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Sisters in Love

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Older sister confesses love for younger sister.
3.8k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 08/18/2022
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Notice to All - No one under the age of 18 engages in any sexual activity at all in this story. It is not implied, inferred, suggested, or endorsed by this author.

Sisters in Love

Having an older sister, in a lot of ways, is a good thing. Having an older sister who you get along with, love, and respect, is an even better thing. My sister, Deven, is older than me by 11 months, however, if you were to look at us side by side you would swear we were twins. A lot of people think we are. We are both 5'7", 115 lbs., long brown hair, brown eyes, we both measure 34B-22-36, and we can also wear each other's clothes. We often dress alike just to mess with people so that they think they are looking at twins. My name is Dakota and this is how my sister and I discovered we were both deeply in love with each other.

At the present time, Deven is 19 and a freshman at one of the universities here in Charlotte, North Carolina. I am 18, turning 19 in a couple of months, and I graduated from high school at one of the local high schools two weeks ago. Growing up having Deven as an older sister was awesome. We both have participated in mixed martial arts since we were both little girls at the ages of 9 and 8, respectively, and are still active in the arts. We love the sport. We both participated in gymnastics until our senior years in high school. We both played soccer from elementary to high school. We kept our parents busy with all of our activities and we appreciate them so much because they love us endlessly and we love them more than they will ever realize. Even with all of the sports we were, and are, involved in, we both are girly-girls behind the athletic abilities we possess. We love the makeup, nail polish, mani-pedi's, waxing, and looking like ladies.

We didn't date boys much in high school because the boys pretty much only wanted one thing and that was a huge turnoff for both of us. Deven and I both used our Dad as a measuring gauge when it came to guys. If you didn't possess any of his traits and character, we weren't going to give you the time of day. To show the guys how serious we were about being gentlemen, whenever there was a dance, school function, or prom, Deven was always my date and, honestly, we both preferred it that way. Having your sister as your date, best friend, and closest ally was great because we knew everything about each other and didn't have to worry about whether or not some guy was trying to score with us.

At home, our bedrooms are right next to each other and are joined by a large bathroom we share. Although we have our own bedrooms, we often sleep in the same bed snuggling and holding each other and talk into the wee hours often. Of course, with our participation in sports and sharing a bathroom, we have seen each naked hundreds of times with no inkling of any sexual arousal or participation. That all changed the night after my high school graduation party at our home.

Mom and Dad threw a big graduation party for me and it was just as big as the one they threw for Deven last year. It was mostly family there with some of our closest friends in attendance. We ate, danced, laughed, cried, shared memories, took hundreds of photos, and the party finally ended just before midnight. We said our goodnights, thanked everyone for coming, and Deven and I helped Mom and Dad clean up so that the house and back patio looked like home again instead of a party palace. Around 2 AM, Deven and I took our showers and adjourned to my bedroom. We both had on our terry cloth robes and we were both nude underneath. Neither of us bothered to tie our robes. When Mom and Dad stopped by my room to say goodnight, we tied our robes, got off the bed, and gave them both a big hug and kisses on the cheeks, and I thanked them for a wonderful party. They went on to bed and Deven and I got back on my bed, untied our robes, and continued to talk about the day.

The mood then changed somewhat.

Deven got this very serious look on her face and said to me "Dakota, I am so proud of what you accomplished in high school and I am even more proud of the woman you have become. Tomorrow night at 7 PM, we have reservations for dinner at Giancarlo's."

My mouth hit the floor. "Giancarlo's?" I asked. "Isn't that high end, even for us?"

Deven laughed and said "No. We have money and you and I are going shopping tomorrow to look for something appropriate to wear for the occasion."

"What occasion?" I asked.

"Oh, just a little something special I want to do for you", she winked and smiled.

I said "OK, you're in charge" and with that, we shed our robes and climbed into bed nude and fell asleep in each other's arms.

The next morning around 8 AM, Deven and I woke up. Her head was nuzzled into my neck and she kissed my neck good morning and I kissed her forehead. We threw on some tiny cotton shorts and little tank tops and made our way to the kitchen for breakfast. Dad had already left for his tee time at the country club and Mom was busy making breakfast. Deven and I helped Mom finish making breakfast. The three of us sat down at the breakfast counter and ate and talked about anything and everything. Talking to my Mom and sister was just so easy.

We told Mom we were going to get dressed and go shopping for our "date" tonight and Mom replied by saying "Well, we already know who the two most beautiful women in the restaurant are going to be." We both blushed and thanked Mom for the compliment.

Deven and I went to our rooms and got dressed. We chose to match - white jean shorts, navy blue t-shirts, our navy blue Chuck Taylors, and hair in a pony tail. We took a selfie together and sent it to Dad to let him know that two of his three favorite women in the whole wide world were going shopping and that we loved him very much. He responded back by telling us to have fun and that he loved us also. We kissed Mom bye and went to a dress shop for special occasions called Tara's. After about an hour and trying on several dresses, we found what we were looking for. I found a hunter green plunging front dress that showed a considerable amount of cleavage and it was completely backless all the way to the top of my butt crack. It was sexy but not obscene. I also found matching green stiletto heels. Deven found a dress with the same cut but hers was black and she found matching black stiletto heels. Both dresses only came to mid-thigh so they showed a lot of leg.

We returned home and Mom asked about our purchases. We told her she would have to wait and see before Deven and I left to go to Giancarlo's. While we were waiting to go out, Deven and I helped Mom around the house and we washed Deven's car since she was driving us to the restaurant. At 5 PM, Deven and I adjourned to our rooms but left the bathroom doors open so we could talk and help each other get ready.

After our showers, makeup, and earrings, and matching necklaces, Deven asked "Panties, thong, or commando?"

I don't know what made me say it but I just smiled and winked back and said "Commando!" We proceeded to finish dressing and put on our dresses and heels and Deven looked breath taking.

I looked at her and said "WOW! You are stunning!"

She looked at me and said "You are absolutely perfect!"

Before we went to let Mom and Dad see us, we took a bunch of selfies and photos of each other for posting on social media later.

We went into the living room so Mom and Dad could see us in our attire and they both complimented us on how beautiful we looked. We thanked them, kissed them both on the cheek, and left for the restaurant. When we got to the restaurant, the parking valet attendant opened our car doors for us and Deven walked over to me and said that she wanted to hold the hand of the most beautiful woman she has ever known. I looked at her and told her she was the most beautiful woman I've ever known as well. I smiled and we walked hand in hand into Giancarlo's. The hostess showed us to our table and we sat down.

We ordered our food and waited for it come out but I could tell there was something bothering Deven.

"What gives sis? Something seems out of sorts with you."

Deven replied "Dakota, I promise you everything is fine. I'm just still processing the fact you're finished with high school and now we're going to be college classmates. I am just so proud of you and I love you so very much."

"Deven, you're going to make me cry. You've always been my role model, my best friend, and the one person I have trusted implicitly with everything. You just don't know how much you mean to me."

The appetizers and dinner came out and Deven and I talked about college, washing my car in the backyard tomorrow, and cooking dinner for Mom and Dad tomorrow while we ate. Giancarlo's was famous for small portions and I was thankful for that. We ordered dessert and coffee after our meal and feasted while we talked. I had a slice of key lime pie and Deven had a chocolate lava cake. We fed each other a bite of our desserts and laughed when she mentioned the food fight we got into when we were in high school. We laughed about that so hard that we were almost in tears.

After the waiter cleared the table, he brought out two small covered dishes and placed one in front of me and one in front of Deven.

She looked at me and said "Please don't open that yet because there is something I want to say first."

Her mood was very serious so I said "OK, go ahead."

She leaned forward toward me and said "Give me your hands please."

I complied.

"Dakota, you're my world. Always have been and always will be. I love you and when I say I love you, I mean that I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY love you. As in the 'I want to marry you and spend the rest of my life with you' kind of love you. I know that it isn't legal for us to actually get married but spending the rest of my life with you in a house we can buy or build is what I want and I just hope and pray you feel the same way about me too."

She had tears rolling down her cheeks. I was in tears as well but these were tears of happiness and I had been wanting to hear those words from her for so long. I broke the grip from her hands just long enough to retrieve tissue from my clutch. I gave her a couple of tissues and I had a couple of tissues as well. We dried our tears, set our tissues down, and then I spoke.

"Deven, nothing would mean more to me than to spend the rest of my life with you. You are what I've always wanted and have been searching for. Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By ALL MEANS YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will be yours forever."

We leaned across the table closer and gave each other a gentle kiss on the lips. The sparks surged throughout my entire body and I realized just how deeply in love with Deven I truly was. We leaned back in our chairs and took a deep breath and couldn't stop smiling at each other.

"OK Dakota" she said, "On the count of three lift the cover off of that dish and I will lift the cover off of mine."

Together we said "1-2-3" and lifted the covers and there was a small box on each dish.

"Dakota, on three, let's open our boxes at the same time."

Together we said "1-2-3" and opened the lids on our boxes and Dakota burst into tears.

"Deven, you - what - where - how - I - oh my - wha - wha - what can I say? It's beautiful."

In each of our boxes was a ring that Deven told me she had custom made for us. Each ring was made of white gold and inscribed on the outside of each was the word LOVE in capital letters and a diamond inside of the letter "O".

"Dakota, look at the inscription inside the ring. Yours says 'Deven Forever' and mine says 'Dakota Forever'.

"Deven, will you do me the honor?"

I got out of my chair and went to her side of the table and dropped to one knee, took her ring, placed it on her left ring finger, kissed her hand, looked up at her and told her I loved her. She helped me stand back up and kissed me on the lips. Again, I could feel electrical energy throughout my entire body thanks to her. She then took my ring, placed it on my left ring finger, kissed my hand, told me she loved me, and I helped her stand again. And we kissed again. This time the energy was so alive that I could feel my pussy getting very wet.

Unbeknownst to either of us, our waiter had gathered a lot of the staff and they gathered around us clapping loudly and cheering for us. He took a bunch of photos of us at the table and in the lobby showing off our rings to each other and there were several photos of us where we were kissing and my pussy was getting more and more wet. I needed relief and I wanted that relief to be Deven and me making love to each other.

Deven drove us home. We held hands and we couldn't stop blowing kisses at each other and telling each other how much we loved each other. I was truly the happiest woman in the world. When we got home, we noticed there weren't any lights on so we just assumed Mom and Dad had gone to bed. We entered the house through the garage, into the mud room, and then the dining room. I saw candles lit all around the dining room and kitchen and then I heard soft jazz music coming from the den. There were rose petals on the dining room table and there was a small cake with two chairs sitting side by side. On the cake were the words "Congratulations Deven and Dakota" with rings made from icing interlocked together.

Mom and Dad then appeared from the den with smiles on their faces and Mom exclaimed "Congratulations Mrs. Butler and Mrs. Butler."

I was confused so I asked "So you two knew? And you're ok with us being a couple? And Deven planned this whole thing?"

Mom looked at both of us and took us each by the hand and said "Honey, your Dad and I have known for a while about this. About three months before you graduated high school, Deven approached me and your Dad and told us about her feelings for you. It was more than obvious how the two of you felt about each other but neither of you acted upon it until now. We want you both to be happy and if that means that it's in each other's arms, then neither I or your Dad are going to stand in your way. We support you and love you both unconditionally. Hell, we helped her come up with the design for your rings."

I pulled Mom into me and told her how much I loved her and kissed her on the cheek and I went to Dad and bear hugged him and told him he is the most awesome Dad in the world. Then I turned my attention to Deven. I pulled her to me and looked into her eyes and told her I was so proud to be her Forever and Always. Then we kissed again - this time it was a passionate French kiss, so intense that it made my clit throb.

Mom then said "Cake to celebrate the happy couple?" Deven and I both said "Sure" and we took our places at the table. The four of us ate cake, drank coffee, and talked for about an hour and then Deven and I decided it was time for bed so we could sleep together as a committed couple.

Dad disappeared down the hall and Mom said "Wait 10 minutes before you go to bed. Tonight, you're sleeping in Deven's room." Then Mom disappeared down the hall after looking back at us and saying "Remember, 10 minutes."

We waited 10 minutes and while we waited, we kissed and allowed our hands to roam all over each other. I couldn't believe I was finally going to be spending the rest of my life with my love, my soulmate, and my best friend. We walked down the hall, hand in hand, down the hall to Deven's bedroom. The door was open, candles were lit all around the room, and there was a heart made from rose petals on the bed and our initials in the heart also made from rose petals. Mom and Dad stopped by the room and asked what we thought about the room. We told them we loved it. They had a couple of bags packed and said they were flying to Dallas for a few days to sightsee and give us some privacy here at home while we celebrated our "honeymoon". We gave them big hugs, told them we loved them, and they left for the airport.

Finally alone, Deven and I walked toward each other and embraced. My heart was racing, my palms were sweaty, and my pussy was throbbing. I've never wanted anyone so badly my entire life. We pulled our dresses over our heads, removed our heels, and embraced again, nude, skin to skin, as life partners. I moved my hands all over her. She felt so soft and the scent of her perfume was intoxicating. We kissed, our lips together, our tongues dancing a slow waltz of love. I could feel my pussy juices leaking down both legs. She grabbed my ass and spread my cheeks apart and I moaned into her mouth. I had my left hand on her ass, rubbing it softly and I moved my right hand to her left breast. I broke the kiss and went after that nipple, sucking it into my mouth. I moved to the other nipple while she still had my ass cheeks apart and she gently ran a finger up and down the crack, stopping to tease the rosebud that would later be kissed and caressed by her tongue. I straightened back up after sucking her breasts and we kissed again. I turned toward the bed and pushed her onto it.

"I want your pussy in my mouth Deven." I pushed her legs back and she wrapped them behind her head. Thank goodness she was so flexible. I had never eaten pussy before but I knew that if you worked on the hole and the clit enough, you would get the desired orgasm you were looking to create. I opened her pussy lips and dove in gently, tongue fucking her, and I went searching for her clit. I found it. I kissed it, sucked it, kissed it some more and sucked it some more. I never broke eye contact her.

Deven said "Yes yes yes yes my love. That feels so fucking amazing. I'm gonna cum soon but I want your pussy in my face when I cum."

I pushed her further up the bed and swung around into a 69 with her. My pussy was on fire. I ate her pussy with such a fervent passion that I exploded into orgasm as soon as her tongue made contact with my clit. We continued to suck and lick each other's pussy holes and clits. Her bedroom echoed our moans, our orgasms, our declaring our undying love for each other. I don't know how many times we both came. All I knew was I was pleasing the woman I love more than anything, my sister. Damn I love her so much.

As I continued to eat Deven's pussy I could see her asshole winking at me each time she came so I decided it was time to please her back there. I kissed her asshole like I kissed her mouth, softly and gently and I imagined her asshole was kissing me back as I licked and sucked on it. I tried to stick my tongue as far up her ass as I could get it. My tongue was deep in her ass and my lips surrounded her hole and I fucked her softly with my tongue.

She pulled my asshole to her and repeated what I had done to her and was currently doing to her. Amazingly, we both had anal orgasms. I could feel her sphincter squeezing my tongue when she came. My asshole squeezed her tongue when I came as well. I didn't want the night to end. After we came again anally, she pushed me onto my back and crawled between my legs so that we were face to face.

She looked deeply into my eyes and said "FUCK, I love you so fucking much."

"I love you too Deven, my heart, my forever and my always."

We kissed and shared the pussy and ass remnants on our breath. We knew there was so much more for us to share in the coming days, weeks, months, and years. She stayed between my legs and we fell asleep, happy, content, and completely in love.


If you liked this story, please rate it and comment if you would like for me to add more chapters. Thank you all for reading.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Great story, probably my favorite thus far

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Love it was so hot. Please don’t end it there

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

This is merits an unbelievable ranking of 4*.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Limited believable storyline, but I enjoy two loving woman enjoying each other, so yes, I hope your write more. Thanks for the fantasy.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Maybe there might be babies in their future, and I wonder who the daddy could be?

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