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Sisters Don't Count

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I was seeing Aimee' sister when we met.
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Aimee and I are nerds. There really is no better way to describe it. We met in college. I was actually on a date with her little sister but sitting at the party, Aimee and I just clicked. I was studying theoretical physics; she was there to become a rocket scientist. Tammie, her sister saw it. She joked that if Aimee was going to steal her guy it better be for good.

We lived together all through Graduate school and were married a week after receiving our PhD's. I was supposed to go back. I was supposed to teach and think and win a Nobel Prize but I was sick of campus. Aimee was going to work at a satellite company and I followed her. We were working 80 hours a week but we were together and we were doing what we loved.

This is supposed to be about the sex. I am boring you, I know. Stick with me. I just am trying to set the stage. I don't want you to think we are just stoners, working afternoons in a coffee shop and then getting baked every night and eating Cheetos. Nothing against those folks. There are plenty of them in our apartment complex. They are all nice enough folks. It's why we support legalization now. Drunks are gross. Stoners, they are kind of funny. They are helpful, courteous, and pleasant. It's probably why we are still in the Apartment and haven't gotten serious about buying a house.

So you are saying to yourself, "yeah right. This guy gets high. He is probably high right now." The answer to that is yes, we do, and no, I'm not. Maybe we would get high more if we could but there really is no time. Especially when you consider our thing is edibles. It takes an hour for them to hit and then at least 18 hours for them to wear off. It is two days before you are 100% and when we go to work, we have to be at least 100% if you want your phone to get your location right.

Every 17 days though we get four days off. I could explain why the weird schedule but it's boring and you want me to get to the sex anyway. Let's just leave it at a 21-day cycle. 17 on, four off. Last week I hit the dispensary on my way home, she hit the Whole foods. They were out of the gummies and I got hard candies instead. The Whole foods, happily, had all our regular supplies.

We spent the first night of our break sucking on the hard candies and waiting for it to hit. We watched movies and sipped our IPA's and waited. We waited and waited. I think we finally dozed off around two, sadly, stone cold sober. There was no freaky stoned sex. We were heartbroken.

It hit while we slept.

Aimee told me I slept through the first part of it but when she went for my ass I started to come alive. All I remember was waking up at five in the morning with her finger in my ass as my cock in her mouth. She moved into position on top of me. I licked and fingered her, she sucked and fingered me, and we moaned and came and moaned and sucked and lost the better part of our Friday morning. It was a little before 11 when we finally showered, together, and went to lunch.

We sat outside by a roaring fire. We each had a beer we nursed. We ate sausage tamales with fried eggs. If you haven't had them before, it is the ultimate still stoned meal. We chatted with our neighbors; they were way more stoned than we were. Tammie came by with the guy she was seeing. Tammie wasn't stoned. She didn't partake. Fair's fair, there is no judgment with the crowd. Well, very little judgment, when her new guy hit the head we mocked him for the trucker hat worn backward. She admitted she wasn't sure about him anyway.

There was a long discussion of the science of THC absorption, hard candies, the suckage involved, and alternative approaches. We came up with a plan, paid our check, and stopped on the way home and picked up a bottle of Limoncello.

At home, we put on Harry Potter, the third one when the kids start flirting. Yeah, I know, we are nerds. I used a hammer and zip lock Baggies to smash our little pot-laced lemonheads and put them in the bottom of shot glasses. I poured the liqueur over them and left them to dissolve. We watched the movie and held each other close under a blanket. Her shirt came off first, and then her stretch pants. My Jeans come off next. There was a little petting going on. I liked the feel of her nipple through her lacy bra.

There was a knock on the door. We yelled simultaneously for whomever it was to come in. We didn't want to get out from under our blanket.

We were sure it was Lucy and Ben from downstairs. They are older than us. There had been talk of something happening. Both all four of us and then, when it didn't, just Aimee and me, talking dirty in bed together to get things warmed up. I couldn't help but wonder if maybe today was the day. We had agreed to let it happen but not to instigate. We hadn't agreed on what we most wanted to happen. She had her ideas. I had mine. I was pretty sure, as the guy, I was obligated to go with her plan. I was cool with that. I have watched my share of girl on girl on the Internet.

It wasn't the neighbors. It was Tammie. She was hiding. Trucker hat dude was a douche. We resisted saying we told her so.

"Are you guys naked?"

"Nope." Teased Aimee, she dropped the blanket to flash her bra.

"So unfair." Her sister said. "What are we drinking?"

"Limoncello!" Aimee purred. She liked the sound of the word and repeated it slowly four more times. I laughed and told her she was stoned.

Aimee went into the kitchen and we listened as she rummaged through the cupboard and poured a third glass. We watched Ron get it on with the cute pudgy girl and discussed how much better it would have been if Hogwarts was a college and not a primer.

Tammie returned drinks in hand. She handed us ours and sat down with one of her own. She did it as a shot and we giggled as her lips pursed and her throat clenched. We told her she was supposed to sip it. She told us we were stupid for wanting to drink the stuff in the first place.

Aimee and I discussed what time it was, sipped our drink, and planned for an hour. We told Tammie she had an hour. She told us we were gross.

I watched the clock on the wall and teased my wife's breasts. She asked me if I was feeling anything and I told her I thought I was. She said she was feeling it. She was feeling it a lot.

Don't ask me how it started but the conversation moved in the direction all grown up conversations move when the thought process is altered by alcohol, drugs, or in this case both.

On a scale of one to seven, and yes, it is one to seven, not ten. Scientists, remember? A brother and a sister are a six. Very wrong but not the wrongest. A seven is reserved for generational malfeasance, parent/child, aunt/nephew, that sort of stuff. Stepsiblings are only a two and we decided it was the Brady ruling because who didn't think about Marsha and Greg. I held my tongue during the discussion of in-laws as Tammie and I had sworn that our past, the single night we had spent together before I had even met Aimee was to be our little secret until the end of time. In-laws were either a five or a two, there were extenuating circumstances. I was pretending to watch the movie and hoping neither woman observed the tent in the blanket.

The twin sisters crossed the TV screen. Tammie noticed.

"Sister on sister?" posed Tammie

"It doesn't count. No ruling," said my wife. "There's no cock. No fucking. Like pass interference on a tipped ball." We watch the Broncos every week, have since we met.

"Seriously?" I asked. I was most concerned by the rules of order. That's how my brain works. Yes, I think in hypotheticals but the laws of physics must be followed at all times. Warp travel -- possible, Transporter beams -- nope. Planet to planet phone calls... sure, as long as you sit and wait for centuries for the person to answer.

"I wondered if you remembered." Said my sister in law.

"I remember."

"I am feeling very relaxed." Said Tammie.

"Mmm... me too." Said Aimee. "Come. Come here. Under the blanket."

"Okay." Tammie's voice was soft, warm, and welcoming.

I watched her move. She moved in slow motion. I realized, far later than I probably should have, she and I had switched drinks when she brought the shot glasses in.

Aimee and I are three weeks apart in age. Tammie is two years younger. I watched her undress, forgetting I had seen it before, and enjoyed the way she moved slowly, unwrapping a flannel shirt, tugging off thick puffy socks, and finally unwrapping clingy black yoga pants from her soft thick thighs.

We lifted the blanket and she crawled in, not beside us, but across our laps. Her ass rested on Aimee and I had her top half. Her hips and breasts are fuller than Aimee's. Tammie has slightly dark, slightly curlier hair. The lips nose and eyes though are identical. I was confused, confounded, and so very close to coming all over my sister in laws back.

"Oh..." Tammie mewed. "Oh wow." She said. Her head collapsed back, cradled in my arm.

"Danny," My wife said. I looked at her. Her face was focused, serious, determined, I knew the look. It was the one she fixed on her laptop when she would be working on correcting trajectories. It was focused now on her sisters face, her closed eyes, and her gently parted lips. "Will you do me a favor?"

"Of course."

"You never tell anyone, okay. I mean like, anyone, ever. You can write it up, all anonymous. I want you to. Like one of your stories. But you don't tell your friends... You don't brag to your brother. This is a secret, right? Our secret. Like Officer Black. Our secret."

"Of course."

"Good." She said. Then she kissed me. "Open your mouth."

Her hand moved from under the blanket. She placed two fingers into my mouth. The taste was unmistakable.

"Does she taste good?"

"Mmmm." I hummed approvingly.

Her hand disappeared again. The blanket rose along with Tammie's leg and then slipped off of us. The apartment was cool but not cold. We didn't need it. In fact, it was a whole lot better with it gone. I watched Aimee's fingers disappear slowly inside of Tammy's smooth, hairless pussy.

I couldn't help myself. Her perfect soft round breasts sat exposed in my lap. I took one in each hand and watched her mouth and lips react to our hands. I watched my wife please her and we sat like that, enthralled with our little plaything and she sighed and mewed and came for us.

It was enough. It really was. I had never experienced anything so deliciously verboten, splendidly satisfying and deliciously romantic as the woman climaxing gently at Aimee's touch.

"I need to lie down." My wife said. I agreed heartily. The three of us rose. We moved slowly off the couch to the bedroom. Aimee and had lit candles and closed the blinds earlier it was lit gently with a soft orange glow.

The three of us folded into bed together and Tammie whispered quietly, perversely what she wanted and Aimee and I kissed, long and slow in agreement.

I moved gently on top of my sister in law, and with my wife lounging at my side made love to her.

Her body was so soft, her breasts full, her legs wrapped around me like satin sheets and she purred as I moved on top of her. I came instantly and it made the whole thing somehow more perfect as I slowly continued moving my cock inside of her. Aimee stroked my back and shoulders and I alternated between the soft plump lips of the woman beneath me and my wife's thinner, firmer mouth. We moved like that three of us until I couldn't any longer, my cock spent, it gave up its erection and I slipped free and moved to the side.

No longer an active participant, I was relegated to watching and I couldn't remove my eyes from the two women.

They folded together, each on their sides. My wife began first, on her sisters come covered lips but she joined soon enough. Her head rested on my wife's thigh and I watched her tongue slide out and upon the soft stringy hairs of Aimee's delicious little cunt.

It was slow, gentle, and loving at the start but the room slowly filled with a building tension and I watched as hands joined mouths. They gripped each other's asses and pulled at one another pulling closer, their legs twitched, wrapping around each other.

And still not a sound was uttered. It was, so completely silent as to be frightening. I felt as though lost in some vacuum chamber where sound didn't exist. I grew hard again as they touched and loved each other.

Aimee came first, silently her body shook. Tammie gripped her ass, tightened her hold, and pressed her tongue and mouth to my wife furiously. I watched Aimee's head drop back and her mouth open wide as she gasped for breath, breathing through the orgasmic tide.

Finished, the agony of ecstasy slowly faded from her face and she rolled her sister back onto her back. Tammie spread her legs wide and flat on the bed. Aimee fixed herself on top of the other woman, her ass in the air. Tammie' arms stretched over her head and then, either through practice or instinct, Aimee locked her ankles over her wrists pinning her, extended, opened, to the bed.

My cock demanded attention and my wife's ass in the air was too much to resist. I stood on the bed, balanced against the headboard, and positioned myself behind her. My cock slipped easily into the well-licked moist folds.

"Mmmmm!" my wife moaned. The sound broke through the silent room. Whatever charm had been cast demanding silence was broken. "Mmmmm!" she moaned again and then "Oh Yeah, Fuck my dripping cunt, bitch." Aimee was back in all of her lurid glory.

So fuck I did. I was twenty-five, at the peak of my physical prowess, my body was as fit as it would ever be, my cock as cooperative as it would ever manage and so, gripping her hips, I gave her what she wanted where she wanted.

"Fuck yeah. Harder." She growled. "And lick my clit. Get in there, bitch, lick it."

We had discovered her foul mouth the night the neighbors gave us brownies. It scared us at first but we had come to appreciate it.

I fucked her till she came again and then because she phrased it so gently, I did what she told me.

"Fuck that bald little cunt now. Don't you quit on me. I want you to fuck her good. Fuck her from behind. Do you want her ass? She likes it in the ass. Do her ass."

Tammie did, in fact, enjoy it. She lay flat upon her belly, subserviently, her legs spread out across the comforter. Aimee took care of the lubrication requirements and Tammie grunted, appreciatively as I had anal sex for the first time. At least was on the pitching end of it. Go back in my history and you will find the story of when Aimee introduced me to Officer Black, her trusty strap-on partner.

The intensity had sobered everyone up and worn everyone out. A brief discussion was held about moving back to the couch but it was decided the bed was probably better and six arms and legs locked in and around each other and we tugged the warm blankets up and over us.

There was napping to be had, for sure, and we held each other, sharing warmth and affection as we slept.

I never really went all the way to sleep. I was only dozing when Tammie stirred. I placed my hand on her breast because I could. She must have appreciated it because she moved on top of me and we kissed and humped some more, smiling at one another, kissing as much as possible.

It was getting late in the afternoon. The room had gone even darker as the sun had set and the lone lighting came from that single burning candle. Aimee began to snore and Tammie and I giggled, deciding it was very bad form to snore.

We rolled her onto her back and began at her breasts. Each of us taking one in our mouth. We kissed and suckled our way down her body, our actions coordinated far better than they should have been. At her hips, she no longer snored but instead sighed.

It was difficult, pressing both of our heads between her parted thighs but we managed by locking our naked bodies together like conjoined twins. We found the right way, somewhere between kissing and sharing an ice cream cone to get both of our tongues on her at once.

She purred as we pleased her until she was no longer purring. Her legs tightened down around us and Tammie added a finger, sliding it between my wife's lips, and she trembled and shook as we tormented her to orgasm once, twice, and then ultimately a third time before it became too much and she squirmed away.

It was seven hours later. The high had passed. Aimee slept gently in bed. Tammie and I had moved to the couch where we huddled naked together, more friends than lovers, and laughed too hard and too long at Jim Carrey and some stupid animals.

At midnight, fast asleep on the couch, Aimee summoned me to bed.

In a single glorious moment of knowing the right thing to do at the right time, I didn't ask if we should bring her sister, but instead left her sleeping. I took a moment to wrap her in the oversized fluffy red blanket, tucking her in for the night.

I followed my naked wife back to bed. We made love quietly and then huddled under the covers, kissing, cuddling, and fighting off sleep. We had laid silently in pitch-blackness for a while when she finally spoke. "Danny, you awake?"

"No," I whispered.

"So, you probably figured it out, I mean, you aren't dumb. That wasn't the first time we did that."

I tried to think of a clever reply, something silly. I decided against it. "I didn't really think about it."

"Do you think we are weird?"

"I know you are weird," I said. I meant it, but I meant it in a sweet sort of way.

"Yeah, so. I don't know what you are thinking. I don't know if this will happen again. I mean, I didn't know it was gonna happen in the first place so I don't even know if saying I don't want it to happen would mean anything but..."

"Honey I don't..." I tried to answer but she stopped me by placing a single finger to my lips."

"I know. I know you are a sweet guy. I know you are going to say you don't want it to happen again; you didn't want it to happen. You might even try to say you didn't like it or something like that. You don't have to. I get it. I mean, like if you and Tommy. You know, if that were to happen. I would say the same things and I would mean them too, just like you would mean them but Jesus, you fucked us like six times, seven, I think you were okay with it so we should probably just leave it at that."

"You want Tommy?" I don't know why that was what I latched onto but maybe anyone would if their wife mentioned their brother in that sort of context.

"Shh." She shushed me again. "I'm just saying, if it happens, or if it comes up, leave it to me, okay? I just, I don't want this to become a thing."

"Okay," I mumbled through her finger.

"Oh. And I should say I know."

"You know?"

"Yeah, about you and Tim Tam, before we... god, before we even met."

"Mmmm." I said, replying while not replying. It was a practiced answer learned in academia. There were unanswerable questions in the universe and contrary to what you might read in scientific journals, nearly all of them are in regards to sex.

"It's okay. I guess it's more than okay. Considering. Just, just don't let it happen again."

"Unless you instigate it," I mumbled and she pinched me.

"Not unless I instigate it, and not unless I am there and get to lick her sloppy cunt clean." She said in that deep dirty voice she uses.

"Are you still stoned?"

"I don't think so."

"Okay," I said.

She went quiet again. It was disappointing. I thought it was going someplace. I was hard again and interested in number seven.

"So I know we are supposed to take tomorrow off..." she said suddenly. I was relieved and my cock twitched about at the prospect.

"You want another Limoncello?"

"Yeah..." she said. "And..."

"And what?"

"And I want you to..." this was very unlike her. "I want you to try my ass again."

Aimee does nothing without a plan. I was just turned on enough, just barely stoned enough, just getting sober enough, to think along her deviant little lines of thought.


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