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Speaking of Handguns...and the NRA

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I've changed my mind about abolishing the 2nd Amendment.
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I've changed my mind about wanting to abolish the 2nd amendment, I need to buy a gun and join the NRA.

Much in the way that Uncle Sam, the United States military, wants young men and women to join the Army, the Navy, the Marines, the Air Force, or the Coast Guard, America wants you. Much in the way that the IRS, the Internal Revenue Service, wants every man, woman, and child to pay taxes on every dollar of income, the IRS wants you too. Much in the way that every foreign and domestic car manufacturer wants to sell or lease you a car, car companies want you. Much in the way that every oil company wants you to buy their gas and their oil, oil companies want you. Much in the way that supermarkets want you to buy their food and restaurants want you to eat at their restaurants or bars want you to drink their booze, supermarkets, restaurants, and bars want you.

While we're listing everyone who wants you, let's not forget Amazon, EBay, online shopping services, and shop at home from your television outlets, seemingly everyone wants you. Let's not forget the telemarketers who call your house, come to your door, and/or stand in front of supermarkets with flyers and brochures in their attempts to sell you cell phones, cable TV, siding, roofing, a hot tub, or screened in porches or ask you for a donation. Only, it doesn't stop there. Oh, no. Selling you things you don't want or necessarily need, doesn't stop until you die and even then it continues with funeral directors trying to sell your survivors funerals, caskets, urns, and final burial plots.

Then, when you turn 50-years-old, the AARP, the American Association of Retired Persons, want you too. Even after you're retired, there's those celebrities trying to sell you reverse mortgages and life insurance policies. No matter how old or infirmed you are, they want your business too. Then there's the whole purpose of this review and essay, the gun manufacturers. They're hoping that you'll buy their guns from gun shops. Much in the way that the NRA, the National Rifle Association wants every man and woman to join them while shooting your guns in the air in celebration of their vast association, the NRA wants you too.

Seemingly everyone wants you and you thought that no one liked you. Ha! Seemingly everyone not only likes you but also wants you. How does it feel to be so liked and to feel so wanted? If I was being so solicited and hounded, if I was feeling so liked and wanted, after I vomited, the feeling of belonging to an association such as the NRA would make me want to pee myself.

Yet, this review and essay isn't about me. This review and essay is about you. How does it feel to be so pursued, romanced, and desired if only as a customer? Only, your lover isn't a man or a woman, it's the government of the United States of America and big business. You'd better count your fingers after you shake their hands. You'd better check to see if you're not brainwashed after going to bed with them. Best you be careful what you sign your name to and what you say because trust me, with the government and big business not allowed to read you your Miranda rights, without even being arrested, everything you say and do will definitely be used against you in a court of law.

Alas, except for the military, sadly, they all really don't want you personally. They just want your money. The world revolves around money. Money, money, money, it's all about money. Either you have money or you don't. If you have money, someone wants it. If you don't have money, no one wants you. It's all that simple.

* * * * *

The NRA, the National Rifle Association also known as the NMA, the National Murder Association wants you to buy more guns. If you're not already a member, they want you to join. They want you to buy your first gun that hopefully won't be your last gun. If the NRA and gun manufacturers had their way with your money, you'd have an entire arsenal of weaponry and ammunition all over your home.

"A home was raided today by SWAT, the FBI, and ATF," reported the local news of something that's happening all across the country too often. "A cache of handguns, rifles, automatic weapons, and tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition were taken from a man who quietly lived in the neighborhood for forty years. No one was hurt in the raid."

The National Rifle Association want you to be a customer until you go to jail for shooting someone or someone shoots you dead. Then, they'll solicit your survivors and will scare them into joining them and buying guns too. I know this because, being that I'm not an NRA member, I get three phone calls a day, every day, from the NRA using different phone numbers to ask me to join or asking me for a donation? A donation? The only organization the NRA doesn't have more money than is Apple Computer in iPhone sales, Harvard University in endowments, and the Catholic Church in gold.

Yet, in their defense or persecution, whichever way you see it as a beloved member or hated non-member of the NRA, they're not all bad or all good for that matter. Members of the NRA make as good of an argument why you should join as the non-members of the NRA make why the 2nd Amendment should be abolished and guns should be banned. More than just a matter of opinion but a matter of life and death, not other constitutional amendment stirs up as much emotion as the 2nd amendment, not even the 1st amendment, freedom of speech.

Did you know that gun manufacturers and the NRA donate hundreds of millions of dollars to the political campaign chests of judges, mayors, governors, representatives, senators, and even the President of the United States? Influencing your decision to be with the NRA or against the NRA, if you didn't know that the NRA works to change laws and public policy by donating money to those public officials who can make a difference in a vote, you should know that. It's no secret that lobby for their cause and freely give their money to those who they want to win elections and reelections. There's no law in donating money to someone's political campaign chests and in wanting them to win their election or reelection. Yet, there's something not right when the gun manufacturers and the NRA have the ears of judges and the political influence of mayors, governors, representatives, senators, and even the president of the United States for them to push their political agendas through when we don't.

None of us have the money and the political clout to get anything done on our behalves. We're not members of that exclusive club of superrich and all powerful. We're just regular Joes and Janes. We're just the mass of worker ants. Separately, we're nothing and no one that is until we ban together.

"Together we stand and united we fall."

We're just members of what was once called the middle class but is now powerlessly referred to as the working class or lower class. Most of us don't have the money, the power, and/or the political influence to get in the game to play politics on a level playing field. We usually find out what happened to our future the next day after the dirty deals are done behind closed door sessions while we were sleeping or working.

"I'm just curious. Let's see a show of hands. How many of you have a lobbyist? That's cute yet sadly true. One man pointed to the lobby outside. No Sir. I didn't mean lobby. I meant a lobbyist. A lobbyist is someone who is hired by a business or a cause to persuade legislators to support that business or cause with their votes. I didn't think any of you working stiffs have a lobbyist. Well, I don't have a lobbyist either so I'm a loser too."

Let me ask you this. Did you know that gun manufacturers and the NRA spend millions of dollars each year in legal fees suing small towns and cities for passing sane regulations, safe gun ordinances, and commonsense laws against handguns? As unbelievable as that sounds, it's true. If it was up to gun manufacturers and the NRA, as it is in Texas with the new open carry law for handguns just passed, America would return to the days of the Wild West where people resolve their petty issues by having gunfights.

* * * * *

"Honey? Stop! Hold your fire. Put down your gun," said John, Emily's husband. "Why are you shooting at the neighbors?"

Emily looked at her husband with insane anger while he wrestled her loaded handgun away from her clenched, shaking hand.

"Their dog has shit on my lawn for the last time," said Emily with her eyes bulging out of her blonde, pretty head while staring over at the neighbors as if she wanted to kill them and most certainly, she did want to kill them.

She stared over at the neighbors cowering in their living room who were even afraid to go outside to rescue their dog who was tied to the porch. Yet, with tonight his bowling night with his neighbor and with his neighbor driving him to work tomorrow morning in their carpool, he needed to be the one with the cool and calm head.

"Gees, Emily. What's wrong with you? Their dog shitting on our law is no reason to shoot at our neighbors," said John trying to talk reason to his wife. "Bring me my rifle, the one with the scope."

Emily fetched her husband's rifle. As if he was a Navy Seal, he turned his baseball cap backwards, assembled and loaded his Remington, modular, sniper rifle with a single bullet and with one sniper shot, he put their dog down. A beautiful, cute, little Yorkshire terrier, he blew that dog to bits.

"That will teach you to stay off my lawn," yelled his wife from her window. "Stay off my lawn!"

* * * * *

Did you know that gun manufacturers donate hundreds of millions of dollars in brand new handguns, automatic weapons, shotguns, and rifles to police department across the country? After all the slogan of gun manufacturers is "To promote the right to keep and bear arms." At the expense or salvation of the rest of us, I commend gun manufacturers for donating free guns to the police. Unless you're in Podunk, Oklahoma or Battle Creek, Michigan, if you notice their holsters to see what they're packing, big city police officers always have the most up-to-date handguns that were donated by gun manufacturers, such as Glock, Smith and Wesson, and others. Yet, gun manufacturers donating guns to police departments across the country is like giving a farmer a new lock for his barn free after someone already opened his barn door to allow his horse to escape.

"Here's some free guns to shoot criminals who have stolen our guns and now illegally possess them," I fictionalize a representative from a gun manufacturer saying when presenting a cache of new guns to the local police department.

With more guns begetting even more guns, the escalation of weaponry doesn't make any sense. When criminals can illegally get their hands on any gun that those gun manufacturers make, all gun manufacturers are doing is giving the police a fair fighting chance. With gun manufacturers not accepting any responsibility beyond selling guns, gun manufacturers need to do more than give free guns to police departments to protect us from criminals who illegally possess their guns. Our "public servants (sic)" need to do more to protect us from handgun crimes and gun wielding criminals. The NRA is too busy pushing forward their own, personal agendas in selling memberships and collecting donations to care what happens to any of us.

Much like Don Vito Corleone saying to his son, Sonny, in the Godfather II movie, "It's not personal. It's business. The NRA wants us to swallow, "It's not the gun. It's the shooter," said then executive Vice-President of the NRA, Wayne LaPierre.

Whether I'm dead by a Mafia hitman or by a bullet from an unregistered handgun in the hands of an unlicensed shooter, my untimely demise is quite personal to me.

* * * * *

If judges, police, and politicians weren't owned by the NRA, the National Rifle Association, and gun manufacturers, America would be a better and a safer place without the legalized proliferation of handguns and automatic weapons. Congress needs to have the backbone and the interest of the citizens who elected them as their first priority instead of their greedy self-interests as their only priority. If Congress passed the laws that we need to protect ourselves, I wonder how different things would be for the betterment of all of us who hide in our homes for fear that we'll be victims of senseless gun crime. Instead they recite their rights under the 2nd Amendment. Well, what about our rights, the rights of people who don't want to have to own a gun to feel safe?

The Hell with the 2nd Amendment. It's an outdated law now. The 2nd Amendment was adopted at a time when we needed it. We don't need it anymore. We should all sign a petition to abolish the 2nd Amendment.

Yet, knowing that will never happen, we need to force Congress to pass legislation that will protect the average, law abiding, God fearing citizen of the United States from death by guns. Otherwise, as we do now, we'll all be taking the law in our hands while hiding behind the second amendment. We'll all be joining the NRA and buying handguns. In the way the Irish had their IRA, Irish Republican Army, America will have their ARA, American Republican Army because, if we're all loyal NRA members and gun owners, we'll all be Republicans instead of Democrats.

"Get off my lawn!"

* * * * *

"I'll give you my gun when you take it from my cold, dead hands," said Charlton Heston, the then President of the NRA, the National Rifle Association at the time.

At the time, Mr. Heston was holding a replica of a Flintlock, long rifle. Now there wouldn't be a gun control problem in this country if everyone had a replica of a Flintlock, long rifle instead of an unregistered and unlicensed handgun. The parallels that the NRA tried to draw between a Saturday night special, stolen .38 caliber handgun and a Flintlock, long rifle is just more lunacy spun to make people believe that the government is out to take their rifles. How dare they? Even in their logo, they don't show a handgun but a rifle.

The government is out to sanely control handguns by making sure that they're registered and that owners are licensed. Other than he was pressured to do so, I have no idea why President G. W. Bush didn't sign the law that made it a crime to own an automatic weapon of mass destruction, such as the AR-15, the more accurate AK-47, or the dreaded Bushmaster. Seriously, who needs a machine gun? What hunter needs a high powered, automatic weapon to kill a deer?

"Honey? I'm going hunting," said Walter to his wife June.

"Did you pack your long johns?"

"Check," said Walter.

"Your camouflage?"


"Your hunting boots?"


"Your lunch?"


"And your AK-47?"

"Double check," said Walter.

* * * * *

Instead of abolishing the 2nd Amendment, what if Congress passed a law that no one could own more than one gun? Think about it. Isn't one gun enough? Seriously, how many guns can you fire at the same time? You're not Sylvester Stallone in Rambo or Al Pacino in Scarface. We're just law abiding citizens protecting our families and defending ourselves in self-defense.

All of those United States, law abiding citizens who want to bear arms could still own a firearm but just one. Instead of owning an arsenal of weaponry, handguns, rifles, shotguns, and automatic weapons, they legal can only own one, just one. Wouldn't America be a safer place with hundreds of millions of guns removed from our country? Instead of having more than 300 million guns, enough for every man, woman in child in America, instead we can only legally buy 50 million guns, enough for every family. Yeah, I know. That will never work passing a law that forces Americans to forfeit some of their precious firearms for the safety of all. With everyone hiding out in the hills of Montana or restaurant booths in Waco, Texas, they'll all be of the same mindset as Charlton Heston was.

"I'll give you my gun when you pry it from my cold, dead hands," said Charlton Heston, the then President of the NRA.

Only, now that he's dead, I wonder if they ever got his gun. What do you think? We can only imagine.

"Psst," said one orderly to another orderly in the Beverly Hills morgue.

"Do you know who that is?"

"No. Who?"

"That's Charlton Heston," said the first orderly.

"Seriously? The Greatest Show on Earth? Moses in The Ten Commandments? Ben Hur? Planet of the Apes. Genghis Khan? Wow," said the second orderly. "Only, what's he holding beneath his sheet?"

"His gun," said the first orderly before removing the sheet. "Let's see if we can pry it from his cold, dead hands. If not, we'll have to saw the gun to fit him in his coffin."

* * * * *

If Congress passed a law, one that seemingly opposed the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, and if the law had teeth in it that was in direct opposition to the beloved (sic) NRA and gun manufacturers, what would you do? Would you be blindly upset while not even knowing what the new law was and how the new law will affect you and the safety of your family or would you embrace the new law for the safe sanity for all?

Before we state the proposed new law, let's recap the 2nd Amendment, shall we? Now, I don't know the 2nd amendment verbatim but I think the 2nd Amendment is based and is now defined by what happens in this country every day and in every city.

"Every moronic American, whether violent or insane can bear arms, meaning they can own a firearm. Every moronic American, under the 2nd Amendment of the United States Constitution, has the right to shoot anyone they want, any time they want, even themselves (we can only hope)."

The logic behind this, according to the National Rifle Association and the gun manufacturers is, "It's not the gun that's responsible for shooting anyone, it's the shooter."

What? Huh? C'mon. Seriously? Are you kidding me? Whether a gun is directly or indirectly responsible for the death of so very many Americans each year is bullshit semantics and is, according to Dr. Spock of Star Trek fame and to Dr. Sheldon Cooper on Big Bang Theory, not only irrelevant but also illogical.

According to the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, a document signed by our forefathers to protect our rights, instead of protecting us, the 2nd Amendment is not only harming us but also killing us. Under the law of the Constitution, every moronic America has the right to bear arms and to shoot anyone they want at any time, even themselves, because it's not the gun, it's the shooter. That's just lunacy. That's just stupid. That's just advertising spin that promotes people to buy even more guns. That's just inflammatory hogwash spun to emotionalize gun ownership and to sell more guns.

Have I paraphrased the 2nd Amendment correctly? Is this the premise and the staunch public position of the NRA? Or am I misinformed? After you threaten to shoot me in my sleep, enlighten me by making a comment to my story if you will. Or am I missing something, such as the real reason why the NRA and gun manufacturers want everyone to own an arsenal of weaponry?

Money and greed. It's all about money and greed, isn't it? It's our money and their greed that feeds the gun lobbyists and that waters down the gun laws. The NRA and the gun manufacturers don't care about you or about public safety. They just want your money. Money, money, money, all we have to do is to follow the money to find the truth.

* * * * *

"It's not the gun, it's the shooter."

How's that for spin? Bullshit! That saying is not only insane but it's also inflammatory. Those seven words have cause tens of thousands of people to join the NRA, especially after they saw Charlton Hesson holding a rifle over his head in front of a press dinner. Those seven words are directly and indirectly responsible for the murder of thousands of people.


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