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Sisters Gotta Share Ch. 06

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Part 6 of the 12 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 02/02/2007
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It was a little bit afternoon after noon on the following Thursday. After busting my tail to make sure I was completely caught up on work, I told Desiree that I would have to take an extra long lunch to run some errands. I received a reproachful glare, but she nodded, only adding that we would be having another one of our frustrating "meetings" to discuss my "dedication."

It did not matter. I was on my way to Cindy's apartment, and I was going to fulfill my fantasy at last. Cindy only worked nights, and she got out of class early on Thursday. I had found out through subtle inquiry that Alicia had class until four o'clock. I would have plenty of time to mess around with Cindy and get back to work before that snooping, stuck-up bitch was any the wiser.

The thought of finally having my way with Cindy made my cock stand erect in my khaki trousers as I pulled into the parking lot. It had been nearly a month since our last, abbreviated encounter, which was plenty of time for me to think of all the sinful things I wanted to do to her.

I walked up to her doorway, trying to inconspicuously conceal my prodding erection for the passersby. When I got ready to knock, I noticed that there were a few things amiss.

The door was ajar. I could see into the living room, which was kept dark, as usual, and there was some new heavy metal band playing on the stereo. I knew that Cindy despised anything other than country and shitty, boy-band pop music, and I felt a huge weight of disappointment building.

Had I been denied my fate once more? If it had, there was no telling how long I would have to wait. The next week was Thanksgiving, and we were expecting lots of company. It would likely be another two weeks before I would get another chance.

Curious, I decided not to knock, but stuck my head in the door. There was nobody in the living room, but the computer in the corner was on, and there were some documents coming out of the printer.

"Hello?" I asked cautiously as I stepped inside, softly closing the door behind me.

I looked about the apartment a bit. Girls have a reputation for being neater than guys, but their apartment was a veritable war zone. Clothes were strewn about, the sink was overrun with dirty dishes, and trash was overflowing in the cans.

I noticed that the bathroom light was on. It seemed that Cindy was currently indisposed.

Deciding not to interrupt whatever business she had going on in there, I went over to the computer to see what school work she was printing out.

Upon inspecting the documents, I realized two things. First, these did not belong to Cindy, but to Alicia. They were themed around marketing, and that was Alicia's major. Second, they were the answers to a final exam!

I froze for a moment, not really knowing what to think. I mean, yes, academic dishonesty is wrong, but then, it was not as if I had never cheated on a test. But then, this was Alicia, the snooty, elitist bitch who thought she was too good than everyone else. The fact that she was cheating was more than a little amusing.

As I looked closer, I noticed that she had printed out several copies of the same final exam. I could only deduce that she was not only using them for herself, but that she was sharing or selling the answers to other students, as well.

Alicia was a junior in college, and expulsion would ruin her academically as well as shipwreck her career plans. As I heard the toilet in the bathroom flush, I schemed quickly.

I pulled out my cell phone, which doubled as a digital camcorder. I took three still pictures of the documents, ensured that the images were recognizable, and switched it to camcorder mode. I got footage of the exams and turned to the bathroom door right as Alicia walked out.

There was a look of shock and fear on her face when she saw me, which was quickly replaced by an expression of anger.

"What the fuck!" she yelled, hurrying towards me.

"Hold it, Alicia," I said calmly. "Don't move."

To my surprise, she stopped, although she looked confused in her mounting panic. "Why?" she asked.

"Because I want to make sure I get a good shot of your face," I said, laughing. "The dean will want a really clear picture before he kicks your ass out of school."

Angrily, she ran past me and began gathering the papers.

"You're too late," I said. "I have seen them."

"What are you doing here?!" she demanded. "What, do you just break into our place like some sort of pervert?"

Convinced I had enough, I stopped filming. "I am a pervert," I answered, "but that is neither here nor there. Suffice it to say that I was dropping by to see Cindy, and the door was open, so I just came in."

"You can't just walk in here whenever you feel like it!" she screamed. "I'm calling the police."

"Go ahead," I said, unfazed. "I was just checking to make sure everything was alright. With all the assaults on women on campus on the rise, I doubt the police will see a need to pursue it too far. By the way, after you are done calling the police over here, can I use your phone to call the university?"

"Fuck you!" she yelled and swung at me.

Alicia had a very nice, athletic body, but she was no prize fighter. I swatted her hand away easily.

"You know, your career is ruined," I said seriously. Her anger almost immediately subsided into fear and panic. Part of me could not believe how maliciously calm I was able to remain, but all of me loved it. "You are going to be expelled, and you are never going to be able to go back to any school worth the paper they print your degree on. Good luck finding a decent marketing job. You should get used to working in retail."

I looked her up and down. She was wearing short shorts that highlighted her smooth, muscular legs. A tight college tee-shirt showed off her bulging breasts, and her blonde hair was up in a ponytail.

"Of course, with your qualifications," I added as I put my cell phone back on its clip on my belt. "You might be able to make better money as a stripper."

"You fucking bastard!" she hissed and tried to slap me again. Once more, I easily parried her attack.

"Now, now," I said, grinning sadistically. "That's not going to help you at all. You should be nicer to the man who holds the rest of your life in his hands."

I could see the meek wheels in what passed as her brain turning, and her eyes began to well up with tears.

"Please," she said quietly. "Please don't turn me in. It wasn't my idea. This guy in my class thought it up, and he and some other people paid me to do it. I didn't want to, but I needed the money bad."

I looked at her silently for a moment, trying not to laugh at her pathetic attempt to manipulate me and outsmart me using sympathy. I set my eyes on her coldly and glared into her pretty blue ones.

"Is Cindy in on this?" I asked. Part of me secretly hoped she was; it would give me some leverage in case she had changed her mind about fucking her sister's brother.

"No," Alicia said, shaking her head. "It was just me and my classmates."

"Where is she?" I asked. I really wanted to know. While this particular obstacle was working out in my favor, it was still somewhat annoying that I was not pounding Cindy's tight pussy right now.

"She got called into work, so I used the opportunity to skip class and come print out the tests," Alicia answered.

"Okay," I said ad I walked towards the door.

"Wait," she said, grabbing my arm. I turned to her. "Are you going to report me?"

"That depends," I said. "I will be right back."

I walked out to the car and deposited my cell phone in the glove box. It was the key to what I had planned, and I could not risk Alicia getting her hands on it.

I walked back into the apartment to see Alicia sitting on the sofa, her face buried in her hands. She was crying, and this time it was not for show. She knew how screwed she was.

Speaking of which...

"My camera has a delete button," I announced. "I will use it if you can answer a few questions."

She looked up. Her eyes were puffy and red, but she saw the light of hope. I repressed the urge to laugh. Some of the questions I had in mind would be impossible for such a stuck-up snob to answer.

"Okay," she said cautiously.

"How much did you make for getting the answers to those exams?" I asked.

"Fifteen hundred," she answered.

"How did you get them?" I asked.

She hesitated for a moment, but then seemed to remember that I held all the cards. "I slept with one of the grad students."

"How many times?" I asked.

"Just once," she answered.

"What did you have to do, specifically?" I asked.

"Why?" she asked.

"Because I want to know, and if you don't tell me right now, I'll drive straight to the school of business and play a little home movie for them," I snapped.

She recoiled from my sudden coldness. "Fine," she growled bitterly, "I had to give him a blow job and then let him fuck me."

"You must have needed that money pretty badly," I observed. "What for?"

"Credit cards," Alicia answered. "My parents don't know about three of the ones I have maxed out on partying and clothes and stuff."

"So rather than face your parents about your irresponsible spending habits, you decided to sleep with your teacher and sell the answers to the final exam," I summarized.

"Yeah," she said sullenly. "I know I fucked up, okay?"

"You did, indeed," I said, allowing a chuckle to escape. "What would your parents say if they found out about this?"

"I don't know," she answered quietly. The thought seemed more frightening to her than my threat to tell the dean.

"You don't want to find out, do you?" I asked.

She shook her head.

"I can make all this go away, Alicia," I said calmly. I looked at her and smiled warmly. She looked at me a little warily, but I could see the gleam of hope in her eyes. I paused to relish the moment before I crushed those hopes.

"But I don't want to," I said coldly. "You've never been anything but an utter bitch to me, and I would love to see you burn in flames. But I'm a merciful man, my dear Alicia, not given to such rash acts of contempt. Therefore, I will erase the footage I have of your crime IF you can tell me my name."

Her face went pale. Her future came down to one simple answer, and she had not a clue what it was.

"Your name?" she asked, her eyes darting back and forth with delicious panic.

"Yes, my name, Alicia," I said. "I have been to your apartment several times before, Alicia. I introduced myself to you the first time I met you, Alicia. My sister-in-law has called me by name while I have been here, Alicia, and I made it a point to be civil and greet you each time I saw you, Alicia. Surely, all that courtesy was not one-sided, Alicia. Surely, you would not be so uncivil as to not even know my name, Alicia."

I was twisting the knife and loving every minute of it. She was squirming in her seat, and her tears, genuine tears, were coming back.

She fumbled for words for a while, and I sat there enjoying it. When I decided the time was right, I turned to the door and started walking.

"Have a nice life, Alicia," I said coldly, shaking my head in disgust.

"No!" she cried. "Wait!"

"What's the point?" I asked, turning back to her. "There's nothing left to say."

"I'm sorry!" she pleaded. "I don't mean it personally! What can I do?! Please!"

I regarded her with a sneer, but inside, I was dancing triumphantly. She was now mine. I pretended to consider it for a moment, as if I did not already have an answer in mind.

"You need to learn some humility," I growled. "You paid a hefty price for that exam. I think your education, your career, hell, your life, is worth at least that much."

She looked at me with horror. "You want me to...sleep with you?"

"Hell, no," I said dismissively. "There will be no sleeping. You just need to suck some cock and give me some of that ass."

She looked understandably flummoxed, and I again reveled in her angst. I knew a little of the grim satisfaction that Desiree must have felt when she told me I could save my job by sucking her toes.

"But you're married!" she protested.

"You aren't in a position to be casting moral judgments," I observed coolly.

"But you...I..." she blabbered.

"Deal or no deal?" I asked impatiently. "Don't waste my time. I have a job to get back to, a good job that required a college degree."

She looked at the ceiling and covered her face with her hands. Just as I was about to start walking for the door, however, she relented.

"Okay," she sighed. "I'll do it."

"Good," I replied. "Stand up."

She stood up and looked at me disdainfully. I laughed out loud.

"I don't care how bad your attitude gets," I said. "This is going to happen. Now undress."

She took off her tight tee shirt and revealed a red satin bra holding in a very nice, perky pair of breasts. She unhooked her bra and let her tits out.

"Those are very nice," I observed. My dick was stiffening in my trousers. "Now the shorts."

She peeled the shorts down her legs, leaving a red thong as the only article of clothing left on her.

"Turn around," I ordered. "Bend over the couch."

She frowned and huffed, but she did as she was told. Her nice ass stuck up into the air.

I walked over to her and caressed her butt, ignoring her shudder as I did so. I lightly spanked her with my palm, and then bent down and kissed it.

"This is good," I said. "This is real good. Stay just like this. I got a present for you."

I took off my clothes quickly. I bent down and lowered her thong until it was down around her ankles. As I stood back up, I ran my hand up her thigh and caressed her pussy. It was not wet yet, but it was going to get there.

I ran my fingers around the clit and slowly inserted them into her cunt, using a circular motion to caress her labia and twisting my fingers to get them inside her. I did this a few times, until I could feel my fingers begin to get slippery from her juices.

"Not so bad, is it, you uppity whore?" I growled.

Alicia exhaled heavily and swallowed. "Just do it, you motherfucker."

I stepped up behind her and mounted her. I slid my cock into her waiting pussy inch by inch, savoring the feel of her tightening around my shaft. At last, her ass was against my stomach, and I began to fuck her with hard thrusts at a medium pace.

I brought my open hand down hard on her beautiful ass as I fucked her. She let out a cry.

"Yeah, you like that, don't you, you cheating little bitch!" I snarled, spanking her repeatedly.

Before long, she began to push back against me, and her pussy was getting wetter.

"You fucking slut!" I said. "You always fuck your way out of trouble, don't you?"

"Yes," she moaned, groaning now with each thrust I pumped into her hot pussy.

I spanked her ass again, eliciting an excited cry out of her.

"Oh, yeah, baby," she grunted as I pounded her. "Spank my naughty ass!"

I obliged repeatedly, and on the last one, I slid my hand into the crack of her ass and began rubbing the entry to her asshole.

She began to come; her moans were getting louder and higher in pitch. I leaned forward to put my mouth next to her ear.

"My name is Aaron, bitch," I snarled, sinking my finger deep within her ass and making my thrusts even harder.

She groaned uncontrollably.

"Say it!" I said.

"Aaron," she moaned.

"Louder, you fucking slut!" I demanded.

"Aaron!" she yelled, her breathing turning into outright panting.

"Louder, so you'll fucking remember it next time!" I yelled.


I could feel her pussy convulse and flood with come as she climaxed. With one final spank, I withdrew my throbbing member from her hole.

"Now get on your knees and learn some fucking humility, bitch," I sneered.

She dropped immediately and positioned herself between my legs. Her tongue lapped hungrily at my cock.

"That's right," I said. "You clean your mess off my dick! You're just my fucking servant, aren't you?"

She put my dick in her mouth and mumbled, "Mmm-hmm."

I started thrusting my cock in and out of her mouth, fucking her pretty face. "Nothing but my nameless little whore at my beck and call. What IS your name, anyway?"

She withdrew long enough to answer, "Alicia."

I slapped my cock across her cheek. "Wrong," I said coldly. "You have no name. You are nobody. Just a meaningless little cocksucker. It's the only thing you are any good at. It's the only purpose you serve. Now suck."

She obeyed, and as her mouth engulfed my cock, I put my thumbs inside ether side of her mouth. I thrust my cock into her mouth as deep as it would go, gagging her.

"Choke on that dick, bitch," I said. "Take it like the slut you are."

I kept fucking her face, pulling out my thumbs and placing them at the back of her head. I put one of my feet on the couch behind her so that I could fully push my cock down into her throat.

She moaned with every thrust, partly from pleasure, and partly from discomfort, and I could feel myself getting ready to come.

"I am going to come down your throat, slut," I announced. "You're going to drink me all up."

She grunted an affirmative and used her hands to caress my thighs. I erupted into her, my semen spraying the back of her throat. I groaned uncontrollably as I emptied my cream in her mouth.

She withdrew and continued licking and kissing my shaft and balls as I caught my breath.

I backed away from her and looked at her naked body in front of me.

"That's something I could do more than once, I think," I said smiling.

She smiled back. "Me too," she replied.

"I'll keep that in mind," I said. I began getting dressed. I really did have a job to get back to.

Her mood suddenly changed. "Don't forget to erase that video."

I laughed heartily. "The video will remain unseen so long as you remember your place and my name."

Her jaw dropped. "You son of a bitch! You promised!"

"No," I said, buttoning up my shirt. "I lied, and I told you that you should speak nicely of the man that holds your future in his hands."

"But, you..." she started.

"Alicia, you are a stupid little girl," I interrupted. "Stupid little girls have their uses, and I have found yours. If I were to get rid of that video, there would be nothing to prevent you from telling your roommate what has happened, and I would lose my key into your pants whenever I want to get into them. Just accept that this is the way it's going to be."

With that, I buckled my belt and bent down. She was staring at me bereft and at a loss. She obviously never thought I was capable of such Machiavellian tactics.

For me, it felt natural, like there was a darker part of myself that had finally been released. I made a mental note to let it out more often.

"You really were good," I said softly and kissed her forehead. As I walked out of the apartment, I called, "See you next time."

As I drove back to work, I realized that since Cindy was working that night, I would not see her until Thanksgiving, when we would be surrounded by several guests. It would be two weeks before I would get another chance.

* * *


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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

VenDrego was an unknown, and I started this series rather unimpressed. But this chapter produced some devious twists to plot reminiscent of the great Literotica writers.

Well written, with good dialogue.

5 stars.

Paul in Oklahoma

AmyfriendAmyfriendover 17 years ago
Hot story thats for sure..

with believable moments... Sometimes a girl has to pay the price.. haha.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

just great it sure gave me a hard on. more please. lots more

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

no truly bethany thank you!

NickelPickelNickelPickelover 17 years ago

Freaking awesome. More please :P

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