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Slut Mommie Ch. 17

Story Info
Kate poses for her son's friends and gets a sticky surprise.
10.7k words

Part 17 of the 20 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 04/30/2005
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Tuesday came around quickly and I called Jason first thing in the morning to make sure it was Ok to come over. I needed to ensure both boys knew which pictures they could post on their web site. I thought about it for a moment. It was my website, I would be the one sprawled naked for thousands of people to watch.

I wondered who would see me like that. Some lonely men? Maybe husbands who did not find enough pleasure having sex with their wives. Maybe even young men my son. The thought was exciting but this was no the time to think about it.

"Jason? Hi, it's Kate," I spoke as soon as I heard his voice.

"Hi Kate, I'm glad you called."

"I wanted to make sure it was all right to come over today and go over the pictures."

"Today is perfect Kate, both of my parents are at work, can you make it here at noon?" He asked.

"Yes, noon would be fine, is Tim going to be there?"

"Yeap, he's coming over at 10."

For some reason I felt a slight hint of disappointment which surprised me. I liked Jason especially after spending a bit of time in his house teasing him but not enough to be alone with him. But still...I felt disappointment that Tim was going to be there.

"Ok, then I'll see you two at noon."

I hung up and thought about it for a moment. Was it the right thing to do? Should I let them post those explicit pictures? What if John or Tommy happen to stumble across the site during their internet searches and recognizes me? What would they think of me? How would they react?

Those questions and more were running through my head as I begun cleaning up the house a bit. Soon, the melodious sound of our door bell filled the house and wondering who that was I looked out the side window. John was at work, Kristy and Tommy in school and I had no friends scheduled to come over.

I tightened up the tea shirt I had on, made sure my shorts were snapped and shuffled over to the front door.

Two men stood on the other side of the door, both of them Hispanic, one was muscular and wearing a plaid shirt with cutoff sleeves which showed his considerable biceps. And the other was shorter, skinny and wore a bandana across his forehead.

"Hi, can I help you?" I asked surprised.

"Hi miss, we're with Suburban Pool Construction Company and we're here to start on your pool."

The muscular one was doing all the talking but I've noticed the shorter one's eyes were scanning me up and down.

'How rude,' I thought.

I ignored his rude behavior and clapped my hands with joy.

"Oh my god, it's about time! Do you guys need to come in or something?" I asked opening the door wider.

"No ma'am, we can do everything from the side yard, just wanted to let you know we were going back there. We're also going to have a bobcat digging there and a dump truck in the front."

Again the muscular one did all the talking. The shorted guy's eyes were fixed on my breasts now.

"Ok, help yourselves, the side gate is unlocked and let me know if you need anything ok?"

"Yes ma'am, thanks."

Before leaving I saw both of them give my breasts a long look. I closed the door and walked up to the mirror scanning my breasts.

Shit! No wonder they were staring. My simple tea shirt was wet from cleaning the shower and the material was clinging to my breasts! What made the matter worse, my nipples decided to stand at attention the entire time!

I shook my head but decided not to make a big deal out of it. So what if they looked and got an eye full of my breasts! Pretty soon my entire body will be on display for thousands to see.

Every time I thought of that it made my heart race faster in my chest and my breathing quicken. Just a few months ago I would not dare think of exposing myself in such a way but things were different. I've gained more experience and understanding of what it was I really wanted.

I took a long bath making sure I shaved my pussy and any hair that was in the area and applied moisturizer to all shaved areas rubbing it with long, smooth strokes. I peeked out the window at the same time and saw with excitement the construction of the pool has started.

There was a miniature digging machine on wheels; I guess that was what the muscular guy called a bobcat, which was tearing our yard up while one of the men was marking things on the ground with a can of spray paint. There was a guy who I guessed was a Forman hunched over a set of plans rolled out on our picnic table directing everyone like a concert director. From the second story window I could see the shape of the pool we picked out marked with the spray paint and realized how well it will fit in our back yard.

"Uhhmmm..." I moaned and realized one of my fingers found its way inside my pussy.

"God I can't, not right now," I thought and looked at the clock.

It was eleven, it was getting late. Frustrated, I promised myself to masturbate as soon as I got back from Jason's house and put on my clothes. I decided to wear a short mini skirt with long boots on and a buttoned down the front shirt. Since it was hot outside I decided to go without any panties or bra on.

Smiling I looked forward to feeling the cool breeze tickling my pussy hidden right under the edge of the skirt. I knew I would get such a thrill from knowing I had no panties on while talking to other people. And wearing that skirt would add to the feeling because it was so short and it would be so hard for me to keep my freshly shaved assets hidden.

Excited, I slipped on my skirt, buttoned up my shirt, put my knee high boots on and walked downstairs ready to head out to Jason's house. Just in case, I decided to tell the foreman I would be gone. I walked out to the back yard and instantly everyone's eyes were on me. There were about a dozen workers, mostly Hispanic men.

I froze for a moment knowing all men were staring at me. Although they kept doing what they were doing, every one of them stared at me. Conscious of their hungry looks and the fact I had no panties on under my skimpy clothes, I took a step forward. My legs separated and cool air swirled around my sensitive pussy right under my tiny skirt. I felt my pussy lips throb producing sweet moisture while my ass cheeks swayed with the step. I swallowed hard and took another step.

My pussy lips ground together when my legs crossed giving me a pleasurable sensation and again cool air tenderly touched my already moist pussy. I thought I was going to cum from the stares I was getting. With my heart beating hard I walked my sexy walk between all the men to the other side of the yard where the foreman was. By the time I reached him I was thoroughly wet and afraid the juices were running down the insides of my thighs.

"Hi, how are things going?" I asked to start the conversation.

His sharp eyes gave my body one last scan and he took a deep breath.

"Good ma'am, we're just getting started," He answered.

I noticed his voice was a little tense.

"I can see that, you guys are doing a lot of work tearing up my yard, thank you. I have to leave for a few hours and I wanted to make sure you don't need anything to continue your work. I believe you have my cell phone number so please give me a call if anything comes up."

His short friend with a bandana across his forehead made his way towards us and was now staring at my breasts again hidden under my shirt.

"Yes ma'am, I have your number."

He paused for a moment and I noticed his eyes slid down to my breasts and the quickly back up to my face again.

"Can I show you something? It's the location for your pump assembly; just want to make sure it would be all right with you."

The guy with the bandana was brazenly looking at my hips and legs now. I felt like telling him to go back to work but I didn't want to make a scene. Instead I nodded my head and followed the foreman.

Because the funny looking machine on wheels, the bobcat, already tore up the yard there I carefully placed step after step and tried to follow the foreman. At one spot I had to get over a large hole already dug in the yard. The foreman already made his way across and turned around extending his hand to help me. I knew this would be dangerous in heeled boots and a tight miniskirt but decided to try after all.

I leaned forward stretching my leg out to place it on the other side and immediately realized the hole was bigger than I thought. Because I was already committed with most of my body moving forward I had no choice but to stretch my leg out as far as I could just to place that foot on the other side without falling into the hole.

In panic, I reached out with both hands towards the foreman and immediately felt my miniskirt snap above my hips exposing my ass and freshly shaved pussy. My long legs stretched out and I jumped over the big hole landing in the outstretched arms of the foreman. My weight carried me forward crashing my breasts against his chest and knocking us both to the ground. I landed on top of him while he managed to hang on to me saving me from any harm.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," I whispered embarrassed at my clumsiness.

That's when I felt where his hands were. Both of his dirty palms were clutching my bare, and very exposed ass cheeks. There was something else, my legs were spread open and my knees were touching the ground on either side of his legs as if we were in a nasty sexual position. I immediately realized my wet pussy and probably my asshole were in plain sight of every worker behind me.

"Oh no," I moaned in horror and pushed away from the foreman.

Suddenly I heard whispers and whistling behind me. I looked over my shoulder and saw every worker there was staring at my ass, some of them abandoned what they were doing and were making their way towards me to get a better look.

I quickly pushed myself up and pulled my skirt down covering my pussy and ass. My face was beet red from humiliation. I heard a lot of talking in Spanish, some men even laughed still watching me.

"Are you Ok Miss?" The foreman asked getting up.

I turned away from the crowd of workers and facing him with red face and humiliation answered.

"Yes I'm fine. Can you please show me what was so urgent?"

He turned and pointed to a spot behind couple of rose bushes. My Gardenias I planted last spring were trying to come to life there.

"Oh no, is there any other spot?" I asked concerned for the plant.

"No ma'am, anywhere else would be an eye sore."

"Ok, fine, just replant it somewhere else and you can use that spot for the damn filter."

I really didn't want to stand there any longer and discuss this especially when everyone here saw my private parts. Even now the workers were all staring at me with hungry eyes.

"Pump ma'am. Where should we plant the gardenias?"

More questions. I looked around to see if I could find a good spot and saw all workers, young and old, staring at me. Actually, they were not staring at me but rather at my body. God those looks were hungry, if they only had an opportunity to do what they wanted with many of them...could I...could I take on so many???

I shook my head. I was letting the slut side of me take over again and had to snap out of it. I pointed to a spot beside the house and walked around the big hole in the ground this time to get out of there. And just in time too, my excited nipples were hard as rocks making a big impression in my tight dress. I was a little concerned about how easily I allowed my mind to drift into the erotic zone. God I was beginning to fantasize about all those Hispanic workers taking turns on me!

SLUT! Am I just a slut and nothing else?

I got into the car and drove off heading to Jason's house. The mental picture of those men was in my mind the whole way to his house. By the time I pulled up in front of his house my legs were spread open, my hand was feverishly rubbing my wet pussy and in my mind I was on my fours in the middle of my back yard while worker after worker were fucking me from behind as I sucked cock after cock that came out of my wet pussy.

Again I had to shake my head and with frustration and pull my hand away from my wet pussy. I opened the car door and got out instantly pulling my dress down since it was way above my hips. I hoped no one saw my clumsy and very revealing exit from the car and quickly walked up to the house.

I rang the door bell and waited. A moment later Jason opened the door and invited me in. I walked in enjoying the shy looks he gave me and headed for the living room feeling the wetness between my legs. Tim was already there hunched over the lap top on the coffee table and as soon as he saw me walk in got up, extended his hand and welcomed me.

"Hi Kate, glad you're here."

His eyes gave me an excited once over from my head to my toes stopping at my long exposed legs for a moment. I pretended not to notice his excited look and shook his hand.

"Hi Tim. So is this where the pictures are?" I asked pointing to the lap top and taking a seat in front of it.

"Yes they are," He said quickly and took a seat beside me.

Jason came around the table and sat on the other side of me. Both boys were close enough so our elbows touched form time to time. Tim leaned over and taking command of the lap top clicked on something. Instantly a page appeared which had a picture of me naked in the background and a bunch of small thumbnails in the middle of the page. The naked me was of course the Geisha me with tons of makeup which hid my identity.

"Wow, nice," I murmured.

Since the lap top was directly in front of me he had to lean into me a bit to operate it. Out the corner of my eyes I saw his nostrils flare as he inhaled deeply, that's when I realized he could smell my wetness. Even though I closed my legs really tight, it excited me to know that young boy was able to smell my pussy.

Time didn't say anything, he clicked on the first small thumbnail and immediately the screen was filled with my picture. I was half naked in it showing my full breasts. I noticed how hard my nipples were in it, an obvious sign I was extremely excited while it was taken.

"Oh's clear," I mumbled shocked at the state of my nipples.

Everyone looking at it would know I loved having it taken.

"I know Kate, and the camera loves you. That's why I think this site will be so successful!" He said clicking the "next" button.

Another picture came up, this time of me tied to the chair and my legs partially spread open teasing everyone with my barely visible pussy. We went over picture after picture some of them shocking, some of them erotic and sexy. All of them showed me in various erotic stages but none of them revealed my identity. I was pleased about that and at the end praised both boys.

"Thanks for sticking to the plan and not showing anything that shouldn't be shown."

I got up and stretched holding my hands up above my head. I knew my mini dress moved up a bit and not having any panties on was dangerous but these two boys already saw everything there was to see on me and I needed the stretch.

When I looked down at them I noticed they were both staring at my hips with wide eyes. My dress moved up enough to reveal the sides of my hips and I had no doubt my pussy was showing. I leisurely pulled my dress down smiling at them.

"You two are so bad."

Jason was smiling while Tim had a serious face. He was thinking about something, I just knew it.

"Kate would you be willing to pose for a quick pictorial?" He asked watching me.

I made my way from between them and leisurely walked up to the fireplace. My mind vaguely remembered showing myself to my son in front of such fireplace and then...

"What, you mean now?" I asked intrigued.

"Yes, even though we have a good start on the web page we're missing the content. Simply said Kate, we need more pictures."

Both boys looked at me with hope in their eyes waiting for my answer. I thought about the last time I posed for them tied to a chair and helpless while they circled around me with their cameras taking explicit photos of my pussy, tits and ass. I thought to the moment I had with Jason in his bedroom while he helped me clean up after the photo shoot.

"Sure, but you will have to put that make up on me again," I said looking at Jason.

"Great! Jason you take Kate to your bedroom, get her ready and I'll set up the back drop. Thanks Kate, we really appreciate it."

Jason got up smiling.

"After you, you know where it is," He pointed down the hallway.

I walked towards it already excited telling myself to come down and don't do anything stupid. We walked into his bedroom and he closed and locked the door. I was surprised he locked the door but didn't think much of it and standing in the middle of the room looked around.

It didn't change much from the last time I was here although I noticed a new sketch on the wall, something between a big butterfly and dragon. Jason really had an artistic touch.

"So how are you going to make me up today?" I asked innocently.

He looked at me for a long while thinking, probably visualizing in his mind how he was going to do me and then snapped his fingers.

"I got it, I know exactly how I'm going to do it! Go ahead and sit on my bed and I'll get the paint."

He ran off to his closet and I took a seat on the bed thinking back to the last time I sat there while Tim interrupted my little show for Jason. We both lost our balance and Jason ended up on top of me, his long hard cock in his pants pressed against my wet slit. God I wanted to fuck him at that moment!

"Ok, I got everything I need but it might be messy," He came back holding tubes of paint and some paint brushes.

"Oh Jason you have to be really careful so you don't get any on my dress," I said thinking if there perhaps was a better way to do this.

"Well, you can always take your dress off," He whispered shyly.

I smiled knowing what his teenage mind was thinking.

"Ok, but you just think about painting and not me being naked in front of you," I told him.

He shook his head agreeing vigorously and waited watching me. I stood up and slowly pulled my dress above my hips exposing my pussy to him. I immediately saw his eyes widen as he caught his breath. I pulled the dress further up and finally pulled it over my head and tossed in aside. I was completely naked in front of him and took a seat back down on the edge of the bed while keeping my legs together. I placed my hands on my knees and waited.

Jason moved up and set up his paints on the floor beside him then kneeling in front of me begun painting my face. Of course I couldn't see how he was painting it, all I knew was that he predominately used black and white colors.

"There, I'm done with your face but I wanted to try something different today," He finally said.

"What? What do you want to try?" I said with interest.

"Do you trust me Kate?" He asked instead.

"Yes, I suppose..."

"Then don't say anything, just let me do it."

I watched him for a moment. He was so eager to do this.

"Ok, go ahead," I said calmly but inside I was quite excited.

He smiled and leaned over painting my neck with careful strokes of his paintbrush. I had no idea what he was painting there and as much as I wanted to know, I kept quite. There were few times where he accidentally brushed against my hard nipples with his arm sending shivers through my body.

When he was done he leaned back admiring his handiwork.

"Can I see?" I asked eager to get up.

"No! Not yet, I'm not done yet," He quickly answered.

His next move surprised me. He leaned on my knees and bringing his paint brush to my nipples begun painting them. I quickly realized he painted big nipple rings on me. Then he started painting down from them which I didn't understand.

Little by little my knees gave way until I spread them allowing his body to slip between.


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