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Son of Mine


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Ray's fist was moving briskly, but not too fast, over his purple boner as he listened to his mother's sexy patter. God, I wish that was my cock fucking that pussy, he thought. He looked down at his cock and he knew he could please her with it. It wasn't too long, but big enough, maybe 6 1/2-7 inches, and thick, but not fat, with a classicly-proportioned helmet and the shaft was criss-crossed with very prominent veins. He believed that it was the perfect size and shape for Karen's petite physique, and he ached to feel it enter her forbidden depths.

Karen's pussy lips were just prominent enough to stick out from her mound, offering something like a gate to her pleasure core. And when she had something between them, they gripped almost like a fist,which had left all of her boyfriends weak in the knees when they fucked her. And now she was brazenly imagining that it was her son who was getting that treatment, and the wickedness of the thought spurred her arousal higher and higher. As she approached her orgasm, the dildo was churning faster and faster in her cunt, making obscene squishing noises as she fucked herself with abandon. A series of high-pitched cries burst from her mouth, the pitch getting higher the closer she came to her climax.

Suddenly, she gave an ear-splitting shreak and caught her breath. For a split second she hung on the precipice, then, with a thudding groan, her body went into convulsions as a massive orgasm swept her body from head to toe. For long, agonizing seconds, she came hard on the rubber dong, and she felt the juices of her orgasm pour out over her hand.

As he heard the telltale sound of Karen's orgasm, Ray stroked himself harder and harder, feeling the tingle in his balls that signalled his own orgasm had reached the point of no return. With a soft gasp, he stroked hard a final time then watched in awe as his cock spewed out several long arcs of cum onto the towel in front of him. The first shot flew nearly three feet in the air and next several shots went almost as far, until the bursts subsided and the rest of his cum flowed out over his fist. His body shook as he squeezed out the final few drops of semen, then he shook his cock a couple of times and stood up on shaky legs to finish cleaning up.

Karen lay back stunned on her bed as the afterglow of her orgasm shone over her sweaty body. It had been a long time since she cum that intensely, and she knew it was from the idea of fucking her own son. Suddenly, she started as she heard movement in Ray's room and realized that he was home, and had probably been home for awhile. What had he heard? Then a slow, almost evil smile played across her face as she realized that she didn't care if he'd heard her or not. For sometime during her frantic self-fuck session, she'd made up her mind. She was going to do it. She was going to let her son fuck her, to hell with the taboo. She needed a man, and he needed a woman. He loved her and wanted her that way, and she knew now that she loved him and wanted him the same way.

Ray threw on a pair of gym shorts and a tank top and headed for the kitchen to scramble up something to eat, nearly bumping into Karen as she emerged from her bedroom. He couldn't help but notice that she was still a little flushed, that her hair was tousled and that she smelled of sex. And he certainly noticed that his mother hadn't bothered to put on a bra, from the way her nipples were poking through the material of her t-shirt.

Karen had long known that men liked to see women in t-shirts without a bra, and she figured Ray was no different. Truthfully, bras for Karen were mostly for ornamentation, modesty or to keep her nipples from becoming irritated, especially when she ran. She certainly didn't need them for support, since her breasts sat up high and proud in her chest with only a minimum of curve.

Not finding much in the refridgerator, they decided to have pizza delivered, and they sat at the table discussing various subjects. But Karen avoided any mention of what she had found earlier that day. She still had some emotional reservations about that, and didn't want to tip her hand just yet. For his part, Ray was pleased to see that whatever had been bothering his mom earlier had dissipated, and that she was back to her old self.

As they worked together in the small kitchen cleaning up after eating, Ray found himself, for at least the thousandth time, sorely tempted to simply take his mom in arms and make his feelings known, but as usual he resisted the urge.

After getting her lunch ready for the next day, Karen kissed Ray on the cheek, the way she always did, and was in bed by 9:30. But it took her awhile to fall asleep. She was strangely excited, as if she was about to embark on an adventure. She still had doubts in her mind about it, but the prospect of doing something so forbidden - not to mention the chance that she was going to get laid after so long - thrilled her to the core. Finally, she reached between her legs and briskly masturbated to a quick climax and fell asleep thinking positively wicked thoughts.

Ray waited until he was sure Karen was retired before slipping into the bedroom they used as the office, so to speak. He sat down at the computer, booted up and fished around some before calling up his special folder. It didn't take him long to figure out that someone else had been in his folder. With mounting horror, he called up the log that recorded when each file had been opened and closed, and when he did, he groaned.

"Oh shit," he said aloud. "I'm fucked."

There was only one person who could have been on their computer and looked at his folder, and that was his mom. Ray quickly ascertained that Karen had looked at just about all of the stories he'd had filed away, including what he called his manifesto, where he detailed exactly what he wanted to do to her. It was obvious that his mother had found his folder, figured out a way in and had seen everything he'd put in there, the pictures, the stories, the poems.

Then it dawned on him that if Karen had been shocked or upset by what she'd discovered, she'd have confronted him. She'd have been angry and would have caused a big scene.

No, he thought, as a smile slowly played across his face, she'd done what? She'd gone to bed in the middle of the afternoon and fucked herself silly, climaxing in the loudest, most explosive orgasm he could remember her having. She had come out without cleaning up and dressed in a tight t-shirt with no bra, her taut nipples straining the cloth of her shirt.. She'd been her old self, sweet, friendly, talkative, not like she'd been the day before and earlier that morning.

Was it possible that, far from being shocked and angry, that Karen had been turned on by what she'd found? Could it be that she might actually consider letting him fuck her? Ray's cock began to swell in his shorts as he realized for the first time that his most cherished fantasy, his fondest dream, might come true.

Then he forced himself to face stern reality. Fantasy it might be, but in the real world, mothers didn't let their sons fuck them. Still, he resolved to stay off the computer and keep his hands off his dick in case something did happen in the near future. He would bide his time, watch his mom carefully and see where things went.

Nothing was said by either Karen or Ray through the next week, but they both felt a charge in the air. Early on Monday morning, when they took their daily run, Karen watched Ray out of the corner of her eyes, and, sure enough, his gaze did seem to linger on her butt as she ran. And occasionally, she'd lag back a little and admire the way her son's butt moved as he ran.

Karen also took a practical step early in the week when she contacted her gynocologist about birth-control pills. She wanted to take no chances that she'd come up pregnant by her son. Then on Wednesday, as they ate dinner, Karen looked across the table at Ray and asked if he had any plans for Saturday night.

"No, I don't," he replied. "I get off at 5 and I'm off Sunday. Why?"

"I just thought you might like to go out to dinner," Karen said. "I mean really get dressed up and have kind of a romantic evening. Neither one of us has had a date in so long we've probably forgotten what it's like."

Ray kept a poker face, even when Karen suggessted they go to one of the city's finest restaurants, a four-star establishment reknowned for its cozy, intimate atmosphere. Inside, though, his stomach was doing cartwheels. He couldn't believe that after all this time that his dreams might be coming true.

Karen, too, was excited. She'd thought about it, and realized that deep down she'd always wanted this. It was why she'd given up dating, why she'd devoted as much time as she could to her son. Other men, especially her ex-husband, had disappointed her, used her for their own purposes, then discarded her. Well here was one man who wouldn't let her down, who was as devoted to her as she was devoted to him. Ray would treat her right, treat her like the lady she knew she was.

Karen took a half-day off on Friday to do some shopping. She wanted to dress to impress. She had always been frugal with her money, and had saved well, so she had the means to splurge for this event. When Saturday rolled around, she could hardly contain her excitement. She started geting ready in the mid-afternoon, starting with a long, leisurely bath. She used an entire small bottle of bath oil to make sure her skin was baby-smooth and lightly scented. She washed and conditioned her raven hair, carefully shaved her legs, under her arms, then trimmed back her thick, dark bush. On impulse, she decided to shave her lips and around her mound. She was hot as a piston by the time she finished, and had to finger herself to a quick orgasm to take the edge off her arousal. It helped, but she was still trembling with desire when she emerged from the tub.

She heard Ray come in about 4 and heard the shower in the other bathroom going as he started getting ready. For just a moment, she was tempted to just climb in there with him and get started right then, but she held herself back. She knew the waiting, the anticipation, would make it that much more special.

Once her hair was dry, Karen brushed it until it shone like polished obsidian, then carefully appplied her makeup. Most of the time, she went without wearing much makeup. At work, she tended to dress down, not wanting to attract as much attention to herself, and, frankly, with her complexion, she really didn't need much anyway. But tonight, she laid it on, finishing with bright red lipstick. She also painted her toenails and fingernails, which she kept fairly long anyway, both in the same shade as her lipstick.

Then Karen moved to the bedroom and began to dress. She had bought a brand-new garter belt, stockings and a skimpy pair of thong panties. When she had those on she pulled out the new party dress she'd bought. It was a black two-piece ensemble of a satiny material, a snug skirt that stopped 2-3 inches above her knees and a somewhat looser top, with thin straps. Her best pair of high-heels an matching jewelry, earrings, necklace and bracelet completed her preparations. As she gazed at the mirror, turning this way and that, she felt a chill run up and down her spine. It wasn't often she openly admired herself, being much too shy and modest for that . But she had to admit, that she looked pretty damn good, and she had a feeling that the man she wanted to impress tonight would be genuinely appreciative.

That proved to be an understatement. Ray's jaw dropped and his eyes were like springs as he got his first look at his mother in her finery.

"God, Mom, you look great!" he whispered.

Karen just smiled airily as she passed her goggle-eyed son. She turned around to face him then bent over to retrieve her purse, which sat in the chair. In that position, Ray could see down the front of his mother's top, and got a quick glimpse of her tits, unfettered as they were. Karen stood up and smiled sweetly at her son, the said, "let's go, handsome."

As they walked out to her sedan, Karen remarked on how nice Ray looked. He was wearing his best silk shirt, a pine color, with beige slacks, and loafers stylishly without socks. He was freshly shaved and had even put on after shave, something he rarely did.

Dinner was excellent, and they talked of many things, including Ray's ambitions. He was looking to attend law school and become an attorney. He had been brought up hearing chapter and verse on how Karen had been wronged by a legal system that was stacked against her. It was one of the few things she ever got bitter about, and Ray felt a desire to work as an advocate for those in less fortunate circumstances.

They were having dessert and coffee when Karen grew silent, as if pondering something. Then she looked up at Ray and gave her son an even stare.

"Ray, I want to know something, and please be honest," she said.

"Sure, Mom," Ray answered, anticipating what he sensed was coming.

"How long have you wanted to fuck me?" Karen said.

Ray just looked down at his lap, at a loss for words.

"Ray, look at me," Karen said, softly, but firmly, grabbing his hands in hers. "How long have you been fantasizing about me?"

Ray's eyes were moist with emotion as he looked intently at his mother.

"Mom, I can't remember ever not wanting you," he said in almost a whisper. "You're the sexiest, most beautiful woman in the world. You could have had any man you wanted, but you chose to give yourself to me. You sacrificed the best years of your life to be a mother and a father to me. Why would I not want you? You're everything in world to me."

There. It was out. He'd said what he'd always wanted to say to his mother, and he wasn't going to say any more. She knew how he felt. He wanted her, badly, but he wasn't going to beg.

Karen took his hands and brought them up to her lips and kissed them lightly. Her eyes were alive and her mouth was creased in a Mona Lisa smile.

"You beautiful boy," she whispered. "My beautiful man."

She gazed at him for a pregnant second then asked the question she'd been wanted to ask for a long time.

"Can I ask you a personal question?" she said. Then, without waiting for an answer she asked it. "Have you ever been with a woman before?"

Ray just shook his head. Now that eveything was on the table, he felt shy, almost inadequate. How could he have ever thought that he could please this seductive creature, this woman of the world? He'd seen the looks Karen had gotten from every man in the restaurant, indeed from every man they'd encountered that night. He'd seen, as well, the smirking looks some of the gave him, as if to say, "you can't handle her. Let a man do the job." Even the guy who parked their car at the valet parking looked at him with a sort of disdain.

But in the next instant, it all changed. Karen again brought his hands up and kissed them, more intently this time.

"Ray, please take me home and love me," she whispered. "I need you. I want you. Ray, please, will you be my man?"

Ray felt his cock begin to grow like a jack-in-the-box, and a smile creased his face.

"Mom, I'll be your man for as long as you want me to be," he said happily. "I'll always be yours."

Karen smiled seductively at her son, her soon-to-be lover. They quickly paid the check, giving their waiter a generous tip, and left the restaurant hand-in-hand. When they reached the street, after calling for their car, Karen pulled Ray to her and they kissed, deeply, lovingly, a kiss of passion full of lips and tongues. They were still engrossed in each other when the valet pulled up with her car. Reluctantly, they broke their embrace and climbed in, Ray behind the wheel. As they drove off, Ray winked at the valet, who stood there with an astonished look on his face.

Once they were settled in the car, Karen slid over next to her son. She ran a hand up the inside of his thigh to the telltale bulge in his pants that spoke of his dire need.

"Ummm, this feels nice," she cooed. "Mind if he comes out to play?"

Karen didn't wait for an answer. She had been sitting on simmer for so long, she couldn't stand it. If she could have, she'd have jumped Ray's bones right then. Instead, she settled for unzipping his slacks, reaching into his boxers and pulling out his already-throbbing cock. She softly stroked it and watched in rapture as a ball of pre-cum oozed out from the tip. With her thumb, she lightly spread the natural lube around the head, then went back for more. The next ball of fluid that came out of Ray's cock, she scooped up with the nail of her index finger and brought it to her crimson lips. Her tongue flicked out and licked the nail clean of the fluid.

"Mmmmm, tasty," she said. "I think I'll have some more."

With that, Karen bent her head down into Ray's lap and engulfed the head of his cock with her lips. Slowly she slid his purple boner into her mouth until it hit the back of her throat. Slowly, ever so slowly, so as not to make him cum too soon, she began to bob her head up and down, reveling in the feel and taste of his cock. It had been too long since she'd had a man in her mouth, and she knew she'd never go that long without one again. Karen sucked leisurely on Ray's cock until he felt like he would cum if she continued.

"Mom, don't make me cum yet," he said through gritted teeth. "I've waited too long, you have too, to waste it like that."

"Oh, it wouldn't be a waste," Karen said as she sat up, smacking her lips as she did. "Believe me, it wouldn't be a waste. And I am going to taste your cum before we're through here. But you're right. I want you in my pussy, and I want it bad."

"How long has it been for you, Mom?" Ray asked, after they'd driven in silence for awhile.

"Too fucking long," she replied. "Here, I'll show you how long it's been."

She took his right hand and guided it up her left leg, under her skirt, up to her crotch. Ray didn't need a map. His fingers found her soaking-wet thong and slid them inside, to her gushing cunt. He wasn't a total stranger to pussy; he'd made it that far with a couple of girlfriends he'd had in high school, and he'd read enough to know how to use his fingers on a woman. He quickly found Karen's clit and lightly rubbed it with his middle finger, then slid it down between her lips, which he parted en route to her fuckhole. Karen groaned as Ray slid his finger in as far as the second knuckle and began to work it around slightly.

Karen pressed herself to her son's side as her hips began to rock to the tune Ray was playing in her panties. She could feel a monstrous orgasm building as Ray picked up the pace. All too soon, they found themselves in their neighborhood, at their driveway. As Ray parked the car and shut off the engine, they turned to each other again, and melded together, kissing furiously, necking like two teenagers at the submarine races. Karen realized after a few minutes that they'd better go into the house or else they'd arouse suspicion, and that was the last thing they needed.

Quickly, they pulled themselves together and climbed out of the car, headed for the front door. Karen's hands trembled as she tried to put the key in the door. It took two tries before she got it open. They closed the door, and in the darkness, with just the late-rising moon for light, they embraced again, pressing their bodies together in furious, forbidden lust.

Karen's eyes were dancing with an inner fire as she maneuvered Ray into the chair in their living room. She pulled the curtains together while he turned on the lamp next to the chair. She turned and looked at her son with a smoky look of pure passion. Ray had slipped his shoes off and he sat back to watch as his mother slowly strutted over to stand in front of him. Staring into his eyes, she slowly, seductively, pulled the top over her head and tossed it aside, revealing her naked breasts to his gaze for the first time. She lightly rolled her nipples between the thumb and forefinger of each hand, and felt the litle nubs stiffen in response. Reaching behind her, she unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor. She stepped out of it and tossed it off to the side.


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