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The woman with the deadly vagina!
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The woman with the deadly vagina!


"Ahh! It burns!"

Those were the last words uttered by a dozen bad men before they died a very unusual and very painful death.

^^^Forty years later^^^

"Sylvia Patterson, it is my honor to present to you the key to the city for your decades of effort to end sex trafficking and improve the lot of sex workers in our community," the mayor said. The crowd applauded as the sixty-six-year-old community advocate walked across the stage, shook the mayor's hand, and accepted the ceremonial over-sized key.

She stepped up to the podium and said, "Thank you, Mr. Mayor, and thanks to all of you for coming to witness this presentation. For those of you who hoped that giving me this award would shut me up or cause me to retire, I'm sorry, you will be disappointed. My work will continue!"

Those assembled erupted with cheers, whistles, laughter, and loud clapping. Sylvia waited for the noise to die down, and said, "I will continue to work to make our town a better place by lending a helping hand to those who need one and encouraging us all to be better people. There would be no sex trafficking if no one was willing to pay for sex.

"The core beliefs of my organization are simple, yet too often ignored, do good, be kind, and treat each other with respect. Let me focus on the last idea for a moment. Even casual comments said in jest or without malice can hurt others. For example, telling a black person they are articulate or don't sound black is not a compliment. Saying 'I got a great deal on my new car. I Jewed the salesman down' is unacceptable.

"Today, I was a victim of a common verbal assault that women are subjected to. As I walked into this event, a man I didn't know looked at me and said, 'Smile.' While his comment may have been meant as nothing more than a friendly gesture, it fits into a centuries-long pattern of men presuming that they're entitled to control how a woman looks and thinks. That their desire to see a pleasant face overrides whatever a woman might be feeling at that moment.

"Now, before you dismiss my statement as the crazy ranting of a man-hating feminist, ask yourself, 'Do you think this gentleman goes around telling men to smile?' I think not.

"This is an example of the sexualization of women and a subtle reminder that my job, and the number one responsibility of all women, is to be happy and pretty for men.

"I admit I was a sourpuss this morning. I was remembering my childhood and that was not a happy time in my life. I never knew dad and my mother was a drug addict who had an endless stream of live-in boyfriends who abused me. Being berated, locked in a closet for hours, and burnt with cigarettes were common occurrences for me.

"I ran away from home at eighteen. I lived on the streets and became a prostitute because I thought that was all I was good for. Recalling the things I did to survive makes me shudder and wonder how I'm still alive.

"When my abusive pimp died, I found the strength to turn my life around, and here I am wearing pearls and a nice dress and being honored by my community. My younger self would be amazed. My message to everyone is you may have gotten a raw deal, been dealt a bad hand, but you can find happiness. Don't give up. Start making changes today to live the life you want because you deserve it!"

^^^Forty years earlier^^^

Mook, a local thug, entered the ramshackle house the Eastside gang used to house their whores and saw the naked backside of his mate lying on a rug in the garage curled up in the fetal position. He chuckled and said, "Yo, Alik. I've never seen you here so early. Did you get drunk last night and pass out? Where are your clothes?"

He walked over to his co-worker and nudged him on the back with his foot. He jumped back when he saw the pool of blood. "What the fuck!"

He circled the guy and saw a look of horror frozen on his face. Both hands were in his crotch which was the source of his bleeding. Mook took out his phone and spoke into it when the party answered.

"Boss, I'm at the house on Second Street. Alik is here. Dead."


The boss and his chief lieutenant, Frisco, walked into the garage. Mook rose from the stool where he was sitting on and said, "I found him there when I came in this morning."

The three men walked over to the body. The boss said, "Mook, roll him over." The big oaf did. Alik's arms fell to his side.

"Where's his prick?" Mook asked. The dead man's penis was gone.

^^^Six years earlier^^^

"Happy birthday, Baby!" Tanya, Sylvia's mother, shouted. She placed a cheap, store-bought birthday cake with a candle made in the shape of the number eighteen on the kitchen table. The flame flickered and danced.

"Make a wish and blow out the candle," Tanya instructed. She slurred her words and swayed because she was drunk. Sylvia blew out the candle.

"Good job. Oh, look at you," Tanya said. "You're all grown up."

Roger, Tanya's current beau, stepped between the two women, put his arms around their waists, and pulled them to him as he said, "Yes, she certainly is." He dropped his hands and groped the asses of mother and daughter. Tanya laughed. Sylvia pulled away and made a face.

Later that night, after Tanya had passed out due to a combination of drugs and alcohol, Roger came to Sylvia's room. He barged in without knocking and found Sylvia asleep in her bed wearing a white, full-length nightgown. He woke her by pulling the covers off her.

"Roger, what are you doing?" she asked nervously.

He laughed as he unbuckled his belt and said, "I didn't give you my present yet." He pulled out his cock. It was a hard, angry cock.

"Get out!"

He didn't. Instead, he pounced on her. A large hand covered her mouth. His bloodshot eyes stared into her frightened, brown eyes as he said, "Be quiet, or I'll hurt you. You've been teasing me ever since I moved in. Tonight, I'll teach you what happens to whores like you who flaunt their bodies."

He removed his hand and kissed her. His action and his whiskey-breath stunned her. His whiskers scratched her face and made it turn red. He ripped the gown and panties off her body and removed his clothes. He lay on top of her, smothered her with his bulk, and touched her everywhere.

He was rough, and he hurt her. She sobbed as he pawed at her furry sex, broke her hymen with his thick finger, and took her virginity.

"What the fuck?. You bled on my dick," he complained after he raped her. He used her nightgown to clean his cock, tossed it on the scared, naked young women, and asked, "Were you a virgin?"


"Ha! That explains why you were such a bad fuck!"


Sylvia didn't sleep that night. The next morning at breakfast, Roger leered at her even though she wore the most conservative dress she owned. It had a high neck and reached to her ankles. After her mother left the room while Sylvia was doing the dishes at the sink, he snuck up behind her, groped her breasts, and kissed her neck.

"Go away! Leave me alone!"

"Is that any way to treat the man you gave your virginity to?"

"Gave! You raped me."

He let go of her boobs and stepped back. She breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't walk away. Instead, he bent over and grabbed the hem of her long skirt and lifted it over her head. Her arms were trapped in the fabric and she couldn't see. The big man laughed and pulled down her underwear.

"No. Don't," she whined.

"Ahh. That's a pretty sight. You have a nice ass," he said. He pushed her shoulders forward and kicked her feet apart making her spread her legs. He scooped up a handful of dishwater and soap bubbles and wet her cunt. He fingered her while he freed his dick.

"Ow!" she cried out when he thrust inside her.

"Stop," she begged. "I'll scream and tell my mother."

He fucked her, laughed, and said, "Your mom will never be nominated for mother of the year. If you make her choose between us, who do you think she'll pick? You, the mistake she made with a guy she can't name or me, the guy who keeps a roof over her head, food in her stomach, and gives her all the drugs she wants."

He pushed on her back, making her lean over further, and he pounded her as she sobbed.

After he finished inside her, Sylvia cleaned up in the bathroom, gathered her meager possessions, and left, never to return.


Life on the streets as a prostitute was hard for Sylvia. Her first john fucked her in an alley and didn't pay her. She'd forgotten to ask for the cash upfront. He fucked her roughly and came profusely. She held out her hand as his cum ran down her thighs and asked for her money. The man laughed, zipped up, and walked away.

She gave blowjobs to her next two customers. One was nice and told her she was pretty. He thanked her afterward and tipped her with an extra ten dollars. The other was a son-of-a-bitch who grabbed her head with both hands and fucked her face making her gag and cry. He threw the money on the ground, spit on her, and said, "You dirty whore."

A young, well-dressed man in a nice car pulled up next to her and asked the price for a fuck. She padded her usual fee, and he said, "Okay, get in."

"We can go into the alley. No one's there," Sylvia said.

"No way. The last time I was in a dark alley, I got robbed. I'll drive two streets over to quiet neighborhood, we'll have sex in the backseat, and I'll bring you back."

She looked him over and was reassured by the nice car and his clean, pressed suit. She got in, he took her to a secluded spot, parked, and they got into the back seat. She sucked his cock while he fondled her breasts.

"Take off your panties," he requested. As she got undressed, he took off his shoes, pants, and underwear. He put on a condom. She straddled him, and they fucked face-to-face.

"Flip around," he said breathily. "I want to play with your tits."


They fucked, and he fondled her breasts. He grabbed her waist and had her lift higher and land harder on his cock. She slammed into him, holding on to the front seats for support.

"Oh, yeah. Like that. Just like that," he said. He released her waist and one hand played with her boobs. Unbeknownst to her, he grabbed his cock when she bounced up and repositioned it so that when she came down, his sleek member went into her ass.

"Ow! Ow!" she screamed. She tried to disengage, but he prevented her. He held her body tightly to his and thrust forcefully, driving his dick inside her. As she cried and protested, he choked and sodomized her. He only released her after he climaxed.

She scrambled off him and out of the car so quickly that she left her underwear behind. She ran away, looking back frequently to make sure he wasn't chasing her. After confirming that he wasn't following her, she gingerly walked back to her corner. Her ass hurt.

As she neared her corner, a couple of street punks rushed her. One bumped into her, knocking her to the ground while the other one grabbed her purse. They ran away.

"Ouch. Hey! Someone stop them. They took my money." No one chased after the young men.

A pimp saw her on the ground crying. He approached her and said, "Hey, Sugar. Are you all right? It's a tough world. Especially for a working girl. You need a friend to look out for you, to protect you. Let me buy you a cup of coffee. How about something to eat? Have you got someplace to stay? My name's Anton. What's yours?"

That night Sylvia accepted Anton's help. She became part of the crew of the Eastside gang run by a guy called Da Boss. She got food, shelter, protection, and a new family. Some of the other girls were nice. She pulled her weight by servicing the guys in the gang and walking the streets at night.

Night after night she went out and had sex with two dozen guys. Before she knew it Sylvia turned twenty-six. She'd been in the game for eight years and had sex with God only knows how many men.


"Hi, Sylvia," the doctor at the free clinic said as she entered the exam room. Sylvia was sitting on the exam table in a paper gown flipping through an old magazine.

"Hello, Gloria. How was the trip to Bermuda?" The conversation was casual and comfortable because the women had gotten to know each other over five years of monthly checkups.

"It was lovely. How have you been?" the doctor asked as she washed her hands.


"Any issues?" the doctor inquired as she dried her hands and slipped on gloves.

Sylvia put the magazine down, laughed, and said, "My vagina might resemble the Grand Canyon. My last client from last night had a huge dick. He was a shy, sweet man who was embarrassed by its size. He said he was out with his wife's blessing. She has trouble taking a cock his size so she allows him to stray."

She scooted her butt back, reclined against the angled backrest, and opened her gown as she said, "We took our time. He was kind and gentle and we got the job done. We both orgasmed."

"Really? That's unusual for you to climax, isn't it?"

"Yes. For me, fucking isn't fun. It's my job and most of the guys that I'm with aren't that appealing. They're dirty, smelly, rough, and they aren't concerned about my pleasure. They just want to get off."

Gloria got the stirrups out and helped Sylvia put her legs on them. She did an external exam and said, "I don't see any issues with your vulva. Is it okay if I touch you and use my speculum?"


The doctor applied lube to her fingers and slipped two inside Sylvia. She felt around and asked "Any pain or soreness? I don't feel any damage from the monster dick."

"No pain. I guess I have an indestructible pussy. A Teflon vagina!"

Gloria inserted the speculum and looked around. After she removed it, she said, "I don't see anything that concerns me. I'll do the recto-vaginal exam next."

"That's getting to be a popular thing with my clients. You wouldn't believe how many guys want to stick their fingers, thumb, or dick in my butt."

The doctor stuck a finger each into Sylvia's vagina and rectum and felt around. When she was satisfied that there were no issues, she pulled her fingers out.

"All's good. I'll take some blood and swab samples for the usual test. The office will call you if we need to do any follow-up."

"Sounds good. Thanks, Doc."


Around eleven o'clock the next day, Sylvia answered her phone. "Hello."

"Hi, Sylvia. It's Dr. Kurt."

"Oh, hi. What's up?"

"I don't mean to alarm you, but could you stop by my office this afternoon? There was an anomaly in one of your tests. I'd like to check it."

"Okay. I have an appointment with a regular after lunch. Will four o'clock work?"

"Fine. See you then."


At one o'clock, Sylvia met her client, a guy the other girls called Doctor Bottom because he was fascinated by butts. She knocked on the hotel door, he let her in, and immediately Sylvia stripped and got on her hands and knees on the bed. For the next twenty minutes, the guy examined her butt.

He didn't speak to her. He sighed and made comments to himself as he touched, poked, licked, patted, and kissed her glutes and anus. He commented on the color of her butthole. He dithered over the shade trying to define it exactly. For five minutes, he argued whether it was tawney, caramel, or cinnamon before settling on caramel.

He got out some lube and his assortment of butt plugs which ranged in size from a pinky finger to a large cucumber. He worked his way through his collection. Sylvia grunted and endured.

When her ass was well-lubed and gaping, he shoved his condom-coated cock inside her butt and fucked her slowly, loving the three-minute experience until he screamed and came. After a brief rest, he took the condom off, washed up in the bathroom, packed his things, and left leaving her money on the dresser. He and Sylvia never exchanged a word.


"Thanks for coming back," Gloria said when she entered Sylvia's exam room.

"What's the problem?" Sylvia asked.

"The pH value we got for your vagina was abnormally low. As I said, I'll like to retest you."

"Okay," Sylvia said and began unbuttoning her blouse.

"You don't have to undress completely. I need to insert a swab into your vagina. Please take off your underwear and bend over the exam table."

Sylvia shimmied out of her panties, spun around, put her tits on the table, and flipped up her skirt. She laughed and said, "I am very familiar with this position. I spent my afternoon with my bottom up getting my ass reamed."

"Give me a second." The doctor donned gloves and grabbed a couple of cotton swabs. She turned to her patient, studied Sylvia's butthole, and said, "Your anus looks okay. I imagine, as a professional, you use plenty of lube."

"Yes. Lots of lube and always a condom. My client today is a weirdo, but very experienced and never hurts any of us girls."

"Good. Are you ready for me to take the samples?"


Gloria inserted a lubed finger to open Sylvia's vagina and followed with cotton swabs which she rubbed against her vaginal walls. When she pulled the second one out, she said, "There. All done."

Sylvia stood and put on her underwear. She watched the doctor touch the swab to a strip of paper. "This is a pH test strip," Gloria explained. "We'll have the results in a second." They stared at the paper.

"Huh," the doctor grunted. "I'm getting the same low level."

"What's it mean?" Sylvia asked.

"Please have a seat," the doctor said. "I see from Dr. Bishop's notes that he noticed that the pH of your vagina was lower than normal six years ago when you first came to the clinic."

"He said something," Sylvia said as she sat. "But he said it wasn't anything to worry about."

"That's correct," Gloria said. "Let me give you the whole picture. Aqueous solutions are acidic, neutral, or alkaline and PH is a numeric scale running from zero to fourteen that we use to classify them. Water has a pH of seven and is neutral. Solutions with values below seven are acids which include things like coffee, saliva, and battery acid. Above seven are alkaline items, like caustic soda, ammonia, and bleach."


"A normal woman's vagina has a pH between 3.8 and 4.5 which is moderately acidic. This acidic environment is important because it keeps pathogens at bay. When a woman's pH is higher, bad bacteria can grow and you're more likely to get yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, and sexually transmitted infections."

Gloria looked at Sylvia. The prostitute nodded indicating she understood. Gloria said, "When you saw Dr. Bishop, your vaginal pH level was 3.2."

"That's below the normal range. Is that bad?" Sylvia asked.

"Bad for sperm," Gloria said with a laugh. "3.2 is acidic so you're protected against yeast and bacteria infections, and it's an inhospitable environment for sperm. If you were trying to get pregnant, it would be a problem."

"So in my line of work, 3.2 is a good thing."

"Yes. Which is why you didn't need to be concerned about it," Gloria said. "But it has dropped to 1.9."

"Is that dangerous."

"No. Vinegar has a pH of 2.2 and lemons are 2.0 and people are exposed to them all the time without ill effects.. It has piqued my curiosity. Do you mind if I run some tests on the swap and try to figure out what's going on?"

"Knock yourself out."

Sylvia left. After Dr. Kurt saw her last patient for the day, she made some slides from the tissue she collected from Sylvia. She looked at them under the microscope.

"That's odd," she said to herself. "I should have these looked at by a specialist." She boxed up the slides and sent them to the hospital pathologist.


Two days later, Gloria received the pathologist's report. Her secretary called Sylvia and had her come in. The two women met in an exam room and after exchanging greetings, the doctor said, "I used the swaps to make some slides and I had a specialist look at them."

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