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Sisters Gotta Share Ch. 09

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Sandy's disappointment.
6.4k words

Part 9 of the 12 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 02/02/2007
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I was in the middle of licking Desiree's pussy when my cell phone rang. My boss had me naked and handcuffed to her office chair, so there was not much I could do. She was on her hands and knees on her desk, shoving her hairy puss into my mouth. My cock was rock hard, as usual, though I knew that I would once again be nursing a set of blue balls.

"Jesus fucking Christ!" Desiree chided breathlessly. I had her close already; with all of our frequent "performance meetings," I had quickly learned what techniques brought her to orgasm quickly so that I could make these sessions as short as possible. "Turn your God damn ringer off when you come in here to please me, pendejo!"

I ignored her and kept twirling my tongue in circles around the inside of her pussy, pausing few seconds to take her clit and labia in my mouth and suck on them.

At last, she came, pushing into me so that she was damn near sitting on my face. Smothered by her soaking snatch, I could not breathe, but I knew I just had to hold out long enough for her to go through her orgasm ritual. Her cupped her breasts and squeezed hard on her nipples as she muffled her cries through a bit lip. It was three in the afternoon, after all, and our "affair" was still a successful secret.

When she was done, she lowered herself off of me and released me from the handcuffs.

"That was good, Aaron," she said bitterly, "but leave your fucking phone in your office from now on."

"Yes, ma'am," I said stoically, quickly getting dressed again. The smell of her pussy was still on my face; I would need to make a B-line for the restroom to rinse off.

"What's the matter with you?" Desiree asked.

"Nothing," I answered matter-of-factly.

"Does it bother you that I get all the benefits of our meetings?" she asked, raising one eyebrow.

"Wouldn't it bother you?" I asked, allowing the tiniest bit of bitterness to show.

"I already had that kind of relationship," she replied. "That's why I never married the prick."

I grunted and nodded. I did not care. I just wanted to get back to work. Jack Warner, the vice-president of our department, had me working on a project directly for him, and if I could keep my performance high, I could possibly apply for a transfer into another department behind Desiree's back.

"You know, it's not like you don't get anything out of this," Desiree said as I tied my tie. She grabbed it and pulled me to her. She was sitting on her desk now, and she wrapped her legs around me, pressing her pelvis into mine.

"What do I get?" I asked emotionlessly.

She smiled sinisterly. It reminded me of the smile I gave to Alicia every time I saw her now.

"You get to keep your job," she whispered reaching around and grabbing my butt.

I slowly pulled away from her, forcing a smile. "Yeah," I said, pulling my cell phone out to see who had called. "I guess there is that."

"Go," Desiree said, suddenly disinterested in me. "Get back to work,"

I did not answer as I opened her office door and walked out. I was distracted by the number popping up on my cell phone.

It had been Sandy.

It had been two months since my wonderful marathon with Cindy. We had been able to swing three more quickies in the interim, all of them at her apartment when I picked her up for Thursday night dinner when Alicia happened to be away. We gave each other knowing smiles when Sara was not looking, and my massages were getting more daring every week. Our relationship had never been more fun.

Sandy, however, had gone to the other extreme. After our first interlude in which I taught her how to give a blow job, she had become distant and awkward; almost to the point that I was afraid she was going to clue Sara into what had happened. She had not even come to the last two Thursday night dinners.

As I looked at my phone, I saw that she had not left a message.

Probably too awkward for her, I thought, and I decided to call her back. As I walked toward my office, I hit the "TALK" button on my phone. Her phone rang several times before Sandy finally picked it up.

"Hello?" she answered in her sweet, innocent tone.

"Hi, Sandy. It's Aaron," I said.

"Oh," she said, her voice growing dark and guarded.

"Did you just call me?" I asked.

"No," she said so fast that even if my cell phone's display had not proven otherwise, I would have known that it was a lie.

"Really? Because I had a missed call and it was your number," I said casually.

"Oh, well...if I did, I didn't mean to," she stammered. "I must have misdialed. Anyway, I know you're at work and I don't want to keep you tied up so I'll talk to you later."

"Actually, this is a good time for us to talk," I said, sitting down at my desk. "I, uh, just got out of a meeting."

"Oh," Sandy replied in an apprehensive tone.

"So, we haven't seen you around lately for Thursday night dinners," I observed.

"Yeah, I, uh...I've been spending a lot of time with Doug," she said.

"Oh, yeah? How are you guys doing?" I asked.

There was silence on the other end of the phone.

"Sandy?" I asked.

"I don't think I should talk to you about that," she said quietly.

"Why not?" I asked. I could be such a jerk sometimes.

"You know why not," she said shortly.

"Oh, because of that night?" I asked, smiling.

"Yes!" she hissed, as if to shush me.

"Sweetheart, you've got to relax," I said. "It was no big deal."

"It WAS a big deal," she said, and the hurt feelings bled through her quivering voice. "I've never done that before, and I...I did it with you, and...Sara and Doug would be devastated if they found out, and..."

"Well, first of all they won't find out," I said simply. "You and I are the only ones that know, and I am not going to say anything. Are you going to tell either of them?"

It was actually a question I wanted to get her commitment on. This guilt thing really seemed to be eating at her, and it would do my life no good to have her confessing to her sister.

"No, of course not!" she said, exasperated.

"Well, good," I said. "Then that settles that. Second of all, I want to apologize for saying it was not a big deal. It was, of course. It was a very big deal to me. I just said that hoping that it would make you feel less awkward about it, but it was still a shitty thing for me to say. I'm sorry."

"It's okay," she said, and I could tell there were tears welling up in her eyes. Sandy was even more emotional than Sara.

"Sandy, do you regret what happened?" I asked.

There was nothing but the sound of her breathing punctuated by a few sniffs. Finally, the answer came. "No, I don't regret it, but I just...I can't..."

"I don't regret it, either," I cut her off. "It was an amazing night. You were so wonderful and beautiful and you made me feel like I was on cloud nine. I really thought we shared something special that night."

It took her a long time to respond. "It was special to me, too."

"Okay, then," I replied. "Then we do not need to be ashamed of it. It was just an experience we shared that I feel like brought us closer together. The last thing I wanted was for that night, that fantastic experience, to drive us apart."

"I don't want that either," Sandy replied. "It's just..."

"Just what, sweetheart?" I asked. "You can tell me. After everything we have been through, you can share anything with me."

She exhaled deeply, as if building the resolve to climb a steep mountainside. "I did it to Doug."

I admit now I felt a little jealousy, but I could not realistically expect Sandy to have oral sex with me and not her boyfriend.

"Well, that's great, sweetheart," I said supportively. "How did it go?"

"Well, I..." she started. "I'd feel better if I could tell you in person."

"Okay," I said cautiously. It was barely 3:15, and chances were slim that Desiree the Bitch would let me cut out early. "I get out of work at five. I could come over to your place after that. Say around 5:15, 5:20?"

"What about Sara? Won't she wonder why you are coming over?" Sandy asked.

"I'll tell you what," I replied, my mind working overtime. "You call her and tell her you need some help moving some heavy stuff around your apartment and set up your stereo or something. Tell her that Doug is busy with school or work or whatever it is that he would be busy with, and so you would like me to come help you. That sound good?"

"Okay, I can do that," Sandy said, and her voice was already sounding more upbeat.

We hung up and I began working on Jack's project. There were some budget items that just were not adding up, and the vice president had assigned me to find out where the discrepancies were. It was not my favorite thing in the world. I hate accounting and numbers, but the task did serve to pass the time until my office phone rang at 4:15.

It was Sara, asking me if I minded going over to Sandy's after work to help her move some furniture and hook up some stereo equipment. I pretended like it was a hassle and told her she would owe me one later. She giggled mischievously and said all I had to do was name it.

Five o'clock took its sweet-ass time rolling around. At ten till, I had my laptop packed up and ready to go. I put on my jacket and was turning out the lights when Desiree walked in the office.

"Leaving early?" she said smirking.

"Yeah," I said. "I have an appointment to get to."

"Well, it's going to have to wait a minute," she said. I could tell by her tone that this was not a request.

"Okay," I said, crossing my arms and looking her in the eye.

"This project Jack has you working on," she said. "What is it?"

"He didn't tell you?" I asked. It seemed like professional courtesy to let a supervisor know about what their employee would be working on when you commandeered them, but I figured the vice president did not have to play by anyone's rules but his own...well, and the president's.

"You know Jack doesn't communicate for shit," Desiree said. "We're backed up on work, and I need to know why you aren't available to pull your weight."

I almost told her I would be able to do more if I wasn't forced to provide her with sexual favors twice a week, but I decided to be professional.

"There are some budget items that are out of whack, and he wants me to provide explanations," I answered.

"You?" Desiree asked skeptically.

"Yes, me," I replied. "I do have a background in accounting, as much as I hate it, and he said your workload was too much right now to give it to you."

Desiree sneered. "Well, the workload wouldn't be so bad if my employees weren't being dragged away on side projects that should be done by corporate accounting."

I shrugged. "That isn't really my decision. It's not like I can just tell Jack that I won't do a task he assigns to me."

She shook her head, fuming. She was not happy about it, but I could tell she knew I was right. Her problem was with Jack, not me. I would just be easier to kick around.

Did I mention I hated my job?

"Well, the second you finish, you report to me, understand?" Desiree said, putting a finger in my face.

I felt like taking that skinny finger and bending it back on itself. Who the hell did she think she was?

"Got it," I said, concealing my rage.

"Good. Now go to your little important appointment," she said in a mocking tone. "And don't forget to note you left early on your time sheet."

I looked at my watch. It was now 4:59 P.M.

Shaking my head, I headed out of the office. I tried to clear my head of my frustration with my job during the drive to Sandy's apartment. I found myself wondering what it was Sandy wanted to tell me. I figured she wanted to go into details about her and Doug. It was not something I was looking forward to, but I thought if things had gone really well, Sandy might want to thank me for being such a tremendous teacher.

I got to Sandy's apartment and knocked on the door. She answered almost immediately. She looked amazing. Her face and hair were made up, and she was wearing a thick white sweater and black pants. Sparkling diamond earrings accented her beautiful green eyes.

"Wow," I said, flabbergasted. "You look great." Sandy's cheeks flushed with color and she smiled widely. "Thanks," she said. "I just got back from a date with Doug."

My heart sank a little bit. I had thought that maybe she had gotten all dressed up for my benefit.

"Is he here?" I asked. I really hoped that Sandy had not brought me over here to meet her new beau.

"No, he just dropped me off about fifteen minutes ago," she answered.

"Oh," I said. "Were you on this date when you called me?"

"Yeah, but he was talking with some friends we bumped into," Sandy replied.

"I see," I replied. "Kind of risky, isn't it?"

"I guess," she said. "But I really needed to talk to you."

"Okay," I said, looking about her doorway and shivering. "Can we talk inside? It's kind of cold."

"Oh, sure!" she said, flummoxed by her own lack of manners. "Come on in."

I walked inside, took my coat off, and sat down on the couch. Sandy offered me a drink, and I took her up on a glass of water. The taste of Desiree still lingered in my mouth.

"So," I said as she sat down in a rocking chair beside me, "You did the dirty deed with Doug."

Sandy blushed and looked away, but it was odd that there was no smile.

"Yeah," she said nonchalantly. "I gave him a blow job."

I was confounded by her lack of enthusiasm. "So...did he enjoy it?"

She looked me in the eye. "Did you enjoy yours?"

"More than anything," I said. "You were great."

"Yeah, I would say he enjoyed it," Sandy said, puzzling me still with her lack of pride/satisfaction/excitement.

"Okay..." I responded, not really knowing what else to say. "That's good, right?"

Sandy shrugged. "That's what I wanted to give him, yes."

"So what's the problem, then?" I asked, tired of fishing for answers.

"I don't know," Sandy said, shaking her head. "I just wish there had been more to it."

" what way?" I asked.

"In every way!" she snapped at me. "To start off with his...thing...was so small I could get all of it in my mouth without even trying! Then he was done in, like, fifteen seconds! Then, when I asked him to return the favor, he said that was gross! He said it was GROSS! Then he wouldn't even kiss me, because he thought he got some his stuff in my mouth!"

She stopped, and her eyes welled up with tears.

I immediately got up and went to her. I put my arms around her and held her against my chest, stroking her hair.

"Hey, it's okay," I said softly. "He's a fucking moron. He's not even a man if he won't take care of your needs after you gave him that wonderful gift. He should worshipping your body and feeding you grapes. I can't believe he would treat you that way."

She shook her head again. "As soon as it was over he just rolled over and started reading his book. It was almost like I was just there to get him off. Almost like he had only masturbated and now he was going about his business."

"Was this his first time? Do think he just didn't know what to do?' I asked. It was a long shot, but I was trying to remember the first time I had gotten a blowjob. It had been awkward because I was not really interested in the girl, but I at least knew that I needed to acknowledge her presence immediately afterward.

Sandy shook her head once more. "His ex-girlfriend, Erica, gave it to him all the time."

So much for that theory, I thought with a grimace.

"Well, listen, sweetheart," I said, putting my hands on her cheeks and turning her head to face me. "He doesn't know what he's missing."

"What do you mean?" she asked as I used my thumbs to gently wipe her tears from her eyes.

"To kiss you, to touch you, to please you," I continued. "Those things are just as good as a blow job. In fact, they make the blow job itself that much better. If he is too stupid to realize that, then there are other men who are willing to do it."

"Like you?" she asked softly, looking at me longingly.

"If you want it," I said, smiling at her.

"I couldn't stop thinking about what we'd done," Sandy said. "Even though I felt so guilty, what made it worse was that I wanted it again. I didn't think I could look at you without feeling myself getting wet. And then, after I was with Doug, I thought about it even more. I thought about how much happier I was after I was with you, even considering the guilt I put myself through.

"So yes," she concluded. "Yes, I want it more now than I ever have."

I leaned forward and kissed her soft, moist lips, running my hands through her dark brown locks and positioning my body closer to hers. Her hands gripped my shoulders and pulled me even closer.

When I at last withdrew, I looked at her intently and asked: "You want to go to the bedroom?"

She nodded in silence. I got to my feet and stooped down, putting one arm around her shoulders and the other under her knees. I picked her up. Sandy was not as petite as Cindy, but she was still small in stature, and I had little difficulty lifting her and carrying her to her darkened bedroom, using my elbow to turn the lights on and my foot to kick the door closed.

"You want the lights on?" Sandy asked quietly.

"Of course," I said. "You're a beautiful woman. I want to see you, and I want you to see all the things I am going to do to you."

She smiled broadly and blushed, but did not say anything.

"Why?" I asked.

"Nothing. It's just Doug insisted on having the lights out," Sandy replied.

"Do you like the dark better?" I asked, setting her down on the bed. I bent down and kissed her lips softly. "Because whatever you want, I will do it."

She shook her head and smiled. "No. I like the idea of seeing you while we do this."

I lay down next to her, taking her into my arms and kissing her. She rolled on her side to meet me, and I could feel her bulging breasts pressing against my chest. My hips instinctively pressed forward into her pelvis, and she pressed back, excited to feel my hardening member.

Her hands began to caress my back and shoulders, and my hands did the same on her lower back, butt and thighs. Her breath was hot and moist on my face, and my left hand went to her breast, feeling them through her sweater. She never wore anything that would accent them; Sandy had always been much to prudish for that, but she had fairly nice sized breasts. She was definitely bigger than Cindy, although not as big as Sara's double D's.

After kissing and caressing for a while, I worked my hands underneath her sweater and the shirt beneath. I slowly lifted the her top until her full stomach was revealed. At this point, my hands moved to the back of her bra, and my lips mover to her neck. Sliding my tongue softly down her neck to her shoulder, I managed to distract her enough so that later she would tell me she had not even realized I unclasped her bra.

My left hand found her hard nipples waiting, and I gently caressed the areola and cupped the breasts together.

"We should get these tops off," I said gently.

Sandy said nothing, but nodded. I could tell she was clamming up and a little nervous. It was okay; I planned on relaxing her the same way I had last time.

She sat up a little as I took her tops off over her head, and the undone bra went right along with them. As she lay back down on her back, my mouth went to her neck again, and my hand cupped both breasts, massaging them gently.

I propped myself over her and kissed my way down to her breasts, taking first one nipple in for a deep sucking, and then the other, lightly tweaking the other nipple with my fingers as I did it. As my mouth and right hand continued with her breasts, my left hand caressed her smooth stomach, slowly making it to the waistline of her black dress pants.

Ambidextrous as I am, I was able to undo her pants and open them up with my left hand, burying my fingers into her panty line. I was a bit surprised at what I found. Rather, I was surprised at what I did not find.


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