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Species Experiment - Sol III

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Two aliens decide to experiment on earthlings.
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"I pulled that alien probe into the bay." Fos'Selae said, nudging her sister as she walked across the bridge.

"And what have you found in it? I assume you have torn it open and studied it inside and out?" Bae'Selae asked, looking back at her from the central console.

"I have. Inside was a large amount of data on a planet and it's inhabitants. Music, art, languages and genetic material." Fos explained, "Some kind of backwater unknown world with little to no technology."

"Good. I'm setting course for that planet immediately. Finally something to do." Bae laughed happily.

"What? There's nothing there. It's boring. We have to find something better to do." Fos wondered.

"This planet has never been explored before and we have a first chance at it. We can do whatever we want here, there's no other claim to it. Let's have some fun." Bae said.

"You want to just go down and mess with this species?" Fos asked curiously.

"Oh like putting around with nothing to do is so much better than finding a backwater planet to play overlord with." Bae scoffed.

"Alright, alright fine. Let's go fuck with some primitives." Fos grinned.

"Engaging light drive." Bae warned and Fos grabbed a nearby handle. The ship rumbled loudly and lights blinked on the bridge. Gravity pressed on them and the advanced space ship leapt across the universe in the blink of an eye.


On the edge of the Sol System, there was a blink and a crackling of lightning. From nowhere a hexagonal tube of dark onyx appeared. Propelled by six glowing cyan engines on the back of it, the ship cruised slowly through space. It aimed for the third planet around this yellow sun.

The aliens inside were Dwa'Lenarr, a race from far away this corner of the galaxy. Much evolved over the millenia, they were a tall, slender race of beautiful creatures. They had gorgeous bodies with perfect milky skin and long pointed ears. Unlike the Earthens they were approaching, Dwa'Lenarr were a nude race. Male and female alike went completely without clothing. The Dwa'Lenarr were surprisingly resistant against temperature and resilient in the face of danger.

Captain and pilot, Bae'Selae was an exceptionally voluptuous woman with curly orange hair down to her shoulders. Her breasts were huge and she had a cock was near sixteen inches long hanging from her crotch. Her round, curvaceous ass was complimented gorgeously by her wide hips. She was easily the most beautiful woman on the ship and she enjoyed it greatly.

The second woman on the ship, Fos'Selae, was the engineer and scientist. She had short and loose black hair with a cute thin face. Her breasts were small and she had a thin, lithe body. She looked quite different from her sister, having a much less 'lusty' body and no cock.

The dark ship moved quickly across the system, nearing the planet. It wasn't a large ship by any means, only about five-hundred Earth feet long and fifty feet tall. But between two women and a powerful AI system, it was a happy little explorer. The ship moved behind the planet's moon. It settled into a tight orbit behind it's moon, using the satellite to hide from the planet below.

"Scanners have mapped the entire planet ma'am." The AI said.

"Good job IO, now collate what information you can gather. I need to know everything about this world." Bae said, looking at the different holo-screens that floated around her on the bridge.

"It seems, ma'am, that the planet is focused around some location known as 'New York'. It's a cultural and economical center for much of the world. I would suggest it as a good location to begin pulling specimens from." IO informed her.

"Good, now show me what knowledge you have on this species." She instructed.

The holo-screens around her changed and a new series of information flowed in.

"Humans are as primitive as they look. They focus on trying to better their lives and better their positions. There seem to be two major types of humans, those that believe in something called 'Honor' and those that do not. These honorable people work without lying or trickery. They work with what strength and intelligence they have to earn local currency. Those that do not have this honor will steal and lie, do whatever they want to get better lives." IO explained, "They praise people who expose themselves to the world in strange ways and they seem to, as a species, work to destroy themselves. They seem so contradictory and strange."

"Find me some applicable subjects for transportation and experimentation." Bae said.

"What parameters should I look for?" IO asked.

"A vial in the science lab contains a sample of their blood retrieved from the alien probe. It should give you the ability to target specific species. Search for a median age, healthy subject." Fos said, striding onto the bridge quickly.

"I have located two-hundred and fourteen thousand subjects in the area designated 'New York' and I am preparing to teleport." IO said.

"So what kind of experiments are we gonna do?" Bae asked her sister.

"Let's start with endurance and vitality. See how weak and easily they die." Fos said, "IO, pick a male target and place him in the first holding cell. Make sure to put him to sleep."


"IO, take some notes. Please also note that all future observations will be done in the measurements and science of 'Earth'. You can keep an extra set on record of Dwa'Lenarr measurements. Subject died again upon exposure to temperatures exceeding local temperatures of one-hundred and fifty degrees Fahrenheit. He also perished below negative one hundred and fifty when exposed for more than a few minutes. Much like us, they survive on approximately twenty-five percent oxygen content. Their internal organs only seem to withstand up to around thirteen times local gravity of lateral acceleration before being fatally wounded. He died under the dose of a thousand rads, a rad being point zero one joule per kilogram." Fos explained as she observed the different recordings of their human subject.

"Noted ma'am. Anything else?" IO said.

"Please revive the subject again. Target exact neurons in his mind to cause specific amnesia. Make him forget all of the experimenting and then return him to his retrieved location." Fos instructed.

"So found anything out yet sis?" Bae asked, striding into the science lab.

"They're fragile. They die easily and they can be repaired just as easily. As a race, their central focus is reproduction and pleasure. We could have fun with that, do some genetic experimenting and see what happens when we release them back into their home." Fos smiled deviously, "In fact I've found the perfect subject to start with... A young female of twenty-one years old in an ideal situation. Her name is Marla."

"What did you have in mind with her?" Bae wondered.

"Well let's see just how far we can go with their primal instincts." Fos said, wiping the holo-screens out of the air. She looked across the room at the four holding cells on the side of the science lab. Only one had a captive and he was alive and out cold. There was a blue shimmering around his inert form and he disappeared.

"Subject returned to home habitat." IO informed her.

"Good, now take subject Marla." Fos said, crossing her arms with a wider smile.



Marla yawned and stretched, tired from the day and ready for a good night sleep. She had a nice Friday date with her new boyfriend and had fun plans for the weekend. Her fuzzy pink pajamas felt so soft as she pulled them on. Everything in her life seemed to be going just perfect right now. The blankets pulled back with a gentle rustle and she crawled into bed.

"Mmm... Sleepy time." Marla sighed, curling up with her pillow. Thoughts crossed her mind of when the time came that she would get in bed with Josiah. He was a kind and sensible man with a strong chin and beautiful chocolate hair. She had met him in a coffee shop a month before and so far she had gone on three dates with him. Just the sight of him made her stammer and her loins were set ablaze. She wanted him sexually, but she was scared of how he felt.

Just then a light glimmered about the room. Sparks of red and blue appeared in the air around her. The wisps shot towards her and swirled around her body. They phased through the blanket and through her bed, tracing every curve of her body.

"What's going on? What's happening? Help... someone help!" Her voice echoed strangely and there was a pulling sensation all around her. Her bedroom seemed to melt away and she was left in darkness with the swirling red and blue colors. Her consciousness wavered and she passed out.

Her body was carried in invisible rays of light up off the planet and towards the moon. She began to reappear inside a holding cell on the Dwa'Lenarr ship. The walls of the cell were one-way see through, allowing them to see in but the captive could only see blank walls.

"Good." Fos nodded, seeing the young blonde-haired woman appear, "We'll begin with a little genetic tweaking. What would you like to see first sis?"

Bae chuckled and looked down at the naked woman. Her clothing had been left behind in the teleport and her thin form was easily observed. "Start with a little body transformation. I want to see her more... luscious... if you know what I mean."

"That I can do." Fos nodded, typing on a floating holo-screen. She made a large wireframe of Marla appear in the air and she touched it. At her fingers, the body changed, it's curves and shapes pushing in or pulling out.

"No, no. That's too thin." Bae said, pushing her sister's hands away.

"IO has looked into human culture. They revere women that are thin and curveless. The less amount of fat, the more attractive they are." Fos said, crossing her arms.

"No, see that's just what they like to look at. Take for example the sexualized things these humans actually fantasize about and watch on their late night television. They like seeing big backsides, huge breasts and a very matronly figure. Do something like this. Bigger breasts, widen the hips and make the rear more prominent. Don't just make her a thin pole. Give her a very feminine look and oversexualize everything." Bae said as she made the wireframe into what could only be considered a sexual goddess. Her ass would jiggle just the right amount when she walked and her breasts were formed into huge, glorious udders, "An over exemplified form of their primal instincts to seek out a mate with good child-bearing potential. Large hips and exceptional mammaries."

"Okay so what about texture and color? Her skin obviously needs to be flawless. Make it smooth and soft." Fos said, making skin and hair appear on the wireframe so that it looked like Marla.

"Well we need to change the genitals. Humans are all about asthetics when it comes to pussies. Shrink down the inner labia and give it a very smooth look." Bae knelt down and prodded at the hologram's genitals, "Permanently remove the majority of the pubic hair, leaving only a tasteful patch. Be sure to take away all other body hair as well. They seem to find that off-putting."

"Okay, okay. And the nipples. Need to make those a bit bigger and make the surrounding pink more lively. Lift the entire breast, make it perky and upright. That's perfect." Fos stood back and looked over her work.

"What of the inner workings?" Bae wondered.

"We'll get to that in a minute. For now let's apply these changes and see how the subject's body accepts them." Fos said, "IO, please begin process."

"Expected time to completion, seven Earth minutes." IO said and long artificial tentacles began to pull out of the walls and floor of Marla's cell. Dozens of small tubes with needles on them began to poke and prod at the young woman, injecting tiny amounts of powerful chemicals. The immediate change was obvious as her body began to morph before them. Over the next few minutes it changed to resemble the wireframe closely, becoming hyper-sexualized and very beautiful.

"So the internals. Obviously she needs an extreme libido. She needs to feel desire all the time, on at least some level." Bae began as a long list of traits began to write itself out in the air, "Give her vagina the ability to stretch much further than normal... No, you know what, give her entire body that ability. Make her flesh stretchy and give her the ability to accept huge insertions."

"Well for things like that, you're going to need lubrication. Her pussy needs to be a lot wetter than normal. Oh! Do it to her ass too! When she gets sexually aroused, make her ass get moist. That way she can easily take huge insertions there. Just make her cells develop the same lubricant that is in her vagina." Fos said eagerly, "What else? What else? What else? Right! Change her throat a bit. Make her still able to breath when her mouth is obstructed by a thrusting erection."

"I am developing a theory on how to split her throat." IO said informatively.

"Lactation! Huge amounts of lactation. Any stimulation on her breasts should cause a large amount of milk to spew forth." Bae said, playfully grasping her own breasts, "Do these humans have pheromones?"

"IO?" Fos asked the AI.

"Somewhat yes, but they don't have that prominent of effect on other humans." IO answered.

"Well make it so. Give her pheromones that cause her lust to be catching. She gets horny, they get horny." Bae said with an evil grin.

"You're having a lot of fun with this, aren't you?" Fos asked, glancing at her sister.

"Oh yea. These primitives are going to be hilarious when they go crazy over all of this." Bae chuckled, "She's going to want a lot of dick."

"Sister, you're getting erect." Fos said flatly, seeing her almost two-foot cock rising in front of her, "Are you really getting off to these primitives?"

"You've got to admit, she's much more beautiful now than the others on that planet." Bae said with a shrug.

"Estimated time to completion, thirty-seven minutes." IO announced as the needles went to work again.

"Come sister, let's take care of you." Fos said, pulling her sister away by her drooping, heavy cock.


Marla awoke with a groggy head and a strange tingling all through her body. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked around. Her eyes only found four plain gray walls and a flat black floor. The room was dimly lit by a

"Hello?" Her voice echoed around her, "Is anyone there?"

"Greetings Human. Please enjoy this artificial intercourse." An electronic voice spoke from nowhere.

There was a gentle humming and a twisting grey-colored cock began to form from the wall. It stretched forth on a long thick tentacle, bobbing around mesmerically in front of her nose.

Unknown to her, another two tentacles came up from the floor behind her. They were thick and powerful phalli, aiming straight for her tight little holes. In the blink of an eye, they speared both her holes at once. Her eyes went wide and she cried out loudly, an unbelievable explosion of pleasure tearing through her body. The tentacle in front of her used the opening to pop into her mouth. It wriggled and squeezed down her throat. Fear filled her as she realized it might be trying to strangle her. She grasped at it with her hands, trying to pull it free of her throat as it pushed itself further. However, much to her surprise, air came easily through her nose and she gave an awkward sigh.

Her moment of relief was cut short by the quick pistoning motion the tentacles behind her began to enact. A new surge of pleasure took her body and there was a thick squirt of juice from her pussy.

"Mmmmm~!" Marla moaned a muffled sound, quickly sinking to her hands and knees as her mind was totally overwhelmed. Some new chemicals and sensations welled up from inside her and her body shuddered in ecstasy. Her pussy spurted more squirt and she collapsed on her side. The tentacles didn't relent, continuing to wildly plow her holes. She grasped her breasts, not even noticing their massively increased size for all the pleasure, and began to pull on her nipples. There was a wonderful new feeling spreading through her and a hot liquid began to dribble over her fingers. She twitched and jerked, sinking her fingers into her breasts. A more powerful spray erupt from her nipples and splattered over the ground.

The first orgasm was like something from a dream, making her shake and shudder from head to toe. Her eyes bulged and she felt the tentacle in her ass creeping further up. The one in her pussy seemed to inflate and push further, stretching her hole unbelievably wide. She drooled openly on the floor and tugged at her breasts, drawing forth more and more creamy white milk. It shot across the small cell and splattered down the wall, pooling on the floor.

All at once the tentacles pulled free of her and disappeared.

"Whaaa... gaaaahhh..." Marla mumbled weakly, tilting her head from side to side slowly. She managed to push herself up to sit against the wall behind her. "What... what is... going on?"

She felt her pussy aching like fire for something to fill it. Her entire body was crying for pleasure, making her look around frantically for something.

"Please... more... Come back, please." Marla wheezed, feeling around the floor for wherever the tentacles came from. Her captors seemed to hear her as one hole opened up between her legs and a marvelously thick tentacle raised out of it. It pointed at her and swayed back and forth. It was thicker than her arm and it made her drool eagerly. "Please... Please..."

Her arms were too weak to raise up far enough to touch it before it shot down towards her crotch. Her sopping wet hole stretched impossibly wide as it shoved up into her. She cried and her eyes rolled back in her head. A spontaneous eruption of hot milk came from her breasts, splattering all over the room. The tentacle rammed all the way up inside her, stretching her cunt up and pushing outward. The outline of it's amazing size could be seen as it wriggled and thrust in and out of her.

"God... oh god... yes! More! More!" Marla cried lustily, wrapping her fingers around the thick tentacle. She felt her insides seeming to move aside and make room for the increasingly stretched womb. Marla came with each thrust, spewing girl cum all over the floor. Another moment later, the huge tentacle pulled out of her and left her feeling incredibly empty. But her stretched pussy sprang back into shape exceptionally quick. The need for more pleasure was driving her mad and she lunged forward, trying to grab the tentacle as it receded into the floor. "Nooo~! Come back!"

Her ass was flung up in the air as she clawed at the floor. The wall behind her stretched and a long winding tentacle curled forth. It aimed for her asshole and dove straight in, sinking easily into the lubed anus.

"Yesss~!" Marla yelled happily, collapsing onto her face. She felt it wriggling and curling further into her, thoroughly stimulating her backside. Her pussy squirted all over the floor as another orgasm raced up her spine. It was pushing so far inside her that she couldn't do anything but drool and moan. The violation was so deep, so pleasurable. More and more of the tentacle wriggled into her. It made her body heavier and rubbed her entire body inside.

Just then she felt something coming up, as if she was going to upchuck. Instead, the tentacle crawled up her throat and burst out of her mouth. She gave a muffled moan, feeling the tentacle wriggling through her entire inside as more poured forth from her mouth. It wrapped around one of her breasts and squeezed, making a thick puddle of milk form on the floor in front of her. Further and further it moved, stretching down to between her legs. The girth of it thrust into her pussy, forcing her to give a muffled cry. Her hands slipped through the milk covering the cell floor and she fell sideways. The tentacle continued to wriggle and squirm, driving her body to crazy heights of pleasure. An orgasm tore through her, lighting her nerves with all new manner of ecstasy. In response, the tentacle began to reel up.

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