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Sisters Pt. 02

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I get to know my older sister, and keep it in the family.
12k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/06/2022
Created 03/01/2015
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This is the second part of my "Sisters" story cycle, and this time gets to the point, as vaguely set up in the first part.

I got distracted by another family's sisters in Part 1, but no apologies for that, because I quite enjoyed meeting those two young women again. It's been a long time....

This Part 2 is about a brother and his older sister, and her milk giving breasts. If the latter freaks you out, don't even start reading. But then you won't meet Carolyn....

--- ooo OOO ooo ---

"Hey, Carolyn, it's so good to see you."

And it was, because it had been a very long time. The last time I had seen my sister was when she had come back to our small town one Christmas five years back, her girlfriend in tow; which startled my mother, disturbed my father, and impressed the hell out of me.

Caro's gayness was something unexpected to us all, but what the fuck would I know, since the last time she had been in my living space as a real person with emotions and feelings - hell, I was only interested in myself and never understood her. So that hardly counted as being "worldly wise". But I was older now.

At uni I had been someone's "second favourite body" which was my way of discovering that a guy might like me, but I wasn't into guys, but gays weren't a threat to me, either. To each his own. So that was sorted out early and what the fuck, who cares? I liked women's bodies, I liked my own cock but didn't have much interest in the next guy's. Life is easy, sometimes, when it isn't complicated by gender doubt. Anyway....

But this was now, that was then, and now was me in England for the first time since I was a teenager. Caro picked me up from Heathrow and was driving me across London to her place. NW1, whatever that meant in terms of London's demographic. Caro was still tall and magnificent, her face harder because of her strong beliefs and activism, her feminism a strident cause, and her work with the disadvantaged and down-trodden, truly heroic.

By comparison, I was now the comfortable bourgeois brother she had railed against as a teenager herself, living at home. But time had passed, she had mellowed, and I had grown, finally. And now a trip about Britain by train and boarding house, bed-and-breakfast and a page full of phone numbers. The plan was to loosely base myself at Caro's place in London, and come and go by train mostly, a big circular trip of the country.

But first, I needed to catch up on zeds after the long flight and too many time zones. I didn't really know if it was morning or night. I just needed sleep. So I slept, like some zombie in the city, crashed out on the bed in Caro's spare room. In the morning I shuffled down the hall to the toilet, a towel wrapped around my waist - the habits from the uni hall days came back whenever there were other people around. Usually I would wander about my own house naked, either my soft cock swaying against my thigh, or a piss filled hard-on rigid in front of me, first thing in the morning. Best to consider the natives though, in someone else's house, hence the towel wrapped around me, stiffened cock wrapped sideways.

Caro's house had a central hall, with bedrooms off one side, stairs, toilet and bathroom to the other. As I came out of the toilet, my long piss leaving my morning rod nicely filled but not raging hard, I found that Caro was less careful than I. Passing the bathroom I saw that its door was slightly ajar, and I saw a quick flash of long leg and naked ass as Caro turned from the shower to grab her towel from the rail. That was nice, she's got a good firm ass because she kept up the swimming.

And then kerblam, the sudden vision of my boyhood glimpse of her panty covered pubes and the swing off her big breasts, fuck, that brought my cock straight up to a hardness. Jesus, that's not right, she's my sister, for God's sake. I quickly made my way to my room, and stuffed my swollen cock into briefs and jeans, and willed it down. And waited five minutes until she had finished in the bathroom, and then made it down to the kitchen, well before she did.

"Hey sis, what's planned for the day for you? I thought I might get to the Tate. Interested?"

"Yes, but I've got a lot on at work, so best not. But get back for dinner, Judy's coming over, you must meet her."

The latest girlfriend, I'd not met her yet, but had heard about her via letters from my mother.

But no clue whatsoever whether Caro was even aware of me in the corridor earlier. Bloody hell, I need to stop seeing things like that. Maybe I need to wear a blindfold when navigating corridors around my sister. Fuck. OK, need to get out and about.

"I'll get some wine on my way back this arvo, do you prefer white or red? I'll find an Oz wine for three times the price I pay back home!"

And the rest of the day was me the tourist in London, soaking up the art in the Tate, going down the river on a ferry, and then the tube back to Caro's. All the time, the shimmer of those long legs and taut ass turning in the bathroom. Stop, stop, stop. Stop thinking those images.

Buy the wine, get a fruit flan for dessert, and prepare to meet Judy. Who was short and blonde, quite the opposite of my tall, imposing sister, but vivacious and easy going. A foil for Caro's intensity, and proof I suppose that opposites attract. What I was not prepared for was their excited news.

"I'm pregnant," announced Caro, and my jaw hits the floor.

Dare I ask, who's the father? But that was covered and explained. All planned, Caro explained, a guy both she and Judy knew, who was quite happy to help with an insemination, discreetly delivered via a clinic and a jar, who had no desire to be part of a family but happy to help. Well, that I did not expect. But hey, a first grandchild for my parents and me to be an uncle. How cool was that, my big sis had once again shifted all expectations. Damn, I was proud of that woman.

So the next four or five months were spent wandering around Britain in my own good time, two weeks at a time all over the island, and back for a couple of days, and watching Caro's belly slowly grow, and seeing her bloom with that incredible aliveness of a pregnant woman. Full of health, and sexy as hell with it. Some women don't suit being pregnant, others do, and Caro was one who did.

In the first few months she actually fined down some, and then her belly began to fill, her breasts became fuller. She was tall and awesome at the best of times, and with her big proud belly, she was just fucking gorgeous. It didn't matter a stuff that I was her brother, she was incredible. Carolyn with her big belly, and a baby kicking. Wow.

Then, one night, when Judy was away on business for a couple of days, Caro fell sick. At about two in the morning I heard her get up and rush to the bathroom, the door banged shut, and I could hear miserable retching. I waited till she stopped, and gave her five minutes.

"Caro, are you OK, is there anything I can get you?"

"Just get me some blankets please, I'm freezing."

She sounded OK, but I could hear a shiver in her voice. I banged on the door with a couple of blankets, and she let me into bathroom.

"I just can't get warm," she was toughing it out, but I'd never seen her so pale. "God, I feel awful."

"Why don't you run yourself a long shower, that will warm you up, make you feel better. I'll go make you a pot of tea, that herbal shit you like so much."

"Ya prick, what's wrong with that tea, it's all right." So she's not too bad then, fighting back. "But you're right, a shower will do wonders."

And she stripped off her dressing gown right there, set on getting herself into the shower as fast as she could.

"Ah, Caro, I'm still here, you don't want to startle your brother, do you?"

And even though I made light of it, I have to say that even if she was crook, she looked amazing, turning there in front of me.

"Oh yes, sorry, I'm so used to being naked in my own house, I forgot. Did I shock you, bro?"

"Honestly, Carolyn," and I put on our dad's mock sternest voice,"these days, I don't think you could shock us any more than you already have."

She laughed, stepped into the shower cubicle, all magnificent, big bellied, long legged, full breasted, wonderful.

"Go run the towels in the tumble dryer for five minutes, so they're warm when I'm done in the shower."

I banged and clattered in the kitchen, making her tea while the towels warmed up in the dryer; then I took the cup of tea to her bedroom and placed it on the bedside table, then went back to the bathroom with a couple of piping hot towels. I figured that she wouldn't care if I went straight in, and I was right, she was shameless and uninhibited in front of me.

As I entered the bathroom Caro was just coming out of the shower cubicle, her tall body still streaming rivulets of water, long threads of wetness down her long slender arms and legs. Her head was held high, for she has always been a proud woman and not ashamed of her height. In fact, her height was her weapon, for she was as tall as many men and taller than most, looking down on them.

She looked me straight in the eye, her vivid green eyes sparkling and holding my gaze. Her look kept my eyes from dropping down along her body, so although there was the idea of my naked sister in the room I could not say I registered any specific details of her, because she commanded the direction of my gaze.

It was only when she turned away and began to wrap the hot towel around herself that I was able to see the nubbed ripples of bone down her spine and the long ridges of muscle, rippling and stretching as she lifted and moved her arms, wrapping the towel about herself. Carolyn was still only partial visions of herself for my eyes, never a completeness. She was my fragmented sister.

But she was grateful for me looking after her. It was a new thing between us, because she was usually the tough ball-breaking bitch when it came to organising and doing stuff, as she was a natural leader, and had spent her life with people looking up to her, both literally and figuratively. But I think she was quite touched by what I was doing, wrapping one warm towel about herself and using the other one to dry her arms and legs. She looked far better for having the shower, with her usual colour in her cheeks.

"What do you reckon that was all about?" I asked. "Dodgy food, or a bit of flu, or some shit coz you're pregnant?"

"Don't know, I do feel better now though, so I'll see how I go in the morning. I'm going in for a check up in a couple of days anyway."

She brushed the last moisture from her hair, then grabbed her dressing gown and turned to the corridor.

"Come talk to me for a while, so I can take my mind of myself."

So there I was, sitting beside Caro who was all tucked up in her bed, talking as real siblings for the first time in our lives, and both of us realising we were indeed strangers to each other, but family all the same and it was a nice closeness. Different and unexpected, for her as much as for me.

Then she was tired, and needed to sleep. As she tucked herself down under the covers, she touched my cheek with her fingers.

"Hey, bro, thanks for looking after me tonight, I really do appreciate that."

"Caro," I replied, "we're family, it's my job."

And leaned down to kiss her on the forehead, just as our mother always used to do when we were little - it was her automatic thing, started no doubt when Caro was tiny, and then the same for the rest of us. Carolyn's eyes softened at the gesture, a memory for her as well, and she held my hand and squeezed it.

"Love you, brother." The first time she'd ever said it.

"You too, sis. Hope you sleep well, and feel better in the morning."

In the morning I stirred awake before she did, and had my own long, hot shower, soaping my ass and balls to a lather, and stroking my cock to a nice swell just because it felt good. I didn't need to come though, just enjoyed the heavy weight of my cock against my thigh as I dried myself. Going back to my room, I glanced through her door, and Caro was fast asleep, a little shuffle of a snore at the back of her throat.

The morning sun was just catching glints of her hair, and for the first time in my life I saw my older sister soft and peaceful, the usual strength and fierceness gone from her face. And instead of being my splendid older sister of whom I was in awe, suddenly she had a freshness to her, and it was as if our roles had reversed, and now I was the sibling in charge, looking after her. I knew this wouldn't last - as soon as she awoke she would be the familiar Caro.

But here, here was a moment not to be missed. So I carefully pushed her door open, hoping it wouldn't squeal on its hinges, and crept to the side of her bed. I knelt on the floor so that I would not rock the bed and wake her, and just gazed at the soft, beautiful, sleeping face of my sister. Her face was sideways on the pillow, and I could see a rolling movement under her closed eyelids, so she was dreaming.

Her short, fair hair was a tumbled mess about her head, and one hand was out of the covers, resting on the sheet. Her fingers were half curled towards her palm, and then one twitched with her dream. I slowly looked at every inch of Caro's pale skin, and counted the freckles on her forehead and the heights of her cheeks. There were forty-one. Her lips were full like mine, the traits of our father passed to the son and the daughter. Caro had my mother's full round cheeks that became more obvious as she grew older, while I had my father's higher boned leanness.

As I looked at her face lying quietly there, it was like looking in a mirror because there were the sibling's common traits; but it was also like looking at my parents, for their features were there in each of us, their children. And at the same time her face was so familiar, yet so unique.

I was so moved by what was flickering through my mind at that moment, that tears welled to my eyes, for this woman that I didn't really know, for this sister that I never really had. Carolyn, I love you, I said to her, silently, in my head. I'm sorry I never knew who you were.

"Brother mine, are you all right?" Her voice was low and quiet, just a whisper.

I'd not realised she was awake, how long had I been lost in my thoughts?

"Just a bit homesick, maybe." I had surprised myself with the depth of these feelings for her but wasn't really prepared to share them. Nor was I ready.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm good. But hey, how are you feeling this morning, after last night?"

Caro paused before she answered, as if she was recycling her memories of what had happened during the night, including her unashamed nakedness before me.

"Yeah, I'm OK. I feel much better. I think I'll take it easy today, though. Are you going to be around? Judy doesn't get back till this evening."

"Yeah, I'll just take a book and a towel down the garden, get some rays."

"OK, that will be good, I'd prefer someone to be around, just in case. Hey, thanks again for looking after me last night."

"Sis, we're family, that's our job."

Best to lighten up the mood with the old lines, I thought. I stood up, and turned to go back to my room to get dressed.

"Hey brother," her voice was soft and low, just as I reached the door, towel in my hand. "I never thought I'd say this about a man, but you've got a nice bum."

Fuck, she's not saying that, surely?

"And bathrooms have mirrors, and the doors in this house never close properly...."

Jesus. I tried to remember the number of times I'd copped a glancing look at her, these last few months. As usual, Caro always had the last word. And it seems that sisters always know the secrets in families.

--- ooo OOO ooo ---

"Caro, she's absolutely divine, look at those tiny hands!"

After a long labour there was now a squalling, red cheeked, furious thing, announcing her presence in the room. Judy was there, cradling her precious partner's head in her arms, looking down at the tiny blood strewn thing on Caro's belly, and she had the honour of cutting the cord, thus separating the babe from the womb. I was the stupid pleased uncle, looking at this scrap of humanity, knowing that this tiny girl was a vital part of my family's continuation down through the years. Incredible, this tiny, miniature human being. Her tiny, tiny fingers clutched my little finger in an instinctive grasp. An amazement beyond all revelation. So this was life.

Later, when they were all back home, I told them all that I was going up to Scotland for a couple of months, get some serious hill walking in, climb Ben Nevis, that sort of thing. I also knew that I needed to get out of their way, so that Caro and Judy and the tiny New thing could sort out their new routines and life together. It was all a brave new world, and I was neither qualified nor a part of it, and I didn't want to be in the way.

Judy had a series of teaching tours on the Continent for several days at a time, so we made arrangements that I would be back in the city for those times, so Caro would have some help and be able to continue her routine.

So it was a couple of months later, one cooling autumn night when Judy was away, that the words, "we're family, it's our job," came around one more time and then one more time again.

Caro was still breast feeding, and had a routine where she would wake in the night, give the child a tit full of milk, then plunk her back into its cradle, and roll over and go straight back to sleep herself. She and Judy joked that it was the night milk train, regular as clock-work, and ready for work in the morning.

I had stayed up late watching some rubbish movie on TV, and was going to my room. As I passed Caro's room I heard her mutter.

"Bugger, why can't you take both breasts like you used to?" She sound sleepy but annoyed. "Shit, where's the damn pump, I'll have take it off myself." Then the scrawl of the infant, crying. "Oh, don't you start."

"Caro, you OK, do you need another pair of hands?"

"Yes, could you? Can you put her over your shoulder and burp her, while I take some milk off? She only wants one breast now, so I've gotta use the pump. I hate it, but if I don't, my full tit will burst."

Caro handed the tiny thing to me, and I put her to my shoulder and rubbed her back till she burped, with a little sweet smell of milk sick on the bib on my shoulder.

"She always fills herself right up, and there's always a tiny bit spilt." Caro's voice was gentler now, her child doing what she always did, and now she's got a helping hand from her brother, Caro doing what she needed to do. But the pump was cold and a nuisance, and Caro struggled to get her milk flowing. Once she did, all was good. I was amazed at the amount she got, and that from just one breast.

"Can you pop this bottle in the fridge for me? I'll take it to the clinic in a day or so, they'll have someone who needs it. There's one girl who is drying up too quickly, and if I'm producing enough for two, then there's no waste. With these big boobs, there's plenty of milk!" And she laughed. Caro, being the earth mother. Something else unexpected from Caro, but she always was full of surprises.

"OK, good night, see ya in the morning."

Going back down to the kitchen with the fresh warm bottle of milk in my hand, I was curious. I wonder what breast milk tastes like? I remembered years ago on a farm, having some milk hot, straight from the cow's udder, and being amazed at how rich and creamy it was. The farmer used to shoot a stream of milk at the cats, who would jump in the air to get it straight into their mouths.

Caro's milk was equally warm and fresh in its bottle, and I was curious. I unscrewed the lid of the bottle and poured a little milk into a glass. Its smell was a little sweet, and it looked a little thinner than full cream cow's milk, more like one of those lo-fat milks. I lifted the glass to my nose, scenting the fluid like a fine wine. And then took a sip.

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