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Sisters Sometimes Share

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Twin sisters share their pleasures.
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Writer's Note: This is a story for adults over eighteen years of age about adults over eighteen years of age. While the story line is true, the dialog has been compressed for the sake of time and space. Safe sex was not an issue in the early sixties and seventies but should be a concern for everyone today.


I think growing up in Tampa, Florida, in the late fifties gave young guys like me a broader view of life in general due to the wide range of experiences that were open to us. Of course, it was a much smaller town in those days and young guys and gals could safely roam a much wider expanse and meet members of the opposite sex from other schools and cultures. I could hop a bus near my home just north of Florida Ave. and be in town in ten minutes and it only cost a nickel. For fifty cents I could go to Clearwater Beach and meet not only local girls, but vacationing girls and women from all over the country. I took advantage of all the opportunities I could to learn about girls, even before my hormones began raging.

Since sisters often hang out together, I became fascinated by the relationship between sisters; particularly that part of their relationship involving guys. I learned early on about the Sister Rule; sisters never date their sister's boyfriends, even after the relationships are over. I have seen loving, devoted sisters turn on each other because one of them broke the Sister Rule. And, sisters always blamed each other instead of the unfaithful boyfriend with the roving eye or busy hands.

Luckily, all sisters aren't like that; some sisters even enjoy sharing their men with t5heir sisters, especially after they were through with them. Younger sisters often got "hand me down" boyfriends the same way they got "hand me down" clothes. If you ever find yourself "handed down" to a younger sister, just be aware that it can involve lots of drama.

My first involvement with dating sisters came rather early in my life and it was void of the drama I had seen with the usual sister phenomena. My good friend Dan and I met the Miller twins, Becky and Betty, at a sidewalk art fair near Clearwater Beach one spring; their mother had a display of her art there and the twins were there helping her or at least hanging around in their matching bikini tops and hip hugger, shorts. They were identical twins with short cropped, walnut colored hair, about five-foot four-inches, and, maybe, a bit over a hundred pounds molded into small, but shapely bodies. If I had to guess, I would say they were about a size four.

Before anyone gets any ideas about our ages, I can say, unequivocally, that we both had Florida driver's licenses that showed we were eighteen and we specifically asked the twins their age; they assured us they were eighteen and we had no reason to doubt them. I mean, who would lie about such a thing.

We took the twins for a stroll down the beach, stole a kiss or two, and copped a few feels. We made dates with them for the next evening; they were so identical that we weren't sure which twin was which and they seemed to delight in keeping us confused. I carefully surveyed what little wasn't covered for any sign of a birth mark or out of place freckle or mole; there were none. We may not have known which twin was which as we drove back home, but we felt confident that the next evening, the Miller twins would be our first sexual conquests; after all they had given us tongue when we kissed them and they had made no attempt to stop us when we groped their breasts or their sweet bottoms.

When I got to Dan's house the next night, his forty-five-year-old step-mother, Emma, was excited for us; for some reason, she wanted it to be our night. She had been keeping close tabs on us as we dated different girls, always wanting to know how far we went with them. She seemed to know about our mission to get laid that summer; I wondered if Dan had told her or if she had been snooping on us.

She even let us use her Buick sedan instead of Dan's little Fiat. Emma, a former nurse who married her fifty-five-year-old boss, Dan's Dad, when she was thirty-five, had been the one who gave us "the talk" after she caught us gawking at the nude pictures of women in a "girlie" magazine a few months earlier.

"The Talk" included teaching us the proper names of all the parts as she pointed them out in a book with sketches, which parts go where during coitus, and the need for birth control to prevent teenage pregnancies and vernal diseases; she even gave us a demonstration on how to put on a rubber by using a banana. I paid close attention as her slender, elegant fingers moved over the erect phal . . . ah, banana; of course I imagined it was my banana she was rolling the rubber down, but I didn't mention it to Dan. Afterward, she gave each of us a small box of rubbers to carry with us on dates. In the box were three rubbers with their foil wrappers connected together in a line so each one could be torn off.

As we headed for the door that night, she made us show her that we each had our rubbers before she let us leave the house. When we picked up the twins, I was certain their mother knew what was on our minds by the piercing look she gave us; my stomach was in knots and my palms sweaty. We weren't sure which one of us was going out with which twin, but since they were truly identical, it really didn't matter. One twin identified herself as Betty and took my hand as we headed out the door.

Once we were in the car driving away, I asked, "How do we tell you apart?"

Dan's date, Becky, spoke up smiling, "Just ask us; we will tell you."

Betty chimed in, "Does it matter, since we are identical?"

I didn't really have an answer, but I threw in, with a laugh, "Dan and I have identical ball gloves, but we know which one is which."

"But do you ever try each other's glove?"

Dan answered, "Sometimes we do."

"There you go; you have your own, but sometimes you share," Becky shrugged her shoulders and added.

I yielded, "I'm good with that."

Betty squeezed my arm and kissed my cheek.

The girls were good with our going to the drive-in movie and that was always a good sign. We watched the newsreel and cartoons then started making out when the movie began; Betty was a great kisser. I met no resistance when I cupped Betty's breast in my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze; she let out a soft moan when my fingers stroked her nipple. She snuggled closer as we got lower and lower on the big back seat. When I pressed my leg between hers, her short skirt rode up; she opened her legs and wiggled her hips until her crotch pressed against my bare leg below my shorts. A little later I slipped my hand in her blouse, and cupped her bra covered breast; again, she moaned softly when my fingers gently pinched her nipple through the lacy fabric of her bra; I thought to myself, this is a cinch. I'm going to get laid for sure. However, when I tried to slip my hand into her bra, she quickly pushed my hand aside and sat up. Almost immediately, Becky, in the front seat, sat up too.

Betty informed us, "Guys, there are certain things we do not do on a first date."

Becky quickly added, "Yes, we love to make out and we love petting, but only over our clothes and only above the waist."

With our hopes of losing our virginity that night dashed, we agreed to abide by their rules since the rules seemed to only apply to the first date. Before we stretched out again, I had to make an adjustment to my swollen cock that was bent and needed to stand up straight. Betty watched with interest as I slid my hand into my shorts to make the adjustment; she smiled as I completed the task and removed my hand.

"Is it more comfortable now?" she asked.

"Much better, thank you," I told her.

I decided to take a chance and laid her hand over the bulge in the front of my shorts caused by my completely, erect cock and quietly asked, "What's your rule about that?"

She whispered, "We have never made a rule about that; our rules are mostly where you can put your hands." and gave it a gentle squeeze.

I wasn't sure how Dan was making out, but there was heavy breathing and moaning coming from the front seat. Betty rolled almost on top of me; I lifted one of my legs between her's so my thigh was pressing against her crotch; I could feel the heat of her cunt below the leg of my shorts. She almost immediately began riding my thigh. Within minutes, her hips increased their tempo; she was gasping for breath and grunting with every move of her hips.

Her sister's head appeared above the front seat, "Sis, are you sure you are following the rules?" she giggled as she surveyed the scene and found her sister was in compliance, then added, "I think we may need to make some more rules," they both giggled.

Dan pulled Becky back down onto the front seat. Minutes later we heard more moaning and creaking springs in the front seat so we went back to our making out. We got it on hot and heavy again as Betty again began humping my leg. I lowered my head and began nipping at her nipples through her blouse and bra with my teeth.

Betty was just coming down when the drive-in lights came on for intermission. We all sat up slowly trying to collect ourselves. I watched Betty carefully as she tried to get her wrinkled blouse and skirt in order so we could go to the restroom and get cokes; as she fluffed her hair and checked her make-up, I noticed a very small freckle on the lobe of her left ear. I immediately wondered if that may be the key to telling them apart; I would have to check Becky's left ear to see if she had the same mole. In the bright lights of the concession stand I watched both twins carefully for distinct signs of any noticeable difference, but as they walked in front of us they switch places several times as I watched them. It was sort of like the pea in the shell game trying to focus on which one was which.

When we got back to the car, we talked more about their rules and drank our cokes. I brushed Betty's hair and leaned close to kiss it; I looked closely for the freckle again, but it wasn't there. I leaned over the back of the front seat to give Dan's change back for the cokes; now his date had a very small freckle on the lobe of her left ear. Damn, that's Betty; they switched dates on us. It really didn't make any difference; half time change sides. I decided not to say anything about it, just to see what happens.

When the lights went out and the new movie started, we went down on the seat and began making out. Becky was just as good a kisser as her sister and she responded to my fondling her breasts the same way as her sister had responded. I decided to give my "new" date a little test; I laid her hand on the bulge in my pants and she quickly jerked back; definitely not the response her sister had given.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that was a rule," I said.

"Well, a girl shouldn't give up too much on the first date." She said quietly.

I guess her sister had neglected to tell her about how she had enjoyed feeling my erect cock. She kissed me and rolled closer to me. I slipped my thigh between her legs as she had seen me do with her sister and pressed it into her crotch. Dan and his "new" date, Betty, were quickly going at it; I wondered if he had any idea the Miller twins had switched dates on us?

The evening ended with our virginity still intact, but it looked promising for our next date with the Miller twins; when we walked them to the door, I noticed Dan carrying his jacket slung over his left forearm and thought it was very strange, but on the way back to the car, I saw he was hiding a large wet spot on the front of his pants. I thought, "Damn, he got the hand job I should have gotten."

As soon as we got to Dan's house, he went straight to his room and changed his pants; the pants with the big semen stain on the front. Emma met me in the kitchen wearing a short, night shirt; when she hugged me, it was obvious that there was nothing underneath. She asked about our date and was genuinely disappointed that our goal was not met. When Dan appeared, she consoled us over a cold beer; we were only ever allowed one. Dan told her the general events about our evening and the twin's first date rules. Dan didn't mention getting a hand job and I did not mention the switch the twins had pulled.

"They sound like nice girls," Emma commented; gave us each a kiss on the cheek then headed off to bed.

About mid week I called and asked to speak to Betty so I assumed she was the one I spoke with; she seemed pleased to get my call. I didn't see any need to mention that I was on to the switch they pulled; I thought I would wait to see how it played out. I told her how much I enjoyed our date and that I was looking forward to seeing her on Saturday night. When I asked if they wanted to do anything special, she replied that they had just as soon go back to the drive-in.

She said, "We had fun the last time and it's a safe place to go."

I asked, "Are there second date rules we should know about?"

She chuckled lightly, "I'm not supposed to tell you the rules in advance, but I will tell you, the rules are less restrictive. Don't tell my sister I told you that."

During our phone conversation, Betty explained that they made the rules because boys at their private school were having contests to see which one could screw the most girls. She and her sister found out that those guys would not wait for three dates to see if they could get laid.

"I mean, we like sex too, but guys can be such jerks; then they have to brag to everyone about how got over on the girl. Assholes!" Betty commented with exasperation in her voice.

Saturday night finally arrived. Again, we left Dan's house with our pack of rubbers in our pockets and driving Emma's sedan. I told Dan about my conversation with Betty and her three-date comment as we drove to pick them up. Like me, he didn't seem to mind that we would have another night of hot making out; after all, he's the one who got the hand job. When we picked them up, one twin took my hand and the other one took Don's hand and out the door, we went.

I opened the door for my date and quickly noticed that she did not have the small freckle on her left ear lobe; Becky was going to be my date for at least the first part of the evening. I wondered how they decided which one of us they would be with. I chuckled over an image of them using rock, paper, scissors, to decide who went out with whom. Of course, they may have just picked the one they wanted to be with; who knows.

When we got to the drive-in, everyone commented that they had already seen the movie in the theater months earlier. Dan's date, Betty, laughed and commented that we hadn't watched the movie the first night so it didn't make any difference; everyone agreed. We talked and cut up until it was dark enough for the movie to start. Dan asked about the second date rules. When Betty turned around to face us, I again noticed the small mole on her left ear lobe. I guessed that Dan would, at least, get another hand job from her; I was hoping that she had told her sister about giving him a hand job on our previous date so maybe Becky would do the same for me.

Betty explained the second date rules, "If we decide to go on a second date with someone, the rules are, above the waist there are no rules, but we must keep our tops on; below the waist, hands must remain outside the clothes. In case you are wondering, we never go all the way on the second date either."

I mockingly raised my hand and asked, "Is under the skirt, but outside the panties allowed?"

Becky responded with a giggle, "We don't have a specific rule for that; what do you think Sis?"

"Well, it does meet the outside of the clothes rule so I think it would be allowed," Betty replied.

Dan pulled Betty down onto the front seat and there was more giggling.

Becky and I stretched out on the roomy back seat. I slipped my hand into the waistband of my shorts to make an adjustment to my quickly swelling, bent cock; Becky, showed an interest in what I was doing, I again laid her hand on my cock; this time she didn't move her hand. When we began kissing, she moved her hand lengthwise over my cock. I squeezed the clasps of her bra together with one hand and they quickly came apart. Her softball-sized breasts were amazingly firm and smooth. I opened the front of her blouse and lowered my head; my lips found her small but hard nipples. Her hand slipped lower on my cock until it cupped my balls; she squeezed very gently. She was obviously experienced enough to know how to treat a man's delicate equipment.

As I gave her breasts a good workout with my lips and tongue, I slipped a hand between her incredibly smooth thighs. She yielded the soft, warm territory between her thighs to my intrusion; my hand cupped her entire pubic mound encased in a pair bikini panties. My fingers pressed into the panty covered crease of her vulva; she began to slowly grind her hips against my hand.

"Are you sure you don't want me to slip my fingers into your panties?"

"Yes, I'm sure; we have promised each other to follow the rules. Do you mind doing it like this?"

"Not at all; can you get off like this?" I asked.

"Oh yes, I've done it many times, often by myself. I want to get you off too," she said as she squeezed my cock.

The Miller twins didn't need a lot to get off. Dan and I were lucky to have met girls who were experienced and enjoyed sex. Many of our friends complained that their girlfriends knew even less than they did about sex and their first experience did not go well. On our first date, I pressed my thigh between both twin's legs and they did all the work; grinding against me until they got off several times. On our second date, Becky took my hand and pressed it firmly into her wet crotch and began grinding her hips until she got off. Her panties were soaked and my fingers were slick with her creamy juices; I held my fingers close to my face and inhaled their sweet aroma

After several orgasms, Becky unzipped my shorts and pulled my cock into the open; she studied it carefully then began covering it with wet kisses. I gave her my handkerchief which she used to cover her hands as they moved up and down my cock. I sat against the door and let her take charge; when I began moaning I saw Betty's head peek over the back of the front seat; I'm not sure what Dan was doing, but her face showed that he was doing something she was enjoying as she watched her twin sister give me a hand job. I groaned loudly as hot liquid shot through my shaft and exploded out the top. Becky didn't stop her hand movements and more spurts followed causing a large wet spot on my handkerchief.

She carefully cleaned up the mess; when she was satisfied, she rewarded my wilting cock with more kisses then placed my handkerchief in her purse, "I'll take this home and wash it for you."

I pulled her down onto the seat and wrapped her legs around my shoulders. I didn't know anything about eating pussy, but I knew I wanted to inhale her rich, intoxicating aroma. She giggled as I buried my nose into the slick crease of her panties then began kissing her wet inner thighs and crotch, my tongue lapped at the wet fabric; it was my first direct taste of a woman's secret, hidden charms and I loved it. Before that night I had only tasted it on my fingers. The lights came on bright for intermission and Betty's head appeared above the front seat; Becky's legs were pushed up to her chest and my face was between them

She laughed, "Sis, we are definitely going to have to have a rule about that." I leaned over the seat and kissed Betty so she could get a good whiff of her twin sister's aroma on my face; Dan pretended to be jealous.

Again, there was a switch when they returned from the concession stand with popcorn and cokes. I didn't let on that I knew about the very small freckle on Betty's ear lobe and as soon as we were through with our refreshments, we were back to some hot and heavy making out. There was no need to guide Betty's hand to my cock; she slipped her hand into my shorts and went straight for the prize. I decided that it was not important to know the difference between the twins; they obviously got a kick out of switching partners and I was happy with to go along with it. It was the beginning of my obsession with multiple partners.


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