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Snake Charm Pt. 01.5

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More fun with Charlie and his women.
9.2k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/26/2019
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Hello everybody, recently author EightThousandEightyFive published a story called snake charm. It hit all the buttons my perverted mind seems to like mother/daughter porn and cuckolding by a lesbian. I asked the author if I could write a sequel and he gave me the green light. You should really read the original story first to flesh out this story. This will be in two parts with this first part being used to just flesh out the situation between Charlie and his women. The second part will be more about what comes next. All players in the story are over 18 and this is a work of fiction.


Charlie sat in his home after returning from work, the silence that surrounded him his only company. Well unless you considered the half-empty bottle of Jack Daniels in his hand any company.

This night just seemed to be the same as any other night of the last year except for the email that was on the screen of his laptop in front of him. He could feel the moisture pooling up in his eyes as he re-read the contents of the letter. It was from his estranged wife Angie and his daughter Nicolette. It was the first contact he has had with either of them since his life fell apart almost twelve months to this day.

His mind was drawn back to the events of the previous year the same as it was every night since his life was thrown into upheaval. This time the year before he had thought of himself as a happily married man with a stunning wife. He also was the proud father of a fully blossomed 18-year-old teenager who was almost the spitting image of the person who was responsible for his current situation, his sister in law Demi.

Demi...the name haunted his every waking and dreaming hour. She was the living embodiment of the phrase "no good deed goes unpunished" he should know because the good deed he bestowed upon his sister-in-law certainly didn't go unpunished. He lived with the punishment of his good deed every day.

He could still remember when Angie asked him to let Demi stay with them, her sister was just being released from prison and had nowhere to go. He, of course, had no choice but to agree because in part he still felt a little responsible for her situation. She had been jailed thirteen years earlier for rescuing Angie and Nicky from the hands of a vicious rapist and child molester. In the process, she had killed the man and was convicted even though most people felt like she had only done what was necessary.

Charlie still remembered the frantic days when his wife and daughter had gone missing all those years earlier. The minutes waiting by the phone hoping to hear some news from the police. He had wanted to look for them himself but had been warned against it by them. They had told him that getting involved could actually further endanger Angie and Nicky.

Regrettably, he had listened to them and that alone set up the chain of events that made his life what it was today. Demi had heard the police tell him to keep his distance but unlike him she took action. She was overcome with anger and worry about the fate of her younger sister and niece. Being the wild one of the two sisters she happened to keep company with a seedier crowd of people than her family approved of. It was those seedy people who led her to an abandoned building where she found her sister and niece handcuffed to a bed.

She would later tell people and testify that a blind rage overtook her and she couldn't remember what happened next. The police arrived at a scene out of a horror movie and the next thing she knew the judge was pounding his gavel sentencing her to thirteen years for manslaughter.

Both Angie and Nicky had to undergo years of therapy to help them come to terms with their captivity. Luckily enough neither one had been raped by their captive but the mental damage was pretty severe especially on the mind of the then 5-year-old Nicky. She found herself confused and wondering why it was her Aunt Demi who had rescued her and not her daddy. in her mind her daddy was supposed to be there for her, it was just the way it was supposed to be. Instead, her Aunt Demi was the one elevated to hero status in her eyes, a status that would affect all their lives profoundly in the future.

As he stared at the email some more he thought of the collection of video clips that he had on his laptop. Video clips that he had gotten when his marriage collapsed a year ago. Video clips showed the seduction and taking of not only his wife but also his daughter over the course of one week last year.

He thought of how blind he was at first and then devastated when he saw with his own eyes how they were taken from him. His wife's own sister and his daughter's beloved Aunt was the tool of his undoing. She had taken them from him, individually at first but then together. He still could not erase the image of his own wife's tongue descending into the wet inviting flesh of his daughter's wet pussy at the encouragement of her sister.

It took one week for Demi to seduce and fuck both Angie and Nicky. It had taken only one night to get his wife but a few more days to get Nicky. That was only because Demi was waiting to get her own sister's permission to take Nicky's virginity. After she had been given the green light Demi had made short work of taking all three of his daughter's virginities, oral vaginal and anal.

In fact, one of the things that always came flooding back to him when he thought of that month was the very taking of Nicky's anal cherry. He still remembers hearing the sounds coming from his daughter's room and how his wife half-heartedly tried to stop him from going to see what was happening.

The image of his darling little Nicky being bent over and taken by her Aunt is one of many burnt into his memory. When he finally dragged himself away and returned to the living room where Angie was still sitting he had a second shock of the night. While he was gone his wife had lowered her hands into her own pants and was busily fingering herself at the sound of her daughter being fucked in the ass for the first time.

He was surprised with everything going on that she actually looked a little embarrassed and stopped when he returned. They then sat there for the rest of the time watching tv and never once addressing the issues going on in the house. Even after their daughter came out of the room looking totally fucked they still said nothing. He even remembers his daughter making up some sad excuse about wrestling with her Aunt.

As she was passing him and his wife on her way to the bathroom he saw Demi standing at his daughter's room holding the huge strap on she used on both of the women in the house. The message was clear as crystal, SHE was the man of this house and he had proven there was nothing he could do about it.

She was right, any moment to try and stop this train from coming off the tracks had been lost the moment he had picked Demi from prison. Unknown to him Demi had been gradually grooming Angie on her visits over the last 6 months. She had known her time inside was coming to an end and it was time for her to put her plans into effect.

It started innocently enough with bits of extra praise here and there, the type of things that play into a girl's ego. She started telling her sister about some of her prison sexual exploits, getting more and more graphic as each visit passed. Then she started asking Angie to wear sexier things for her visits.

It was at that point that Angie's alarm went off a bit and she tried to back off a bit. She jokingly asked her sister if she was flirting with her. She was even more shocked when Demi was completely honest and said, "No, not flirting, seducing!" She had turned all shades of pink at her sister's statement.

"Bbb... bbb... but I'm your sister!" she sputtered before adding as almost an afterthought, "And I'm married too!"

Demi just smiled and said, "Baby you belong to me, I'm going to prove it to you when I get out. Just make sure Chuckie is ok with me staying."

Angie had laughed it off at first but as the months turned into weeks till Demi was going to be released she slowly started to be swayed. Demi was sure that Angie would be hers when she escaped her thirteen-year cage. she had no idea either that she was only one half of the equation in her sister's head. The other was, of course, Nicolette and she was even more important to Demi's plans than Angie was.

Demi had waited till she was two weeks till her release to drop the news about Nicky to her sister. Angie had by now just adopted the belief that Demi was just playing about the whole seduction issue. When she leaned over the table at one of her last visits and asked Angie if Nicky was still a virgin she couldn't believe her ears.

She had to admit to herself that Demi's fantasies had gotten her imagination running and she played with the idea when alone sometimes. She had started thinking of her sister in those fantasies and the results were earthshattering orgasms. She even found herself calling Demi's name. Still, it was just fantasy and she was sure it would stay that way until Demi asked about Nicky.

"Ummmm...why would you want to know that?" Angie asked softly.

"Do you know the answer, yes or no?" Demi answered with a lewd smirk.

"Well...ummm...honestly I don't know...but again why do you want to know?"

"You find out the answer for me and I promise you I will tell you the answer," she said while maintaining the same smirk.

"Oh my God Demi, you are just...just ...oh well. I am not going to find out if my daughter is a virgin just to let you know!

"Fine, don't find out just to let me know. I know as a mom you must be at least a little curious about her. Find out for your own peace of mind but then let me know next week!"

" We'll see... I can't believe some of the things that come out of your mouth sometimes sis," Angie said with a cute smile.

"That's ok Ang because in a couple weeks you will be more concerned with what's going in my mouth! Have you done like I asked you, have you just at least fantasized about us...have you thought of me naked in your arms baby?" Demi said as she lifted her sister's hand and gave it a little lick.

Angie shuddered in excitement as her sister's lips made contact with her hand. She blushed once again and lowered her head while whispering, "Yes."

"Good girl, I think you are starting to get with the program here. Now I have one other thing for you to do. This is going to seem so outrageous but I want you to promise me you will do it!" she told her younger sister.

"Demi, just because I may share a fantasy with you now doesn't mean it's going to happen!"

"Let's not worry about that right now my sweet, I want your promise about what I want from you!"

"Oh, you are such a piece of work...what is it now and before you ask I will go ahead and promise just to find out how wild your request is," Angie asked in mock exasperation. She knew she might be making a mistake by promising to do something before knowing what it is. Knowing her sister as she was starting to know her it had something to do with sex.

"I want you to take that same fantasy you have now with me...just a fantasy like you said...never gonna be real...," Demi said leaving the final part hanging.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah...come on spit it out!" Angie said.

"I want you to take that same harmless fantasy and in your mind substitute me with..."

Before Demi could finish she already knew where this was going...she finished her sister's sentence by whispering her daughter's name, "Nicolette."

The two sisters just stared at each other for a second before Angie just nodded her head and sealed the fate of the three of them.

Nicolette..., Charlie tried picturing his daughter as the innocent that she was before Demi came back into their lives. At 5 foot 6 inches tall with strawberry blonde hair, dazzling green eyes and 36dd chest the girl was a walking wet dream, Demi wasn't far off the mark when she made the first of many salacious comments to Nicky. She told her niece that many man OR woman was probably playing with themselves thinking of her before going to sleep at night.

His daughter's innocence started disappearing the moment Demi got in the back seat of the car with her on her release. Charlie knew that the two of them were laughing and giggling in the back seat like teenagers rather than an 18-year-old and a 37-year ex-con. Of course, he couldn't overhear any of the things that were said, if he had maybe he still could have stopped things.

"You are so hot and sexy Nicky If you were inside with me baby everyone would want a piece of you!" Demi whispered to her niece.

Nicky had just blushed and giggled at her Aunt's off-color comment. She also felt a warmth inside her that was a sure sign of being aroused. She wondered if her Aunt was hitting on her because it sure felt like it. It couldn't be though, she was probably just playing around.

Then before she knew it Demi leaned close to whisper in her ear, "Of course they would all have to fight me off first because I would be first in line!" She finished it off by sliding her tongue out slightly and kissing her niece's ear lobe.

Nicky just shrieked at her Aunt's comment, "You're so dirty Aunt Demi!" At her shriek, she realized she was bringing more attention to herself and she blushed again. Now though she was sure her Aunt was hitting on her, she has enough experience to know that even if she was still a virgin. Now alongside the warmth inside of her, she could feel the moisture between her legs. She then realized that not only was her Aunt hitting on her but she was liking it...a lot!!

By the time they arrived at the house, Demi had Nicky worked up and in such a state that the teenager ran past her father to use the bathroom. She had made the mistake of softly asking her Aunt about what she did to deal with the loneliness of prison. Demi had just smiled and told her that she was never lonely, then she started telling her some of the ways women entertain themselves in prison.

By the time she was done, she could visibly see Nicky squirming in her seat and she leaned over once again. This time she let her warm breath work over her niece's neck before asking, " Sweetie it looks like my stories might be making you ...hot! Am I right is my little Niece getting turned on by her naughty Aunt?"

Nicole had never had anyone affect her this way and could only moan softly and nod yes in response. She almost lost it then when she felt her Aunts hand lightly grab the inside of her thighs and slid upward till it was almost touching her pussy. She didn't know what to do so she just sat there and let her Aunt's hand worm its way upward.

Demi didn't want this first contact going that far so she stopped just short of the girl's pussy. She did, however, leave her hand there because she was sure Chuckie couldn't see it. She did, however, make eye contact with her sister who was trying to catch a glimpse every now and then of what her perverted sister was doing with her daughter. She could clearly see poor Nicole was in way over her head and was at this point and she was doing nothing to help her out.

Angie had come to a quiet peace with herself thinking that once Demi got out of prison she would have the whole world of women to choose from. Then she would put these silly fantasies out of her head and leave Angie to stay the happily married faithful wife she had always been. Now she wasn't so sure and it looked like Demi was in full-blown seduction mode with her own niece in the back seat of the car.

She knew she should put a stop to it but she didn't, instead, she felt the same moisture building between her legs that Nicky was feeling. She sat there cautiously watching her husband to make sure he was still clueless and he was. Poor Chuckie, she thought to herself mentally using the derivative of his name that she knew he felt was belittling. He's sitting there while his own daughter was being felt up by her Aunt and I'm allowing it to happen.

When Nicky ran to the bathroom Charlie brought Demi's meager belongings into the house. It gave the two sisters a few moments alone and Demi immediately made her first move. She grabbed Angie and shoved her tongue into her sister's mouth. Angie only put up some minor resistance after Demi had reached up and grabbed her nipple and pinched it while palming her large breast.

After about 10 seconds Angie broke the kiss but couldn't help but breath heavy with arousal as she looked at her sister.

"Demi, now that you are here you have to control yourself. I love Charlie and don't want to mess my marriage up!" Angie said trying to convince both Demi and herself of her sincerity.

"The only control I'm going to worry about is the one I have over you, sis. I told you what I want and now I'm going to take it. By the way, you never answered my question from a few weeks ago...I hope you have an answer for me!"

Angie immediately knew what question she was talking about. She remembered sitting down with Nicky on the couch and somehow maneuvering her daughter into answering the question. She also remembers having to fight off the demons of the seed Demi planted in her head. The one where she told Angie to think of her daughter sexually.

She had caught herself staring at Nicky at times in a different light, in a way a mother is not supposed to look at their own daughter.

Angie looked meekly at Demi and said, "Please Demi, she's just a teenager!"

"Give me the answer and then I will see!" she said while lifting her hand up and once again caressing Angie's tit.

"Yes...goddamn it yes...she's still a virgin...is that what you wanted. Now, will you leave her alone please?" Angie said while feeling Demi's caress all the way into her pussy.

Demi smiled, a wicked lusty smile and said, " No my darling, She is going to be mine but I will make you a promise of my own."

Angie looked on waiting for Demi to tell her while trying to keep her mind off of the fingers playing with her sensitive nipple.

"I promise I will not pursue my sweet virginal niece," she started.

"Oh thank you, Demi, I knew..."

Demi cut her off, "You didn't let me finish. I promise I will not pursue my sweet virginal niece...until you yourself give her to me!"

"Well I guess that's the same thing then because there is no way on this earth that I would ever do that!" she said with a smile of relief.

"We will see, we will see..." Demi said with that same wicked smile.

It was just then they heard Charlie coming closer and Nicky appeared out of the bathroom. Demi withdrew her hand from Angie's breast but not before Nicky actually caught a glimpse of her Aunt's roaming hand.

"Oh there you are princess, your mom and I were just talking about what a looker you've grown up to be," she said with a wink.

Of course, none of this was ever known by Charlie he was as the sister's started calling him behind his back Clueless Chuckie. No good old Charlie was going to be supportive of his wife's sister since he couldn't help but feel it was owed to Demi. She had after all given up 13 years of her life to save his wife and baby girl all those years ago.

He had never been able to give up the feelings that he should have ignored the police warnings and at least made some effort to find them. He probably would not have had the same success that Demi did because he didn't know the same people that she did. Instead, he had to live with the feeling inside himself that he had sat back and done nothing.

He didn't realize until it was way too late that Demi would use the leverage of her jail time to worm herself into his wife's pants and then his daughter's too. He almost immediately picked up on the borderline inappropriate behavior between his daughter and her aunt. When he brought it up to his wife his observations were dismissed as paranoid. She actually made him feel bad that he was even having those thoughts.

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