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Slut Mommie Ch. 13

Story Info
Kate explores Betty's Sex Shop.
15.3k words

Part 13 of the 20 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 04/30/2005
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"God it's muggy outside," I moaned after opening the sliding glass door.

Our back yard was bare and not well taken care of. Ever since we decided to put the pool in it seemed everyone lost the desire to do anything with it and we all waited for the construction to start. Unfortunately the construction company was busy because of the summer season and could not start right away. We were forced to wait before they began.

I quickly closed the sliding glass door loosing the desire to go outside and instead went up to my room to get dressed since I was still in my bathrobe. Thinking about Kristy and the fact I had sex with her last night, I rummaged through the closet looking for something to wear. Unfortunately John was already at work preparing reports from his business trip and Kristy was out. Tommy was meeting his friends Tim and Jason to review pictures they were going to put up on their web site and I was home alone.

"Boring..." I whispered at the prospect of spending the whole day by myself.

As I thought of things I could do I noticed a tiny blue dress in the corner of my closet and sighed. It was the dress John bought for me when we first got married. It was the same dress I had on when we made love and created our daughter Kristy. God that seemed like so long ago!

I reached out and held the thin material in my hands feeling how soft and shiny it was. I brought the dress to my nose and inhaled. It still smelled like my perfume with a tiny scent of John. No matter how many times I washed it the dress always held our bodies' scents.

I walked up to the bed and carefully laid it out on the mattress. I wondered if I could still fit in it since it was years since the last time I wore it. That many years ago fashion was a little different and people wore clothes which did not show off their bodies like they do now, my dress was loose then but maybe...just maybe it would still fit me now!

I dropped the robe letting it fall to the ground and walked up to the dresser completely naked. I scanned my body in the mirror noticing my large breasts were still firm, my stomach tight with just a tiny little tummy showing and my hips...were fuller now. I looked good, sexy to be precise.

What to wear underneath? A bra was out of the question, it was just too damn hot outside. Instead, I focused my attention on my panty drawer. Holding up a pair of thin string panties not even big enough to cover my pussy lips I shook my head.

"Too slutty..." I murmured.

Maybe if I was going out with Tommy, or even Kristy, but not now...not around the house. I looked further tossing aside panties which I didn't like and held up a pair I didn't know I had.

"Where did these come from?" I asked myself holding the intriguing panties up.

They were red and lacy with a small but solid triangle in the front and a thin string in the back wrapping around to a thin waistband. What made them stand out was the opening in the middle of the triangle piece which covered the crotch! The opening was long enough to imitate the length of a woman's pussy with one piece of material overlapping the other. Although the edges of the opening overlapped, one could easily slide them apart and expose what was underneath. They were...crotch-less panties made for...for fucking with panties on!

The problem was I did not remember owning them! Where did they come from? Kristy? Did my daughter wear provocatively sexy undergarments like this? I wasn't sure, Gina had some clothes in Tommy's room for when she spent nights over maybe they were hers? From the two possibilities, the latter one seemed more likely.

I looked at them closer and my heart began beating faster. It didn't look like the panties were washed; I could make out a whitish residue in the middle of the gusset! A residue that could only be wetness from another woman's pussy!

Although I was alone, I looked at the partially open door to make sure no one was peeking and brought the panties to my nose. I inhaled deeply closing my eyes as the intimate aroma of a woman's pussy drifted into my lungs.

"Gina..." I whispered opening my eyes.

It was Gina; they were her panties, her juices crusted in the middle of them. I inhaled again covering my mouth with them and enjoyed the scent of the young girl for a moment longer feeling the all too familiar wetness forming between my own pussy lips. Why did she do that? She must have placed them in my drawer when I wasn't here. I looked in the mirror and noticed how hard my nipples were, how heavy my breasts rose and fell, how wet my pussy lips already looked.

It was weird but I wanted to deposit my own juices on them, I wanted my pussy to rub against the girl's juices...to mix with hers...to...to become one. I stepped into the panties and pulled them up noticing how tight they were. Gina did not have the hips I had and the waistband quickly dug into my soft skin. The triangle material was small on me but still covered my pussy sufficiently the only thing was, the opening materials were now barely meeting instead of overlapping each other like it was intended. The result was my dark pussy lips occasionally peeking through the slit in the material when my legs were slightly apart.

That didn't bother me too much as I was the only one looking and turning around I admired my ass which was completely visible with the thin string completely lost between my sexy ass cheeks. If Gina wanted to play this game I would too. Deciding to wear them all day I walked up to the bed and slid the tiny blue dress up. The front of the dress had buttons but only down to the waist at which point the dress sexily wrapped around my hips hugging them and stopped a little shorter then I would have normally liked. Hmmm...I guess I did not have my girlish figure anymore, the bottom edge of the dress stopped at my upper thighs covering my crotch and a few inches below it.

Shrugging my shoulders I looked at my breasts which were still exposed. Buttoning the buttons I managed to cover them with the dress but could not stop them from trying to rip the buttons off. Hmmm...I guess I had bigger tits now too. I ended up loosening the top buttons to below my boob line exposing my whole cleavage and inner sides of my breasts just so the buttons would not pop off! I walked up to the mirror and smiled.

I looked hot, sexy, and provocative! One more thing! I ran to the closet and scanning my shoes quickly decided on a pair of high heels which matched my dress. Blue but a different shade. I put them on and carefully walked up to the mirror again.

"Oh my god!" I whispered admiring myself in the mirror.

I was already tall with long, sexy legs but putting on that dress...and those high heels made me look taller...sexier. I twirled around like a model looking at myself and made sure I didn't fall in those tall heels, I liked what I saw, I was...I was turning myself on! Licking my lips I looked around the room for something to fuck. My vibrator was buried deep in a shoebox on the top shelf of my closet and I needed something quick!

I separated my legs a bit and slid my hand under the dress. Lifting it slightly and watching myself in the mirror I gasped at the site of my pussy lips protruding from between the material. They were wet! I stretched my index finger and slid it along my opening scooping up the moisture gathered there. I brought my wet finger to my lips opening my mouth and watching myself in the mirror when...the phone rang!

I jumped startled and quickly lowered my hand. It rang again.

"Damn it!" I said aloud frustrated at the sudden interruption.

The phone rang again, it would not stop. I quickly walked up to the phone and picked it up.

"Hallo!" I said impatiently.

"Kate? Hi, this is Betty," A young voice said at the other end.

Betty! The young sexy girl from the sex shop!

"Oh Hi Betty, how are you?" I asked trying to mask my excitement.

"I'm good, I figured I'd give you a call to see what you and Kristy were up to." She replied.

"Oh, just doing a little house cleaning, organizing the closet, that sort of thing and Kristy is out visiting a friend," I lied.

I didn't want to tell her I was about to fuck myself with...with something.

"That's boring!" She hit the nail on the head.

"Why don't you come down to the shop? I have some new products I'm showing off, I could use your help and it would be fun. You should see some of the stuff I got," She laughed.

I liked her laugh, it rang with melody and emanated happiness which was catchy.

"Stuff? What stuff?" My curiosity immediately picked up.

"Well come down and take a peek. You'll like it."

"Stuff" as Betty referred to it could only be sex toys. Sex toys I so badly needed at the moment because I was so damn turned on and by myself!

"Ahhh, sounds interesting. Give me half an hour and I'll be there," I calmly answered but inside I was already extremely excited.

"Great! I'll see you here," She said and hung up.

Great! I'll finally get something to satisfy my sexual hunger until John or Tommy get home. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. What if I go dressed like this? I looked so damn sexy and with my breasts barely contained in the dress I was bound to turn a head or two. Admiring myself in the mirror and looking forward to teasing any man who would happen to be there I walked out of the house.

Something kept tugging at my mind on the way there. Something Betty said. "I'm showing off some new products" she said "I could use your help". What did that mean? Showing them off to whom? Potential customers? And what did she need my help with? Suddenly the idea of wearing that dress did not look so appealing. What if there were men there, lots of men? I looked down at my breasts and all I could see was skin, skin to the edges of my aureoles and cleavage down to past the bottom of breasts. Looking past them at my legs I saw how exposed they were, sitting in the car I could almost see my crotch less panties!

"Oh god," I moaned concerned pulling into the parking lot of Betty's sex shop.

The parking lot looked crowded. I had to round the corner of the building just to find an empty spot to park the car. After parking I shut off the engine and sat there in the car thinking...deciding if I should go in. Again I scanned the amount of cars and was pretty sure the place was crowded, crowded with men! Who else visited places like that? Again I looked at myself. I was so exposed, oh god, so exposed...and this tiny little shop was so crowded! I would have to be very careful not to expose any more than I have already.

I noticed my nipples starting to harden and I felt the moisture between my legs. I...I could go in for just a moment, just to say Hi to Betty and then leave. So what if men would see me like that, my whole purpose of wearing this dress was to tease men and now I was going to back down? No, I had to go in...just for a moment.

Taking a deep breath I opened my car door and placed one leg out while the other was still in the car just as a couple of men walked by. I froze in shock and fear they could see between my legs and gave them a quick look. Both men were staring right between my legs! I quickly placed my other leg out beside the other one and closed my knees ignoring them, pretending like nothing happened I tried to maintain my composure, knowing they just saw my panties. Oh god, my crotch-less panties and my pussy lips...my pussy lips were probably visible.

Both men had the deer in the headlights look and were licking their lips which suddenly dried out. I was pretty sure they just saw my panties and probably more! Again I had to take a deep breath before standing up. As I did I felt the dress hugging my hips...higher than it should bunched up around my waist from the trip here. I had my back to both men but I could feel their eyes on me...on my ass. How much did I show? I looked down inconspicuously and saw the edge of the dress was at my crotch level. That meant both men could see my entire legs up to my ass!

"Oh god, I can't believe I'm doing this," I whispered to myself and pulled my dress down.

I had to be careful not to pull too far so my breasts wouldn't pop out. Hoping everything was in place I turned around facing the men and walked past them trying my hardest to ignore the hungry looks they were both giving me. My heart was beating so fast! When I was a short distance away I heard them talk.

"Fuck she was hot!" I heard one voice.

"Jesus yes, you think she's a porn star?"

"Fuck yeah, she has to be! Did you see her panties? Her pussy was showing! Did you see that?"

ME A PORN STAR! I rounded the corner quickly so I did not hear the response and headed for the door. Oh my god, they saw my pussy! As wrong as it was, I felt a sudden kinky thrill and fought really hard to bring my breathing down to normal. Taking a deep breath I opened the door.

I looked into the backs of men standing around facing what looked like a stage set up against the opposite wall. Because the room was already crowded I managed to close the door but could not move any further in because of men standing in front of me. I did not want to draw attention to myself so I just stood there trying to peek over shoulders at the stage where I was sure to find Betty.

Sure enough Betty was standing next to what looked like a chair which was covered in a bright colored cover with something attached to the front of it. Because it was covered I could not make out what it was. Betty held a rather large vibrator in her hand and was describing the settings on the sexy mechanical cock. She looked great! Her long dark hair fell in soft waves over her shoulders sensually covering her back, her square shoulders were bare due to the white blouse she wore which covered her rather large breasts but exposed everything above. She had a short skirt on hugging her sexy hips and ass and a pair of heels.

I looked hungrily at the sexy girl and realized that was how the two men outside must have looked at me. My god, was I turning into a pervert like most men? Or maybe my intimacy with my daughter last time I was here heightened my sexual drive at this moment?

I scanned the small stage and stopped at a giant figure of a man standing behind Betty. I held my breath! There could only be one man so big, so clean cut and emanating strength and power without even trying! ADAM, the gentle giant from the strip club which saved me and the young girl Liz from being raped by Frank. But how did he know Betty?

Suddenly the door behind me opened and the two men so closely admiring my private parts on the outside walked in behind me. I gave them a quick glance and saw how their eyes were stealing peeks at my long legs and ass. Because it was so tight in the room, both men pressed against me just to close the door. I stiffened up feeling a chest pressing to my side and what felt like a crotch to my ass. I knew it was tight in here but this felt like they tried extra hard to gain some space by pressing into me.

I turned my head and gave the one who was pressing his crotch into my ass a disapproving look.

"Sorry, it's damn crowded in here," He mumbled.

I didn't say anything but I hoped my look let him know that if he tried anything else I was certainly going to let him have it. I turned to the stage and what Betty was showing off but my eyes immediately found Adam.

He looked good and wore a simple tea shirt and jeans. His arms which he had crossed over his chest were ripped, cords of muscles standing out with a slightest move he made. He was very impressive, standing way over six feet with a sweep of chest unmatched by anyone here.

Suddenly I saw Betty waving her hands at me with a big smile on her face and the crowd begin looking back. Suddenly I became the center of attention of horny, perverted men which filled the small shop. I wanted to walk out but I couldn't because of two men blocking the door behind me. I wanted to hide but seeing who Betty was waving at the crowd opened up creating a narrow pathway for me to reach the stage. Everyone looked at me and I heard gasps and whistles of approval all around me, I was sure it was approval of how much skin I managed to expose with my skimpy outfit.

There was no escape and a deep breath I put on a friendly smile and walked up to the stage Betty was standing on. I glanced at Adam who had a smile on his face and was watching me.

"Hi Kate, so glad you came," She said excitedly and gave me a quick hug.

"Betty, you didn't say you would have customers here...so many customers,"

She smiled back raising the thick vibrator in front of her and winked at me.

"I only advertised for a short period of time, I'm as surprised as you. Just hang out here with me, let me finish this up," She whispered and turned back to the audience.

"Ok everyone, I'm sorry for the interruption. As I was saying just a small amount of lubricant is necessary during the act and like this gentleman was saying, the vibrator is going to do the rest. Your wife or girlfriend or boyfriend will love you for it." She laughed as soon as she said "boyfriend".

I was a bit surprised as I couldn't imagine any man taking that thick of a vibrator in their rear. Scanning the audience I realized there might be some gay men there. Most of them were in their 30 and 40 and I even saw a couple of women who clung closely to their men. Everyone was watching us and I could tell most men were watching me.

"Ok, our next new product is a dildo that was cast out of the mold of Tony Hung's cock, yes; this is his real duplicate and...is on sale right now. Kate, can you hand me the dildo," Betty turned pointing at the low table behind us.

I gave her a blank stare but she just smiled motioning for me to hand her the cock. Ok, I would play along; I would be her Vanna White. I turned and looked at the low table which wasn't really a table. It was a suitcase cover in what looked like a table cloth laying on the floor behind us. I walked up to it and immediately heard whistles and gasps which meant everyone was staring at my backside. I was stiff and nervous knowing that so many men were watching me.

When I walked up to the suitcase I thought about how to bend over to retrieve the dildo from it. Crouching was out of the question since my dress was so short and would immediately slide above my ass exposing me. The only thing left was to bend over and pick up the dildo and not spread my legs so I would not show anything. Knowing everyone's eyes were on me I bent over with my legs slightly bent and reached for the cock.

As soon as I did that the crowd exploded with encouraging comments and whistles which made my face turn completely red. I briefly looked down to see the state of my dress and knew I must have been showing my panties to the crowd. My short dress was inching its way up barely covering my butt in the back.

"Uuuuuggghhhh...yes Kate," I heard Betty shout and she begun clapping.

Well soon everyone clapped happy that they could see my tiny panties. I grabbed the thick black dildo and straightened out quickly, registering a slight excitement building up between my legs. When I turned around to face the audience I saw happy faces staring at me and clapping their hands. I walked up to Betty totally embarrassed who was giving me encouraging smiles.

"Beautiful, ladies and gentleman, and so modest too," She shouted to the audience.

"What movies did she star in!" Someone in the audience shouted.

Betty laughed.

"My friend Kate is not a porn star believe it or not. Although she could knock the panties off any porn star alive, as you can see she's hotter than any one of them!"

"Betty!" I exclaimed shocked at her comment.

More whistles and comments from the audience.

"She needs to make a porn movie, I'll pay top dollars for it!" Someone else shouted and everyone agreed.


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