and gave up easily. Farming, the hard work and the quiet life he led was not what most women wanted. Being alone sucked, but, truthfully, he didn't want most women either. He wondered if something was wrong with his libido.

It was one a.m. Thursday when Joe's phone rang. Even as a volunteer fireman that did not happen often. The dispatcher said the two local ambulances were out and he was the closest first responder to a woman who had just gone into labor. She was alone at home with another small child.

The woman was in hard labor, less than three-minute intervals. She and the bed were wet. She was sweaty, verbally abusive, uncomfortable and worried. Nothing seemed to bother him anymore. He made contact with the local ER and set up all that he needed while trying to comfort the agitated woman. "You are going to be fine. We'll deliver the baby together here. I've done it lots of times. Just relax and breathe as evenly as you can." His calm voice concealed his exaggeration. He had delivered several calves, a colt, a litter of pigs and two lambs but this would be his first human baby.

The woman said something like, "Fucking idiot."

"What is your name, mam?"

"You already know that, I told the 911 operator." She grimaced, groaned loudly and folded forward as a strong contraction violated her body.

"Well I'm pretty sure you are Alice, so let's forget the paperwork for now and see how you are doing." Joe was surprised that she was dilated as much as she was. The heart monitor blinked away transmitting her vitals to the hospital and blinking them at him. She was definitely stressed.

After two more contractions and being called a few more names, Joe knew he would be on his own for this one. He could see the top of a black haired head starting to stretch its way out of her body. He wished he had a partner; he could use some more light. As he stood to turn more lamps on, she reached out to him and said, "Don't leave me."

"Alice, I won't leave you. In a few minutes you will have a beautiful new baby and your body will quit torturing you. Where is your other child?"

His words were crudely masculine, but very assuring. She knew what was happening. It was baby number two. She knew he was right to ask about Bobby. "His name is Bobby. He should be in the first bedroom down the hall. He sleeps very soundly. Please call my sister to take care of him. Her name is Corinne Johnson and her number is in the book by the phone."

Joe thought a moment about how small the world had become. Then his patient screamed in another contraction. Joe hoped Bobby would sleep through it. A screaming kid trying to defend his mom was not something he wanted to deal with right now.

In about an hour the regular paramedics came in an ambulance. Alice was mostly cleaned up, resting, holding her new healthy son when they clambered through the front door.

Alice would not let go of his hand when she was slid into the ambulance. "You will be fine now, Alice. You are in very good hands and will be at the hospital in thirty minutes. I'll stay here with Bobby until Corinne gets here. Don't worry. We'll all come by and check on you this afternoon."

Corrine got to her sister's house about four a.m. Joe had a cup of weak coffee with cream and sugar waiting for her, just like she fixed it at MickeyD's. She had been too asleep when he called for everything to register. She remembered "paramedic," "sister," "labor" and "come take care of Bobby" but she did not catch who the paramedic was.


"Yes, I'm the paramedic for the local volunteer fire department. That's what I did in the service before college."

"You've done a lot of things. Where is Alice?"

"When an ambulance came available it was dispatched to take her and her new son to the hospital. I told her I would bring you and Bobby to see her this afternoon."

"Did you deliver the baby?"

"Yes, he's about eight pounds, strong and complete with ten fingers, ten toes and an extra appendage."

She started to laugh but suppressed it into a smile. When the coffee disappeared, Carl announced, "Corrine, I'll go back home and get some work done for a while. If you want, I'll pick you and Bobby up at noon and we'll go see Alice. I'll find out first if she'll be staying another night."

"I don't know how to get to the hospital, so that sounds like a good idea. If she is going to be released today, I'll follow you to bring her home and you won't have to come back here." As she spoke she went to put her empty cup into the kitchen sink. Joe followed to do the same.

He was standing directly behind her and reaching out when Corrine turned tightly rubbing her shoulder and breasts into his arm. She was looking straight ahead directly into his chest. He did not move and she felt a shudder go through her body. She seemed to relax and freeze in position. He stepped to her right and pulled his right arm back rubbing its length across her left nipple. Still she did not move. He stepped back into her and leaned his weight forward pressing her into the counter. She was very still. Using her chin, he tilted her face up; her eyes were closed. Ever so lightly, Joe kissed her lips. She exhaled slowly, not quite a sigh. He pushed her hair behind each of her ears and lightly kissed each ear lobe before his mind began to work. It had been a long dry spell for his very male body; her warm softness was too much to resist. He thrust gently to press his hips one last time into her waist. Her eyes were still closed.

"Don't be afraid of me, Corrine. You are very enticing and your body seems to draw at mine. I would never hurt you."

Joe imagined she pressed into his swelling cock as he pulled away, "This could not be considered professional on my part as a fireman, could it?"

She did not say a word but followed him to his pick-up. As he started to drive away, she said, "I'll see you at twelve and we will all go see Alice."

Alice was in great shape and the hospital was releasing her that same afternoon. Probably, she had no insurance. After they all visited for a few minutes, Corinne and Joe sat in the waiting room and talked. "Are you mad at me for being forward this morning?"

"No, I was half of it."

"You were so still and passive; I wasn't sure. Was it sort of a role-playing fantasy?"

"Maybe a submissive fantasy, but I enjoyed the reality of your body touching mine."

"You know, I want to learn all about you? You know, I want you?"

"I'm not experienced; I would disappoint you."

"There is no way you could do that. I would enjoy your company anywhere."

Alice and her new son were ready to go home. Joe loaded them into Corrine's Honda and they were off. Joe thought, "History repeats itself. I'm left in a cloud of dust - this time by two women."

For the next couple of days, Corrine told her sister bits and pieces of what had happened with Joe. Finally, Alice shocked her with her comment, "I may be your older sister, but if you think he is too old for you, I would love to have that tall-drink-of-water cram his cock up my pussy just as soon as it gets back to normal."

"You are such a slut."

"Maybe, but he's had his hands inside and outside of me. Even with the pain, I liked his touch."

"Call him then."

"I'm mostly teasing you, Corrine; I've seen how you look at him when he is not watching."

"It's so silly. He's a lot older than me; he's not like anyone I've ever found attractive, yet I keep thinking about him."

"What do you mean, thinking about him?"

"You'll laugh at me."

"No, I won't. I promise."

"He seems big, strong and dominate to me. I feel like he can do what he wants to me and I can't prevent it."

"More like you don't want to prevent it. You're finally old enough to get horny. Wait till you're in your thirties like me. I size up everything in pants."

"Some girls wear pants."

"Women get horny when they get older. I said, "I size up everything in pants." And I mean exactly that."

"You are horrible."

"Maybe the horrible part comes from my father; remember we only have the same mother."

"Yea, but she was married four times."

"And had at least a-half-dozen lovers to boot."

"She did not have lovers."

"You did not know your mother, you were too young. She was a randy one. I know, I am too."

Corrine was quiet, rethinking her recent increase in masturbation, fantasizing and feeling drawn to Joe. Her sister had to be wrong; he was too old, too tall, too countrified, too experienced, too relaxed, too everything -- he wasn't right for her.

Her sister brought the subject up every day for the next three days before Corrine had to return to work. Right before she drove away, Alice chided her, "He's done about everything he can to tell you he is interested. You are going to have to pursue him some too, if you want him."

For the hour and a half drive back to the city, Corrine kept thinking about what type of man was right for her. Was it the guy who took her to the prom -- he pawed her and had slobbery kisses and kept trying to push his hand up her dress? Was it the assistant manager from work -- God's gift to women, who bragged about his exploits and felt she should feel privileged to be with him? Was it the beautiful man from her health club who had her pay for their dinner on their only date? Was it the overweight man who lived above her with his mom and talked about video games all night after they saw "Star Wars IV" on opening night? Was it Carl, ever present, ever needy, asexual Carl, her confident and gossip partner? Her list went on and on. She had all kinds of friends and acquaintances, but none that made her fantasize. No one who looked at her and said, "I want you." and made her heart skip beats. No one else made her wet at night, made her want to submit or caused her to masturbate.

When she got home it was dark. She had to work every day for two straight weeks to make up time lost so she would have enough to pay her rent and bills. Joe was easy to talk to. She wanted to hear his voice.


"Joe, this is Corrine."

"How wonderful that you called me. I thought you had forgotten about your old farmer friend."

"No I didn't forget. Alice kept me busy. I'm back in the city and needed to hear a friendly voice."

"How about a friendly, tired, naughty voice. I had a long day but I've been sitting here thinking about you. Not all of my thoughts have been platonic."

"What could you have been thinking related to sweet innocent little me?"

"I've been thinking about how your body pressed into mine. How your nipples reached out for my chest. How when I pulled away your hips followed. How when you excited me and my cock started to grow, your warm belly nestled and welcomed it. And then I sat here and dreamed about how each part of your wonderful body would taste."

Corrine all at once was shocked, excited, speechless, wet and warmer.

"Did I say too much and frighten my little beauty away?"

In a raspy voice she responded, "I am not a beauty."

"To me you are. I still remember your smell and the touch of you from two weeks ago. When I think of your taste my body aches. If all that is not beauty, I do not know what beauty is."

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