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Sisters Ch. 07

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Part 7 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 01/19/2018
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Aunt Stacy was a bit taken aback, not just by Natalie asking her how the date went, but by the confidence and evenness of the question. She stood, still shaking almost imperceptibility, and glared at Natalie.

"It was... ," Aunt Stacy started saying without any thought to how the rest of the sentence would turn out. She looked down at the floor and seemed to be trying to formulate a thought.

"Why do I think that you already know what happened?" She had gathered some confidence and composure and started walking slowly toward Natalie, who was leaning nonchalantly against the kitchen counter.

Natalie straightened up, sensing a coming confrontation. She had always excelled when the pressure was on her, and I was watching her entire being move into 'win the argument' mode.

"You wanted help, right?" Natalie began. "You wanted to spend time with, have a date with, have sex with, our mom. I, we, " she looked at me, involving me in her scheme, "did exactly that. "

I, on the other hand, was in my normal 'avoid confrontation' mode and found ample amounts of things to do besides becoming involved in a bubbling conversation/argument. And, to be fair, I DID have someplace to be.

They both started talking, loudly, at the same time. Accusations flew, arms were moved wildly, and I could have sworn at one point Natalie winked at me. Dammit she still had a plan! But I wanted to get out of there before one or both of them burst into flames. I couldn't help but notice how alike they were as they argued. Sparks were flying and I even found myself watching their bodies as they became more agitated. Similar in their tight toned bodies, firm asses, hips that curved just the right way to their waists. Where I got mom's body, Natalie got Aunt Stacy's. A button opened on Aunt Stacy's top, exposing just a little bit of skin. It was then I noticed my mouth was wide open. I really needed to get out of there.

"I am supposed to meet Brianna, I'll be back later." I blurted out while opening the door. I had on my running gear and if needs be, I could have sprinted down the stairs and away from them. See, smart.

Neither one of them payed much attention to me, which was fantastic, and continued to focus on their perceived faults and intentions. Much too much drama for me. Besides, I was going running with Brianna, and that promised to be far more fun. Hell, I had been thinking about what she would look like in running shorts since we had talked about it.


Twenty minutes later I met up with Brianna and was not disappointed. She wore black running tights, with white lettering down the calves, a small, almost half shirt, which exposed just enough of her smooth (I looked) skin to keep my eyes prying. Her ponytail was perfect and made mine look absurd. At least I thought so.

"Hi Alison," she chirped at me, "your hair looks so cute. I'm such a mess." I hated her wonderful innocence and sincerity. Couldn't' she just be mean and nasty and conniving and sexy when I looked like hell. . . like Natalie?

"Thanks, you look like a model," I gushed, a little too eagerly, "Ready to go?"

With a nod she began running and damn if I wasn't having a hard time keeping up with her. In school I could almost outrun everyone, fairly easily. And here she was bouncing, BOUNCING, out in front of me with such ease I swear that for a good 50 yards her feet never actually touched the ground. I, on the other hand, felt like I was trying to make cracks in the asphalt while I ran. Brianna and gravity were teaming up to make me look foolish. I was trying to think of reasons to make myself feel better. "She doesn't have these big boobs" I reasoned. "Also, my hips are wider and therefore it takes my legs longer to move forward. It's science!" No, I didn't convince myself.

And I might have been running in a bit of a daze focusing on the movements of her well toned tight little ass. Well, I will only take that for so long. And my opportunity to no longer take it came up in the form of a corner bakery that had fresh bear claws on display. With as much grace as I could, I ducked into the bakery while a laughing Brianna ran blissfully around the corner.

Moments later a visibly confused Brianna rounded the corner and spotted me sitting at an outside table for the bakery, sipping a cappuccino and trying to convince myself that I really SHOULD eat the last half of my bear claw.

"There you are," Brianna said, all cheery and wonderful, "I was about half a mile down the street when I turned and you were gone." She laughed.

"Hard to turn down a bear claw when they're warm. Want one?"

We sat in the unusually warm morning sun and chatted away. Every now and again she'd ask something that she thought might be off limits, but which I didn't really care about.

"How long have. . .," she paused, her eyes downward as she made a show of chewing on a bear claw, "you and Natalie been together. . .as a couple, I guess."

"Not long as girlfriends," Brianna reacted ever so slightly to me saying 'girlfriends'. This was all quite new to her. "But we've known each other since we were kids. Grew up together."

"Grew up together?" Brianna frowned in confusion, as if she was trying to figure out a particularly difficult brain teaser. I could see in her face that she was trying to piece things together and now was the time to come up with a rock solid lie to tell her.

"Yeah, we grew up on the same street." she didn't need to know we grew up in the same house, same room, and that I once stole her rain boots when she was stuck in the mud and told mom that she was outside in the rain in her socks. "She's a year older, but we went to the same school and all that." Note to self: Tell Natalie that this is the story we're going with.

Brianna smiled and tilted her head to the side, her eyes dancing as her ponytail fell on her left shoulder.

"So, you didn't, um, do ...well, I mean, you two didn't. . . never," She stammered a little, unable to form the question she really wanted to ask.

"No, we never did anything." I laughed a little laugh, to assure her that it was ok. "I had never even kissed another girl, you know, that I liked, until last year when I came to visit her." I popped another piece of pastry into my mouth.

"So you never kissed anyone until last year??" Brianna leaned forward. She was cute.

I laughed again and explained it to her. Yes, I kissed guys before. Had boyfriends. Even had sex with them. She blushed when I told her that. I guess it was somewhat amazing for her to hear me casually talk about sex out in the open, with pastries and coffee. And she was somewhat surprised by me saying that I had sex with guys. She just assumed that I liked girls, therefore never would have done anything with a guy. Oh, Brianna, it's so much more complicated than that.

We continued to chat about school, life, weather. Just normal things. I didn't mention how her running made me feel like I was dipped in concrete. No need to build her up THAT much.

I watched her cute face closely as we talked. She was so genuine and cute I kind of let my mind wander.

"What's up?" Brianna was looking at me, having noticed my glassy stare.

"Oh, you just got a bit of frosting on your cheek by your lip there." Nice save, I thought.

Brianna giggled and began searching for the offending bit of frosting with her tongue. Pink, searching, moist. Jeez, I was letting my mind go.

"Did I get it?" A wide eyed Brianna chirped optimistically.

"Yup, you got it. It's all gone." It wasn't gone. Still there. She missed by a mile, but I wasn't about to admit I was staring at her cute face, wide eyes, pouty lips and silly expression to actually check if she got it. No, I would let this go.

We ate and chatted some more then Brianna convinced me to run toward home, resulting in a patented appearance of Sweaty Alison. She even slowed her pace so I could stay with her which made me both happy and annoyed at myself.

I bid Brianna adieu and was almost home when I saw Aunt Stacy coming out and walking to her car.

"Aunt Stacy" I called, giving a little jog to meet up with her.

"Oh, hi Alison," she smiled at me, her expression one of calm contentment.

"Leaving already?" I really didn't know what to say. Was I supposed to say 'So did Natalie continually meddling in your personal life work out ok today?' I thought this might not be a good time to ask that.

She looked at me sideways as she opened her car door, readying to get in, "Yeah, I have to get home. . ." she paused, then "your sister. . ." shaking her head while giving a slight laugh.

With a quick exchange of goodbyes, she was driving off down the street more recklessly that she should have in her beat up old volvo.

She wasn't angry anymore, so . . .what did that mean? I had to ask Natalie, and now.


I ran up the stairs, partially to punish myself for the bearclaw, and felt the humidity surrounding me. I was drenched.

I entered the loft and immediately went to the kitchen to get some water. I think I mumbled a heavy breathing "hey" to Natalie, but I don't quite remember. She was sitting in front of the computer, looking her normal self-assured self.

I filled a glass with water and, leaning against the sink, began to drink with the abandon you do when you're really thirsty. I heard Natalie behind me, but paid no attention. That is, until I felt her fingers in the waistband of my running tights.

"Hey", I said, not so wittily.

Before I could say anything else, Natalie had pulled the tights down to my ankles, panties and all. I could feel the cool air of the loft on my skin, which was still slick and wet with my perspiration.

I was on the cusp of being angry with her when she did something unexpected. Well, unexpected to me.

In a flash, her hands pushed on my ass cheeks, making me press forward against the counter, and pushing them apart. It was as if I could feel the ridges on her fingers on my cheeks. In an instant I felt her tongue exploring, probing, licking and diving between my cheeks. I felt the tingle, the excitement and the uncertainty of her tongue pressing against my ass.

"Oh fuck Nat. . ." I managed to get out as Natalie continued her assault on my behind. Her tongue flicked and pressed until she managed to get her tongue fairly deep into my ass. The sensation was a mixture of shock and pleasure. If there was any doubt as to whether I was enjoying it, that was easily cleared up when one hand slid between my legs and began sliding between my very wet lips.

"Nat, you're. . .jesus. . .don't. . .yessss" I heard myself say.

My legs, already shaky from my run, began to lose the ability to hold me upright. I put the water glass down with a too-loud clink and rested my weight on my elbows, hoping the counter was sturdy enough.

Natalie's tongue had somehow become quite good at pleasing my ass, as she moved it in and out of me, making me moan louder. Her tongue, combined with a skilled finger rubbing my hard slick clit, was rapidly bringing me closer to exploding, collapsing, and probably forgetting my own name. Her eating my ass was a sensation I was not at all prepared for and found myself making a subconscious mental note to INSIST she do it again. . .and again.

"Fuuuccckkkk. .. . " I yelled as I came. I could feel my juices coating my inner thighs and dripping down as Natalie shifted her tongue to my pussy, eagerly lapping up my wetness. My legs were not functioning anymore and I slowly slid down the counter, finding myself in a heap on the ground, the aftereffects of this tremendous orgasm still pining around inside me. My eyesight was unfocused and after a minute or two or 40 of resting my head on the side of the cupboards, I caught the sight of Natalie leaning against the counter, drinking from a water bottle, but still exhibiting the look for adorable smugness that I loved so much.

"Welcome home," she said with a soft smile.

I smiled weakly. "What brought that on?" I began my struggle to stand.

Natalie gave me a "I dunno" shrug and leaned over.

"Just had to be done." She said with a wink. Then she moved to the door.

"Wait, where are you going?" I asked, "You can't go, I have to know. . .repay. . ."

Natalie shook her head, "I have music to compose. You'll have to make due some other way. Bye."

And with that, she was out the door. Leaving me wanting to reciprocate; wanting to explore; wanting to cum again; wanting to make someone else collapse in pleasure.

I struggled to my feet, discarding my tights and walking unsteadily in a somewhat random direction. I knew I wanted to shower or lay down or something, but my brain wouldn't allow me to focus.

But there was one thing I did know I wanted.

"Hi Ava." I said quickly into my phone while sitting down at the computer.

"Hi honey," Ava said, her voice silky smooth and sultry, "what's up?"

"Get over here now," I was trying to be firm, authoritative, domineering, "and don't wear anything too complicated."

There was a short pause. I thought maybe I had gone too far.

"But, I'm at work," Ava responded, quietly. Almost meekly. I hadn't gone too far.

"I don't care. I need you here, so get here. . .now."

"Ok", came the reply, obediently.

Ava was a joy and at this moment I needed her to be all the things she could possibly be to me. I'd show Natalie for leaving me wanting. Well, I'd show AVA, but, you know. . .

I was trembling, fully naked now, from anticipation when I heard the knock on the door. I flung it open, probably a bit too quickly, and caught sight of Ava. Her hair pulled back, showing off her perfectly structured face. White button up top and plaid skirt from work. Her toned tanned legs down to her ankle socks and plain blue Vans. .. she was like a dream. Her eyes were down, her hands behind her back. Her body language was showing subservience to me and the situation. I loved every bit of it.

Somehow, someway, without knowing or thinking or even trying, I pulled Ava inside, closed the door, pushed her against the door, placed my bare leg between hers, and planted a firm, soft, wet, hot kiss on her sweet full lips. Her leg felt warm and smooth on mine and her tongue instantly found mine as I held her wrists tightly, pushing them against the door as well. I wanted to touch her and taste her and do EVERYTHING to her. . .all at once. My mind was far ahead of my body, having already purchased a cottage by the sea for us. Far too far ahead.

I reached for her button up top, planning to tear it off with a flourish.

"This comes off," I said, breaking our kiss, yet still tasting her lipstick.

I looked down and the top wasn't even buttoned, denying me my desire to rip, tear, destroy. I looked at her with what I assumed were wide questioning eyes.

Ava smiled a little smile, "I like this shirt and I didn't want you to, you know. . ."

I smiled back, realizing that maybe shredding her clothes wasn't quite the perfect thing to do. I leaned in again, kissing her deeply while opening the top wide. I could feel her breasts pressed to mine, her nipples felt hard enough to cause a bruise. I'm sure mine pressing to her felt rock hard as well, which is exactly how I wanted her to know how excited she could make me. Though, realistically, I was this geared up because of what Natalie did earlier. Thinking about her, just in that instant, drove me to kiss Ava harder, with more abandon, than before. I ran my fingers along the right side of her head, sliding through her hair, gently touching, teasing, pulling her to me.

I broke our kiss, a thin line of saliva briefly still connecting us. I watched as Ava bit her lower lip, her face alive.

I placed both of my palms on her chest, slowly moving down, feeling the warmth of her skin, the firmness of her near perfect breasts, and the deep breathing she was giving me. I let one hand continue its journey, and ran my short red fingernails between Ava's breasts, eliciting both a long low soft moan and goosebumps.

"Your body is perfect," I said softly, looking into her wide and flawless eyes.

Ava gave a slight half lips smile as my hand had slid low enough to lightly caress her bare mound and slide effortlessly between her legs. As I expected, she moved her legs to give me an easier time. The moment my finger touched the edge of her pussy lips, I began to circle one of her nipples with the edge of my thumb.

"Ohhhh", Ava released, her eyelids closing halfway and her head tilting just slightly back. My fingers ran slowly over her warm lips, so moist and so ready and I felt I could feel her heartbeat as I let the tip of my finger run over her quite hard clit. Feeling her arch her back as I touched her, I leaned forward, taking one of her sculpted breasts into my mouth, sucking on her nipple with just my lips, pulling it, savoring it. I could feel her body shake once, twice, a series of times as I worked my mouth and my finger in unison. My god I wanted her to cum right here right now. More than that, I NEEDED her to.

Looking up at Ava's face; her eyes closed, mouth open in a sensual O and her breathing erratic and building. I hadn't let her touch me and I was already soaking myself.

"Come on Ava," I implored, "I want you to cum for me. You like this don't you honey?" I was channeling my inner Natalie and enjoying being in charge and domineering. I was rubbing her clit fast now, her juices making both my finger and her clit slick and slippery and perfect for her body to react. AS she shuddered under my touch, I slipped my finger into her warm wet pussy, looking for that wonderful spot that would send her over the edge. My finger moved and explored and I could tell I had found my intended target.

"yes yes, fuck yes.. " Ava gasped, her legs quivering and her voice cracking, "Fuck. . .finger me, take me, I'm yours . . .all yours. . .I'm cumming" Her voice strangled itself as her body shook. I could feel the orgasm thrashing her from head to toe and I held my finger to her clit, keeping even pressure on her as I kissed her deeply, feeling pleasure and power in kissing her when she was all but helpless to my touch. After a great deal of kissing, panting, recovering her breathing and recovery, Ava looked at me with a faint, but slightly giddy, smile.

Finally she gathered her breath and said, softly, "What can I do for you?" Her eyes barely making contact with mine as she was giving herself up to me.

"On the bed, nothing on," I said as evenly as I could, considering I felt a fervent desire to press my soaking pussy to hers and trib until we shook the bed apart.

With a smooth quickness, Ava made her way to the bed, leaning on her elbows and looking at me with wide expectant eyes.

Walking to the bed, I can't help but notice how her body rests so easily and though she's far from made up, she is effortlessly both sexual and sensual. All this makes my body hot, my nipples hard and my mind desire her even more.

Quickly I was on her, kissing her, pressing myself to her, feeling her legs wrap around me, heels pressing to my ass. I can feel the heat of her pussy as I press down on her. Our bodies generating so much heat, I could feel myself beginning to sweat, and see she hair framing her face getting moist. Our kissing and touching and feeling kept going on and on. I didn't want it to stop. Our tongues playing and breath shared as our passion rose. I kissed and licked her gorgeous neck and she teased and pulled my sensitive nipples, earning her a bite on her neck.

I knelt back, looking at her and watching her big expressive eyes watching. She seemed to know what I wanted and angled herself just enough onto her left side, opening her legs. I moved my right leg over her and my left slid easily under as I moved to press against her. I could feel the smoothness of her leg and, in an instant, her perfectly smooth pussy as I pressed my trimmed and soaking wetness to her. This was what I was made for, I thought, tribbing.

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